15 research outputs found

    Co-option of Neutrophil Fates by Tissue Environments.

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    Classically considered short-lived and purely defensive leukocytes, neutrophils are unique in their fast and moldable response to stimulation. This plastic behavior may underlie variable and even antagonistic functions during inflammation or cancer, yet the full spectrum of neutrophil properties as they enter healthy tissues remains unexplored. Using a new model to track neutrophil fates, we found short but variable lifetimes across multiple tissues. Through analysis of the receptor, transcriptional, and chromatin accessibility landscapes, we identify varying neutrophil states and assign non-canonical functions, including vascular repair and hematopoietic homeostasis. Accordingly, depletion of neutrophils compromised angiogenesis during early age, genotoxic injury, and viral infection, and impaired hematopoietic recovery after irradiation. Neutrophils acquired these properties in target tissues, a process that, in the lungs, occurred in CXCL12-rich areas and relied on CXCR4. Our results reveal that tissues co-opt neutrophils en route for elimination to induce programs that support their physiological demands.This study was supported byIntramural grants from the Severo Ochoa program (IGP-SO), a grant from Fundacio la Marato de TV3 (120/C/2015-20153032), grant SAF2015-65607-R fromMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) with co-funding by Fondo Eu-ropeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), RTI2018-095497-B-I00 from MICINN,HR17_00527 from Fundacion La Caixa, and Transatlantic Network of Excel-lence (TNE-18CVD04) from the Leducq Foundation to A.H. I.B. is supportedby fellowship MSCA-IF-EF-748381 and EMBO short-term fellowship 8261.A.R.-P. is supported by a fellowship (BES-2016-076635) and J.A.N.-A. byfellowship SVP-2014-068595 from MICINN. R.O. is supported by ERC startinggrant 759532, Italian Telethon Foundation SR-Tiget grant award F04, ItalianMoH grant GR-201602362156, AIRC MFAG 20247, Cariplo Foundation grant2015-0990, and the EU Infect-ERA 126. C.S. is supported by the SFB 1123,project A07, as well as by the DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research) and the BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research) grant81Z0600204. L.G.N. is supported by SIgN core funding from A*STAR. The CNIC is supported by the MICINN and the Pro-CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MICINN award SEV-2015-0505). G.F.-C. issupported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio ́n (grantPID2019-110895RB-100) and Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha(grant SBPLY/19/180501/000211). C.R. received funding from the BoehingerIngelheim Foundation (consortium grant ‘‘Novel and Neglected CardiovascularRisk Factors’’) and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF 01EO1503) and is a Fellow of the Gutenberg Research College (GFK)at the Johannes Gutenberg-University MainzS

    Protection of Mice against Lethal Challenge with 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Virus by 1918-Like and Classical Swine H1N1 Based Vaccines

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    The recent 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus infection in humans has resulted in nearly 5,000 deaths worldwide. Early epidemiological findings indicated a low level of infection in the older population (>65 years) with the pandemic virus, and a greater susceptibility in people younger than 35 years of age, a phenomenon correlated with the presence of cross-reactive immunity in the older population. It is unclear what virus(es) might be responsible for this apparent cross-protection against the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus. We describe a mouse lethal challenge model for the 2009 pandemic H1N1 strain, used together with a panel of inactivated H1N1 virus vaccines and hemagglutinin (HA) monoclonal antibodies to dissect the possible humoral antigenic determinants of pre-existing immunity against this virus in the human population. By hemagglutinination inhibition (HI) assays and vaccination/challenge studies, we demonstrate that the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus is antigenically similar to human H1N1 viruses that circulated from 1918–1943 and to classical swine H1N1 viruses. Antibodies elicited against 1918-like or classical swine H1N1 vaccines completely protect C57B/6 mice from lethal challenge with the influenza A/Netherlands/602/2009 virus isolate. In contrast, contemporary H1N1 vaccines afforded only partial protection. Passive immunization with cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) raised against either 1918 or A/California/04/2009 HA proteins offered full protection from death. Analysis of mAb antibody escape mutants, generated by selection of 2009 H1N1 virus with these mAbs, indicate that antigenic site Sa is one of the conserved cross-protective epitopes. Our findings in mice agree with serological data showing high prevalence of 2009 H1N1 cross-reactive antibodies only in the older population, indicating that prior infection with 1918-like viruses or vaccination against the 1976 swine H1N1 virus in the USA are likely to provide protection against the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus. This data provides a mechanistic basis for the protection seen in the older population, and emphasizes a rationale for including vaccination of the younger, naïve population. Our results also support the notion that pigs can act as an animal reservoir where influenza virus HAs become antigenically frozen for long periods of time, facilitating the generation of human pandemic viruses

