22 research outputs found

    Avaliação de dois métodos de registro da relação central em desdentados totais

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    Objective: to compare, in the horizontal plane, the mandibular positions determined by two methods for registering the centric relation(CR): inclination of the head backward (IHB) and unstrained hinging movement (UHM), in edentulous patients. The mull hypothesis was that there is not difference between the two methods. Material and Methods: Twenty edentulous subjects were selecred for this study (n = 20). All patients were manipulated to CR position using the methods IHB and UHM. The CR measure of each method was registered in one extraoral devide, which was fixed as the maxillary and mandibular record bases. For each patient, the two CR positions were registered in the same extraoral devide. To measure the anteroposterior and lateral linear variations between the points registered for each technique, it was used a profile projector (Model 6C, Nikon/USA). The data (um) were statiscally analyzed using the Tukey test (p,0.05) and Pearson correlation test. Results: The difference between CR position obtained by the methods in anteroposterior position differed statically from zero (p = 0.001) and that there was no significant difference (p = 0.479) when compared the Cr positions with the medium line: UHM (0,56+_0,35um) and IHB (0,65+0.52um). It wasn´t observed Pearson linear correlation between the anteroposterior and lateral linear measures of the methods (r = 0.26; p = Conclusion: It can be conclude that the method UHM presented a higher mandibular retrusion that the method IHBObjetivo: Comparar, no plano horizontal, as posições mandibulares determinadas por dois métodos de registro para determinação da posição de relação central (RC): inclinação da cabeça para trás (IC) os métodos guiado não forçado (GNF), em pacientes edêntulos. A hipótese nula é de que não haverá diferença entre os dois métodos. Material e Método: 20 pacientes desdentados totais foram selecionados para este estudo (n=20). Todos pacientes foram manipulados para posição de RC utilizando os métodos IC e GNF. A mensuração da posição de RC determinada por cada método foi registrada em um dispositivo extra-oral, cujas componentes foram fixados nos planos de orientação maxilar e mandibular. Para cada paciente, as duas posições de RC foram registradas no mesmo dispositivo extra-oral. Para mensurar as variações ântero-posteriores e laterais entre os pontos registrados por cada técnica, foi utilizado um projetor de perfil (Modelo 6C, Nikon/USA). Os dados (mm) foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando o teste T (pResultados: A diferença entre a posição de RC obtida pelos métodos na posição ântero-posterior diferiu estatisticamente de zero (p=0.001) e que não houve diferença significante (p=0,479) quando comparada as posições de RC em relação à linha média: UHM (0,56±0,35mm) e IHB (0,65±0,52mm). Não foi observada correlação linear de Pearson entre as medidas lineares antero-posteriores e laterais dos métodos estudados (r=0,26; p=0,2680,05). Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que método GNF gerou uma retrusão mandibular maior que o método IC

    The Hippo Signaling Pathway Components Lats and Yap Pattern Tead4 Activity to Distinguish Mouse Trophectoderm from Inner Cell Mass

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    Outside cells of the preimplantation mouse embryo form the trophectoderm (TE), a process requiring the transcription factor Tead4. Here, we show that transcriptionally active Tead4 can induce Cdx2 and other trophoblast genes in parallel in embryonic stem cells. In embryos, the Tead4 coactivator protein Yap localizes to nuclei of outside cells, and modulation of Tead4 or Yap activity leads to changes in Cdx2 expression. In inside cells, Yap is phosphorylated and cytoplasmic, and this involves the Hippo signaling pathway component Lats. We propose that active Tead4 promotes TE development in outside cells, whereas Tead4 activity is suppressed in inside cells by cell contact- and Lats-mediated inhibition of nuclear Yap localization. Thus, differential signaling between inside and outside cell populations leads to changes in cell fate specification during TE formation

    Screw Spreading: Technical Considerations and Case Report

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    The spreading system is an alternative technique to the Summers osteotome. The crest expansion technique is a less invasive procedure in which the facial wall expands after the medullary bone is compressed against the cortical wall. It improves the density of the maxillary bone, which allows for greater initial stability of implants. A specific screw instrument, the "spreader," achieved a controlled and standardized dilation of the bone horizontally. The use of spreaders to enhance the dental implant site is a highly predictable procedure. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2011;31:141-147.


