2,182 research outputs found

    Structural trends from a consistent set of single-crystal data of REFeAsO (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Tb)

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    A new crystal growth technique for single-crystals of REFeAsO (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, and Tb) using NaI/KI as flux is presented. Crystals with a size up to 300 μ\mum were isolated for single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements. Lattice parameters were determined by LeBail fits of X-ray powder data against LaB6 standard. A consistent set of structural data is obtained and interpreted in a hard-sphere model. Effective radii for the rare-earth metal atoms for REFeAsO are deduced. The relation of the intra- and inter-plane distances of the arsenic atoms is identified as limiter of the phase formation, and its influence on Tc is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, fig. 6 changed to numerical plot, minor changes to the text, accepted for publication in PR

    Dimensionless scaling of heat-release-induced planar shock waves in near-critical CO2

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    We performed highly resolved one-dimensional fully compressible Navier-Stokes simulations of heat-release-induced compression waves in near-critical CO2. The computational setup, inspired by the experimental setup of Miura et al., Phys. Rev. E, 2006, is composed of a closed inviscid (one-dimensional) duct with adiabatic hard ends filled with CO2 at three supercritical pressures. The corresponding initial temperature values are taken along the pseudo-boiling line. Thermodynamic and transport properties of CO2 in near-critical conditions are modeled via the Peng-Robinson equation of state and Chung's Method. A heat source is applied at a distance from one end, with heat release intensities spanning the range 10^3-10^11 W/m^2, generating isentropic compression waves for values < 10^9 W/m^2. For higher heat-release rates such compressions are coalescent with distinct shock-like features (e.g. non-isentropicity and propagation Mach numbers measurably greater than unity) and a non-uniform post-shock state is present due to the strong thermodynamic nonlinearities. The resulting compression wave intensities have been collapsed via the thermal expansion coefficient, highly variable in near-critical fluids, used as one of the scaling parameters for the reference energy. The proposed scaling applies to isentropic thermoacoustic waves as well as shock waves up to shock strength 2. Long-term time integration reveals resonance behavior of the compression waves, raising the mean pressure and temperature at every resonance cycle. When the heat injection is halted, expansion waves are generated, which counteract the compression waves leaving conduction as the only thermal relaxation process. In the long term evolution, the decay in amplitude of the resonating waves observed in the experiments is qualitatively reproduced by using isothermal boundary conditions.Comment: As submitted to AIAA SciTech 2017, available at http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2017-008

    Trimethylsilyl tag for probing protein-ligand interactions by NMR

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    Protein-ligand titrations can readily be monitored with a trimethylsilyl (TMS) tag. Owing to the intensity, narrow line shape and unique chemical shift of a TMS group, dissociation constants can be determined from straightforward 1D 1H-NMR spectra not only in the fast but also in the slow exchange limit. The tag is easily attached to cysteine residues and a sensitive reporter of ligand binding also at sites where it does not interfere with ligand binding or catalytic efficiency of the target protein. Its utility is demonstrated for the Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease and the human prolyl isomerase FK506 binding protein.C.N. and G.O. thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a Feodor Lynen Fellowship and the Australian Research Council for a Laureate Fellowship, respectively. Financial project support by the Australian Research Council, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (DK Molecular Enzymology W901 to K.Z.) and by NAWI Graz is gratefully acknowledged

    Simulating the Mammalian Blastocyst - Molecular and Mechanical Interactions Pattern the Embryo

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    Mammalian embryogenesis is a dynamic process involving gene expression and mechanical forces between proliferating cells. The exact nature of these interactions, which determine the lineage patterning of the trophectoderm and endoderm tissues occurring in a highly regulated manner at precise periods during the embryonic development, is an area of debate. We have developed a computational modeling framework for studying this process, by which the combined effects of mechanical and genetic interactions are analyzed within the context of proliferating cells. At a purely mechanical level, we demonstrate that the perpendicular alignment of the animal-vegetal (a-v) and embryonic-abembryonic (eb-ab) axes is a result of minimizing the total elastic conformational energy of the entire collection of cells, which are constrained by the zona pellucida. The coupling of gene expression with the mechanics of cell movement is important for formation of both the trophectoderm and the endoderm. In studying the formation of the trophectoderm, we contrast and compare quantitatively two hypotheses: (1) The position determines gene expression, and (2) the gene expression determines the position. Our model, which couples gene expression with mechanics, suggests that differential adhesion between different cell types is a critical determinant in the robust endoderm formation. In addition to differential adhesion, two different testable hypotheses emerge when considering endoderm formation: (1) A directional force acts on certain cells and moves them into forming the endoderm layer, which separates the blastocoel and the cells of the inner cell mass (ICM). In this case the blastocoel simply acts as a static boundary. (2) The blastocoel dynamically applies pressure upon the cells in contact with it, such that cell segregation in the presence of differential adhesion leads to the endoderm formation. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to combine cell-based spatial mechanical simulations with genetic networks to explain mammalian embryogenesis. Such a framework provides the means to test hypotheses in a controlled in silico environment

