38 research outputs found

    Delivery of Complex Organic Compounds from Evolved Stars to the Solar System

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    Stars in the late stages of evolution are able to synthesize complex organic compounds with aromatic and aliphatic structures over very short time scales. These compounds are ejected into the interstellar medium and distributed throughout the Galaxy. The structures of these compounds are similar to the insoluble organic matter found in meteorites. In this paper, we discuss to what extent stellar organics has enriched the primordial Solar System and possibly the early Earth

    Lunar resources: a review

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    There is growing interest in the possibility that the resource base of the Solar System might in future be used to supplement the economic resources of our own planet. As the Earth’s closest celestial neighbour, the Moon is sure to feature prominently in these developments. In this paper I review what is currently known about economically exploitable resources on the Moon, while also stressing the need for continued lunar exploration. I find that, although it is difficult to identify any single lunar resource that will be sufficiently valuable to drive a lunar resource extraction industry on its own (notwithstanding claims sometimes made for the 3He isotope, which are found to be exaggerated), the Moon nevertheless does possess abundant raw materials that are of potential economic interest. These are relevant to a hierarchy of future applications, beginning with the use of lunar materials to facilitate human activities on the Moon itself, and progressing to the use of lunar resources to underpin a future industrial capability within the Earth-Moon system. In this way, gradually increasing access to lunar resources may help ‘bootstrap’ a space-based economy from which the world economy, and possibly also the world’s environment, will ultimately benefit

    Binary systems and their nuclear explosions

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    Evidence for Reduced, Carbon-rich Regions in the Solar Nebula from an Unusual Cometary Dust Particle

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    Geochemical indicators in meteorites imply that most formed under relatively oxidizing conditions. However, some planetary materials, such as the enstatite chondrites, aubrite achondrites, and Mercury, were produced in reduced nebular environments. Because of large-scale radial nebular mixing, comets and other Kuiper Belt objects likely contain some primitive material related to these reduced planetary bodies. Here, we describe an unusual assemblage in a dust particle from comet 81P/Wild 2 captured in silica aerogel by the NASA Stardust spacecraft. The bulk of this ∌20 ÎŒm particle is comprised of an aggregate of nanoparticulate Cr-rich magnetite, containing opaque sub-domains composed of poorly graphitized carbon (PGC). The PGC forms conformal shells around tiny 5-15 nm core grains of Fe carbide. The C, N, and O isotopic compositions of these components are identical within errors to terrestrial standards, indicating a formation inside the solar system. Magnetite compositions are consistent with oxidation of reduced metal, similar to that seen in enstatite chondrites. Similarly, the core-shell structure of the carbide + PGC inclusions suggests a formation via FTT reactions on the surface of metal or carbide grains in warm, reduced regions of the solar nebula. Together, the nanoscale assemblage in the cometary particle is most consistent with the alteration of primary solids condensed from a C-rich, reduced nebular gas. The nanoparticulate components in the cometary particle provide the first direct evidence from comets of reduced, carbon-rich regions that were present in the solar nebula

    NanoSIMS and TEM Studies of SiC and Si3N4 Supernova Condensates

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    Presolar grains

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    Presolar grains are nanometer- to micrometer-sized dust grains that are found in small quantities in primitive meteorites , interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), and in cometary matter. They are older than our Solar System and formed in the winds of evolved stars and in the ejecta of stellar explosions, as evidenced by large isotopic abundance anomalies

    Stardust from Supernovae and Its Isotopes

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    Primitive solar system materials, namely, meteorites, interplanetary dust particles, and cometary matter contain small quantities of nanometer- to micrometer-sized refractory dust grains that exhibit large isotopic abundance anomalies. These grains are older than our solar system and have been named “presolar grains.” They formed in the winds of red giant and asymptotic giant stars and in the ejecta of stellar explosions, i.e., represent a sample of stardust that can be analyzed in terrestrial laboratories for isotopic compositions and other properties. The inventory of presolar grains is dominated by grains from red giant and asymptotic giant branch stars. Presolar grains from supernovae form a minor but important subpopulation. Supernova (SN) minerals identified to date include silicon carbide, graphite, silicon nitride, oxides, and silicates. Isotopic studies of major, minor, and trace elements in these dust grains have provided detailed insights into nucleosynthetic and mixing processes in supernovae and how dust forms in these violent environments

    The Distribution of Peak-Ring Basins on Mercury and Their Correlation With the High-Mg/Si Terrane

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    A catalog of mercurian craters that retain their central peak or peak-ring structure was created to aid target prioritization for the Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer (MIXS), now on its way to Mercury aboard BepiColombo. Preliminary analysis of the MIXS crater catalog suggested a potential spatial correlation between an abnormally high spatial density of peak-ring basins and a region of Mercury with elevated Mg/Si values (High-Magnesium Terrane [HMT]). Robust statistical analysis of previously published crater catalogs confirmed that the spatial correlation exists, with an overall confidence level of 97.7%, specifically between peak-ring basins and the HMT, delineated by a contour of Mg/Si = mean + 2σ = 0.648. Applying empirical impact cratering scaling laws to the 15 basins intersecting the HMT suggested that all have excavated material from ~13 to 20 km depth. None of the basins excavated mantle material, predicting instead that deep crustal material contains elevated Mg/Si material. However, five of the basins are predicted to have melted underlying mantle material, which might be a contributing factor in the elevated Mg/Si signature. In the absence of resolvable volcanic features associated with the rise of basaltic melts from the mantle, we favor excavation of deep crustal, high Mg/Si material. MIXS-T is capable of spatially resolving individual features associated with peak-ring basins and it is proposed that the 15 basins within the HMT are prioritized targets for MIXS, to test the hypothesis of exposed deep-crustal material

    Close-ups reveal a weirder Mercury

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