20 research outputs found


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    This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of aqueous extracts from leaves of Ageratum conyzoides (300mg/kg) on blood glucose in normoglycemic and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. The extract was administered orally and the blood glucose level was measured hourly for 4h. The hypoglycaemic activity was evaluated by comparing with the initial blood glucose level. In streptozotocin-diabetic rats, the aqueous extract from leaves of Ageratum conyzoides showed a significant reduction of blood glucose level of 9.5% after 1hour and 21.3% after 4 hour

    Evaluation de la chimiorésistance à la sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine et des mutations des gÚnes dihydrofolate réductase et dihydropteroate synthétase dans le district de santé de Ndu au nord-ouest, Cameroun

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    Les donnĂ©es cliniques sur la rĂ©sistance au sulfadoxine-pyrimĂ©thamine(SP) sont peu prĂ©cises dans plusieurs localitĂ©s du Cameroun. En plus, trĂšs peu d’informations sont disponibles sur la corrĂ©lation entre les marqueurs molĂ©culaires, la rĂ©sistance et l’échec du traitement avec SP. Dans l’optique de mieux apprĂ©hender cette situation, nous avons entrepris d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© du sulfadoxine-pyrimĂ©thamine (SP), ainsi que le potentiel des marqueurs molĂ©culaires dans le suivi de la rĂ©sistance dans trois sites du district de santĂ© de Ndu. 296 patients de tout Ăąge infectĂ©s par la forme non compliquĂ©e de Plasmodium falciparum ont Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  un traitement au SP pendant la pĂ©riode d’avril 2001 Ă  novembre 2004, et les rĂ©sultats Ă©valuĂ©s. Une Ă©valuation des mutations des gĂšnes de dihydrofolate rĂ©ductase (dhfr) et  dihydroptĂ©roate synthĂ©tase (dhps) du P. falciparum dans le sang de 100 patients d’ñges infĂ©rieurs ou Ă©gaux Ă  10 ans a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e le jour de leur admission en clinique. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus indiquent 51,28% de patients qui donnent des rĂ©ponses cliniques et parasitologiques adĂ©quates, 33,33% d’échec thĂ©rapeutique prĂ©coce, 4,49% d’échec thĂ©rapeutique tardif, et 9,89% d’échec parasitologique tardif. Les mutations de la Gly437 ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es dans 37% des Ă©chantillons. L’indice gĂ©notypique de resistance calculĂ© suivant ce marqueur Ă©tait de 0,76. Les mutations liĂ©es Ă  la Asn108 ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es dans 87% des Ă©chantillons, avec un indice gĂ©notypique de rĂ©sistance de 1,79. En conclusion, il dĂ©coule de nos rĂ©sultats cliniques et molĂ©culaires que la thĂ©rapie SP aurait un effet thĂ©rapeutique de courte durĂ©e dans le district de santĂ© de Ndu. D’autre part, les gĂ©notypes mutants dhfr et dhps seraient des facteurs potentiels d’alerte prĂ©coce dans l’augmentation de la rĂ©sistance au SP.Mots clĂ©s: Plasmodium falciparum, dhps, dhfr, marqueurs molĂ©culaires, S

    The Current State and Future of ELearning in Educational Institutions in Cameroon: a Case Study of the City of Yaounde

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    The development and use of ICTs and the internet has changed the way things are done in the world forever. The way of acquiring knowledge, through e-learning, is one of the significant changes. This study investigates the current status and future of e-learning strategy in educational institutions in Cameroon. The study adopts a case study approach. The sample consists of eight (8) educational institutions - four tertiary and four secondary. The findings have revealed the range of problems encountered in the integration of e-learning in schools and the strategies that could be adopted to improve e-learning in educational institutions. The most used e-learning platforms in schools are: Claroline in secondary schools; and Moodle, Coursera, and EdX (mostly MOOCs - Open Online Courses), in higher education institutions. It was concluded that all is not well with e-learning in the sampled institutions as the incorporation of the learning strategy in these institutions is yet to fully take root; and this might also give an indication of the current situation of e-learning in the country as a whole; especially considering the fact that all the schools studied are in the capital

    Anxiolytic Activity Evaluation of Four Medicinal Plants from Cameroon

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    Afrormosia laxiflora (A. laxiflora), Chenopodium ambrosioides (C. ambrosioides), Microglossa pyrifolia (M. pyrifolia) and Mimosa pudica (M. pudica) are plants used in traditional medicine in Cameroon to treat insomnia, epilepsy, anxiety, and agitation. They were evaluated for their anxiolytic like activity in mice. Animal models (elevated plus maze and stress-induced hyperthermia tests) were used. The four plants showed anxiolytic activity. In stress-induced hyperthermia test, A. laxiflora, C. ambrosioides, M. pyrifolia and M. pudica significantly antagonised the increase of temperature. ΔT° decreased from 0.75°C in the control group to 0.36°C at the dose of 110 mg/kg for A. laxiflora; from 1°C in the control group to −1.1°C at the dose of 120 mg/kg for C. ambrosioides; from 1.7°C in the control group to 0.2°C at the dose of 128 mg/kg for M. pyrifolia and from 1.3°C in the control group to 0.5°C at the dose of 180 mg/kg for M. pudica. In the elevated plus maze test, the four plants increased the number of entries into, percentage of entries into, and percentage of time in open arms. A. laxiflora, C. ambrosioides and M. pudica also reduced the percentage of entries and time in closed arms. In addition, C. ambrosioides, M. pyrifolia and M. pudica showed antipyretic activity by reducing the body temperature. The results suggested that C. ambrosioides, M. pyrifolia and M. pudica posses anxiolytic-like and antipyretic activities while A. laxiflora possesses only anxiolytic-like properties. These plants could be helpful in the treatment of anxiety and fever in traditional medicine in Cameroon