1,929 research outputs found

    Modulation of iron responsive gene expression and enzymatic activities in response to changes of the iron nutritional status in _Cucumis sativus_ L.

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    Regulation exerted by the iron status of the plant on the iron deficiency responses was investigated in cucumber roots (_Cucumis sativus_ L.) both at the biochemical and molecular level. Absence of iron induced the expression of the CsFRO1, CsIRT1, CsHA1 and the Cspepc1 transcripts that was followed by an increase in the corresponding enzymatic activities. Supply of iron repressed gene expression, in particular those of the Fe(III)-chelate reductase and for the high affinity iron transporter and reduce the enzymatic activities. Our results confirm and extend the hypothesis of a coordinate regulation of these responses. Besides these two activities strictly correlated with iron deficiency adaptation, we considered also the H+-ATPase and the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, that have been shown to be involved in this response

    Beyond Eco-feedback - Using Art and Emotional Attachment to Express Energy Consumption

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    This paper describes several art based eco-feedback concepts conceived around the potential of emotional attachment between people and the natural environment. Starting from a sensor-infrastructure that looks at how families consume electricity in their homes, we investigate several artistic visualizations of the Madeiran local landscapes exploring the connection between families and elements of the endemic laurel forest. The approach described here leverages digital art as a means to go beyond traditional eco-feedback technology. By coupling people and the forest landscapes we intend to narrow the physical, temporal and psychological gaps between our everyday actions and nature. We explore how people can build a direct emotional connection between their daily energy consumption and the impact on the natural environment (such as climate change and related forest fires, mudslides, desertification and erosion).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular mechanisms of neurogenic aging in the adult mouse subventricular zone

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    In the adult rodent brain, the continuous production of new neurons by neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) residing in specialized neurogenic niches and their subsequent integration into pre-existing cerebral circuitries supports odour discrimination, spatial learning, and contextual memory capabilities. Aging is recognized as the most potent negative regulator of adult neurogenesis. The neurogenic process markedly declines in the aged brain, due to the reduction of the NSPC pool and the functional impairment of the remaining NSPCs. This decline has been linked to the progressive cognitive deficits of elderly individuals and it may also be involved in the onset/progression of neurological disorders. Since the human lifespan has been dramatically extended, the incidence of age-associated neuropsychiatric conditions in the human population has increased. This has prompted efforts to shed light on the mechanisms underpinning the age-related decline of adult neurogenesis, whose knowledge may foster therapeutic approaches to prevent or delay cognitive alterations in elderly patients. In this review, we summarize recent progress in elucidating the molecular causes of neurogenic aging in the most abundant NSPC niche of the adult mouse brain: the subventricular zone (SVZ). We discuss the age-associated changes occurring both in the intrinsic NSPC molecular networks and in the extrinsic signalling pathways acting in the complex environment of the SVZ niche, and how all these changes may steer young NSPCs towards an aged phenotype

    Nuevo procedimiento de fabricación de carbonato de sodio y ácido sulfúrico a partir del sulfato