    Mappings of least Dirichlet energy and their Hopf differentials

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    The paper is concerned with mappings between planar domains having least Dirichlet energy. The existence and uniqueness (up to a conformal change of variables in the domain) of the energy-minimal mappings is established within the class Hˉ2(X,Y)\bar{\mathscr H}_2(X, Y) of strong limits of homeomorphisms in the Sobolev space W1,2(X,Y)W^{1,2}(X, Y), a result of considerable interest in the mathematical models of Nonlinear Elasticity. The inner variation leads to the Hopf differential hzhzˉˉdz⊗dzh_z \bar{h_{\bar{z}}} dz \otimes dz and its trajectories. For a pair of doubly connected domains, in which XX has finite conformal modulus, we establish the following principle: A mapping h∈Hˉ2(X,Y)h \in \bar{\mathscr H}_2(X, Y) is energy-minimal if and only if its Hopf-differential is analytic in XX and real along the boundary of XX. In general, the energy-minimal mappings may not be injective, in which case one observes the occurrence of cracks in XX. Nevertheless, cracks are triggered only by the points in the boundary of YY where YY fails to be convex. The general law of formation of cracks reads as follows: Cracks propagate along vertical trajectories of the Hopf differential from the boundary of XX toward the interior of XX where they eventually terminate before making a crosscut.Comment: 51 pages, 4 figure

    Wetting and Minimal Surfaces

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    We study minimal surfaces which arise in wetting and capillarity phenomena. Using conformal coordinates, we reduce the problem to a set of coupled boundary equations for the contact line of the fluid surface, and then derive simple diagrammatic rules to calculate the non-linear corrections to the Joanny-de Gennes energy. We argue that perturbation theory is quasi-local, i.e. that all geometric length scales of the fluid container decouple from the short-wavelength deformations of the contact line. This is illustrated by a calculation of the linearized interaction between contact lines on two opposite parallel walls. We present a simple algorithm to compute the minimal surface and its energy based on these ideas. We also point out the intriguing singularities that arise in the Legendre transformation from the pure Dirichlet to the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem.Comment: 22 page

    Reorganizing the Intrinsic Functional Architecture of the Human Primary Motor Cortex during Rest with Non-Invasive Cortical Stimulation

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    The primary motor cortex (M1) is the main effector structure implicated in the generation of voluntary movements and is directly involved in motor learning. The intrinsic horizontal neuronal connections of M1 exhibit short-term and long-term plasticity, which is a strong substrate for learning-related map reorganization. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) applied for few minutes over M1 has been shown to induce relatively long-lasting plastic alterations and to modulate motor performance. Here we test the hypothesis that the relatively long-lasting synaptic modification induced by tDCS over M1 results in the alteration of associations among populations of M1 neurons which may be reflected in changes of its functional architecture. fMRI resting-state datasets were acquired immediately before and after 10 minutes of tDCS during rest, with the anode/cathode placed over the left M1. For each functional dataset, grey-matter voxels belonging to Brodmann area 4 (BA4) were labelled and afterwards BA4 voxel-based synchronization matrices were calculated and thresholded to construct undirected graphs. Nodal network parameters which characterize the architecture of functional networks (connectivity degree, clustering coefficient and characteristic path-length) were computed, transformed to volume maps and compared before and after stimulation. At the dorsolateral-BA4 region cathodal tDCS boosted local connectedness, while anodal-tDCS enhanced long distance functional communication within M1. Additionally, the more efficient the functional architecture of M1 was at baseline, the more efficient the tDCS-induced functional modulations were. In summary, we show here that it is possible to non-invasively reorganize the intrinsic functional architecture of M1, and to image such alterations

    Retention of Supraspinal Delta-like Analgesia and Loss of Morphine Tolerance in δ Opioid Receptor Knockout Mice

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    AbstractGene targeting was used to delete exon 2 of mouse DOR-1, which encodes the δ opioid receptor. Essentially all 3H-[D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (3H-DPDPE) and 3H-[D-Ala2,D-Glu4]deltorphin (3H-deltorphin-2) binding is absent from mutant mice, demonstrating that DOR-1 encodes both δ1 and δ2 receptor subtypes. Homozygous mutant mice display markedly reduced spinal δ analgesia, but peptide δ agonists retain supraspinal analgesic potency that is only partially antagonized by naltrindole. Retained DPDPE analgesia is also demonstrated upon formalin testing, while the nonpeptide δ agonist BW373U69 exhibits enhanced activity in DOR-1 mutant mice. Together, these findings suggest the existence of a second delta-like analgesic system. FinallyDOR-1 mutant mice do not develop analgesic tolerance to morphine, genetically demonstrating a central role for DOR-1 in this process

    Gas chemical investigation of hafnium and zirconium complexes with hexafluoroacetylacetone using preseparated short-lived radioisotopes

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    Volatile metal complexes of the group 4 elements Zr and Hf with hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfa) have been studied using short-lived radioisotopes of the metals. The new technique of physical preseparation has been employed where reaction products from heavy-ion induced fusion reactions are isolated in a physical recoil separator - the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator in our work - and made available for chemistry experiments. Formation and decomposition of M(hfa)4 (M=Zr, Hf) has been observed and the interaction strength with a fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) Teflon surface has been studied. From the results of isothermal chromatography experiments, an adsorption enthalpy of -ΔHa=(57±3)kJ/mol was deduced. In optimization experiments, the time for formation of the complex and its transport to a counting setup installed outside of the irradiation cave was minimized and values of roughly one minute have been reached. The half-life of 165Hf, for which conflicting values appear in the literature, was measured to be (73.9±0.8)s. Provided that samples suitable for α-spectroscopy can be prepared, the investigation of rutherfordium (Rf), the transactinide member of group 4, appears possible. In the future, based on the studies presented here, it appears possible to investigate short-lived single atoms produced with low rates ( e.g. , transactinide isotopes) in completely new chemical systems, e.g. , as metal complexes with organic ligands as used here or as organometallic compound
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