457 research outputs found

    Study Of Water-In-Diesel Emulsion Stabilized By Surfactant

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    The emulsified fuel is generally describe as an emulsion of water in standard diesel with special additives ,surfactants to stabilize the system. The main driving forces to emulsification fuel alternative are fuel efficiency and environmental impact

    Analyzing Difficulties in Problem Solving of the Polygon Area for Elementary Students

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    Mathematics is part from a human activity; it cannot be separated from daily human life, both in theory and in practice. Problem solving is the most important topic in learning Mathematics. However, problem solving is a complex process that has many components. One of them is the difficulty of students in answering the questions about how to find the area of polygon. Students are hard to find out two or more shapes contained in polygon. The students are hard to find unknown measurements, because they do not understand the questions. Therefore, teachers should give guidance to the students in order to help them to solve problems correctly. The purpose of this study was to analyze students’ difficulties to solve the problems of the polygon area questions for the fourth grade of one state elementary in Padang Sidimpuan City. There were 33 participants consisting of 16 male and 17 female students. The students were given a problem solving test and the questions were related to a wide area of polygon consisting of five questions. The findings of the study indicated that students were hard to find solutions to solve mathematical problems of the polygon area flat shapes in class, suggesting that teachers should strive to develop students’ critical thinking as well as creative thinking so they will have a good problem solving skills

    Therapeutic properties of meswak chewing sticks: A review

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    Meswak “a chewing stick” usually 15 cm long and 1 cm in diameter is taken from the roots or young twigs of Salvadora persica L. Meswak has been used in folk medicine for a very long time for different medical condition treatments. The cultural and religious use of meswak for dental hygiene is still wildly spread, throughout parts of Asia, Africa, and Middle East, and because of its wide distribution. Clinical studies comparing adult habitual meswak users and habitual toothbrush users have shown better periodontal status in meswak users. However, the beneficial effects of meswak in respect of oral hygiene and dental health are partly due to its mechanical action and pharmacological actions. Different studies conclude that the values of these sticks are probably due to their different chemical components and ways of cleaning mechanisms. Previous literature reveals that meswak has strong antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral) and pharmacological (hypoglycemic, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-ulcer, and anti-oxidative) activities. The use of meswak has been recommended by Islam. Actually, meswak was known before Islam, but Islam added a religious prospective to the use of meswak. It is endowed by several characteristics supporting its use. In view of such facts, the ecology, geographical distribution, and the chemical constituents of the plant have been investigated time by time by several researchers. The therapeutic aspects of meswak and its important role in plaque control, gingival recession, tooth wear, bleeding gums, and periodontal health as well as its availability and cheap cost factor may be the major reasons for its recommendation by world health organization. The present review concludes the biology of meswak tree and cultural value of meswak with reference to current literature.Keywords: Meswak, folk medicine, Islam, dental, oral hygiene, antimicrobial, revie

    Heat Transfer and Correlations of Jet Array Impingement with Flat and Pimple-Dimpled Plate

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    This study compares and analyses the heat transfer between a novel jet array impingement configuration (designated as NPR) and a baseline jet orifice plate (flat) in a maximum crossflow scheme. Both jet plates feature inline arrays of 20 x 26 circular air jets that orthogonally impinge on a flat target surface consisting of 20 segments, parallel to the jet plates. The NPR plate consists of staggered semi-spherical pimples (protrusions) and dimples (imprints) with a jet-to-pimple diameter ratio (Dj,p/Dp) of 0.07 and jet length-to-pimple diameter ratio (L/Dj,p) of ~ 1 with a protrusion ratio (tp/Dj,p) of 2.78. The dimples (imprints) have a jet-to-dimple diameter ratio (Dj,d/Dd) of 0.14 with an (L/Dj,d) of 0.5 and an imprint ratio (td/Dj,d) of 1.28. The averaged jet diameter for the NPR plate is calculated based on the definition of the total effective open area of the jets, which is equal to 3.49 mm. The flat plate is designed to be compared to the NPR plate and consists of jet orifice diameters (Dj) of 3.49 mm, with a length-to-diameter ratio (L/Dj) of ~ 1. In both plate configurations, the streamwise and spanwise directions jet-to-jet spacings (X/Dj), (Y/Dj), respectively, are maintained constant at 7.16. The physical mechanisms that cause the change in heat transfer, normalized by Nusselt number, when comparing both configurations are discussed in two regions: impingement and crossflow. Turbulent flow structures and experimental heat transfer are explored over three jet-averaged Reynolds numbers (Reav,j) of 5,000, 7,000, and 9,000, and are compared to available numerical results. Jet-to-target wall ratio (Z/Dj) is varied between (2.4, 2.87, 3.25, 4, and 6) jet diameters. Subsequently, multiple regression of the logarithms is used on the results obtained from the heat transfer experiments and are correlated into a dimensionless approach. Appropriate statistical methods are also reported along with the correlations for both flat and pimple-dimple plates. Enhancement of up to 23% in the heat transfer coefficient in the NPR plate is seen in the crossflow region, where the crossflow effects are maximized. However, this convex-concaved plate yields lower globally-averaged heat transfer coefficients


