307 research outputs found

    A Randomness Threshold for Online Bipartite Matching, via Lossless Online Rounding

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    Over three decades ago, Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani (STOC'90) introduced the online bipartite matching problem. They observed that deterministic algorithms' competitive ratio for this problem is no greater than 1/21/2, and proved that randomized algorithms can do better. A natural question thus arises: \emph{how random is random}? i.e., how much randomness is needed to outperform deterministic algorithms? The \textsc{ranking} algorithm of Karp et al.~requires O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) random bits, which, ignoring polylog terms, remained unimproved. On the other hand, Pena and Borodin (TCS'19) established a lower bound of (1o(1))loglogn(1-o(1))\log\log n random bits for any 1/2+Ω(1)1/2+\Omega(1) competitive ratio. We close this doubly-exponential gap, proving that, surprisingly, the lower bound is tight. In fact, we prove a \emph{sharp threshold} of (1±o(1))loglogn(1\pm o(1))\log\log n random bits for the randomness necessary and sufficient to outperform deterministic algorithms for this problem, as well as its vertex-weighted generalization. This implies the same threshold for the advice complexity (nondeterminism) of these problems. Similar to recent breakthroughs in the online matching literature, for edge-weighted matching (Fahrbach et al.~FOCS'20) and adwords (Huang et al.~FOCS'20), our algorithms break the barrier of 1/21/2 by randomizing matching choices over two neighbors. Unlike these works, our approach does not rely on the recently-introduced OCS machinery, nor the more established randomized primal-dual method. Instead, our work revisits a highly-successful online design technique, which was nonetheless under-utilized in the area of online matching, namely (lossless) online rounding of fractional algorithms. While this technique is known to be hopeless for online matching in general, we show that it is nonetheless applicable to carefully designed fractional algorithms with additional (non-convex) constraints

    The Molecular Gas Density in Galaxy Centers and How It Connects to Bulges

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    In this paper we present gas density, star formation rate, stellar masses, and bulge disk decompositions for a sample of 60 galaxies. Our sample is the combined sample of BIMA SONG, CARMA STING, and PdBI NUGA surveys. We study the effect of using CO-to-H_2 conversion factors that depend on the CO surface brightness, and also that of correcting star formation rates for diffuse emission from old stellar populations. We estimate that star formation rates in bulges are typically lower by 20% when correcting for diffuse emission. We find that over half of the galaxies in our sample have molecular gas surface density >100 M_sun pc^-2. We find a trend between gas density of bulges and bulge Sersic index; bulges with lower Sersic index have higher gas density. Those bulges with low Sersic index (pseudobulges) have gas fractions that are similar to that of disks. We also find that there is a strong correlation between bulges with the highest gas surface density and the galaxy being barred. However, we also find that classical bulges with low gas surface density can be barred as well. Our results suggest that understanding the connection between the central surface density of gas in disk galaxies and the presence of bars should also take into account the total gas content of the galaxy and/or bulge Sersic index. Indeed, we find that high bulge Sersic index is the best predictor of low gas density inside the bulge (not barredness of the disk). Finally, we show that when using the corrected star formation rates and gas densities, the correlation between star formation rate surface density and gas surface density of bulges is similar to that of disks.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Data Analysis Pipeline for the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU Galaxy Survey: Emission-Line Modeling

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    SDSS-IV MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) is the largest integral-field spectroscopy survey to date, aiming to observe a statistically representative sample of 10,000 low-redshift galaxies. In this paper we study the reliability of the emission-line fluxes and kinematic properties derived by the MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline (DAP). We describe the algorithmic choices made in the DAP with regards to measuring emission-line properties, and the effect of our adopted strategy of simultaneously fitting the continuum and line emission. The effect of random errors are quantified by studying various fit-quality metrics, idealized recovery simulations and repeat observations. This analysis demonstrates that the emission lines are well-fit in the vast majority of the MaNGA dataset and the derived fluxes and errors are statistically robust. The systematic uncertainty on emission-line properties introduced by the choice of continuum templates is also discussed. In particular, we test the effect of using different stellar libraries and simple stellar-population models on the derived emission-line fluxes and the effect of introducing different tying prescriptions for the emission-line kinematics. We show that these effects can generate large (>> 0.2 dex) discrepancies at low signal-to-noise and for lines with low equivalent width (EW); however, the combined effect is noticeable even for Hα\alpha EW >> 6~\AA. We provide suggestions for optimal use of the data provided by SDSS data release 15 and propose refinements on the \DAP\ for future MaNGA data releases.Comment: accepted on A

    Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in high-risk pulmonary infections: a clinical review

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    The aim of this article was to review the role of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in acute pulmonary infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), H1N1 and tuberculosis, and to assess the risk of disease transmission with the use of NIV from patients to healthcare workers. We performed a clinical review by searching Medline and EMBASE. These databases were searched for articles on "clinical trials" and "randomised controlled trials". The keywords selected were non-invasive ventilation pulmonary infections, influenza-A (H1N1), SARS and tuberculosis. These terms were cross-referenced with the following keywords: health care workers, airborne infections, complications, intensive care unit and pandemic. The members of the International NIV Network examined the major results regarding NIV applications and SARS, H1N1 and tuberculosis. Cross-referencing mechanical ventilation with SARS yielded 76 studies, of which 10 studies involved the use of NIV and five were ultimately selected for inclusion in this review. Cross-referencing with H1N1 yielded 275 studies, of which 27 involved NIV. Of these, 22 were selected for review. Cross-referencing with tuberculosis yielded 285 studies, of which 15 involved NIV and from these seven were selected. In total 34 studies were selected for this review. NIV, when applied early in selected patients with SARS, H1N1 and acute pulmonary tuberculosis infections, can reverse respiratory failure. There are only a few reports of infectious disease transmission among healthcare workers

    HI Rich but Low Star Formation galaxies in MaNGA: Physical Properties and Comparison to Control Samples

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    Gas rich galaxies are typically star-forming. We make use of HI-MaNGA, a program of HI follow-up for the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys to construct a sample of unusual neutral hydrogen (HI, 21cm) rich galaxies which have low Star Formation Rates (SFRs); using infra-red color from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) as a proxy for specific SFR. Out of a set of 1575 MaNGA galaxies with HI-MaNGA detections, we find 83 (5%) meet our selection criteria to be HI rich with low SFR. We construct two stellar mass-matched control samples: HI rich galaxies with typical SFR (High SF Control) and HI poor galaxies with low SFR (Low HI Control). We investigate the properties of each of these samples, comparing physical parameters such as ionization state maps, stellar and ionized gas velocity and dispersion, environment measures, metallicity, and morphology to search for the reasons why these unusual HI rich galaxies are not forming stars. We find evidence for recent external accretion of gas in some galaxies (via high counter-rotating fractions), along with some evidence for AGN feedback (from a high cLIER and/or red geyser fraction), and bar quenching (via an enhanced strong bar fraction). Some galaxies in the sample are consistent with simply having their HI in a high angular momentum, large radius, low density disc. We conclude that no single physical process can explain all HI rich, low SFR galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, in press MNRAS. v2 following corrections noticed in proof

    The VIRUS-P Exploration of Nearby Galaxies (VENGA): Survey Design and First Results

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    VENGA is a large-scale extragalactic IFU survey, which maps the bulges, bars and large parts of the outer disks of 32 nearby normal spiral galaxies. The targets are chosen to span a wide range in Hubble types, star formation activities, morphologies, and inclinations, at the same time of having vast available multi-wavelength coverage from the far-UV to the mid-IR, and available CO and 21cm mapping. The VENGA dataset will provide 2D maps of the SFR, stellar and gas kinematics, chemical abundances, ISM density and ionization states, dust extinction and stellar populations for these 32 galaxies. The uniqueness of the VIRUS-P large field of view permits these large-scale mappings to be performed. VENGA will allow us to correlate all these important quantities throughout the different environments present in galactic disks, allowing the conduction of a large number of studies in star formation, structure assembly, galactic feedback and ISM in galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the "Third Biennial Frank N. Bash Symposium, New Horizons in Astronomy" held in Austin, TX, Oct. 2009. To be published in the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, eds. L. Stanford, L. Hao, Y. Mao, J. Gree

