23 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, the use of natural colorant and additives is very important for increasing consumer acceptability in processed foods. Anthocyanins are commonly used as natural colorants in the food industry. As unstable natural pigments they need protection. This study aimed  to determine the characteristics of red dragon fruit peel extracts by adding various concetrations of citric acids as natural food colorants. Research design used was randomized complete design with six treatments, i.e. 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% concentrations with four replicates. The results showed  that varying citric acid concentration had a significant effect on pH, anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity and colour change.  Increasing of citric acid was also observed which was correlated with colour lightness and anthocyanin content. The best results showed in addition of 2% citric acid concentration with pH value of 2.75, anthocyanin total content of 6,38 mg/50g, antioxidant activity value of 80,71% and colours values of L*, a*, and b* were 49, 59  and 14, respectively. Keywords: Anthocyanin, extraction, red dragon fruit peel, citric aci

    The Effect of Heating Schedule on Physico-Chemical Properties of Instant Coffee of Liberika Tungkal Jambi

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    Abstract— The making of instant brewed coffee using co-crystallization method is strongly influenced by the heating schedule (HS) applied. Five levels of HS (HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4 and HS5) were studied on the physico-chemical properties of instant coffee of Liberika Tungkal Jambi. The treatment was applied in a completely randomized design with 4 replications. The coffee was extracted using a special coffee extractor in a ratio of hot water/coffee powder of 15/1. Parameters observed were moisture content, ash content, pH, solubility, and total dissolved solids. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and DNMRT at 5% significance. The results showed that the physico-chemical properties of instant coffee had significant effect on moisture content, pH, solubility, and total dissolved solids but not on ash content. The optimal HS to produce Liberika Tungkal Jambi instant coffee with good quality was heating at 110oC in the beginning, followed by 90oC at the initiation of crystallization, and 75oC when crystal growth (HS3).  HS3 produces instant coffee with water content 1.57-1.61%; ash content 6.12-6.16; pH 5.50-5.56; solubility 98.22-98.25; and total dissolved solids 8.47-8.53% Brix.   Keywords— crystal growth,instant coffee, libtukom, recrystallization, &nbsp

    The Effect Of Sugar Concentration on the Organoleptic Quality of Liberika Tungkal Jambi Instant Coffee

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    Abstract— This study aimed to determine the effect of sugar concentration on the organoleptic quality of instant coffee of Liberika Tungkal Jambi and to determine the optimal concentration of sugar in producing instant coffee with the best organoleptic quality. Instant coffee was produced by co-crystallizationmethod.The crystallizing agent used was granulated sugar. Coffee extract was made using an extractor in a ratio of coffee powder/hotwater of 1/15. Five levels of sugar concentration (15, 25, 35, 45 and 55%) were applied in a completely randomized design with 4 replications. The parameters observed were the sweetness level, the distinctive aroma of coffee, the granulestexture, and the panelist's preference.The parameters were organoleptically determined using 15 trained panelists in the scoring test format. The data was analyzed using ANOVA and DNMRT at 95% confidence level. The results showed that the sugar concentration had a significant effect on the level of sweetness, the distinctive aroma of coffee, and instant coffee granules performance but had no significant effect on solubility and panelist preferences. The optimal sugar concentration to produce instant coffee with good quality was 25%.   Keywords— libtukom, instant coffee, recrystallization, sugar &nbsp

    The Effect of Concentration Areca Seed Extract (Areca Catechu L.) on Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Pineapple Juice (Ananas Comosus L. Merr) As a Functional Beverages

