799 research outputs found

    Pengangkatan Hakamain Alam Proses Perceraian (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Agama Kotamobagu)

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    Proses pengangkatan hakamain adalah inisiatif pokok datangnya dari Majelis Hakim, yaitu dalam tahapan pemeriksaan perkara tersebut ( proses jawab menjawab ) hakim sudah dapat menilai perkara tersebut, selajutnya setelah pembuktian kedudukan perkaratersebut semakin jelas dan disinilah hakim mengangkat hakam, yaitu memerintahkan kedua belah pihak untuk mendatangkan orang yang dapat dipercaya, kemudian diambil sumpah oleh Majelis Hakim dalam pelaksanaan tugas tersebut, kemudian dibacakan putusan sela, selanjutnya hakamain melaksanakan tugasnya, setelah melaksanakan tugasnya hakamain melaporkan hasilnya kepada Majelis Hakim, apakah hasil dapat didamaikan ataupun tidak harus didengar oleh Majelis Hakim sebagai bahan pertimbangan, jika berhasil didamaikan, maka perkara tersebut harus dinyatakan selesai karena damai dan harus dicabut, sebaliknya jika tidak berhasil, dilanjutka dengan pemeriksaan akhir, yaitu masing-masing mengajukan kesimpulan. Hal ini sesuai aturan normatif pengangkatan hakamain dalam pasal 76 ayat ( 1 ) dan ( 2 ) Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 dan Alqur\u27an surah An-Nisa ayat 3

    The Production of Striped Catfish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) in Intensive Cultivation Reviewed Water Quality Parameters of Red Yellow Podzolic in Different Age

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    This study aims to determine the striped catfish production intensive cultivation reviewed from parameters of water quality pond with a red-yellow podzolic in different ages. The method used in this study is the experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) using 1 factor, 4 levels of treatment and 3 replications, , with the treatment are: P1 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 0-5 years), P2 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 6-10 years), P3 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 11-15 years) and P4 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 16-20 years). The results showed that the striped catfish production in P4 (pond aged 16-20 years) is the best treatment which has a high production of 6.4 kg/m2, with the survival rate of 66,7% and low feed conversion ratio of 1.9%, and supported by water quality parameters were classified as good, namely: temperature between 27,600C, the brightness of 24.03 cm, 6.4 to 7.3 of pH, 3.74 mg/L of oxygen demand, ammonia of 0.21 mg/L, orthophosphate 1.05 mg/L, nitrate 1.03 mg/L, alkalinity total 100.5 mg/L, free carbon dioxide of 9.49 mg/L, and total organic material of 7.23 mg/L. Parameter water quality is relatively good for striped catfish farming

    Studi Partisipasi Politik Perempuan Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    The widely opening of the democratic system in Indonesia provides a good opportunity for the development of the nation\u27s politics. One of the indicators is the running of a democratic political system and measuring the level of public participation is the involvement of citizen participating in elections. The purpose of this study was to determine the political participation of women in the District of Gorontalo and the obstacles faced by women politicians in Gorontalo District at the period of 2009-2014. The methodology used was a descriptive qualitative analysis. Primary data were collected through structured interviews and observation. The secondary data obtained from research reports, journals, and the data available in each political party, the KPU, and the institution associated with the election. The sample consisted of 10 informants of women politicians, election commission, NGOs, head women\u27s empowerment, academicians, and leaders of the party. The result showed that women\u27s political participation is still low in Gorontalo District. It is suggested women politicians should enhance their capacity building, networking with women\u27s organizations and NGOs as well as the need for the party\u27s commitment to give priority to women

    Potensi Pemanfaatan Teknologi Embriogenesis Somatik in Vitro Dalam Perbanyakan Massal Benih Jeruk Bebas Penyakit

