50 research outputs found

    Cassava roots yield and soil chemical and physical properties according to chicken manure fertilization

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    The cassava crop extracts large amounts of nutrients from the soil and, as a result, nutrients in adequate amounts in the soil favor its yield. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating the influence of laying chicken manure on cassava roots yield and morphological characteristics, as well as on soil chemical and physical properties. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with six replications, and treatments consisted of laying chicken manure doses (0 t ha-1, 6 t ha-1, 12 t ha-1 and 18 t ha-1) incorporated into the soil. It was observed that the crop reacted to the soil fertilization by increasing its yield per area and plant unit. Roots individual fresh matter, diameter and length remained constant with treatments. The soil pH and organic matter were raised with the addition of manure. Concerning soil nutrients, there was an increase in the P, Ca and Mg contents. The soil bulk density decreased, while the total soil porosity increased proportionally to the addition of manure. The addition of chicken manure up to 18 t ha-1 provided a higher cassava yield, due to an increase in the number of roots per plant and improvements in the soil chemical and physical properties


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    The banana tree is a tropical fruit plant, grown commercially throughout Brazil. It’s commonly found of coastal regions, the banana has been gaining space in the Paulista Plateau, mainly in the midwest region of the state. The objective of this work was to evaluate the interference of microaspersion irrigation in the vegetative and productive characteristics of three banana genotypes in three production cycles, cultivated under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the municipality of Vera Cruz in São Paulo state. The planting was carried out in December 2015, with micropropagated and acclimated seedlings. The statistical design adopted was randomized blocks, with 6 treatments, in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement with 3 genotypes and 2 cultivation environments (irrigated and non irrigated). The genotypes evaluated were: BRS Princesa (Maçã subgroup), Galil 18 (Prata subgroup) and Grande Naine (Cavendish subgroup). Vegetative variables (plant height, pseudostem circumference and the number of live leaves in flowering); production variables (clusters and weight mass, productivity, number of hands per bunches and number of fruit for hands) and fruit quality (diameter, shell thickness and length), were evaluated. It is concluded that the irrigation localized by microaspersion positively interfered in the plant performance, improving the vegetative and productive characteristics of the BRS Princesa (Maçã subgroup), Galil 18 (Prata subgroup) and Grande Naine (Cavendish subgroup) genotypes, in Vera Cruz, midwest region of São Paulo state.A bananeira (Musa sp.) é uma frutífera tropical, cultivada comercialmente em todo território brasileiro. Característica de regiões litorâneas, a banana vem ganhando espaço no Planalto Paulista, principalmente na região Centro Oeste do estado. Diante disso, o objetivo desse trabalho foi  avaliar a interferência da irrigação localizada por microaspersão nas características vegetativas e produtivas de três genótipos de bananeiras, em três ciclos de produção, cultivados nas condições edafoclimáticas do município de Vera Cruz, estado de São Paulo. O plantio foi realizado em dezembro de 2015, com mudas micropropagadas e aclimatadas. O delineamento estatístico adotado foi de blocos ao acaso, sendo 6 tratamentos, em arranjo fatorial 3x2, sendo 3 genótipos e 2 ambientes de cultivo (irrigado e sequeiro).  Os genótipos avaliados foram: BRS Princesa (subgrupo Maçã), Galil 18 (subgrupo Prata) e Grande Naine (subgrupo Cavendish). Foram avaliadas variáveis vegetativas (altura de planta, circunferência do pseudocaule e número de folhas vivas no florescimento), de produção (massa dos cachos e dos engaços, produtividade, número de pencas por cacho e número de frutos por penca) e qualidade de frutos (diâmetro, espessura de casca e comprimento). Conclui-se que a irrigação localizada por microaspersão interferiu positivamente no desempenho dos genótipos BRS Princesa (subgrupo Maçã), Galil 18 (subgrupo Prata) e Grande Naine (subgrupo Cavendish), no município de Vera Cruz, na região Centro Oeste Paulista


