138 research outputs found

    The Effects of Lead and Selenium on Melanoma Induction

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    Background: Melanoma is a malignant skin cancer and is one of the most aggressive malignancies in humans. Heavy metals, including lead, are known to cause cellular toxicity and have been studied for their potentials to induce apoptosis in tumor cells. Since selenium is considered to act protectively in cases of lead poisoning, this study focused on the effects of sodium selenite and lead chloride, both alone and combined, on melanoma cell apoptosis. Methods: This study was carried out by doing cell culture of melanoma cells (B16-F10 cell line) and using C57BL/6 mice. Melanoma cells suspended in lead (II) chloride, sodium selenite, or lead (II) chloride + sodium selenite solutions were injected subcutaneously to mice to induce tumor growth. After 12 days, tumors were excised and measured, followed by flow cytometry and a statistical analysis using a one-way ANOVA. Results: In the group of mice receiving a single injection of melanoma cells suspended in 10 ?mol/l of lead (II) chloride, the growth of tumor was significantly slower than in the control group. In mice treated with lead (II) chloride 50 ?mol/l and 100 ?mol/l, no tumor was visible at the end of the experiment. With a single injection of lead (II) chloride and sodium selenite at concentrations ? 10 ?mol/l, the weight and size of the tumor were substantially smaller than in the control group. Conclusion: The effect of lead (II) chloride on melanoma induction is dependent on the concentration of lead (II) chloride. Future applications may include the...

    Essential Heavy Metals in Renal Tumor Tissue and Its Possible Relation to Carcinogenesis: Applying the Scanning Electron Microscopy Coupled with X-Ray Microanalysis Technique

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    Background: Metals such as copper and zinc are crucial in several vital functions in the human body; the absence of these metals can cause serious illness. When in excess, however, they can have toxic effects which may be associated with carcinogenesis, as is described in the literature. Thus, it is important to realize that without these essential metals in their due proportion, the human body could not maintain its proper metabolic function. Methods: The main goal of this paper was to compare qualitatively and semi-quantitatively the amount of both copper and zinc present in the tumor tissue (tissue from patients who had undergone partial or radical nephrectomy) andin the control tissue (which was adjacent to the tumor tissue). This study was carried out using Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with X-Ray Microanalysis (SEM-XRM). Results: There is a different concentrations of copper and zinc in the samples of tumor tissue and controls that were studied. Conclusion: This work complements previously published results about the presence of metals in the human body and their probable influence on carcinogenesi

    The Key to Sustainable Economic Development: A Triple Bottom Line Approach

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    Concerns about improving social, environmental, and economic living standards are the basis of the triple bottom line (TBL) link to economic development (ED). Aware of the importance of studying their relationship, this article analysed the influence of TBL on ED. A quantitative method ology was used. The sample comprised a panel of data from 2006 to 2019 for OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. Five multiple linear regression models were estimated by the generalised method of moments. The results of this study revealed that the social dimension of TBL boosts ED, the environmental dimension of TBL slows down ED, and the economic dimension of TBL contains conflicting synergies in ED. The Human Development Index (HDI) should now include indicators of environmental wellbeing. Governments should adopt policies to improve social wellbeing to boost ED, work to coordinate the objectives of environmental protection and ED, and combat vulnerabilities arising from public debt. As one of the first studies to assess the influence of TBL on ED at the country level, the present findings contribute to the reflection about the influence of TBL on a country’s ED and strengthens the discussion around the influence of different dimensions of TBL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Autonomia municipal: administrativa politica e financeira : estudo de caso em tres municipios da Grande Florianopolis, nos periodos de 1987-1988 e 1993/1994

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciencias JuridicasO desenvolvimento da plena autonomia municipal, em período posterior a Constituição Federal de 1988, em três municípios catarinenses. Inicialmente mostrou-se que a plena autonomia municipal é composta da autonomia política, administrativa e financeira, partindo-se do pressuposto da existência das duas primeiras questiona-se a última. Para tanto, utilizou-se dois indicadores da capacidade financeira do município no desempenho de serviços sociais

