69 research outputs found

    Modifying SBA-15 with Binary Elements of Chromium and Molybdenum for Improved Catalytic Performance in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane to Isobutene

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    In the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane to isobutene, selectivity and stability were improved by introducing chromium and molybdenum into SBA-15. The direct synthesis method (DM) was used to introduce these binary elements into SBA-15. Use of the DM resulted in a higher specific surface area of the catalyst and a greater dispersion of chromium and molybdenum species compared with a corresponding binary catalyst prepared using the incipient wetness impregnation method (IM). Selectivity to isobutene was improved, along with a decrease in the selectivities to CO and CO2 with the introduction of greater amounts of molybdenum, which suggests that molybdenum must suppress the tendency of isobutene to over-oxidate to either CO or CO2. The molybdenum species must be in close proximity to the chromium species, which results in the formation of an active Cr-O-Mo site

    Diagnosing nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy: A case study of two children

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    AbstractWe describe two children of nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) diagnosed using carefully observed nocturnal sleep EEGs and detailed patient histories.Case #1, a 14-year-old boy, showed repeated generalized tonic convulsions and frequent eyes opening seizures during sleep. Conventional EEGs – done with the patient awake or in sleep stage I – showed no abnormalities, while a nocturnal sleep EEG – done during in sleep stage II – revealed the repeated, sharp wave bursts predominantly in the right frontal lobe characteristic of NFLE. During these wave bursts, we noticed the boy's eyes opening, although his parents had not been aware this NFLE symptom.Case #2, a 12-year-old boy, showed one daytime generalized convulsion. He had also been suffering from repeated paroxysmal episodes similar to parasomnia – waking up, sitting, walking, screaming, and speaking – which always followed the same patterns lasting several minutes. During the nocturnal sleep EEG, episodes occurred twice, showing abnormal epileptic discharges predominantly in the frontal lobe. His parents did not mention the episodes to us until questioned, as they had recognized them as parasomnia. The previous conventional EEG showed abnormal slow waves in the frontal lobe, which led us to suspect frontal lobe epilepsy and to take a detailed patient history.The frequency and stereotypy of their symptoms during sleep caused us to perform nocturnal sleep EEGs and led us NFLE diagnosis. Detailed patient histories including sleep habits and carefully observed nocturnal sleep EEGs enabled us to recognize these NFLE clinical features

    Effect of Introduction of Trace Amount of Chromium Species in Improving Catalytic Performance of MCM-48 in Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane

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    The catalytic performance of MCM-48 was greatly improved by the introduction of a small amount of chromium during the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane. Various characterization procedures such as XRD, N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms, TEM, NH3-TPD, XPS, and XAFS were used to identify the role that chromium played in the improvement, and XPS and XAFS results provided the most valuable information. Both measurements revealed that the chromium species existed as Cr6+ inside the framework of MCM-48 before oxidative dehydrogenation, but was reduced to Cr3+ during the reaction. The characteristic pore nature of MCM-48 also contributed to an enhancement of the selectivity to isobutene via the suppression of consecutive oxidation reactions

    Effects of acidic-basic properties on catalytic activity for the oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane on calcium phosphates, doped and undoped with chromium

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    Catalytic activities of calcium hydroxyapatite (HAp) and β-type tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) were examined for use in the oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of isobutane. β-TCP was catalytically inactive for the ODH of isobutane, but stoichiometric HAp afforded a high isobutene yield (5.6%). The isobutane conversion and isobutene selectivity of HAp depended on the atomic ratio of Ca/P. HAp with Ca/P = 1.67 showed the highest isobutene selectivity and isobutene yield among the HAp catalysts with different Ca/P ratios. The characterization of the acidic-basic properties showed that these properties affect the catalytic performance of HAp, and that its basicity is necessary for high catalytic activity. To improve the catalytic activities of calcium phosphates, they were impregnated with Cr. Despite a much lower surface area for β-TCP, Cr-impregnated β-TCP showed a higher isobutene yield (up to 8.4%) than that of Cr-impregnated HAp. The results of the XPS measurement showed that the Cr3+ species on calcium phosphates, owing to basicity, worked as active sites in the ODH of isobutane

    Genetic and Molecular Basis of Individual Differences in Human Umami Taste Perception

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    Umami taste (corresponds to savory in English) is elicited by L-glutamate, typically as its Na salt (monosodium glutamate: MSG), and is one of five basic taste qualities that plays a key role in intake of amino acids. A particular property of umami is the synergistic potentiation of glutamate by purine nucleotide monophosphates (IMP, GMP). A heterodimer of a G protein coupled receptor, TAS1R1 and TAS1R3, is proposed to function as its receptor. However, little is known about genetic variation of TAS1R1 and TAS1R3 and its potential links with individual differences in umami sensitivity. Here we investigated the association between recognition thresholds for umami substances and genetic variations in human TAS1R1 and TAS1R3, and the functions of TAS1R1/TAS1R3 variants using a heterologous expression system. Our study demonstrated that the TAS1R1-372T creates a more sensitive umami receptor than -372A, while TAS1R3-757C creates a less sensitive one than -757R for MSG and MSG plus IMP, and showed a strong correlation between the recognition thresholds and in vitro dose - response relationships. These results in human studies support the propositions that a TAS1R1/TAS1R3 heterodimer acts as an umami receptor, and that genetic variation in this heterodimer directly affects umami taste sensitivity