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    This study aims to determine the effect of concentration areca seed extract on the physicochemical and sensory properties of pineapple juice as a functional beverages , and to determine the appropriate concentration of areca seed extract to produce pineapple juice that has the best physicochemical and sensory properties. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 levels of treatment, namely the concentration of areca seed extract 0%, 1%, 2%, and 3% (v/v). Each treatment was repeated 5 times, so there were 20 experimental units. The results showed that the concentration of areca seed extract had a significant effect on the total soluble solids, the degree of warmth L* and a*, antioxidant activity, total tannin, vitamin C levels, and had no significant effect on the acidity (pH), and had a characteristic taste of pineapple chelate until the taste of pineapple is slightly chelate, the color is brown to very brown, it has a pineapple aroma to a strong pineapple aroma, with a weak aftertaste to a slightly strong after taste. The best treatment in making pineapple juice with areca seed extract was the concentration of 2% areca seed extract which contained 80.02% antioxidant activity, vitamin C 104.68 mg/100 g, total tannin 99.62 mg TAE/g, total dissolved solids value 20.980brix, color degree value L*29.48, a*7.06, b*20.80, acidity value (pH) 3.37, has a slightly brown color, aroma of pineapple (methyl ester and ethyl ester compounds), taste pineapple and not chelate, and has no aftertaste

    The Effects of Frying Time and Temperatures on Fatty Acids Profile of Blanched Potato Chips

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    The aim of this research was to study whether the frying time and temperature affected fatty acids profiles of blanched potato chips. Factorial designs were carried out using a completely randomized design (CRD) two factor (time and temperature) and three levels with two replications. Frying temperature was set up at 160 0C, 180 0C and 200 0C. The potato chips were fried for 3, 5, 7 minutes. The oil type used was sunflower.  The fatty acids profiles were analyses with capillary gas liquid chromatography (Varian 3400) equipped with an auto sampler and a flame ionization detector (FID) using a 50 m x 0.32 mm (I.D) fused silica bonded phase capillary column (BPX70, SGE, Melbourne, Australia). The experiments were run in duplicate and the present results are the average of the obtained values. ANOVA analysis of the results was carried out using SPSS software (version 11, 2004). The key plot software for making three dimensions was the sigma plot scientific graphing software. The results showed moisture content and colour index of blanched potato chips decreased significantly with increasing frying time and temperature. Furthermore, unsaturated fatty acids (cis oleic and linoleic) decrease after long period frying

    Sifat Fisiko-Kimia Kopi Seduh Instan Liberika Tungkal Jambi yang Diproduksi Dengan Metode Kokristalisasi

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    Pembuatan kopi seduh instan menggunakan metode kokristalisasi sangat dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi sukrosa (gula pasir) yang digunakan sebagai agen pengkristal. Lima taraf konsentrasi gula pasir (15, 25, 35, 45 dan 55%) dipelajari pengaruhnya terhadap sifat fisiko-kimia kopi instan Liberika Tungkal Jambi. Perlakuan diterapkan dalam rancangan acak lengkap 4 kali ulangan. Bubuk kopi diekstak menggunakan ekstraktor khusus kopi pada perbandingan air panas/kopi sebesar 15/1.  Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar air, kadar abu, pH, kelarutan, dan total padatan terlarut. Terhadap data yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis ragam dan uji lanjut DNMRT pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi gula berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, pH, dan total padatan terlarut tetapi tidak untuk kelarutan. Konsentrasi gula yang optimal untuk menghasilkan kopi instan Liberika Tungkal Jambi dengan mutu yang terbaik adalah 25%

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Terhadap Keaktifan dan Kemampuan Mahasiswa

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran berbasis proyek dalam meningkatkan aktivitas dan kemampuan mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Weak Experimental dengan desain One Group Pretest – Posttest yang dilakukan kepada mahasiswasemester lima pada mata kuliah Sanitasi Industri, Program studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument tes dan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa meningkat berdasarkan n-gain rata-rata kelas yang masuk dalam kriteria sedang sebesar 0,39. Tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran berbasis proyek termasuk kedalam kriteria sangat tertarik (94,92%) dengan persentase sangat setuju 30,98% dan setuju 63,93%. Metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek efektif dalam meningkatkan aktivitas dan kemampuan mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Sanitasi Industri.Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of project-based learning in increasing student activities and abilities. The research method used is Weak Experimental with the design of One Group Pretest – Posttest which is carried out to fifth semester students in the Industrial Sanitation course, Agricultural Product Technology Study Program. Collecting data using test instruments and questionnaires. Data analysis was done by descriptive analysis. The results showed that the student's ability increased based on the n-gain average class that was included in the moderate criteria of 0.39. Student responses to project-based learning were included in the criteria for being very interested (94.92%) with the percentage strongly agreeing 30.98% and agreeing 63.93%. Project-based learning methods are effective in increasing student activities and abilities in Industrial Sanitation courses


