185 research outputs found

    Hollow Fiber Compression Technique: A Historical Perspective

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    This review analyzes the evolution, applications, and future prospects of the hollow fiber compression technique, a pivotal advancement in ultrafast laser technology. Over the past three decades, this technique has emerged as a cornerstone, proving instrumental in the generation of few-cycle pulses characterized by millijoule-level energy, spanning a wide spectral range from ultraviolet to mid-infrared wavelengths. Its versatility and efficiency have found applications in diverse scientific disciplines, ranging from attosecond science to extreme nonlinear optics. The review delves into the historical development of the hollow fiber compression technique, highlighting key milestones and technological breakthroughs that have contributed to its current status. The widespread adoption of this technique in laboratories on a global scale is investigated, and an exploration is conducted into the continuously reported innovative experimental implementations. The impact of this technique on attosecond science is scrutinized, emphasizing its role in the generation and application of isolated attosecond pulses

    Time-frequency mapping of two-colour photoemission driven by harmonic radiation

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    The use of few-femtosecond, extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses, produced by high-order harmonic generation, in combination with few-femtosecond infrared (IR) pulses in pump-probe experiments has great potential to disclose ultrafast dynamics in molecules, nanostructures and solids. A crucial prerequisite is a reliable characterization of the temporal properties of the XUV and IR pulses. Several techniques have been developed. The majority of them applies phase reconstruction algorithms to a photoelectron spectrogram obtained by ionizing an atomic target in a pump-probe fashion. If the ionizing radiation is a single harmonic, all the information is encoded in a two-color two-photon signal called sideband (SB). In this work, we present a simplified model to interpret the time-frequency mapping of the SB signal and we show that the temporal dispersion of the pulses directly maps onto the shape of its spectrogram. Finally, we derive an analytical solution, which allows us to propose a novel procedure to estimate the second-order dispersion of the XUV and IR pulses in real time and with no need for iterative algorithms

    Mapping the spectral phase of isolated attosecond pulses by extreme-ultraviolet emission spectrum

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    An all-optical method is proposed for the measurement of the spectral phase of isolated attosecond pulses. The technique is based on the generation of extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) radiation in a gas by the combination of an attosecond pulse and a strong infrared (IR) pulse with controlled electric field. By using a full quantum simulation, we demonstrate that, for particular temporal delays between the two pulses, the IR field can drive back to the parent ions the photoelectrons generated by the attosecond pulse, thus leading to the generation of XUV photons. It is found that the generated XUV spectrum is notably sensitive to the chirp of the attosecond pulse, which can then be reliably retrieved. A classical quantum-path analysis is further used to quantitatively explain the main features exhibited in the XUV emission

    Novel beamline for attosecond transient reflection spectroscopy in a sequential two-foci geometry

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    We present an innovative beamline for extreme ultraviolet (XUV)-infrared (IR) pump-probe reflection spectroscopy in solids with attosecond temporal resolution. The setup uses an actively stabilized interferometer, where attosecond pulse trains or isolated attosecond pulses are produced by high-order harmonic generation in gases. After collinear recombination, the attosecond XUV pulses and the femtosecond IR pulses are focused twice in sequence by toroidal mirrors, giving two spatially separated interaction regions. In the first region, the combination of a gas target with a time-of-flight spectrometer allows for attosecond photoelectron spectroscopy experiments. In the second focal region, an XUV reflectometer is used for attosecond transient reflection spectroscopy (ATRS) experiments. Since the two measurements can be performed simultaneously, precise pump-probe delay calibration can be achieved, thus opening the possibility for a new class of attosecond experiments on solids. Successful operation of the beamline is demonstrated by the generation and characterization of isolated attosecond pulses, the measurement of the absolute reflectivity of SiO2, and by performing simultaneous photoemission/ATRS in Ge.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Charge migration induced by attosecond pulses in bio-relevant molecules

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    After sudden ionization of a large molecule, the positive charge can migrate throughout the system on a sub-femtosecond time scale, purely guided by electronic coherences. The possibility to actively explore the role of the electron dynamics in the photo-chemistry of bio-relevant molecules is of fundamental interest for understanding, and perhaps ultimately controlling, the processes leading to damage, mutation and, more generally, to the alteration of the biological functions of the macromolecule. Attosecond laser sources can provide the extreme time resolution required to follow this ultrafast charge flow. In this review we will present recent advances in attosecond molecular science: after a brief description of the results obtained for small molecules, recent experimental and theoretical findings on charge migration in bio-relevant molecules will be discussed

    A systematic study of the valence electronic structure of cyclo(Gly–Phe), cyclo(Trp–Tyr) and cyclo(Trp–Trp) dipeptides in the gas phase

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    The electronic energy levels of cyclo(glycine–phenylalanine), cyclo(tryptophan–tyrosine) and cyclo(tryptophan–tryptophan) dipeptides are investigated with a joint experimental and theoretical approach. Experimentally, valence photoelectron spectra in the gas phase are measured using VUV radiation. Theoretically, we first obtain low-energy conformers through an automated conformer–rotamer ensemble sampling scheme based on tight-binding simulations. Then, different first principles computational schemes are considered to simulate the spectra: Hartree–Fock (HF), density functional theory (DFT) within the B3LYP approximation, the quasi-particle GW correction, and the quantumchemistry CCSD method. Theory allows assignment of the main features of the spectra. A discussion on the role of electronic correlation is provided, by comparing computationally cheaper DFT scheme (and GW) results with the accurate CCSD method

    Spatial aberrations in high-order harmonic generation

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    We investigate the spatial characteristics of high-order harmonic radiation generated in argon, and observe cross-like patterns in the far field. An analytical model describing harmonics from an astigmatic driving beam reveals that these patterns result from the order and generation position dependent divergence of harmonics. Even small amounts of driving field astigmatism may result in cross-like patterns, coming from the superposition of individual harmonics with spatial profiles elongated in different directions. By correcting the aberrations using a deformable mirror, we show that fine-tuning the driving wavefront is essential for optimal spatial quality of the harmonics
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