29 research outputs found

    O Absurdo na criação da personagem cinematográfica

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    Neste trabalho procurei compreender o papel da personagem cinematográfica na transmissão de uma obra Absurda, segundo os parâmetros defínidos por Albert Camus no livro O Mito de Sísifo. Uma vez que Manifesto dos Danados, a curta-metragem associada ao aprofundamento teórico desenvolvido na presente dissertação, pretende ser uma obra Absurda, foi necessário perceber como se pode abordar a construção narrativa formalmente, e como se deve estruturar a personagem de forma a veicular os princípios do Absurdo. Começo por tentar restringir e analisar as dois eixos centrais da questão de investigação em que se centra a presente dissertação: a personagem e o Absurdo. Quanto à personagem, foi necessário aprofundar as várias camadas na sua construção, bem como explicar os vários artificios que podem auxiliar o seu desenvolvimento. Relativamente ao Absurdo, foi necessário uma contextualização histórica que explique a sua origem e natureza. Para compreender o papel da personagem na obra cinematográfica Absurda, achei obrigatório seguir uma linha de pensamento através das artes narrativas de forma a perceber não só qual o papel que a personagem joga nas diferentes abordagens, mas também quais as diferenças formais que se verificam pela natureza exclusiva de cada arte. Desta forma, optei por uma linha de pensamento que percorre a literatura em primeiro lugar (uma vez que esta é a tradução mais imediata entre o pensamento e a palavra, facilitando a transmissão dos conteúdos), seguida do teatro (uma vez que este traduz a palavra para a acção), e finalmente o cinema. Nesse sentido, foram analisadas, por cada uma das expressões artísticas destacadas, três obras que permitiram perceber as diferenças de papel da personagem, e de que forma o meio influencia a transmissão da obra Absurda. De uma forma sucinta, enquanto a personagem na literatura é o suficiente para provocar no leitor uma reflexão sobre o Absurdo, no teatro e no cinema este aprofundamento não basta. O narrador existente na literatura, que nos abre a janela para o interior da personagem, está-nos vedado nas restantes artes destacadas. Não é natural ao teatro ou ao cinema a utilização desse tipo de artificio literário. Desta forma, os elementos formais de cada uma das artes têm de se impor sobre a personagem, procurando criar um divórcio entre personagem/acção e, no limite, espectador/acção. Para que tal seja possível, os meios naturais disponíveis a cada arte devem ser extremados, procurando um choque constante entre a obra e o espectador de forma a criar uma reflexão sobre o Absurdo. Estas ilações teóricas foram indispensáveis ao desenvolvimento da curta-metragem Manifesto dos Danados, sendo a última parte da presente dissertação dedicada à explicação dos passos conceptuais tomados de forma a poder tentar criar uma obra Absurda. No entanto, apesar do trabalho teórico apresentado e da sua experimentação na prática, a temática do Absurdo, pelas suas consequências, possui ainda um vasto terreno a explorar, que, pela minha paixão sobre a questão, faz da presente dissertação um primeiro passo numa pesquisa que espero não só poder continuar a aprofundar, como a pôr em prática no campo cinematográfico

    Comparative epidemiological study of breast cancer in humans and canine mammary tumors: insights from Portugal

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    Dogs spontaneously develop mammary gland tumors (MGT) and exhibit striking similarities in clinical and epidemiological characteristics to human breast cancer (HBC). Descriptive and comparative analysis of HBC and canine MGT with a focus on evaluating similarities and geographical distribution were the aims of this study. HBC cases were obtained from North Regional Oncological Registry (RORENO) (2010–2015) and canine MGT cases from Vet-OncoNet (2019–2022). Analyses were performed based on published and well accepted classification systems (ICD-O-3.2 for humans and Vet-ICD-O-canine-1). Age-standardized incidence risks (ASIR) of Porto district municipalities were calculated using 2021 Portuguese census (INE) and data from the Portuguese animal registration system (SIAC). Among 7,674 HBC cases and 1,140 MGT cases, a similar age and sex distribution pattern was observed. Approximately 69.2% of HBC cases were between 40 and 69 years old, while 66.9% of MGT cases were diagnosed between 7 and 12 years old (mean age of 9.6 years, SD = 2.6). In women, Invasive breast carcinoma (8500/3) was the most common histological type (n = 5,679, 74%) while in dogs it was the Complex Carcinoma (8983.1/3) (n = 205, 39%). Cocker and Yorkshire Terriers exhibited the highest relative risks (3.2 and 1.6, p < 0.05, respectively) when compared to cross breed dogs. The municipalities' ASIR of the two species exhibited a high correlation (R = 0.85, p < 0.01) and the spatial cluster analysis revealed similar geographic hotspots. Also, higher ASIR values both in women and dogs were more frequently found in urbanized areas compared to rural areas. This research sheds light on the shared features and geographical correlation between HBC and canine MGT, highlighting the potential of cross-species environmental oncology studies

