55 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Nilai Noise Sebelum Dan Sesudah Kalibrasi Sebagai Salah Satu Wujud Kinerja Pesawat CT-Scan

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    The noise has to be measured daily because it directly degrades image quality, which inturn it is dificult to define between normal and pathological tissues on a-CT image. Thisresearch’s aim was performed to examine noise differences between before and aftercalibrating of the CT-scanner system, and also to study the chance of noise deviated values day-by-day during 20 days of the two different periods of measurement.A callibrated head water phantom was scanned before and after equipment callibrations,using the head scanning parameter, and device measurement at ROI 228.2 mm2 to obtain thenoise data. Descriptive statistics was employed to present related information, and the T-testpaired-sample was the statistical tool to test the null hypothese (Ho) with level of significance(α) 0.05.The results showed most of noise values between before and after equipment calibrationsfall arround the base line or within two standard deviation (2SD). In before callibration of thenoise, the base line noise value is 4.76 HU whereas the upper limit and the lower limmit of thenoise values are 5.34 HU and 4.18 HU (respectively) with a-1.16 HU difference. In aftercallibration of the noise, the base line noise value is 4.35 HU whereas the upper limit and thelower limmit of the noise values are 5.29 HU and 3.41 HU with a-1.87 HU difference. However,there are two out of fourty noise values (± 5%) that fall outside of the 2SD limmit if a numberfalls outside of 2SD from the base line in the same direction (i.e., all high or all low) more thanfour days in a row, it is a shift that could be due to a machine malfunction and should beinvestigated before the outer control limit is exceeded. Statistical analyses with paired- sampleT-test showed p-value (0.005) < 0.05. By this meaning that, the noise between before and afterCT-Scanner callibrations are different in their values additonally most of the noise values aftercallibration seem to be low compared with that of the values before callibrations.Keywords: CT scan, evaluation, noise

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pengujian Focus Film Distance (FFD)

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    Background : Focus film distance (FFD) settings may affect the quality of radiograph, such as: density of the film, contrast, the intensity of x-ray radiation, detail and distortion of the image of the object, so that should be done appropriately. However, in practice, focus markers are often not given, lost or covered by accessories in x-ray tubes, so the technologist difficulties in determining the location of the focal point. It will make the technologist in the measurement of FFD done by measuring the approximate location of the focal point to the receptors. And yet there is a special tool that can be used to measure the accuracy of the settings of the FFD.Methods : The research will focus on the design of FFD measurement tools using acrylic materials, copper wire and small iron balls. Research methods is experimental with trial and error design, tool architecture will be done some test functions, include: Test of acrillic material (radiograph image), copper wire alignment test, test of steady ball of iron ball, FFD measure test. Evaluation is done by comparing wire image measurement with mathematical calculation using magnification formula.Results : The results of this research is the formation of FFD testing tool that is made has dimensions of 18 cm x 10 cm x 20 cm using acrillic material wich inside the part there is wire measuring 2 cm, 10 cm, and 16 cm and two iron balls are mutually perpendicular. The function test of the device is obtained as follows: the test of acrilic material in the radiographic image has been able to distinguish the acrylic material with wire and iron ball so as not to interfere with the measurement of the length of the wire image; copper wire alignment test found that the position of each wire mounted on plate A is aligned and is 20 cm from the bottom of the tool; the steady iron ball deformity test on plate A and plate B is straight-forwar

    Evaluasi Nilai Noise Sebelum Dan Sesudah Kalibrasi Sebagai Salah Satu Wujud Kinerja Pesawat CT -Scan

