44 research outputs found

    Providing the family-nurse partnership programme through interpreters in England

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    This study looks at the delivery of the Family-Nurse Partnership (FNP) in England with interpreters. This home-visiting programme for vulnerable, young first-time mothers is known in the USA as the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP). FNP is manualised with a number of fidelity targets and stretch objectives. This study covers the first two phases, pregnancy and infancy (up to 12 months). The programme relies on the development of a close nurse-client relationship. Interpreters can be a barrier for therapeutic work with vulnerable groups. The aims are to determine from quantitative and qualitative data whether the FNP programme can be delivered with fidelity in the presence of an interpreter and to explore issues concerned with the impact of interpreters on relationships. Statistical comparisons were made of delivery objectives over 2 years, from April 2007 to February 2009, in the 10 sites in England, spread across all nine Government Office Regions providing FNP. Forty-three clients had an interpreter at some point and 1261 did not. Qualitative interviews were conducted between April and May 2009 with 30 stakeholders (nurses, clients, interpreters). In relation to quantitative indicators, the percentage of planned content covered in visits was lower with interpreters (pregnancy 90% vs. 94%; infancy 88% vs. 93%) and both understanding and involvement of clients, as judged by nurses on 5-point scales, were lower (understanding, pregnancy 4.3 vs. 4.6, infancy 3.8 vs. 4.5; involvement, pregnancy 4.4 vs. 4.7, infancy 3.7 vs. 4.5). The interpreter was not thought by nurses to impede the development of a collaborative client-nurse relationship unless the interpreter and client became too close, but some nurses and clients reported that they would rather manage without an interpreter. Some stress was noted for nurses delivering the programme with an interpreter. More research is needed to determine the extent to which interpreters accurately convey the programme's strength-based approach

    Harnessing the green and blue : an investigation of ecosystem-based adaptation measures in four southern Swedish coastal municipalities

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    Climate change poses a current and ongoing threat to urban areas worldwide. Rising sea levels and the increased occurrence of heatwaves, heavy rainfall and related impacts due to erosion and landslides in particular are risks that are becoming increasingly urgent to address in the near future. Though Sweden is seen as a pioneer in sustainable city development, climate change adaptation is a relatively recent addition to the discourse, with previous focus primarily on mitigation and liveable cities. Where adaptation has been addressed at all, it has often been done by means of technical approaches and 'hard measures' using built structures and traditionally engineered ‘grey infrastructure’. The emerging approach of 'ecosystem-based adaptation', which uses ecological structures and the services they generate as part of an overall strategy to adapt to the impacts of climate change, is investigated with regard to its potential to contribute to adaptation and risk reduction strategies and measures in Sweden. This thesis identifies existing and potential measures under an ecosystem-based adaptation approach by means of literature review, analysis of planning documents, and key informant interviews in four coastal municipalities in southern Sweden. The measures identified are categorised and analysed for their potential to contribute to a more integrated climate change adaptation—disaster risk reduction approach, and social, economic, environmental and climate change mitigation co-benefits are identified for each measure. Finally, barriers and opportunities to the implementation of these measures are discussed. While the range of measures planned and implemented show that there is awareness within the municipalities of the underlying principles of an ecosystem-based adaptation approach, integration into climate adaptation planning documents is varied, and adaptation measures in general are still in their infancy. Planners mention a variety of implemented measures which do not in fact have climate change adaptation as their primary focus, showing the diversity of reasons for engagement in ecosystem-based approaches in these municipalities. While this diversity is positive, there are elements from theory could contribute to a more comprehensive ecosystem-based adaptation approach. Examples of these are evaluative techniques for adaptive and risk-reducing structures to make their adaptation services more transparent, including multi-criteria analysis. The integration of stakeholder perspectives and management is a further element which could be harnessed more effectively in this process

    Presentation Panel on Preservation Best Practices

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    How do existing practices for digital preservation apply to digital 3D data? What are current digital curation practices and how do they translate to 3D data? What guidance exists or is being developed to provide steps for forward migration and format longevity of 3D data? What is raw 3D data and how do we record digital provenance? How can we work around proprietary file formats? http://www.dpconline.org/handbook/technical-solutions-and-tools/file-formats-and-standard

    Impairment in Theory of Mind in Parkinson’s Disease Is Explained by Deficits in Inhibition