    Supplementary Material for: A RIG-I 2CARD-MAVS200 Chimeric Protein Reconstitutes IFN-β Induction and Antiviral Response in Models Deficient in Type I IFN Response

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    <p>RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) are cellular sensor proteins that detect certain RNA species produced during viral infections. RLRs activate a signaling cascade that results in the production of IFN-β as well as several other cytokines with antiviral and proinflammatory activities. We explored the potential of different constructs based on RLRs to induce the IFN-β pathway and create an antiviral state in type I IFN-unresponsive models. A chimeric construct composed of RIG-I 2CARD and the first 200 amino acids of MAVS (2CARD-MAVS200) showed an enhanced ability to induce IFN-β when compared to other stimulatory constructs. Furthermore, this human chimeric construct showed a superior ability to activate IFN-β expression in cells from various species. This construct was found to overcome the restrictions of blocking IFN-β induction or signaling by a number of viral IFN-antagonist proteins. Additionally, the antiviral activity of this chimera was demonstrated in influenza virus and HBV infection mouse models using adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors as a delivery vehicle. We propose that AAV vectors expressing 2CARD-MAVS200 chimeric protein can reconstitute IFN-β induction and recover a partial antiviral state in different models that do not respond to recombinant IFN-β treatment.</p

    Co-option of neutrophil fates by tissue environments

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    Classically considered short-lived and purely defensive leukocytes, neutrophils are unique in their fast and moldable response to stimulation. This plastic behavior may underlie variable and even antagonistic functions during inflammation or cancer, yet the full spectrum of neutrophil properties as they enter healthy tissues remains unexplored. Using a new model to track neutrophil fates, we found short but variable lifetimes across multiple tissues. Through analysis of the receptor, transcriptional, and chromatin accessibility landscapes, we identify varying neutrophil states and assign non-canonical functions, including vascular repair and hematopoietic homeostasis. Accordingly, depletion of neutrophils compromised angiogenesis during early age, genotoxic injury, and viral infection, and impaired hematopoietic recovery after irradiation. Neutrophils acquired these properties in target tissues, a process that, in the lungs, occurred in CXCL12-rich areas and relied on CXCR4. Our results reveal that tissues co-opt neutrophils en route for elimination to induce programs that support their physiological demands

    Structural Investigation of Cycloheptathiophene-3-carboxamide Derivatives Targeting Influenza Virus Polymerase Assembly

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    The limited number of drug classes licensed for treatment of influenza virus (Flu), together with the continuous emergence of viral variants and drug resistant mutants, highlights the urgent need to find antivirals with novel mechanisms of action. In this context, the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) subunits assembly has emerged as an attractive target. Starting from a cycloheptathiophene-3-carboxamide derivative recently identified by us for its ability to disrupt the interaction between the PA and PB1 subunits of RdRP, we have designed and synthesized a series of analogues. Their biological evaluation led to the identification of more potent protein–protein interaction inhibitors, endowed with antiviral activity that also encompassed a number of clinical isolates of FluA, including an oseltamivir-resistant strain, and FluB, without showing appreciable toxicity. From this study, the cycloheptathiophene-3-carboxamide scaffold emerged as being particularly suitable to impart anti-Flu activity