2,821 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory: A Confrontation of Symmetries

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    The concept of a noncommutative field is formulated based on the interplay between twisted Poincar\'e symmetry and residual symmetry of the Lorentz group. Various general dynamical results supporting this construction, such as the light-wedge causality condition and the integrability condition for Tomonaga-Schwinger equation, are presented. Based on this analysis, the claim of the identity between commutative QFT and noncommutative QFT with twisted Poincar\'e symmetry is refuted.Comment: 20 page

    No confinement without Coulomb confinement

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    We compare the physical potential VD(R)V_D(R) of an external quark-antiquark pair in the representation DD of SU(N), to the color-Coulomb potential Vcoul(R)V_{\rm coul}(R) which is the instantaneous part of the 44-component of the gluon propagator in Coulomb gauge, D_{44}(\vx,t) = V_{\rm coul}(|\vx|) \delta(t) + (non-instantaneous). We show that if VD(R)V_D(R) is confining, limRVD(R)=+\lim_{R \to \infty}V_D(R) = + \infty, then the inequality VD(R)CDVcoul(R)V_D(R) \leq - C_D V_{\rm coul}(R) holds asymptotically at large RR, where CD>0C_D > 0 is the Casimir in the representation DD. This implies that Vcoul(R) - V_{\rm coul}(R) is also confining.Comment: 9 page

    Asymptotic Limits and Sum Rules for Gauge Field Propagators

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    For gauge field propagators, the asymptotic behavior is obtained in all directions of the complex k2k^2-plane, and for general, linear, covariant gauges. Asymptotically free theories are considered. Except for coefficients, the functional form of the leading asymptotic terms is gauge-independent. Exponents are determined exactly by one-loop expressions. Sum rules are derived, which generalize the superconvergence relations obtained in the Landau gauge. (To appear in Physics Letters B)Comment: Latex, EFI 93-7

    A simulation of high energy cosmic ray propagation 1

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    High energy cosmic ray propagation of the energy region 10 to the 14.5 power - 10 to the 18th power eV is simulated in the inter steller circumstances. In conclusion, the diffusion process by turbulent magnetic fields is classified into several regions by ratio of the gyro-radius and the scale of turbulence. When the ratio becomes larger then 10 to the minus 0.5 power, the analysis with the assumption of point scattering can be applied with the mean free path E sup 2. However, when the ratio is smaller than 10 to the minus 0.5 power, we need a more complicated analysis or simulation. Assuming the turbulence scale of magnetic fields of the Galaxy is 10-30pc and the mean magnetic field strength is 3 micro gauss, the energy of cosmic ray with that gyro-radius is about 10 to the 16.5 power eV