746 research outputs found

    A ritual reading of the Coroebus episode in Statius' Thebaid

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    This article seeks to offer an alternative approach to the story of Apollo and Coroebus, narrated by king Adrastus, in the first book of Statius’ Thebaid. Further building on a recent tendency in Flavian scholarship, this analysis will read the tale as if Statius, from the start, presents the narrative through the character of Adrastus: as a (part of a) ritual. Relying on the anthropological theories of Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner, it will be argued that a religious pattern underlies the king’s story, which contains a dynamic of consecutive rites. More specifically, the narrative will be considered as a threefold repetition of an abstract scheme in which a condition of fertility is followed by a death/disruption that must be resolved by an act of reconciliation/sacrifice

    Drainage, Drainage, Drainage

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    Application Of Individual Spherosomatograms In Sports Activities

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    The use of electronic in measurement of Rachi's curves was started in 1974 by the construction of "Wielki's Electronic Spherosomatograph" presented 21 act. 1978 in Marseille (France) at the "Troisieme Reunion Scientifigue de Medecine du Sport des Pays Latin". During research for a "Main Type" and for mathematical model of the spine it was established that recording of the rachi's curves must be done from upper point "A" C7 to lower point "B" L5+/ - 8% of the measured length and tha t the dorsal and lumbar curves could be related to the sizes of their radius. The method was named "Radius Method with Intersection Point". In applying 10 Indexes on a student "Normative Group" a "Normative Typology Type A -Normal, Type B -Lordotic, Type C -Kyphotic for each sex was elaborated allowing for evaluation of sports groups. These evaluation showed special characteristics in the change of direction of the curves. When comparing with the Normative Typology, deviation and deformatinn of the rachi's curve exist by subjects with over charge of Rachi's or with unilateral activities. Functional adaptation can be accepted and and is normal but deformation and deviation caused by over charge in activities especially with youth or even infants, and top athletes are disputable. In applying on top sportsmen the method Improved Radius Method with Intersection Point it was discovered that the Rachi's curve if it allows for classification does behave singularly depending on "psycho-motorsports activities". An individual's spherosomatogram is thus indispensable. Of the 10 indexes which allow to establish a "Normative Typology", only 2 are sufficient in the study of an individual spherosomatogram and to diagnose the weakness evolution of the Rachi's Curve: 1. Dorso-Lumbar Index (DU 1) - relation between the lengths of the curves. 2. Curve Relatif Index (CRI 2) - relation between the heights of the curves. The changes in these indices are closely dependant. Further indices are necessary when establishing programs to stop bad evolution and prepare preventive corrective activities: 3. Dorsal Top Index (DTI 5) -position of the top of the dorsal curve. 4. Lumbar Top Index (LTI 8)- position of the top of the lumbar curve It is indispensable to understand the functional changes in the Rachi's curve as part of the process of biological development and change due to "psychomotor- sport-activities". Spherosomatography and the "Improved Radius Method with Intersection Point" are a non-invasive method that can be used again and again without damage and where the results are visually and immediately registered which helps corrective action


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    The idea to apply electronics to the measurement of the rachis curve dates from 1973 The aim was to eliminate any mechanical effect on the results of the measurement of the spinal curves. .In difference with the angular method, the accuracy of the electronics permits the precise measurement of whole curves lumbar and dorsal The angular method at this time has at its disposition only four extreme points of two curves of the spine The methodology of the measurement of the spinal curve was established at a pilot study (1974-1977) it concerned: the stabilisation of the subject, the control of respiration, the number of measurements and principle of registration Our calculation about the spinal curves were based on a simple application of the theorem of Pythagoras It was noted that the characteristic of the curves could be expressed in relation to the radii. Therefore it was named "Radius Method" Taking into consideration the ratio length of dorsal curve to the length of lumbar curve, was named "Dorso-Lumbar Index "DLI". Three Main-Types were established, Main-Type "A" Normal, Main-TypewB" lordotic, Main-Type "C" Kyphotic. Gradually seven Indexes were elaborated and therefore it was named "Developed Radius Method", by the Intersection Point. Analysis of the shape of the spinal curves showed the great importance of the height of the curves, and that the. Top and the Height of the curves must be measured to the cord and not to the vertical- The lumbar and dorsal parts of the curves are thus functions of their cord and not of the vertical and the measurement must be taken from C7 to the L5+4cm, 3cm for child (8%). Ten Indexes were reclassified, 4 characterize the whole rachi, 3 the dorsal part, and 3 the lumbar part and applied on 190=women and on 286 men which were called "Nonnative Grou~"T he application on the Normative Groups resulted in separated "Normative Tvvolo~v for women and men; in which the "Normative Typenwas presented by: 82.6% Type Normal A; 7.9% Type Lordotic B; 9.5% Type Kyphotic C 78 7% Type Normal A ; 11 5% type Lordotic B ; 9 8% Type Kyphotic C. This was named "Improved Radius Method with Intersection Point" giving a "Normative Typology" allowing to comparison study the spherosomatograms of individual and groups in different laboratories