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    The fruits of guava (Psidium guajava L.) are highly appreciated not only for aroma and flavor, but also for nutritional value, being a rich source of vitamin C. They are consumed in natura and also very used in agroindustry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of guava genotypes in irrigated and non - irrigated environments, about the initial production and fruit quality. The planting was carried out in february 2016, at 2.0 x 4.5 m spacing, with seedlings formed by cuttings, coming from commercial nursery. The plants were conducted in the espalier system, with regular prunings for fruiting. It was used a complete block randomized design with 6 treatments in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement, with 3 varieties and 2 production environments (irrigated and non-irrigated). The evaluated genotypes were Tailandesa, Pedro Sato e Século XXI. Productive variables (yield per plant and fruit mass) and qualitative variables (pH and total soluble solids content) were analyzed in the first two crop cycles. The yield and mass of the fruits of the evaluated genotypes were not affected by the additional irrigation of the plants. The irrigation decreased the acidity and the total soluble solids content of the fruits. The 'Tailandesa' guava tree was the one that presented the best productive performance for cultivation in the region of Vera Cruz, SP.Os frutos da goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) são muito apreciados não somente pelo aroma e sabor, como também pelo valor nutricional, sendo uma rica fonte de vitamina C. São consumidos in natura e também muito utilizados na agroindústria. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de genótipos de goiabeiras em ambientes irrigado e não irrigado, quanto à produção inicial e qualidade dos frutos, em Vera Cruz, SP. O plantio foi realizado em fevereiro de 2016, no espaçamento de 2,0 x 4,5 m, com mudas formadas por estaquia, provenientes de viveiro comercial. As plantas foram conduzidas no sistema de espaldeiras, com podas regulares para frutificação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com 6 tratamentos em arranjo fatorial  3 x 2, sendo 3 variedades e 2 ambientes de produção (irrigado e sequeiro). Os genótipos avaliados foram Tailandesa, Pedro Sato e Século XXI. Foram analisadas variáveis produtivas (produção por planta e massa dos frutos) e qualitativas (pH e teor de sólidos solúveis totais), nos dois primeiros ciclos produtivos da cultura. A produção e a massa dos frutos dos genótipos avaliados não foram afetados pela irrigação suplementar das plantas.  A irrigação diminuiu a acidez e o teor de sólidos solúveis totais dos frutos. A goiabeira 'Tailandesa' foi a que apresentou o melhor desempenho produtivo para cultivo na região de Vera Cruz, SP

    Desenvolvimento e produtividade de maracujazeiro amarelo enxertado na região de Presidente Prudente, SP

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    A morte prematura de plantas tem causado sérios problemas na cultura do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims), provocando redução na produção e migração da cultura. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produtividade de plantas de maracujazeiro-amarelo enxertadas por garfagem e encostia com raiz dupla. O trabalho foi conduzido no período de agosto de 2009 a junho de 2010 no município de Presidente Prudente, SP.  Estudaram-se dois porta-enxertos, o P. alata e o P. gibertii, plantas enxertadas sobre P. gibertii e P. edulis (raiz dupla) e plantas sem enxertia (pé-franco). Avaliaram-se o diâmetro do porta-enxerto e do enxerto, o número de frutos por planta e a produtividade do maracujazeiro-amarelo. Adotou-se o delineamento estatístico em blocos ao acaso com quatro tratamentos e nove repetições. A enxertia pode ser utilizada no cultivo comercial do maracujazeiro-amarelo, desde que o porta-enxerto seja compatível com o enxerto. Plantas pé-franco e plantas enxertadas por encostia foram mais vigorosas que plantas enxertadas por garfagem. O uso da enxertia não interferiu no número de frutos e na produtividade do maracujazeiro amarelo

    Fertilizer use and permanence time of sweet potato plantlets produced in trays

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de mudas de batata-doce em bandejas de poliestireno, com utilização de fertilizante de liberação lenta, e estabelecer o tempo adequado de permanência dessas mudas nas bandejas. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 5x5, com cinco doses do fertilizante de liberação lenta osmocote NPK 15-09-12 (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 g por 25 kg de substrato) e cinco tempos de permanência nas bandejas (14, 28, 42, 56 e 70 dias após o plantio, DAP). Foram avaliados o número de raízes e de folhas e suas respectivas massas de matéria seca. Além disso, avaliou-se a integridade dos torrões em função do tempo de permanência das mudas nas bandejas, em experimento sem adição de fertilizante. Observou-se interação significativa entre doses do fertilizante e o tempo de permanência nas bandejas. A adubação com 150 g favoreceu o incremento do número de raízes e folhas e a massa de matéria seca das mudas, a partir de 14 DAP. Em geral, a integridade dos torrões aumenta com o tempo de permanência. Observaram-se sintomas de deficiência nutricional a partir dos 25 DAP, quando não foi utilizado fertilizante. O período de permanência em bandejas pode ser ampliado se o fertilizante de liberação lenta for utilizado.The objective of this work was to evaluate the production of sweet potato plantlets in polystyrene foam trays, using slow-release fertilizer and to establish the proper permanence time for this plantlets to stay in trays. An entirely radonmized experimental design was used with 5x5 factorial arrangement, with five doses of osmocote slow-release fertilizer NPK 15-09-12 (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 g per 25 kg of the substrate) and five permanence times in the trays (14, 28, 42, 56 e 70 days after planting, DAP). The number of roots and leaves, and their respective dry matter mass were evaluated. Furthermore, clod integrity as a function of the permanence time of cuttings in trays was evaluated in an experiment without the use of fertilizers. It was observed significant interaction between fertilizer doses and permanence time in the trays. The fertilization with 150 g increased the number of roots and leaves and the dry matter of new plantlets, after 14 DAP. Generally, clod integrity increases with permanence time. Nutritional deficiency symptoms were observed from 25 DAP, when no fertilizer was used. The permanence time in trays may be extended if the slow-release fertilizer is used.


