7 research outputs found

    Analisis Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan COBIT 2019 pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Papua

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    Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Papua merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintahan yang mempunyai tugas pokok untuk menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang komunikasi dan informatika. Demi membantu tugas tersebut, diperlukan penyusunan Tata Kelola TI yang baik. Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Papua telah menerapkan TI dalam proses operasionalnya seperti Sistem Informasi Presensi dan TPP Pemerintah Provinsi Papua. Pada penelitian ini, menentukan proses domain yang akan diteliti berdasarkan data yang diperoleh menghasilkan capability level pada Domain MEA yang berbeda-beda. MEA01 berada pada capability level 4 Customer Focus yaitu TI pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Infomatika Provinsi Papua dinilai sangat baik serta mampu menerjemahkan permintaan stakeholder secara baik. MEA02 berada pada capability level 3 Service/Product Focus bahwa sudah melakukan dukungan terhadap proses pelayanan dan juga sudah mengikuti standar yang berlaku. MEA03 berada pada capability level 5 Business Led bahwa semua proses operasionalnya telah mengikuti hukum dan aturan yang berlaku di dalam pemerintahan. MEA04 berada pada capability level 4 Customer Focus yaitu dianggap mampu memenuhi permintaan klien serta dapat mengembangkan jaminan yang efektif dan efisien. Tata Kelola TI pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Papua telah berjalan dengan baik namun masih perlu terus di kembangkan

    What\u27s Fair? Realising the right to Independent Living for people with intellectual disabilities: what Ireland needs to do.

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    Ireland has a long and shameful history of providing for the support and housing needs of people with intellectual disabilities in large institutions. This is not unique to Ireland, nor to people with intellectual disabilities. In recent years these large institutions are gradually being replaced by smaller, community-based residential models. The extent to which these models, and the legislative framework which supports them, can meet the ideals of Independent Living and Community Inclusion in Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the focus of this research. The research seeks firstly, to provide a philosophical foundation for the realisation of the right to Independent Living, and proposes that a Universalist approach based on Rawls\u27s Principles of Justice provides a good basis for this. Fairness is at the heart of Rawls\u27s principles, and any implications arising from the realisation of the Independent Living right must be fair, not just to disabled people but to all citizens. An examination of current legislation applicable in Ireland forms the core of the work. It includes an analysis of legislation and relevant case law at UN, COE, EU and national levels. It explores those aspects of legislation which support the core elements of the Independent Living right, the gaps in legislation and the barriers in current law. Finally it seeks to identify the legislative changes which are required to enable the right to Independent Living for people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland. While robust legislation is important in supporting human rights, the research recognises that it is only one aspect of what is required, and that broader cultural perceptions of people with intellectual disabilities is equally important. In this regard enabling people to live in their communities and recognising and supporting their legal capacity are fundamental

    Pre-seasonal local nasal desenstitization in hay fever

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    Analysis of Information TECHNOLOGY Governance on Communication and Information Service of Papua Province Using COBIT 2019

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    The Communication and Informatics Service of Papua Province is one of the government agencies that has the main task of organizing government affairs in the field of communication and informatics known Diskominfo. The Communication and Informatics Service of Papua Province has implemented IT in its operational processes. In this study using COBIT 2019, determining the domain process to be studied based on the data obtained resulted in capability levels in different MEA Domains. MEA01 is at capability level 4 Customer Focus. MEA02 is at capability level 3 Service/Product Focus. MEA03 is at capability level 5 Business Led. MEA04 is at capability level 4 Customer Focus. IT Governance at the Communication and Informatics Service of Papua Province has been running well but still needs to be developed