    Diffusion characteristics of ethylene glycol in skeletal muscle

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    Part of the optical clearing study in biological tissues concerns the determination of the diffusion characteristics of water and optical clearing agents in the subject tissue. Such information is sufficient to characterize the time dependence of the optical clearing mechanisms—tissue dehydration and refractive index (RI) matching. We have used a simple method based on collimated optical transmittance measurements made from muscle samples under treatment with aqueous solutions containing different concentrations of ethylene glycol (EG), to determine the diffusion time values of water and EG in skeletal muscle. By representing the estimated mean diffusion time values from each treatment as a function of agent concentration in solution, we could identify the real diffusion times for water and agent. These values allowed for the calculation of the correspondent diffusion coefficients for those fluids. With these results, we have demonstrated that the dehydration mechanism is the one that dominates optical clearing in the first minute of treatment, while the RI matching takes over the optical clearing operations after that and remains for a longer time of treatment up to about 10 min, as we could see for EG and thin tissue samples of 0.5 mm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gender (in)visibility in juvenile sexuality : proposals for a new conception about sexual education and prevention against risky sexual behaviors

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    Neste artigo pretendemos mostrar como o género é um conceito determinante e imprescindível quando se trabalham as questões da sexualidade juvenil, particularmente quando se aborda a sexualidade das jovens adolescentes. A literatura feminista tem alertado para a continuidade dos discursos de vitimização, de medo e de moralidade que continuam a servir, em muitos casos e em muitos países, para justificar conteúdos de programa de educação sexual nas escolas e de campanhas de prevenção de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, essencialmente sobre o HIV. Contudo, depois de analisar esses discursos, nota-se claramente a ausência de um discurso emancipador sobre a sexualidade feminina adolescente. Apesar da epidemia do HIV e de o número crescente de mulheres heterossexuais (de todas as faixas etárias, das mais jovens às mais idosas) a serem infectadas implicar a necessidade de uma atenção redobrada, esse problema não pode justificar discursos reguladores e tradicionais da sexualidade feminina. São necessários novos discursos emancipadores e de empowerment das jovens adolescentes, de responsabilização de jovens do sexo masculino pelas questões da reprodução e da construção de um projecto igualitário e, ao mesmo tempo, de programas e de campanhas informadas pelo conhecimento existente relativamente às questões do género e à assimetria entre os sexos na vivência da sexualidade.In this article we intend to show how gender is a determining and indispensable concept when juvenile sexual issues are discussed; particularly when we approach the adolescent female sexuality. The feminist literature has been alerting us for the discourse on victimization, fear and morality which, in many cases and in many countries, still justifies contents of sexual education programs in schools and campaigns for prevention against sexually transmissible diseases, especially HIV. However, after analyzing those speeches, it is very clear that they lack an emancipatory discourse about adolescent feminine sexuality. In spite of the HIV epidemic and the growing number of heterosexual women (of all age groups, from the youngest to the oldest) being infected, which calls for much greater attention on the matter, that problem must not justify regulatory and traditional discourses on feminine sexuality. There is a need for new emancipatory and empowering female adolescent discourses, as well as young men's commitment regarding reproduction issues and involvement in the construction of an equalitarian project. and also, programs and campaigns informed by the existing knowledge related to gender issues and the asymmetry between the sexes in experiencing sexuality