    Characterisation of antimicrobial usage in Danish pigs in 2020

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    IntroductionDenmark is one of the world’s largest exporters of pigs and pig meat, so the sector plays an important role in the national antimicrobial use (AMU). The Danish government has run antimicrobial stewardship programs in collaboration with the pig industry for more than 25 years. These have resulted in substantial overall reductions in total AMU and limiting the use of fluoroquinolones, the 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporines and the polymyxin colistin. To understand where further reductions in AMU could take place, it is necessary to investigate which antimicrobials are being used, how, and for which reasons.Materials and methodsWe characterized the AMU in the Danish pig sector in 2020, providing new analytical insights based on data retrieved from the VetStat database. The AMU data were segmented into classes, routes of administration, treatment indications and age groups, and interpreted as an outcome of the interventions taken. We evaluated the current AMU regarding choice of antimicrobial class. Moreover, we discussed how to further improve the antimicrobial stewardship in Danish pig production to achieve additional reductions without jeopardizing animal welfare. Where relevant, two pig veterinary specialists were consulted.ResultsIn 2020, 43.3 mg antimicrobials per population correction unit (PCU) were ascribed to the Danish pig sector. There was practically no use of fluoroquinolones, 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporins and polymyxins. Weaners related to 45% of the total AMU in pigs when measured in tonnes and 81% when measured in defined animal daily doses, of these 76% were ascribed to gastrointestinal indications and overall, 83% were administered perorally.ConclusionTo enable further reductions in AMU, it should be investigated how and when to replace group treatments (e.g., all animals in section or a pen) with individual treatments. Moreover, prevention of disease and promotion of animal health should be prioritized, e.g., through focus on feed, vaccination, biosecurity, and disease eradication

    Use of a new antimicrobial consumption monitoring system (Vet-AMNet): Application to Dutch dairy sector over a 9-year period

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    INTRODUCTION: The urgency of preventing the increase of antimicrobial resistance has been emphasized by international authorities such as the World Health Organization, European Medicines Agency, and World Organization for Animal Health. Monitoring systems capable of reporting antimicrobial consumption data are regarded as a crucial pillar of this fight. The Vet-AMNet system was developed to collect and analyze national antimicrobial consumption data in Portuguese dairy farms to support the veterinary authority in stewardship actions and to assist both veterinarians and farmers in daily decisions related to antimicrobials. METHODS: To evaluate the robustness of the system and other identified critical success factors, it was used to analyze antimicrobial consumption data available from the Dutch dairy cow sector over the period from 2012 to 2020. The data previously used for publications by the Netherlands Veterinary Medicines Institute (SDa) were imported and pre-processed by the Vet-AMNet system according to the SDa's standard operating procedure and the Dutch metrics to measure antimicrobial consumption were calculated. RESULTS: By comparing the outputs with the figures generated by the system established in the Netherlands, the Portuguese system was validated. Antimicrobial consumption data from the Dutch dairy sector during the 9-year period will be presented in unpublished graphs and tables, where each molecule's pharmaceutical formulation, pharmacotherapeutic group and line of choice will be related and discussed, illustrating the evolution of sectorial antimicrobial consumption against a background of a strong national antimicrobial policy initiated by public-private cooperation and supported by legislation

    Vet-OncoNet: Malignancy Analysis of Neoplasms in Dogs and Cats

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    Analysis of canine and feline tumor malignancy data can help clinicians identify high-risk patients and make more accurate decisions. Based on a sample of 16,272 cancer records, including 3266 cats and 13,006 dogs, collected from January 2019 to December 2021 in the Vet-OncoNet Network database, this study aimed to compare the tumor malignancy profile between cats and dogs, considering animal-related factors (sex, age, and breed), topography, and geographic location using a mixed-effects logistic regression model. Cats had a higher proportion of malignant tumors (78.7%) than dogs (46.2%), and the malignancy profile was very different regarding tumors’ topographies.The mean age of malignant tumors occurred eight months later than benign ones (9.1, SD = 3.4; 9.8,SD = 3.2), in general. Species (OR = 3.96, 95%CI 3.57: 4.39) and topography (MOR = 4.10) were the two most important determinants of malignancy risk. Female dogs had a higher risk than male dogs (OR = 1.19, 95%CI 1.08: 1.31), which does not appear to be the case in cats (OR = 0.98, 95%CI0.77: 1.23). Breed contributed significantly to differences in malignancy risk in dogs (MOR = 1.56), particularly in pit bulls and boxers. District of residence was not so relevant in predicting malignancy risk (MOR = 1.14). In both species, the risk of malignancy increased by approximately 20% every three years. It could be hypothesized that species differences in genetic structure may contribute to tumor malignancy

    Vet-ICD-O-Canine-1, a System for Coding Canine Neoplasms Based on the Human ICD-O-3.2