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    Abstract The noise has to be measured daily because it directly degrades image quality, which in turn it is dificult to define between normal and pCfthological tissues on a-CT image. This research\u27s aim was performed to examine noise differences between before and after calibrating of the CT-scanner system, and also to study the chance of noise deviated values dayby-day during 20 days of the two different periods of measurement. A callibrated head water phantom was scanned before and after equipment callibrations, using the head scanning parameter, and device measurement at ROI 228.2 mm2 to obtain the noise data. Descriptive statistics was employed to present related information, and the T-test paired-sample was the statistical tool to test the null hypothese (Ho) with level of significance (a) 0.05. The results showed most of noise values between before and after equipment calibr.ations fall arr?und the base line or within two standard deviation (2SD). In before callibration of the noise, the base line noise value is 4.76 HU whereas the upper limit and the lower limmit of the noise values are 5.34 HU and 4.18 HU (respectively) with a-1.16 HU difference. In after callibration of the noise, the base line noise value is 4.35 HU whereas the upper limit and the lower limmit of the noise values are 5.29 HU and 3.41 HU with a-1.87 HU difference. However, there are two out of fourty noise values (:I::5%) that fall outside of the 2SD limmit if a number falls outside of 2SD from the base line in the same direction (i.e., all high or all low) more than four days in a row, it is a shift that could be due to a machine malfunction and should be investigated before the outer control limit is exceeded. Statistical analyses with paired- sample T-test showed p-value (0.005) < 0.05. By this meaning that, the noise between before and after CT-Scanner callibrations are different in their values additonally most of the noise values after callibration seem to be low compared with that of the values before callibrations. Keywords: CT scan, evaluation, noise

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Cairan Klorin Untuk Menurunkan Angka Mikroorganisme Pada Kaset Radiografi

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    Radiography has an important role in diagnosing a patient's disease, but the equipment used has a considerable risk as a place for the development of nosocomial bacteria which can endanger the patient and radiographer. Cassettes, one of the tools in radiography, have the potential to become a medium for disease transmission and based on previous research it has been proven that there are microorganisms and fungi on the cassettes, so the cassettes need to be cleaned regularly. One of the duties of a radiographer in the field of radiology services is the management of radiology equipment facilities and infrastructure. Cleaning the cassette with 70% alcohol can reduce the number of microorganisms on its surface. The methods in this activity are lectures, simulations, and practice cleaning cassettes with chlorine. The activities were carried out at the Laboratory of the Department of Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy Technique at the Semarang Health Polytechnic Ministry with radiographers from hospitals and clinical laboratories in the city of Semarang. The activity begins with the registration, opening, delivering material to the participants, and the simulation of resource persons. Evaluation is done by filling in the pretest and posttest. The evaluation results showed an increase in participants' knowledge of 63% about how to clean cassettes using liquid chlorine to reduce the number of microorganisms on radiographic cassettes. With this training, radiographers are expected to be able to apply cleaning radiographic cassettes with liquid chlorine 0,5% in their respective institutions

    Informasi Diagnostik Pemeriksaan Appendikografi Oral dan USG dalam Menegakkan Diagnosis Appendisitis

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    Background: Patients with suspected appendicitis are always asked by the sending doctor (Pediatric Surgeon) to ask for an oral appendicography examination without seeking other investigations such as ultrasound or CT scan. Whereas in the oral appendicography examination, false negative often occurs so that the patient is exposed to radiation several times until the barium reaches the caecum area and no more barium is still in the small intestine. Compared to the oral appendicography examination, ultrasound examination is easier in patient preparation, cheaper in terms of cost and more safety against the dangers of X-ray radiation.Methods: This research is a descriptive analytic study conducted with a cross sectional approach. The study was conducted by providing interventions for ultrasound examination before carrying out an oral appendicography examination. Ultrasound examination of the appendix is an examination using ultrasound waves with a frequency of 5-7.5 MHz or 2-4 MHz to diagnose appendicitis. Oral appendicography examination is a radiological examination to confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis using 100 grams of barium sulfate contrast medium diluted to a volume of 200 ml that is administered orally.Results: Diagnostic information obtained on oral appendicography examination of suspected appendicitis in radiology department Roemani Hospital, among others, can show the presence of calcification and the length of the appendix organs can be measured. Diagnostic information obtained on ultrasound examination of suspected appendicitis, among others, can show the presence of debris (pus), can evaluate the thickness of the intestinal wall and its vascularity.Conclusion: Ultrasound examination for suspected appendicitis is the first choice in diagnosing appendicitis than oral appendicography because it can be done in a faster, safer, more convenient and non-invasive manner and the cost of ultrasound is cheaper than oral appendicography