    Grau zero, um corpo que espera

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    A presente reflexão escrita assiste ao Projeto de Mestrado em Artes Cénicas, especialização em Interpretação e Direção Artística da Esmae, com o título Grau Zero, um corpo que espera, pesquisa que centrou-se na imobilidade e no silêncio, tendo como principais orientadores de improvisação a espera e a atenção aos movimentos microscópicos ou não imediatamente visíveis do corpo do intérprete. A escuta e a reação a essa escuta. Este trabalho partiu de uma série de improvisações cruzadas com conversas orientadas pós ensaio, acompanhada de trabalho de vídeo para registo e para ficção, de forma a culminar numa apresentação pública. O texto dá relevo ao processo criativo descrito e discutido, semana a semana. Num primeiro momento abordo as questões que me levaram a fazer esta criação, passando por alguns nomes reconhecidos da história da dança e num segundo momento passo para uma análise das sessões práticas de improvisação e ensaios, em diálogo com o pensamento de alguns filósofos, acabando por rematar com um campo de questões que levanto acerca da minha experiência enquanto coreógrafa neste trabalho de pesquisa criação, assim como possíveis ramificações deste trabalho no futuro. Com este documento anexam-se algumas imagens fotográficas e videográficas para melhor entendimento da leitura.The present written writing is related with the Master Project in Performing Arts, specialization in Interpretation and Artistic Direction of Esmae, named Grau Zero, a body that waits, a research that focused on the immobility and silence, having as main guides of improvisation: waiting and the attention to the microscopic movements immediately visible or not of the body of the performer. The listening and the reaction to that listening. This work was based on a series of cross-improvisations with post-essay-oriented conversations, accompanied by video work for recording and for fiction, so that it comes together in a public presentation. The text gives prominence to the creative process described and discussed, week after week. In a first moment I approach the questions that led me to give birth to this creation, passing through some recognized names of the history of the dance and in a second moment I move on to an analysis of the practical sessions of improvisation and rehearsals, in dialogue with the thought of some philosophers ending up to deal with a field of questions I raise about my experience as a choreographer in this work of creation-research, as well as possible ramifications of this work in the future. Together with this document enclosed there are some photographic and video graphic images for a better understanding of the reading

    Orientação empreendedora e internacionalização: o estudo de caso de uma empresa do setor têxtil e vestuário

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Negócios InternacionaisNum mundo em constante transformação e com a progressiva liberalização do comércio mundial, o empreendedorismo e o desenvolvimento internacional têm sido a resposta das organizações face ao aumento generalizado da concorrência e às possíveis ameaças à sua sobrevivência. Nesta dissertação estudamos a relação entre a Orientação Empreendedora, num conceito multidimensional, e a internacionalização nas organizações. São apresentadas as diferentes dimensões da OE, e em que medida estas têm influência nas estratégias de internacionalização e competividade das organizações. Dada a importância do setor têxtil e do vestuário na economia portuguesa e o peso na balança comercial, entendeu-se que este é um importante setor a ser estudado. Foi efetuado um caso de estudo de uma empresa do setor com um forte enfoque na internacionalização, em que tentamos compreender de que forma, as diferentes dimensões da OE (inovação, proatividade, assunção de riscos, autonomia e agressividade competitiva) são usadas como estratégias de internacionalização para que a empresa seja competitiva face aos seus concorrentes. Esta dissertação tem por base o estudo de caso, tendo sido utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, onde se aplicou uma entrevista semiestruturada ao presidente da empresa. A par da entrevista ao presidente da empresa, foram também considerados dados secundários referente à presença desta nos mercados internacionais, como volume de negócios e variedade de mercados. A presença de gestores com uma forte relação empreendedora, um foco estratégico bem definido, baseado no modelo de negócio, a aposta numa estratégia de internacionalização, assim como, a rede de contactos, e alguns mecanismos de apoio institucional, mostram-se elementos essenciais para a competitividade da organização.In a world of constant transformation resulting from a progressive liberalization of worldwide commerce, entrepreneurship and international business has been an answer to those organizations that wish to keep their survival and growth. In this thesis we study the relationship between the Entrepreneurship Orientation, which is a multidimensional concept, and how it may influence the firm’s internationalization. Different dimensions of the EO are examined and these are expected to have an influence on firm’s internationalization as well as its global competitiveness. Given the importance of the textile industry and clothing in the Portuguese economy and due to its importance for the country’s balance sheet it was the selected industry to be studied. From a methodological perspective, a case study approach was followed addressing to an international well succeed firm. A semi structured interview to the president of the company was conducted. Alongside the interview to the president of the company, there were also considered secondary data regarding the presence of this company in the international markets, as well as its business volume and international market presence. More specifically, a mix methodological approach was followed. Each dimension of the EO orientation (innovation, pro activity, taking risks, autonomy and aggressive competitive) was analysed, specifically its implications on the internationalization strategy of the firm. Results suggest that a strong entrepreneurial orientation posture, a well defined strategy based on a solid business model, a successful strategic entry mode, a relevant business network and a strong institutional support are the most relevant factors to ensure the success of the firm in its international markets