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    Cancer registries are fundamental tools for collecting epidemiological cancer data and developing cancer prevention and control strategies. While cancer registration is common in the human medical field, many attempts to develop animal cancer registries have been launched over time, but most have been discontinued. A pivotal aspect of cancer registration is the availability of cancer coding systems, as provided by the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O). Within the Global Initiative for Veterinary Cancer Surveillance (GIVCS), established to foster and coordinate animal cancer registration worldwide, a group of veterinary pathologists and epidemiologists developed a comparative coding system for canine neoplasms. Vet-ICD-O-canine-1 is compatible with the human ICD-O-3.2 and is consistent with the currently recognized classification schemes for canine tumors. It comprises 335 topography codes and 534 morphology codes. The same code as in ICD-O-3.2 was used for the majority of canine tumors showing a high level of similarity to their human counterparts (n = 408). De novo codes (n = 152) were created for specific canine tumor entities (n = 126) and topographic sites (n = 26). The Vet-ICD-O-canine-1 coding system represents a user-friendly, easily accessible, and comprehensive resource for developing a canine cancer registration system that will enable studies within the One Health space

    Vet-ICD-O-Canine-1, a System for Coding Canine Neoplasms Based on the Human ICD-O-3.2.

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    Cancer registries are fundamental tools for collecting epidemiological cancer data and developing cancer prevention and control strategies. While cancer registration is common in the human medical field, many attempts to develop animal cancer registries have been launched over time, but most have been discontinued. A pivotal aspect of cancer registration is the availability of cancer coding systems, as provided by the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O). Within the Global Initiative for Veterinary Cancer Surveillance (GIVCS), established to foster and coordinate animal cancer registration worldwide, a group of veterinary pathologists and epidemiologists developed a comparative coding system for canine neoplasms. Vet-ICD-O-canine-1 is compatible with the human ICD-O-3.2 and is consistent with the currently recognized classification schemes for canine tumors. It comprises 335 topography codes and 534 morphology codes. The same code as in ICD-O-3.2 was used for the majority of canine tumors showing a high level of similarity to their human counterparts (n = 408). De novo codes (n = 152) were created for specific canine tumor entities (n = 126) and topographic sites (n = 26). The Vet-ICD-O-canine-1 coding system represents a user-friendly, easily accessible, and comprehensive resource for developing a canine cancer registration system that will enable studies within the One Health space

    Relationship between stepping and kicking behavior and milking management in dairy cattle herds

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    We studied the relationship between behavior during milking with milking parlor management, measuring the occurrence of steps and kicks, and cow-related factors. We also investigated the link between stepping and kicking during milking and udder health. A total of 2,903 direct observations of milking behavior were collected in 44 dairy herds in the north of Portugal. The results showed great variability in the occurrence of stepping and kicking among herds during milking. Mixed linear and logistic regression models for factors associated with stepping and kicking were developed. Cows in tandem milking parlors took fewer steps (P < 0.003) than in herringbone ones, although in the tandem milking system, more kicking occurred than in parallel and herringbone systems. Milking room temperatures of more than 27°C led to a higher frequency of kicks among cows (P < 0.010). The practice of overmilking also produced a significantly greater frequency of cow stepping (P < 0.001). Primiparous cows stepped a third less frequently than did greater parity cows but showed a greater tendency to kick compared with the multiparous ones. Cows with somatic cell counts for more than 200,000 cells/mL at the time of the visit also showed a trend toward higher kicking frequency. The results suggest that animal welfare measures, like kicking and stepping, are suitable for epidemiologic studies. Significant interactions were observed when animals were affected by challenging health and welfare situations.All farmers participating in the study are gratefully acknowledged for their cooperation. This work was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) and Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (grant number: SFRH/BD/36151/ 2007 and SFRH/PROTEC/50056/2009). We also want to thank Dr. Cecilia Pedernera for valuable comments on the article.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross Species Analysis and Comparison of Tumors in Dogs and Cats, by Age, Sex, Topography and Main Morphologies. Data from Vet-OncoNet

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    The animal cancer burden is essential for the translational value of companion animals in comparative oncology. The present work aims to describe, analyze, and compare frequencies and associations of tumors in dogs and cats based on the Animal Cancer Registry created by Vet-OncoNet. With 9079 registries, regarding 2019 and 2020, 81% (n = 7355) belonged to dogs. In comparison, cats have a general one-year right advance in the mean age of cancer diagnosis compared to dogs. The multivariate topography group analysis shows a distinct pattern between the two species: dogs have higher odds of cancer in the genito-urinary system, spleen, soft tissue tumors and skin, while cats show higher odds for tumors in the eyes, digestive organs, nasal cavity, lymph nodes, bones and mammary glands. Regarding morphologies, dogs are overrepresented in mast cell tumors (MCT), melanomas, and hemangiosarcomas. While cats are overrepresented in fibrosarcomas, lymphomas (T and B-cell), in malignant mammary tumors, and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Females have greater odds only in the mammary gland, with males having greater odds in six of twelve topographies. This study is the first outcome of continuous animal cancer registration studies in Portugal

    Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on veterinary rehabilitation and physical therapy

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