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    Atualmente, mudas de diversas fruteiras são produzidas no cultivo protegido, com o uso de substratos aliados a adubações. Há necessidade de substrato de fácil aquisição e que proporcione mudas de boa qualidade. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes substratos comerciais e doses de nitrogênio sobre o desenvolvimento de mudas de maracujazeiro em condições protegidas. Os tratamentos consistiram de três substratos comerciais (Bioplant®, Fibra de coco e Vivato®) e quatro doses de nitrogênio (0; 150; 300 e 600 mg dm-³ N). Após 120 dias, avaliou-se a altura de planta, número de folhas, peso da matéria seca de parte aérea (MSPA), raizes (MSR) e total (MST) e o teor de clorofila (SPAD). Na altura das plantas, a Fibra de Coco diferiu significativamente dos demais substratos. A altura máxima de 122 cm foi obtida na dose de 600 mg dm-³ de N. No número de folhas a Fibra de coco proporcionou a melhor resposta com média de 20 folhas, sendo superiores Bioplant® e Vivatto®. Na MSPA a Fibra de Coco e Bioplant® foram superiores em relação ao Vivatto®, e na avaliação de MST observou-se o acúmulo máximo de 19 g de matéria seca das mudas na dose de 600 mg dm-³ de N nas plantas desenvolvidas com Bioplant®. No teor de clorofila os melhores resultados foram obtidos no substrato Bioplant® com média de valores SPAD de 40, mas não houve diferença para a Fibra de coco

    Agronomic performance and selection of sweet-potato genotypes grown from seeds

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    The low availability of varieties adapted to different crop regions, mainly regarding edaphoclimatic conditions, is one of the causes of low sweet-potato crop yields. The objective of this work was to evaluate agronomic characteristics of sweet-potato plants, from the crossing between the genotypes Londrina and Uruguaiana, grown in the region of Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil, to select materials with high commercial yield and desirable tuberous root shape and color. The natural crossing between the genotypes Londrina and Uruguaiana grown in alternating rows resulted in 2,430 potentially viable seeds. These seeds were used for growing seedlings whose vines were grown in the field for selecting genotypes with desirable characteristics. The results showed a high diversity in skin and flesh colors; number of tuberous roots per plant, shape, fresh and dry weights, and total and commercial yields of tuberous roots. The selected genotypes were then evaluated in three experiments. Several genotypes presented higher commercial yield than their parents. Three genotypes were approved as cultivars by presenting superior agronomic characteristics than their parents.The low availability of varieties adapted to different crop regions, mainly regarding edaphoclimatic conditions, is one of the causes of low sweet-potato crop yields. The objective of this work was to evaluate agronomic characteristics of sweet-potato plants, from the crossing between the genotypes Londrina and Uruguaiana, grown in the region of Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil, to select materials with high commercial yield and desirable tuberous root shape and color. The natural crossing between the genotypes Londrina and Uruguaiana grown in alternating rows resulted in 2,430 potentially viable seeds. These seeds were used for growing seedlings whose vines were grown in the field for selecting genotypes with desirable characteristics. The results showed a high diversity in skin and flesh colors; number of tuberous roots per plant, shape, fresh and dry weights, and total and commercial yields of tuberous roots. The selected genotypes were then evaluated in three experiments. Several genotypes presented higher commercial yield than their parents. Three genotypes were approved as cultivars by presenting superior agronomic characteristics than their parents

    Mutant analyses reveal different functions of fgfr1 in medaka and zebrafish despite conserved ligand–receptor relationships