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    Jambi merupakan salah satu dari 14 propinsi penghasil pinang di Indonesia. Desa Teluk Kulbi Kecamatan Betara merupakan salah satu desa penghasil pinang di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat Propinsi Jambi. Perkebunan pinang menjadi sumber mata pencaharian masyarakat di sana. Pelepah pinang merupakan hasil samping perkebunan pinang di Desa Teluk Kulbi. Selama ini, pelepah pinang hanya dibakar atau dibiarkan menjadi kompos di lahan.  Kandungan seluosa, hemiiselulosa dan lignin pada pelepah memberikan karakteristik pelepah yang kokoh sehingga memungkinkan untuk dicetak menjadi piring khususnya berupa piring sekali pakai (disposable plate). Piring pelepah pinang bersifat mudah terurai secara alami (biodegradable) dan ramah lingkungan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) dilaksanakan di Desa Teluk Kulbi terhadap dua kelompok sasaran, yaitu BUMDes Jadi Mulya dan Kelompok Masyarakat Peduli Gambut (KMPG) Rumpun Mas. Tujuan kegiatan adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok sasaran dan terbentuk unit usaha produktif piring pelepah pinang. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan dan pendampingan dengan fokus pada teknologi proses produksi piring ramah lingkungan dari pelepah pinang.   Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam memproduksi piring pelepah pinang dan terbentuk unit dua usaha piring pelepah pinang. Kata kunci: Pelepah pinang, piring, produksi, desa Teluk Kulbi ABSTRACT Jambi is one of areca nut (Areca catechu L.) producing province in Indonesia. Teluk Kulbi village is one of areca nut producing village in Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency Jambi province. Areca nut plantations as a source of livehood for its citizens. Areca sheaths are by-product of areca nut platations in Teluk Kulbi village. All this time, areca sheats was burned and let naturally composting in plantations areas.  Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin in areca sheath form strong structures, so it can formed plate especially disposable plate (disposable plate). Areca plate is biodegradable and eco-friendly. The empowerment program was carried out in  BUMDes Jadi Mulya dan Kelompok Masyarakat Peduli Gambut (KMPG) Rumpun Mas Teluk Kulbi village. The aims of this program were improve knowledge and skill of the participants and set up areca plate business unit.  The program gave training and mentorship focusing in production technology of areca sheath. The results showed that knowledge and skill of participants was improved and established two areca plate business unit in Teluk Kulbi village.     Keywords: Areca catechu, plate, production, Teluk Kulbi villag

    Pemanfaatan Biji Karet Sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Tortila Chips di RT 02 Desa Suka Maju Muaro Jambi

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    Tujuan dari program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah menciptakan kemandirian ibu-ibu Desa agar dapat berinovasi dan berkreativitas dalam memanfaatkan hasil samping perkebunannya, sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk yang dapat menambah pendapatan rumah tangga. Guna mencapai tujuan ini, diperlukan transfer teknologi kepada ibu-ibu pedesaan melalui pengolahan biji karet menjadi produk tortilla chip. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan PPM ini adalah: (1) Sosialisasi cara mereduksi HCN biji karet sebelum dibuat tepung biji karet, (2) Demo langsung kepada ibu-ibu tentang cara pembuatan tortilla chip dengan memanfaatkan tepung biji karet, (3) memberikan Teknik pemasaran dan melatih cara pengemasan produk.    &nbsp