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    Mata tempel yang digunakan sebagai batang atas benih sebar jeruk di Indonesia berasal dari tanaman induk di Blok Penggandaan Mata Tempel (BPMT). Tanaman induk tersebut merupakan turunan dari produk shoot tip grafting (STG) in vitro yang menghasilkan induk jeruk bebas penyakit dan identik dengan induknya. Dengan makin berkembangnya teknologi kultur in vitro, benih sebar yang sehat dan serupa induknya dapat dihasilkan melalui teknologi embriogenesis somatik (ES). ES merupakan suatu proses di mana sel-sel somatik (haploid maupun diploid) berkembang membentuk tumbuhan baru melalui tahap perkembangan embrio tanpa melalui fusi gamet. Banyak faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan proses tersebut, antara lain genotipe, jenis dan fase perkembangan eksplan, serta komposisi dan jenis media kultur. Tanaman jeruk hasil ES secara genetik identik dengan induknya, namun subkultur berulang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya variasi somaklonal. Teknologi ini juga efektif untuk mengeliminasi penyakit virus dan penyakit Huanglongbing (CVPD) yang terbawa induk. Namun adanya karakter juvenil pada produk tanamannya menghambat upaya penyediaan benih jeruk bebas penyakit di Indonesia secara cepat. Untuk mengatasinya dikembangkan teknik sambung embrio kotiledon atau planlet hasil ES pada batang bawah jeruk secara ex vitro. Dengan cara ini, tanaman yang dihasilkan dapat tumbuh, berbunga, dan berproduksi dengan rentang waktu normal di lapangan. Penggunaan teknologi ES diharapkan dapat mempercepat produksi massal benih jeruk bebas penyakit pada masa mendatang

    Adsorpsi Ion Tembaga (Cu) dan Ion Besi (Fe) dengan Menggunakan Arang Hayati (Biocharcoal) Kulit Pisang Raja (Musa Sapientum)

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    This study determine the contact time, pH, and the optimum concentration of the solution of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) from skin the plantain (musa sapientum). Advances in the industry today resulted in many human activities that caused increasing impact of the pollution on surrounding of the environment. Environmental pollution by heavy metals being a serious problem along with increasing the use of heavy metals in the industry. The method used in this study was a laboratory experiment using colorimeter. The results showed that the adsorption of copper and iron on the plantain bark influence a time variation of Cu and Fe occurred in the 60 minute and 30 minute (99.64% and 99.54%); variation of pH for Cu and Fe occurrs in pH 4 and pH 3 (99.62% and 99.58%) and variation of concentration for Cu and Fe occurred at 20 ppm and 1 ppm (80.74% and 96.81%), respectively

    Pengaruh Pengalaman Tenaga Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Proyek Konstruksi Gedung Bertingkat di Kota Palu

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    One measure of the success of high-rise building construction projects is the labor. High labor productivity will support timely completion of projects and more efficient use of costs. Labor productivity will be easily achieved if human resources have previous work experience. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of labor experience on labor productivity in high-rise building construction projects in the city of Palu. Primary data collection through the distribution of questionnaires, interviews, surveys and documentation. Secondary data is obtained through information on the contractor company. Data analysis using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression. The results showed that partially the length of time work (X1) and the level of knowledge and skills (X2) had a positive effect on labor productivity (Y) but not significantly. Meanwhile, mastery of work and equipment (X3) partially has a positive and significant effect on labor productivity (Y). Simultaneously the variable length of time/work time (X1), level of knowledge and skills possessed (X2), variable mastery of work and equipment (X3) has a positive and significant effect on labor productivity (Y) with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 88.4%


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    Abstract International Marketing is in continuous uptrend, due to the digitalised platform of marketing. As technology creates leaps in communication, transportation, and financial flows, the world continues to feel smaller and smaller. It is possible for companies and consumers to conduct business in almost any country around the world thanks to advances in international trade. Tirupur is considered as an export hub, and land of garments where premium end quality brands are being manufactured and are available in product display in giant retail stores across boundaries. Entrepreneurs in Tirupur are more comfortable in dealing business in foreign labels. Very few brands of Tirupur, India are in the name of Indian brands in the global market. This study is to understand the reasons for the entrepreneurs’ opinion and factors that hinders the branding and labelling of Tirupur based garments in Indian names. Primary and secondary data were collected to rule out the findings of the study. The results proves that, the success is in near future, sure “Indian garments will acquire a prominent niche under Indian brand names in the global market”
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