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    Objective. Several studies have reported that people with Parkinson's disease (PD) perform poorly on tests of 'Theory of Mind' (ToM), suggesting impairment in the ability to understand and infer other people's thoughts and feelings. However, few studies have sought to separate the processes involved in social reasoning from those involved in managing the inhibitory demands on these tests. In this study, we investigated the contribution of inhibition to ToM performance in PD. Methods. 18 PD patients and 22 age-matched healthy controls performed a ToM test that separates the ability to infer someone else's perspective from the ability to inhibit one's own. Participants also completed a battery of standard measures of social and executive functioning, including measures of inhibition. Results. The PD patients performed worse on the ToM test only when the inhibitory demands were high. When the level of inhibition required was reduced, there were no significant group differences. Furthermore, executive impairments in PD patients were limited to measures of inhibition, with disadvantages associated with poorer ToM performance in this group. Conclusions. This study provides convincing evidence that the apparent impairment observed on ToM tests in PD is explained by deficits in inhibition

    Sensitivity and specificity of the ECAS in Parkinson’s disease and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

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    Disentangling Parkinson’s disease (PD) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) may be a diagnostic challenge. Cognitive signs may be useful, but existing screens are often insufficiently sensitive or unsuitable for assessing people with motor disorders. We investigated whether the newly developed ECAS, designed to be used with people with even severe motor disability, was sensitive to the cognitive impairment seen in PD and PSP and able to distinguish between these two disorders. Thirty patients with PD, 11 patients with PSP, and 40 healthy controls were assessed using the ECAS, as well as an extensive neuropsychological assessment. The ECAS detected cognitive impairment in 30% of the PD patients, all of whom fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for mild cognitive impairment. The ECAS was also able to detect cognitive impairment in PSP patients, with 81.8% of patients performing in the impaired range. The ECAS total score distinguished between the patients with PSP and healthy controls with high sensitivity (91.0) and specificity (86.8). Importantly, the ECAS was also able to distinguish between the two syndromes, with the measures of verbal fluency offering high sensitivity (82.0) and specificity (80.0). In sum, the ECAS is a quick, simple, and inexpensive test that can be used to support the differential diagnosis of PSP

    Love is the triumph of the imagination: daydreams about significant others are associated with increased happiness, love and connection

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    Social relationships and interactions contribute to daily emotional well-being. The emotional benefits that come from engaging with others are known to arise from real events, but do they also come from the imagination during daydreaming activity? Using experience sampling methodology with 101 participants, we obtained 371 reports of naturally occurring daydreams with social and non-social content and self-reported feelings before and after daydreaming. Social, but not non-social, daydreams were associated with increased happiness, love and connection and this effect was not solely attributable to the emotional content of the daydreams. These effects were only present when participants were lacking in these feelings before daydreaming and when the daydream involved imagining others with whom the daydreamer had a high quality relationship. Findings are consistent with the idea that social daydreams may function to regulate emotion: imagining close others may serve the current emotional needs of daydreamers by increasing positive feelings towards themselves and others

    Classification schemes for knowledge translation interventions: a practical resource for researchers

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    Abstract Background As implementation science advances, the number of interventions to promote the translation of evidence into healthcare, health systems, or health policy is growing. Accordingly, classification schemes for these knowledge translation (KT) interventions have emerged. A recent scoping review identified 51 classification schemes of KT interventions to integrate evidence into healthcare practice; however, the review did not evaluate the quality of the classification schemes or provide detailed information to assist researchers in selecting a scheme for their context and purpose. This study aimed to further examine and assess the quality of these classification schemes of KT interventions, and provide information to aid researchers when selecting a classification scheme. Methods We abstracted the following information from each of the original 51 classification scheme articles: authors’ objectives; purpose of the scheme and field of application; socioecologic level (individual, organizational, community, system); adaptability (broad versus specific); target group (patients, providers, policy-makers), intent (policy, education, practice), and purpose (dissemination versus implementation). Two reviewers independently evaluated the methodological quality of the development of each classification scheme using an adapted version of the AGREE II tool. Based on these assessments, two independent reviewers reached consensus about whether to recommend each scheme for researcher use, or not. Results Of the 51 original classification schemes, we excluded seven that were not specific classification schemes, not accessible or duplicates. Of the remaining 44 classification schemes, nine were not recommended. Of the 35 recommended classification schemes, ten focused on behaviour change and six focused on population health. Many schemes (n = 29) addressed practice considerations. Fewer schemes addressed educational or policy objectives. Twenty-five classification schemes had broad applicability, six were specific, and four had elements of both. Twenty-three schemes targeted health providers, nine targeted both patients and providers and one targeted policy-makers. Most classification schemes were intended for implementation rather than dissemination. Conclusions Thirty-five classification schemes of KT interventions were developed and reported with sufficient rigour to be recommended for use by researchers interested in KT in healthcare. Our additional categorization and quality analysis will aid in selecting suitable classification schemes for research initiatives in the field of implementation science