47 research outputs found

    A Change in the Radius of Rotation of F1-ATPase Indicates a Tilting Motion of the Central Shaft

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    AbstractF1-ATPase is a water-soluble portion of FoF1-ATP synthase and rotary molecular motor that exhibits reversibility in chemical reactions. The rotational motion of the shaft subunit γ has been carefully scrutinized in previous studies, but a tilting motion of the shaft has never been explicitly postulated. Here we found a change in the radius of rotation of the probe attached to the shaft subunit γ between two different intermediate states in ATP hydrolysis: one waiting for ATP binding, and the other waiting for ATP hydrolysis and/or subsequent product release. Analysis of this radial difference indicates a ∼4° outward tilting of the γ-subunit induced by ATP binding. The tilt angle is a new parameter, to our knowledge, representing the motion of the γ-subunit and provides a new constraint condition of the ATP-waiting conformation of F1-ATPase, which has not been determined as an atomic structure from x-ray crystallography

    セルロース マク ヲ ツウカ スル タンパクシツ ノ カシカ

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    Coupling of Rotation and Catalysis in F1-ATPase Revealed by Single-Molecule Imaging and Manipulation

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    SummaryF1-ATPase is a rotary molecular motor that proceeds in 120° steps, each driven by ATP hydrolysis. How the chemical reactions that occur in three catalytic sites are coupled to mechanical rotation is the central question. Here, we show by high-speed imaging of rotation in single molecules of F1 that phosphate release drives the last 40° of the 120° step, and that the 40° rotation accompanies reduction of the affinity for phosphate. We also show, by single-molecule imaging of a fluorescent ATP analog Cy3-ATP while F1 is forced to rotate slowly, that release of Cy3-ADP occurs at ∼240° after it is bound as Cy3-ATP at 0°. This and other results suggest that the affinity for ADP also decreases with rotation, and thus ADP release contributes part of energy for rotation. Together with previous results, the coupling scheme is now basically complete

    Thermosynechococcus switches the direction of phototaxis by a c-di-GMP-dependent process with high spatial resolution

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    Many cyanobacteria, which use light as an energy source via photosynthesis, show directional movement towards or away from a light source. However, the molecular and cell biological mechanisms for switching the direction of movement remain unclear. Here, we visualized type IV pilus-dependent cell movement in the rod-shaped thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus using optical microscopy at physiological temperature and light conditions. Positive and negative phototaxis were controlled on a short time scale of 1 min. The cells smoothly moved over solid surfaces towards green light, but the direction was switched to backward movement when we applied additional blue light illumination. The switching was mediated by three photoreceptors, SesA, SesB, and SesC, which have cyanobacteriochrome photosensory domains and synthesis/degradation activity of the bacterial second messenger cyclic dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP). Our results suggest that the decision-making process for directional switching in phototaxis involves light-dependent changes in the cellular concentration of c-di-GMP. Direct visualization of type IV pilus filaments revealed that rod-shaped cells can move perpendicular to the light vector, indicating that the polarity can be controlled not only by pole-to-pole regulation but also within-a-pole regulation. This study provides insights into previously undescribed rapid bacterial polarity regulation via second messenger signalling with high spatial resolution

    Direct Observation of Strand Passage by DNA-Topoisomerase and Its Limited Processivity

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    Type-II DNA topoisomerases resolve DNA entanglements such as supercoils, knots and catenanes by passing one segment of DNA duplex through a transient enzyme-bridged double-stranded break in another segment. The ATP-dependent passage reaction has previously been demonstrated at the single-molecule level, showing apparent processivity at saturating ATP. Here we directly observed the strand passage by human topoisomerase IIα, after winding a pair of fluorescently stained DNA molecules with optical tweezers for 30 turns into an X-shaped braid. On average 0.51±0.33 µm (11±6 turns) of a braid was unlinked in a burst of reactions taking 8±4 s, the unlinked length being essentially independent of the enzyme concentration between 0.25–37 pM. The time elapsed before the start of processive unlinking decreased with the enzyme concentration, being ∼100 s at 3.7 pM. These results are consistent with a scenario where the enzyme binds to one DNA for a period of ∼10 s, waiting for multiple diffusional encounters with the other DNA to transport it across the break ∼10 times, and then dissociates from the binding site without waiting for the exhaustion of transportable DNA segments