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    Electrodeposición es la deposición galvánica de la aleación de oro con 99% de pureza (24K) para el uso odontológico, teniendo como principio la electrólisis. Este sistema de electrodeposición permite la confeción de una cofia de oro con una excelente adaptación marginal. Puede ser fabricado con un espesor mínimo de 0,2mm haciendo posible realizar un desgaste menor en la preparación de pilares, y sobre esa fina infraestructura se puede aplicar una capa mayor de cerámica optimizando la estética cuando se compara con la fundición de estructuras convencionales. Hace posible la confección de coronas y prótesis parciales fijas. Las coronas metal-cerámicas confeccionadas por la técnica de electrodeposición otorgan una estética satisfactoria, debido a una apariencia mas natural y mejor calidad del color. Adicionalmente presenta características ventajosas como ausencia de corrosión y una excelente biocompatibilidad con los tejidos periodontales. Este trabajo muestra la confección de coronas metalocerámicas totales hechas con cofias por electrodeposición, teniendo como objetivo presentar una alternativa en prótesis parcial fija para los profesionales.SUMMARYElectrodeposition is the galvanic deposition of the gold alloy with 99% of purity (24K) for the dentistry use, having like principle electrolysis. This electrodeposition system allows the preparation of pure gold coping with an excellent marginal fit. It can be made with a minimum thickness of 0,2mm doing possible to make a less teeth reduction, and on that fine infrastructure can be applied to a greater layer of ceramics optimizing the aesthetic when it is compared with the cast conventional copings. It is possible the preparation of unitary and fixed partial prostheses. The metal-ceramics crowns made by the electrodeposition technique present an aesthetic satisfactory, due to a natural appearance and better quality of the color. Additionally, it presents advantageous characteristics as corrosion absence and an excellent biocompatibility with periodontal tissues. This work shows the preparation of complete metalceramics crowns made with copings by electrodeposition, having as objective present an alternative in fixed partial prosthetics for the professionals

    Redundant Roles of Tead1 and Tead2 in Notochord Development and the Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Survival▿

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    Four members of the TEAD/TEF family of transcription factors are expressed widely in mouse embryos and adult tissues. Although in vitro studies have suggested various roles for TEAD proteins, their in vivo functions remain poorly understood. Here we examined the role of Tead genes by generating mouse mutants for Tead1 and Tead2. Tead2−/− mice appeared normal, but Tead1−/−; Tead2−/− embryos died at embryonic day 9.5 (E9.5) with severe growth defects and morphological abnormalities. At E8.5, Tead1−/−; Tead2−/− embryos were already small and lacked characteristic structures such as a closed neural tube, a notochord, and somites. Despite these overt abnormalities, differentiation and patterning of the neural plate and endoderm were relatively normal. In contrast, the paraxial mesoderm and lateral plate mesoderm were displaced laterally, and a differentiated notochord was not maintained. These abnormalities and defects in yolk sac vasculature organization resemble those of mutants for Yap, which encodes a coactivator of TEAD proteins. Moreover, we demonstrated genetic interactions between Tead1 and Tead2 and Yap. Finally, Tead1−/−; Tead2−/− embryos showed reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis. These results suggest that Tead1 and Tead2 are functionally redundant, use YAP as a major coactivator, and support notochord maintenance as well as cell proliferation and survival in mouse development

    Effect of Jig Design and Assessment of Stress Distribution in Testing Metal-Ceramic Adhesion.

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    PURPOSE In testing adhesion using shear bond test, a combination of shear and tensile forces occur at the interface, resulting in complex stresses. The jig designs used for this kind of test show variations in published studies, complicating direct comparison between studies. This study evaluated the effect of different jig designs on metal-ceramic bond strength and assessed the stress distribution at the interface using finite element analysis (FEA). MATERIALS AND METHODS Metal-ceramic (Metal: Ni-Cr, Wiron 99, Bego; Ceramic: Vita Omega 900, Vita) specimens (N = 36) (diameter: 4 mm, veneer thickness: 4 mm; base diameter: 5 mm, thickness: 1 mm) were fabricated and randomly divided into three groups (n = 12 per group) to be tested using one of the following jig designs: (a) chisel (CH) (ISO 11405), (b) steel strip (SS), (c) piston (PI). Metal-ceramic interfaces were loaded under shear until debonding in a universal testing machine (0.5 mm/min). Failure types were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). FEA was used to study the stress distribution using different jigs. Metal-ceramic bond strength data (MPa) were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α = 0.05). RESULTS The jig type significantly affected the bond results (p = 0.0001). PI type of jig presented the highest results (MPa) (p < 0.05) (58.2 ± 14.8), followed by CH (38.7 ± 7.6) and SS jig type (23.3 ± 4.2) (p < 0.05). Failure types were exclusively a combination of cohesive failure in the opaque ceramic and adhesive interface failure. FEA analysis indicated that the SS jig presented slightly more stress formation than with the CH jig. The PI jig presented small stress concentration with more homogeneous force distribution compared to the CH jig where the stress concentrated in the area where the force was applied. CONCLUSION Metal-ceramic bond strength was affected by the jig design. Accordingly, the results of in vitro studies on metal-ceramic adhesion should be evaluated with caution. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE When adhesion of ceramic materials to metals is evaluated in in vitro studies, it should be noted that the loading jig type affects the results. Clinical observations should report on the location and type of ceramic fractures in metal-ceramic reconstructions so that the most relevant test method can be identified

    A Case of Giant Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Buttock Possibly Arose from Syringocystadenoma and Invaded to the Rectum

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    We report a rare case of giant squamous cell carcinoma of the buttock infiltrated to the rectum. The tumor may have arisen from syringocystadenoma papilliferum. Since there was no sign of metastasis, radical operation including rectal amputation was performed after successful neoadjuvant therapies. Afterwards, the patient has been alive free from disease for 15 months with no lymph node and distant organ metastasis