4 research outputs found

    Youth Action Movement Swaziland : empowering experiences with the youth club of Family life Association in Swazi-land through dance music and games

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    Eddie Nkonchi Nkomesha. Empowering experiences with the youth club of Family life Association in Swaziland through dance music and games spring 2014, 43 p 1 appendices Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Social Services Bachelor of Social Services + Option in Christian Child and Youth Work+ quali-fication for the office of the diaconia worker in the church of Finland These thesis will illustrate and describe in a documentary video form about how NGOs have adopted the African culture to disseminate important information in an innovative way to the youth, emphasizing on sexual and reproductive health as a tool for the young people to be armed with valuable information to protect them self against sexual transmitted disease especially in the sub-Sahara Re-gion. We all understand that youth are the future of tomorrow. The aim of the video is to show how even “singing and dancing” youth game can incorporate many types of learning, to call attention to what might be overlooked as signifi-cant forms of empowerment, and to understand and take advantage of the op-portunities afford as more deliberate learning environments. The aspects ex-plored are the skills and techniques required to be successful in the southern African context of disseminating valuable information to youth. The findings may be useful to social organization that hopes to carry out social work this part of the world. The participants in the video are fostered in the Swaziland non-governmental organization Family life Association and also from their clients. The NGO is the main focus by which the video has been produced; the emphasis was specifi-cally on the youth program known as battle of the sexes. The gathered material consists of the outputs made out of participating in differ-ent outreach programs organized by the NGOs (battle of the sexes) and video interviews as well as dairies.Key words; youth, sexual and reproductive health, disseminating information, empowerment, Swazilan

    Therapeutic touch in elderly care : A systematic literature review

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    Aim: The study aims to enhance nurses' understanding of therapeutic touch interventions for elderly patients, promoting a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional medical treatments. Method: This study reviews the literature qualitatively and focuses on healing, therapeutic touch, and caring for the elderly. Data for this study was acquired from scientific websites such as EBSCO, PubMed, and others. The chosen data are in English, span the last ten to twelve years, and are pertinent to the objectives of the study. Other ethical requirements and the TENK and Novia Educational Research Board criteria were followed. Results: Therapeutic touch therapy (TT) has been shown to reduce anxiety and discomfort in individuals, including the elderly, but its efficacy is limited. Factors like individual receptivity, expectancies, and therapeutic alliances may influence outcomes. The placebo effect and individual variability also impact outcomes. TT is often used in conjunction with other therapies but should be incorporated into a comprehensive treatment plan. Approaching TT with a balanced perspective and communication with healthcare professionals is crucial. Conclusion: The study explores the benefits of therapeutic touch (TT) in elderly care, highlighting its primary effects like pain alleviation and relaxation. It emphasizes the importance of compassion and small acts of kindness, like hand massages. The authors suggest that more research, particularly qualitative, is needed to better understand TT's potential in elderly care