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    AbstractMedaka (Oryzias latipes) is a small freshwater teleost that provides an excellent developmental genetic model complementary to zebrafish. Our recent mutagenesis screening using medaka identified headfish (hdf) which is characterized by the absence of trunk and tail structures with nearly normal head including the midbrain–hindbrain boundary (MHB). Positional-candidate cloning revealed that the hdf mutation causes a functionally null form of Fgfr1. The fgfr1hdf is thus the first fgf receptor mutant in fish. Although FGF signaling has been implicated in mesoderm induction, mesoderm is induced normally in the fgfr1hdf mutant, but subsequently, mutant embryos fail to maintain the mesoderm, leading to defects in mesoderm derivatives, especially in trunk and tail. Furthermore, we found that morpholino knockdown of medaka fgf8 resulted in a phenotype identical to the fgfr1hdf mutant, suggesting that like its mouse counterpart, Fgf8 is a major ligand for Fgfr1 in medaka early embryogenesis. Intriguingly, Fgf8 and Fgfr1 in zebrafish are also suggested to form a major ligand–receptor pair, but their function is much diverged, as the zebrafish fgfr1 morphant and zebrafish fgf8 mutant acerebellar (ace) only fail to develop the MHB, but develop nearly unaffected trunk and tail. These results provide evidence that teleost fish have evolved divergent functions of Fgf8–Fgfr1 while maintaining the ligand–receptor relationships. Comparative analysis using different fish is thus invaluable for shedding light on evolutionary diversification of gene function

    Polycystic Kidney Disease in the Medaka (Oryzias latipes) pc Mutant Caused by a Mutation in the Gli-Similar3 (glis3) Gene

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    Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a common hereditary disease in humans. Recent studies have shown an increasing number of ciliary genes that are involved in the pathogenesis of PKD. In this study, the Gli-similar3 (glis3) gene was identified as the causal gene of the medaka pc mutant, a model of PKD. In the pc mutant, a transposon was found to be inserted into the fourth intron of the pc/glis3 gene, causing aberrant splicing of the pc/glis3 mRNA and thus a putatively truncated protein with a defective zinc finger domain. pc/glis3 mRNA is expressed in the epithelial cells of the renal tubules and ducts of the pronephros and mesonephros, and also in the pancreas. Antisense oligonucleotide-mediated knockdown of pc/glis3 resulted in cyst formation in the pronephric tubules of medaka fry. Although three other glis family members, glis1a, glis1b and glis2, were found in the medaka genome, none were expressed in the embryonic or larval kidney. In the pc mutant, the urine flow rate in the pronephros was significantly reduced, which was considered to be a direct cause of renal cyst formation. The cilia on the surface of the renal tubular epithelium were significantly shorter in the pc mutant than in wild-type, suggesting that shortened cilia resulted in a decrease in driving force and, in turn, a reduction in urine flow rate. Most importantly, EGFP-tagged pc/glis3 protein localized in primary cilia as well as in the nucleus when expressed in mouse renal epithelial cells, indicating a strong connection between pc/glis3 and ciliary function. Unlike human patients with GLIS3 mutations, the medaka pc mutant shows none of the symptoms of a pancreatic phenotype, such as impaired insulin expression and/or diabetes, suggesting that the pc mutant may be suitable for use as a kidney-specific model for human GLIS3 patients

    Relatos de experiências do “Projeto Macaúba: bioenergia com biodiversidade e soberania alimentar”

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    Este trabalho relata as vivências do “Projeto Macaúba”, executado pela ESALQ/USP e pela APTA, com vigência de 2012 a 2015. Aproveitando a atuação destas instituições no Pontal do Paranapanema e as populações naturais de Macaúba da região, surgiu a ideia de executar um projeto com três eixos principais: 1) desenvolver arranjos agroflorestais, compatibilizando produção de alimento com oleaginosas, dentre elas a Macaúba; 2) instrumentalizar agricultores em práticas agroecológicas; 3) planejar o manejo extrativista das populações naturais da região. Ao todo foram instaladas 46 áreas de SAF; cerca de 120 agricultores participaram dos cursos, dias de campo ou viagens de intercâmbio promovidas pelo projeto; foram realizados dois inventários produtivos de uma população natural de Macaúba com potencial produtivo; comercializou-se cerca de doze toneladas de frutos desta população; e ainda contribuiu-se com a elaboração de uma política nacional e uma estadual que fortalecem a produção de Macaúba.Eje: B1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Relatos de experiencias).Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale