12,929 research outputs found

    Two-Dimensional Inversion Asymmetric Topological Insulators in Functionalized III-Bi Bilayers

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    The search for inversion asymmetric topological insulators (IATIs) persists as an effect for realizing new topological phenomena. However, so for only a few IATIs have been discovered and there is no IATI exhibiting a large band gap exceeding 0.6 eV. Using first-principles calculations, we predict a series of new IATIs in saturated Group III-Bi bilayers. We show that all these IATIs preserve extraordinary large bulk band gaps which are well above room-temperature, allowing for viable applications in room-temperature spintronic devices. More importantly, most of these systems display large bulk band gaps that far exceed 0.6 eV and, part of them even are up to ~1 eV, which are larger than any IATIs ever reported. The nontrivial topological situation in these systems is confirmed by the identified band inversion of the band structures and an explicit demonstration of the topological edge states. Interestingly, the nontrivial band order characteristics are intrinsic to most of these materials and are not subject to spin-orbit coupling. Owning to their asymmetric structures, remarkable Rashba spin splitting is produced in both the valence and conduction bands of these systems. These predictions strongly revive these new systems as excellent candidates for IATI-based novel applications.Comment: 17 pages,5figure

    Quasi-particle random phase approximation with quasi-particle-vibration coupling: application to the Gamow-Teller response of the superfluid nucleus 120^{120}Sn

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    We propose a self-consistent quasi-particle random phase approximation (QRPA) plus quasi-particle-vibration coupling (QPVC) model with Skyrme interactions to describe the width and the line shape of giant resonances in open-shell nuclei, in which the effect of superfluidity should be taken into account in both the ground state and the excited states. We apply the new model to the Gamow-Teller resonance in the superfluid nucleus 120^{120}Sn, including both the isoscalar spin-triplet and the isovector spin-singlet pairing interactions. The strength distribution in 120^{120}Sn is well reproduced and the underlying microscopic mechanisms, related to QPVC and also to isoscalar pairing, are analyzed in detail.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, 4 table

    Topological Crystalline Insulator and Quantum Anomalous Hall States in IV-VI based Monolayers and their Quantum Wells

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    Different from the two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator, the 2D topological crystalline insulator (TCI) phase disappears when the mirror symmetry is broken, e.g., upon placing on a substrate. Here, based on a new family of 2D TCIs - SnTe and PbTe monolayers - we theoretically predict the realization of the quantum anomalous Hall effect with Chern number C = 2 even when the mirror symmetry is broken. Remarkably, we also demonstrate that the considered materials retain their large-gap topological properties in quantum well structures obtained by sandwiching the monolayers between NaCl layers. Our results demonstrate that the TCIs can serve as a seed for observing robust topologically non-trivial phases.Comment: 5 pages, submitted on 27th Feb 201

    Quantum Hall Conductivity in a Landau Type Model with a Realistic Geometry

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    In this paper, we revisit some quantum mechanical aspects related to the Quantum Hall Effect. We consider a Landau type model, paying a special attention to the experimental and geometrical features of Quantum Hall experiments. The resulting formalism is then used to compute explicitely the Hall conductivity from a Kubo formula.Comment: LaTeX, 1 eps figur
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