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian karakterisasi morfologi varietas tanaman kopi arabika (Coffea arabica L.) telah dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Gayo, Pondok Gajah, Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni hingga November 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat karakterisasi morfologi varietas tanaman kopi arabika (Gayo 1, Gayo 2, Ateng Super, C 47 dan P 88). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan pengambilan sampel secara sengaja (purposive sampling) yang berumur diatas 5 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa perbedaaan dan persamaan diantaranya : 1) pangkal akar yang lebih besar varietas P 88 yaitu 45,5 cm, sedangkan yang lebih kecil varietas Gayo 1 dan Ateng Super 32 cm. 2) batang varietas Gayo 1, Gayo 2, Ateng Super, C 47 memiliki tinggi yang sama yaitu 160 cm, sedangkan P 88 150 cm. 3) panjang dan lebar daun memiliki perbedaan, varietas Gayo 2 memiliki panjang dan lebar daun lebih besar dengan panjang 20,9 cm dan lebar yaitu 9,12 cm, varietas C 47 memiliki panjang dan lebar daun lebih kecil yaitu panjang 16,1 cm dan lebar 6,34 cm. 4) varietas P 88 memiliki diameter bunga lebih besar yaitu 3,56 cm, sedangkan yang lebih kecil yaitu varietas Gayo 1 dengan diameter 2,94 cm. 5) varietas Gayo 2 memiliki panjang buah lebih besar 1,88 cm dan yang lebih kecil varietas P 88 yaitu 1,68 cm. 6) varietas Gayo 1 memiliki biji lebih besar yaitu 1,38 cm, sedangkan yang lebih kecil varietas C 47 yaitu 1 cm. Hasil analisis dendogram menunjukkan varietas tanaman kopi arabika terbagi dua kelompok besar. Kelompok pertama yaitu varietas Gayo 1 dan Gayo 2 dengan nilai koefisien 0,724. Kelompok kedua terdapat tiga varietas dan terbagi 2 cabang, cabang pertama terdiri dari varietas Ateng Super dan C 47 dengan nilai koefisien 0,81 sedangkan cabang kedua yaitu varietas P 88 dengan nilai koefisien 0,758.Kata kunci : Karakteristik, varietas, kopi arabika, morfologiABSTRACTThe morphological characterization research of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) varieties was carried out at the Gayo Experimental Garden, Pondok Gajah, Bener Meriah Regency. This research was conducted in June-November 2019. The purpose of this study was to define the morphological characterization of arabica coffee plant varieties (Gayo 1, Gayo 2, Ateng Super, C 47 and P 88). The method used was a survey method, with purposive sampling over 5 years. The results showed several differences and similarities: 1) the bigger root base of the P 88 variety was 45.5 cm, while the smaller ones were in Gayo 1 and Ateng Super 32 cm varieties. 2) the stems of the varieties Gayo 1, Gayo 2, Ateng Super, C 47 have the same height, namely 160 cm. While P 88 is 150 cm. 3) the leaves' length and width have differences, the Gayo 2 variety has a larger leaf length and width with a length of 20.9 cm and a width of 9.12 cm. Then, the C 47 variety has a smaller leaf length and width, namely 16.1 cm and width 6.34 cm. 4) the P 88 variety has a larger flower diameter of 3.56 cm. The smaller one is the Gayo 1 variety with a diameter of 2.94 cm. 5) the Gayo 2 variety has a larger fruit 1.88 cm and smaller P 88 variety1.68 cm. 6) the Gayo 1 variety had larger seeds, namely 1.38 cm. In comparison, the smaller C 47 variety was 1 cm. The results of the dendrogram analysis showed that Arabica coffee plant varieties were divided into two major groups. The first group is the varieties Gayo 1 and Gayo 2 with a coefficient value of 0.724. The second group consisted of three varieties and divided into 2 branches. The first branch consisted of Ateng Super and C 47 varieties with a coefficient value of 0.81. In contrast, the second branch was the P 88 variety with a coefficient value of 0.758.Keywords: characteristics, varieties, arabica coffee, morpholog

    Design of a self-leveling cam mechanism for a stair climbing wheelchair

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    This paper presents a new version of Wheelchair.q, a wheelchair with stair climbing ability. The wheelchair is able to climb single obstacles or staircases thanks to a hybrid wheel-leg locomotion unit with a triple-wheels cluster architecture. The new concept presented in this work represents an improvement respect to previous versions. Through a different arrangement of functional elements, the wheelchair performances in terms of stability and regularity during movement on stair have been increased. In particular, attention has been paid to ensure a regular and comfortable motion for the user during stair climbing operation. For this reason, a cam mechanism has been introduced and designed with the aim to compensate the oscillation generated on the wheelchair frame by the locomotion unit rotation. A design methodology for the cam profile is presented. Moreover, a parametric analysis on the cam profile and on the mechanism dimensions has been conducted with the aim to find a cam profile with suitable dimensions and performances in terms of pressure angle and radius of curvature

    Designing with teenagers: A teenage perspective on enhancing mobile museum experiences

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    Teenagers are an understudied group within the Interaction Design and Children community. Museums and cultural heritage spaces offer solutions for young children but none that are specifically targeted to teenagers. The active involvement of teenagers in the design of interactive technologies for museums is lacking further development. This paper centres on the presentation and discussion of several design sessions deployed with 155 teenage participants aged 15-19. They were asked to ideate a mobile museum experience that they would enjoy. Through qualitative analysis, the disparities in suggestions about story-based apps vs. game-based apps show that teenagers might value gamification over narratives. This work generates design recommendations for mobile museum tour guides for teenagers, to be used by both curators and museum designers in engaging teenagers in museum exhibitions. We also contrast the game and narrative mechanics produced by teenagers with what is already known. Finally, we answer the questions of how these findings align with existing museum guides for teenagers and how other designers can design with teenagers for this domain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Principles of Cleft Lip Repair: Conventions, Commonalities, and Controversies

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