42 research outputs found

    Enrichment of Education and Research at Hiroshima University through the Top Global University Project

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    Hiroshima University named its Super (Top) Global University Project the “Hiroshima University Global Campus Expansion and Innovation Initiative”. Under this title, the university has been endeavoured to strengthen both its educational capability and research function ability with the goal of becoming by 2023 one of the world’s top 100 universities. One of the most important missions of a top university is to produce internationally ducated/experienced, globally capable human resources who have flexibility to face and resolve unpredictable issues. This book exhibits some of highlighted activities undertaken by Hiroshima University to achieve the above mentioned goals.はしがき 西谷 元 …i 序章 はじめに -大学グローバル化の諸相- 丸山 文裕 …1 第1章 広島大学の目標達成型重要業績指標AKPI 相田 美砂子…7 第2章 国際的な教育質保証に向けた取り組み  -Student Experience in the Research University (SERU)- 渡邉 聡 …25 第3章 留学効果の客観的測定・プログラムの質保証  -The Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI-j )- 西谷 元 …45 第4章 三階層ティーチングアシスタント制度「Hirodai TA」の理念と実践  -多様性を保証するグローバル・バリアフリー・キャンパス構想の実現を目指して- 丸山 恭司・戴 容秦思・中野 登志美 …71 第5章 英語個人別期待値の設定  -語学力向上の動機づけまたSGU 目標達成の一助として- 西谷 元・渡邉 恵…9


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    要旨...1 開会の挨拶...4 巻頭言...6 第Ⅰ部 グローバルガヴァナンスと多国間主義の新たな地平  Forging Links between citizens' preferences and multilateral treaties...Takashi INOGUCHI...8  軍縮・不拡散を巡る国際協調の枠組みと課題...相川一俊...12  How to Cope with Evolution of Global Governance International Organisation : Legal Aspects, Will of States...Hajime NISHITANI...16 基調講演/Keynote speech  The World in Flux...Vuk JEREMIĆ...20 第Ⅱ部 持続可能な未来と人間の尊厳の達成に向けて  SDGs and ESD with special focus on Poverty issues...木曽功...28  持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ : 開発問題をめぐる現状と今後の課題...田村政美...35  平和と環境...小倉亜紗美...45 特別講演/Special Speech...Douglas RAKE...52 巻末言...55 資料1 シンポジウム・ポスター...58 資料2 参加者アンケート結果...602015年度第2回広島大学平和科学研究センター主催国際シンポジウ

    Spike Code Flow in Cultured Neuronal Networks

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    We observed spike trains produced by one-shot electrical stimulation with 8 × 8 multielectrodes in cultured neuronal networks. Each electrode accepted spikes from several neurons. We extracted the short codes from spike trains and obtained a code spectrum with a nominal time accuracy of 1%. We then constructed code flow maps as movies of the electrode array to observe the code flow of “1101” and “1011,” which are typical pseudorandom sequence such as that we often encountered in a literature and our experiments. They seemed to flow from one electrode to the neighboring one and maintained their shape to some extent. To quantify the flow, we calculated the “maximum cross-correlations” among neighboring electrodes, to find the direction of maximum flow of the codes with lengths less than 8. Normalized maximum cross-correlations were almost constant irrespective of code. Furthermore, if the spike trains were shuffled in interval orders or in electrodes, they became significantly small. Thus, the analysis suggested that local codes of approximately constant shape propagated and conveyed information across the network. Hence, the codes can serve as visible and trackable marks of propagating spike waves as well as evaluating information flow in the neuronal network

    Enrichment of Education and Research at Hiroshima University through the Top Global University Initiative: EBPM and Quality Assurance

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    Hiroshima University named its Super (Top) Global University Initiative the “Hiroshima University Global Campus Expansion and Innovation Initiative”. The Initiative is implemented as a university-wide project in which all faculties and departments are implicated in the pursuit of its goals. In this process, Hiroshima University collected extensive information on the educational, research and social contributions of the university, and made policy decisions on the basis of this objective data. In addition, Hiroshima University developed a system to monitor the achievements of the top 100 universities by developing its own KPIs, and a system that optimally allocates education and research resources. In this book, we review various aspects of Hiroshima University’s Super (Top) Global University Initiative. Part 1 focuses on its unique approaches related to IR and EBPM. In Part 2, we examine various education programmes and consider the implementation of the Initiative.はしがき… 西谷 元 i 第一部 教育・研究基盤の分析・目標設定・改革 第1章 広島大学の目標達成型重要業績指標AKPI®と教員エフォート指標BKPI®… 相田 美砂子 1 第2章 国際的な教育質保証に向けた取り組み(続編)… 渡邉 聡・村澤 昌崇・安部 保海・梅下 健一郎・中尾 走 11 第3章 BEVI を用いた留学効果の客観的測定 -客観的データに基づく留学プログラムの質保証-… 西谷 元 39 第4章 EBPM に基づく学生の英語運用能力の向上 -エビデンスに基づく教育プログラムの改革・実施・成果-… 西谷 元 53 第二部 国際標準の教育の提供 第5章 広島大学森戸国際高等教育学院とその新たな取組み… 荒見 泰史 67 第6章 三階層ティーチング・アシスタント制度「Hirodai TA」の展開 -多様性を保証するグローバル・バリアフリー・キャンパス構想に向けた成果と課題-… 丸山 恭司・佐藤 万知・河本 尚枝・島津 礼子・小澤 郁美・Simona Zollet 87 第7章 グローバル・キャンパスで学ぶ ―総合科学部国際共創学科の取組みと課題… 柴田 美紀・フンク カロリン 105 第8章 Global Peace Leadership Program… 小澤 孝一郎 12

    Overview : International law

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    International Network of Universities(INU) Student Seminar on Global Citizenship : Peace and Climate Change ; Hiroshima University ; 8 August, 200

    The Doctrine of implied powers with Special reference to the International Sea-Bed Authority (II)

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    The Doctrine of Implied Powers with special reference to the International Sea-Bed Authority (lll)

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