    国際バカロレア(IB)教育についての考察 : 各教員の専門・関心分野における教育との比較検討

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    研究ノート 聖隷クリストファー大学社会福祉学部こども教育福祉学科では、国際バカロレア教員認定資格(IBEC)のプログラムを2021 年9 月から開始する。それに伴い、IBEC の具体的な中身の検討を行うため、学科の各教員が専門や関心領域と関連づけて研究・研修を行って来た。そこから得た国際バカロレア教育に関する理解や考察について各執筆者が以下の内容についてまとめる。聖書・キリスト教的価値観と国際バカロレア、SDGs との関連、初等教育プログラムにおける算数、初等教育プログラムにおける理科、初等教育プログラムにおける言語、PYP における体育の重要性、初等教育プログラムにおける芸術、IB 教育の「学習者像」と教育要領「10 の姿」の比較。「PYP のつくり方:初等教育のための国際教育カリキュラム」を基に比較検討を行う


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    調査報告 聖隷クリストファー大学社会福祉学部こども教育福祉学科は、2019 年度より小学校教員養成課程を設置した。さらに新しい時代に求められる資質・能力を児童が身に付けられるよう大学の教育課程に「国際バカロレア(以下、IB)」関連の科目を置き、主体性や国際的な視点を持った全人教育を推進する教員養成を目指すことにした。 IB 教育は、知識や人格のバランスがとれた世界的に通用する人材を育成することを目的としている。この教育内容を理解するために、本学では研究会・講演会開催や国際バカロレア教育学会に参加することを年間通じて計画・実行してきた。本報告は、こうした研究会や学会を通して学習・考察した内容についてまとめていくものである。 そうすることで、IB 教育と本学の教育や授業との関係を整理し、IB に関する理解を教員全員で深め、本学科の教育の独自性や特色ある内容について検討・創造していく第一歩とするものである

    Periodontal Tissue Regeneration Using Fibroblast Growth Factor -2: Randomized Controlled Phase II Clinical Trial

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    Background: The options for medical use of signaling molecules as stimulators of tissue regeneration are currently limited. Preclinical evidence suggests that fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 can promote periodontal regeneration. This study aimed to clarify the activity of FGF-2 in stimulating regeneration of periodontal tissue lost by periodontitis and to evaluate the safety of such stimulation. Methodology/Principal Findings: We used recombinant human FGF-2 with 3% hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) as vehicle and conducted a randomized double-blinded controlled trial involving 13 facilities. Subjects comprised 74 patients displaying a 2- or 3-walled vertical bone defect as measured ?3 mm apical to the bone crest. Patients were randomly assigned to 4 groups: Group P, given HPC with no FGF-2; Group L, given HPC containing 0.03% FGF-2; Group M, given HPC cotaining 0.1% FGF-2; and Group H, given HPC Containing 0.3% FGF-2. Each patient underwent flap operation during which we administered 200 μL of the appropriate investigational drug to the bone defect. Before and for 36 weeks following administration, patients underwent periodontal tissue inspections and standardized radiography of the region under investigation. As a result, a significant difference (p = 0.021) in rate of increase in alveolar bone height was identified between Group P (23.92%) and Group H (58.62%) at 36 weeks. The linear increase in alveolar bone height at 36 weeks in Group P and H was 0.95 mm and 1.85 mm, respectively (p = 0.132). No serious adverse events attribute to the investigational drug were identified. Conclusions: Although no statistically significant differences were noted for gains in clinical attachment level and alveolar bone gain for FGF-2 groups versus Group P, the significant difference in rate of increase in alveolar bone height (p = 0.021) between Groups P and H at 36 weeks suggests that some efficacy could be expected from FGF-2 in stimulating regeneration of periodontal tissue in patients with periodontitis


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    金沢大学理工研究域環境デザイン学系This study focuses on the process of thermocline\u27s destruction and reformation during typhoons using field observation data. The thermocline has a large effect on the circulation and would be a factor to make water worse. Therefore, it is necessary to understand its process deeply. In this study, the stability of density stratification was evaluated based on the Brant-Vaisala frequency and the Richardson number. The results suggested that high wave destroyed the stratification and high wind mixed ocean water vertically more energetically during stratified season. On the other hand, is was found that stratification was unstable regardless of typhoon intensity during unstratified season. Moreover, the characteristics of water-mass were evaluated on the TS diagram during unstratified season.台風イベント時の水温躍層の破壊・再形成のプロセスに着目して,観測データの解析を行うことでプロセスの経過について検討した.水温躍層は水域内の流動に大きな影響を与え,水質問題が生じる要因にもなるため,詳細な現象の把握が求められている.そこで本研究では,台風イベント時の観測データからブラント・バイサラ振動数およびリチャードソン数を算出し,成層の安定性を評価した.その結果,密度成層期には,まず高波浪により成層の安定が崩され強風により更に不安定さが促進されるという仮説を得た.また,混合期は成層が不安定で,台風接近前からシア流の不安定が生じていて混合が生じていることがわかった.これらの結果を踏まえて,更にTS図を作成し混合期の水塊の特性を評価した.出版者照会後に全文公

    Development of High Efficiency Switched Reluctance Motor

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