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Komputer dan Jaringan Dasar antara kelas yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran Active Learning dengan bantuan fitur Activity wizard pada Cisco Packet Tracer dengan kelas yang menerapkan metode pembelajaran berbasis masalah tanpa Activity wizard. Serta untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara keaktifan siswa terhadap hasil belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMKN 2 Bojonegoro pada kelas XI TKJ 1 dan XI TKJ 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Quasi Experimental Design, dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari Uji T diketahui kelompok kelas eksperimen mendapat nilai rata-rata sebesar 84,91 dan nilai rata-rata kelas kontrol adalah 79.62. Selain itu juga diperoleh nilai P-Value sebesar 0.001. Nilai ini kurang dari taraf signifikasi sebesar α = 0.05, sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Dengan demikian terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan dimana hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran Active Learning berbasis activity wizard lebih baik dibanding dengan metode pembelajaran berbasis masalah tanpa activity wizard. Sedangkan dari hasil uji korelasi keaktifan siswa terhadap hasil belajar diperoleh P-Value sebesar 0.001, nilai ini kurang dari taraf signifikasi sebesar α = 0.05 yang berarti terdapat pengaruh positif antara keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar. Selain itu dari analisis angket penelitian ini diketahui siswa memiliki motivasi yang tinggi yakni sebesar 86% dan kepuasan sebesar 87% terhadap metode pembelajaran Active Learning berbasis activity wizard yang diterapkan. Kata kunci: Metode pembelajaran, Active Learning, Activity wizard, hasil belajar. Abstract The purpose of this research is to fid out difference student learning outcomes on computer and basic network course between classes that use Active Learning methodologies with the help of the feature Activity wizard on Cisco Packet Tracer and class that implements the methods of problem-based learning without Activity wizard. And to find out whether a relationship between student activity towards learning outcomes. This research was conducted at SMKN 2 Bojonegoro in class XI TKJ 1 and XI TKJ 2. This research uses Quasi Experimental Design approach, the research design used is the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Based on results of the research obtained from T-Test, experimental group classes get an average of 84.91 and average score of control class is 79.62. It also retrieved the value of the P-Value is 0.001. This value is less than the significance level of α = 0.05, so the conclusion can be drawn that H0 is rejected and the H1 is accepted. Thus there is a significant difference in the results of learning where students learning outcomes using the methods of activity learning with activity wizard better than the problem-based learning methods without the activity wizard. While the results of the student activity and learning outcomes correlation test obtained P-Value of 0.001, this value is less than the significance level of α = 0.05, which means there is a positive influence between student activity and learning outcomes. In addition to this research from analysis questionnaire known students have a high motivation to wit of 86% and 87% of satisfaction towards the Active Learning methods with activity wizard that is applied. Keywords: Learning methodologies, Active Learning, Activity wizard, learning outcomes


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    The objective of the project is to design and implement autonomous ball feeder mobile robot. The robot will be able to feed the ball into the outer torch automatically. The purpose of designing the robot is to enter the ROBOCON competition organized by SIRIM. This is the first participation of University Technology PETRONAS in ROBOCON competition since it is an annually competition from 2002. Without any past experience on building a robot, the Electrical & Electronic department has given the author challenges to build an autonomous robot base on certain constrains restricted by the rules stated by the organizer. The robot will be bigger in size and capable to carry heavier loads. The scope of the study will be mainly on the design and implementation of the robot from scratch or little knowledge. The study will be handled part by part from researching on the whole part of the robot until the implementation of the workable robot. The robot implementation can be divided into two main sections which is hardware and controller part ofthe robot. In the discussion part, all the robot implementation will be discussed in more detail as to make sure the objective of the project can be achieved successfully. The problem and the solution for the problem will also be discussed base on the student point of view. Before ending the chapter, some recommendation has been suggested for further improvement for the next ROBOCON team members. The suggestions made are base on the current available technology and also the experience gain by the author through out this design project. To conclude the thesis paper, the conclusion will wrap up the whole findings in a general view

    Study Of Water-In-Diesel Emulsion Stabilized By Surfactant

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    The emulsified fuel is generally describe as an emulsion of water in standard diesel with special additives ,surfactants to stabilize the system. The main driving forces to emulsification fuel alternative are fuel efficiency and environmental impact


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengaruh ketujuh jenis kecerdasan manusia menurut Howard Gardner (1983) dari kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah khususnya pada topik aljabar. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 115 responden yang diambil secara random  dari populasi. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan test dan angket. Hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh dengan  Fhitung 2,327 Ftabel 2,09 pada taraf signifikansi α=0,05. Dengan menggunakan uji Scheffe, urutan dari kemampuan menyelesaikan soal aljabar berdasarkan jenis kecerdasan adalah: Logika-matematika Kinestetik Intrapersonal Interpersonal Linguistik Spasial Musik


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    This research aims to explore the effect of the seven major kinds of human intelligence identified by Howard Gardner (1983) on students’ ability to solve mathematical problems specifically in Algebra topic. This research involves about 115 participants randomly taken from whole tested population. Data collection was conducted by introducing test and questionnaire. The hypothesis examination resulted that hypothesis was accepted at index: Fcount 2.327 Ftable 2.09 in significance level α=0.05. By using the Scheffe’s formula, order of sequence of ability to solve algebra’s problems based on the intelligence types was: Logical-mathematics Bodily-Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Linguistics Spatial Musical

    Bagaimana Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Perusahaan Logistik? Studi pada PT. JNE Cabang Kota Malang

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    Seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan logistik dalam negeri terutama di Kota Malang, kinerja perusahaan logistik menjadi penting, terutama PT. JNE Cabang Kota Malang. Sebagai perusahaan jasa, maka pelayanan terbaik terhadap konsumen menjadi kunci kinerja karyawan yang juga bagian dari kinerja perusahaan. Kinerja karyawan dapat ditingkatkan melalui kompensasi dan motivasi kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampel proporsional di seluruh divisi perusahaan dengan total sebanyak 81 karyawan yang diuji menggunakan teknik analisa regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa kompensasi dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan
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