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    Biomechanics are one of the essential factors of the quality of training thus of the level of performance. The aims must however be in relation to the needs of the subjects. These are not of the same level, they have different ages or personal ambitions. Everyone knows and must take into consideration the difference between Formation and Training. The formation level is very important. By using "Natural approach" it is possible to avoid perturbing the "Biological development." It is also the period of "Orientation" and "Specialization". The "Coach" must have at his disposal simple and sure biomedical tools in order to select, to under stand the subject, to analyze and adapt coaching. The "Prototype of the Elecrosomatograph with indirect or direct approach" was used to analyze the spinal curve of Sportsmen and Sportswomen following the "Improved Radius Method". It was shown that sports activities create changes in spinal curves which were called functional. The quest to produce a personal best record or win a Gold Medal / Ariel ISBS'94;-Science et Vie n0749/ can more than a simple adaptation of the curve create deviation and even deformation of the spinal curve eg: hyperlordosis and hyperkyphosis at all ages and sports; flattening or increase of the curves especially by Toy performance ~lavers. Those findings were arrived at on the occasion of intra and extramural competitions, training campus for national representative teams when our Labo JECO was making a research about the stages of optimal formation of collective game players which concluded that these stages could be used. Stage 1. Preliminary preparation. (from 7 or 8 years) a. Invitation phase b. Initiation phase Stage 2. Basic formation. (from 12 or 13 years) a. Apprenticeships phase b. Orientation phase Stage 3. Specialization - Training. (from 15-16 years) a. Phase of school light training. b. Intensive, Total Training. The stages are taking into consideration the biological and psychological maturation in the choice of learning and training processes and in competition. Our research and practice in the field from the lowest to the highest international top levels and laboratory work has shown the necessity of constant and intensive cooperation between the theoretical biomechanician and the specialist in the field: teacher, trainer, coach

    Een ftanietrijke mesolithische vindplaats te Meeuwen Monnikswijer

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    Control of sporulation-specific cell division in Streptomyces coelicolor

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    During developmental cell division in sporulation-committed aerial hyphae of streptomycetes, up to a hundred septa are simultaneously produced, in close harmony with synchromous chromosome condensation and segregation. Several unique protein families are involved in the control of this process, including that of the SsgA-like proteins (SALPs). While SsgA and SsgB are essential for sporulation-specific cell division in S. coelicolor, SsgC-G are responsible for correct DNA segregation/condensation, spore wall synthesis, autolytic spore separation, or exact septum localisation. The SALPs are a novel protein family that acts through timing and localisation of the activity of penicillin-binding proteins and autolysins, thus controlling important steps during the initiation and the completion of sporulation. The formation of septa is initiated by the formation of a ring of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ (the Z-ring), functioning as a scaffold for the construction of septa. Subsequently, other cell division proteins are recruited to the Z-ring, forming the divisome. In S. coelicolor, the cell division proteins FtsE and FtsX participate during autolytic spore separation, and most likely function by re-importing peptidoglycan subunits for recycling. The cytoskeletal protein MreB is involved in cell shape determination and chromosome segregation in many rod-shaped bacteria. In S. coelicolor, the actin-like proteins MreB and Mbl are not essential for vegetative growth but exert their function in the formation of environmentally stable spores, thereby primarily influencing the assembly of the spore wall.UBL - phd migration 201
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