19 research outputs found

    Molecular profiling of aged neural progenitors identifies Dbx2 as a candidate regulator of age-associated neurogenic decline.

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    Adult neurogenesis declines with aging due to the depletion and functional impairment of neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs). An improved understanding of the underlying mechanisms that drive age-associated neurogenic deficiency could lead to the development of strategies to alleviate cognitive impairment and facilitate neuroregeneration. An essential step towards this aim is to investigate the molecular changes that occur in NSPC aging on a genomewide scale. In this study, we compare the transcriptional, histone methylation and DNA methylation signatures of NSPCs derived from the subventricular zone (SVZ) of young adult (3 months old) and aged (18 months old) mice. Surprisingly, the transcriptional and epigenomic profiles of SVZ-derived NSPCs are largely unchanged in aged cells. Despite the global similarities, we detect robust age-dependent changes at several hundred genes and regulatory elements, thereby identifying putative regulators of neurogenic decline. Within this list, the homeobox gene Dbx2 is upregulated in vitro and in vivo, and its promoter region has altered histone and DNA methylation levels, in aged NSPCs. Using functional in vitro assays, we show that elevated Dbx2 expression in young adult NSPCs promotes age-related phenotypes, including the reduced proliferation of NSPC cultures and the altered transcript levels of age-associated regulators of NSPC proliferation and differentiation. Depleting Dbx2 in aged NSPCs caused the reverse gene expression changes. Taken together, these results provide new insights into the molecular programmes that are affected during mouse NSPC aging, and uncover a new functional role for Dbx2 in promoting age-related neurogenic decline.This work was supported by grants to P.J.R.-G. from the 6 Wellcome Trust (WT093736) and the BBSRC (BB/P013406/1, BB/M022285/1), by funding from 7 Sapienza University of Rome (G.L, S.B., E.C) and by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of 8 Economy to P.B. (BFU2016-75412-R, co-financed by FEDER). The Babraham Institute Biological 9 Services Unit is supported by Campus Capability Grant funding from the BBSRC

    X-ray irradiated cultures of mouse cortical neural stem/progenitor cells recover cell viability and proliferation with dose-dependent kinetics

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    Exposure of the developing or adult brain to ionizing radiation (IR) can cause cognitive impairment and/ or brain cancer, by targeting neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs). IR effects on NSPCs include transient cell cycle arrest, permanent cell cycle exit/differentiation, or cell death, depending on the experimental conditions. In vivo studies suggest that brain age influences NSPC response to IR, but whether this is due to intrinsic NSPC changes or to niche environment modifications remains unclear. Here, we describe the dose-dependent, time-dependent effects of X-ray IR in NSPC cultures derived from the mouse foetal cerebral cortex. We show that, although cortical NSPCs are resistant to low/moderate IR doses, high level IR exposure causes cell death, accumulation of DNA double-strand breaks, activation of p53- related molecular pathways and cell cycle alterations. Irradiated NSPC cultures transiently upregulate differentiation markers, but recover control levels of proliferation, viability and gene expression in the second week post-irradiation. These results are consistent with previously described in vivo effects of IR in the developing mouse cortex, and distinct from those observed in adult NSPC niches or in vitro adult NSPC cultures, suggesting that intrinsic differences in NSPCs of different origins might determine, at least in part, their response to IR

    Museum samples could help to reconstruct the original distribution of Salmo trutta complex in Italy

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    Partial D-loop sequences of museum specimens of brown trout and marble trout (Salmo trutta species complex) collected fromMediterranean rivers in the late 19th century were analysed to help to describe the native distribution of these species. All the individuals studied carried native haplotypes, the geographic distribution of which is consistent with published data. These results indicate that museum specimens from the 19th century could represent an opportunity to get a picture of the original genetic diversity distribution of this species complex

    Data from: Transcriptional response of Hoxb genes to retinoid signalling is regionally restricted along the neural tube rostrocaudal axis

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    During vertebrate neural development, positional information is largely specified by extracellular morphogens. Their distribution, however, is very dynamic due to the multiple roles played by the same signals in the developing and adult neural tissue. This suggests that neural progenitors are able to modify their competence to respond to morphogen signalling and autonomously maintain positional identities after their initial specification. In this work, we take advantage of in vitro culture systems of mouse neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) to show that NSPCs isolated from rostral or caudal regions of the mouse neural tube are differentially responsive to retinoic acid (RA), a pivotal morphogen for the specification of posterior neural fates. Hoxb genes are among the best known RA direct targets in the neural tissue, yet we found that RA could promote their transcription only in caudal but not in rostral NSPCs. Correlating with these effects, key RA-responsive regulatory regions in the Hoxb cluster displayed opposite enrichment of activating or repressing histone marks in rostral and caudal NSPCs. Finally, RA was able to strengthen Hoxb chromatin activation in caudal NSPCs, but was ineffective on the repressed Hoxb chromatin of rostral NSPCs. These results suggest that the response of NSPCs to morphogen signalling across the rostrocaudal axis of the neural tube may be gated by the epigenetic configuration of target patterning genes, allowing long-term maintenance of intrinsic positional values in spite of continuously changing extrinsic signals