    The VIRUS-P Exploration of Nearby Galaxies (VENGA): Survey Design, Data Processing, and Spectral Analysis Methods

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    We present the survey design, data reduction, and spectral fitting pipeline for the VIRUS-P Exploration of Nearby Galaxies (VENGA). VENGA is an integral field spectroscopic survey, which maps the disks of 30 nearby spiral galaxies. Targets span a wide range in Hubble type, star formation activity, morphology, and inclination. The VENGA data-cubes have 5.6'' FWHM spatial resolution, ~5A FWHM spectral resolution, sample the 3600A-6800A range, and cover large areas typically sampling galaxies out to ~0.7 R_25. These data-cubes can be used to produce 2D maps of the star formation rate, dust extinction, electron density, stellar population parameters, the kinematics and chemical abundances of both stars and ionized gas, and other physical quantities derived from the fitting of the stellar spectrum and the measurement of nebular emission lines. To exemplify our methods and the quality of the data, we present the VENGA data-cube on the face-on Sc galaxy NGC 628 (a.k.a. M 74). The VENGA observations of NGC 628 are described, as well as the construction of the data-cube, our spectral fitting method, and the fitting of the stellar and ionized gas velocity fields. We also propose a new method to measure the inclination of nearly face-on systems based on the matching of the stellar and gas rotation curves using asymmetric drift corrections. VENGA will measure relevant physical parameters across different environments within these galaxies, allowing a series of studies on star formation, structure assembly, stellar populations, chemical evolution, galactic feedback, nuclear activity, and the properties of the interstellar medium in massive disk galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ, 25 pages, 18 figures, 6 table

    P-MaNGA : full spectral fitting and stellar population maps from prototype observations

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    MC acknowledges support from a Royal Society University Research Fellowship.MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) is a 6-yearSDSS-IV survey that will obtain resolved spectroscopy from 3600 Å to10300 Å for a representative sample of over 10,000 nearby galaxies.In this paper, we derive spatially resolved stellar population properties and radial gradients by performing full spectral fitting of observed galaxy spectra from P-MaNGA, a prototype of the MaNGA instrument. These data include spectra for eighteen galaxies, covering a large range of morphological type. We derive age, metallicity, dust and stellar mass maps, and their radial gradients, using high spectral-resolution stellar population models, and assess the impact of varying the stellar library input to the models. We introduce a method to determine dust extinction which is able to give smooth stellar mass maps even in cases of high and spatially non-uniform dust attenuation.With the spectral fitting we produce detailed maps of stellar population properties which allow us to identify galactic features among this diverse sample such as spiral structure, smooth radial profiles with little azimuthal structure in spheroidal galaxies, and spatially distinct galaxy sub-components. In agreement with the literature, we find the gradients for galaxies identified as early-type to be on average flat in age, and negative (- 0.15 dex / Re ) in metallicity,whereas the gradients for late-type galaxies are on average negative in age (- 0.39 dex / Re ) and flat in metallicity. We demonstrate howdifferent levels of data quality change the precision with which radialgradients can be measured. We show how this analysis, extended to thelarge numbers of MaNGA galaxies, will have the potential to shed lighton galaxy structure and evolution.PostprintPeer reviewe

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: Evidence for enriched accretion onto satellite galaxies in dense environments

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    We investigate the environmental dependence of the local gas-phase metallicity in a sample of star-forming galaxies from the MaNGA survey. Satellite galaxies with stellar masses in the range 91010.5M910^{10.5} \, \mathrm{M_{\odot}}) centrals are 0.1dex\sim 0.1 \, \mathrm{dex} more metal rich than satellites of low-mass (M<1010MM_{*} < 10^{10} \, \mathrm{M_{\odot}}) centrals, controlling for local stellar mass surface density and gas fraction. Fitting a gas-regulator model to the spaxel data, we are able to account for variations in the local gas fraction, stellar mass surface density and local escape velocity-dependent outflows. We find that the best explanation for the metallicity differences is the variation in the average metallicity of accreted gas between different environments that depends on the stellar mass of the dominant galaxies in each halo. This is interpreted as evidence for the exchange of enriched gas between galaxies in dense environments that is predicted by recent simulations