    Studi Kasus Pemeriksaan MSCT Urografi Multiphase dengan Klinis Tumor Ginjal

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    Background: The procedure for examining multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) multiphase urography with clinical kidney tumors in the Radiology Installation of the Banyumas General Hospital differs from the literature in the use of scans in the corticomedullary phase and the post-contrast scanning phase. This study aims to determine the procedure for MSCT Urography Multiphase examination with clinical kidney tumors, to find out the reasons for using a scan of the corticomedullary phase area from the diaphragm to the pubic symphysis and to find out the reasons for using four phases of post-contrast scanning.Methods: This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data was collected at the radiology installation at the Banyumas Hospital from January to May 2023, the study respondents consisted of three radiographers, one radiologist, one sending doctor and one radiology nurse. Methods of data collection by observation, in-depth interviews, documentation. Data analysis was carried out through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.Results: MSCT Urography Multiphase examination procedure with clinical kidney tumors in the radiology installation of Banyumas Hospital includes, the patient's supine feet first position, scanning area from the diaphragm to the symphysis pubis, using 50 ml of contrast media with 40 ml of saline flush. Scanning technique by taking the pre-contrast phase, corticomedullary phase, nephrography phase, equilibrium phase and delay phase. Scan the area of the corticomedullary phase from the diaphragm to the symphysis pubis to to simplify the scanning process because the tool protocol has already made full abdominal scan area settings and to evaluate the pattern of abdominal organ enhancement if there is a metastatic urothelial lesion other than the kidney. The use of four phases of post-contrast scanning is because the goals and functions of each scanning phase are different so that the maximum diagnostic information is obtained.Conclusions: The MSCT Urography Multiphase examination procedure with clinical kidney tumors in the radiology installation of Banyumas can provide optimal diagnostic information.

    Analisis Noise Pada Radiografi Thorax Pulmonum Pada Penerapan Modifikasi Faktor Eksposi Aturan 10 kV

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    Introduction: Quality and dose factors are very important in radiodiagnostics. To produce a constant radiographic quality, the density and contrast produced must remain constant. There is a rule that aims to produce a constant radiographic quality by adding the exposure value, namely the 10 kV rule. This study was conducted to determine the noise in the computed radiography image with the thorax organ produced by modifying the exposure factor of the 10 kV rule and whether it is still within tolerance.Methods: This quantitative research was conducted with an experimental approach. This is done by taking a series of radiographs that include three exposure factor settings, standard (60 kV, 10 mAs), increased by 10 kV (70 kV, 5 mAs) and lowered by 10 kV (50 kV, 20 mAs). Noise measurement is done by doing ROI in the background area. The exposure index and deviation index values were also recorded as quality and dose references. The data was processed and analyzed by statistical tests.Results: From the statistical test results, there is a significant relationship between kV and noise with a sig (1-tailed) of ,000. Noise on the standard exposure factor has a lower noise than the modified exposure factor with a difference of 0.2. From the quality aspect, the most optimum exposure index and deviation index indicators are in the range of 70 KV and 5 mAs.Conclusion: The results of the statistical test of the relationship of kV to noise obtained at 50 Kv and 20 mAs, 60 kV and 10 mAs gave a significance value of 0.263 and 0.435, while at 70 kV and 10 mAs with Sig. (1-tailed) of .000 which means the relationship between kV to noise is strong because the sig value is below 0.05

    Analisis Jeda Waktu Pembacaan Imaging Plate Terhadap Signal to Noise Ratio pada Citra Computed Radiography

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    Backgroud: Imaging plate (IP) is a storage media on computed radiography (CR). IP that has been exposed and does not process immediately will decrease the latent image exponentially over time and degrade the image quality. Normally, 25% of signal will be lost if IP was scanned at 10 minutes till 8 hours after exposure. So It will decrease the image quality. Image quality is determined by several factors. One of them is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This study aims to determine the effect of reading time delay of IP to SNR on CR image.Methods: This research was a quantitative study with an experimental approach. Population of this study was CR digital image with various time delay of IP reading. Samples were 51 digital images of water phantom read by IP reading with time interval was 0 hours, 0.5 hours, 1 hour; 1.5 hour, 2 hours, 2.5 hours, 3 hours, 3.5 hours, 4 hours, 4.5 hours, 5 hours, 5.5 hours, 6 hours, 6.5 hours, 7 hours, 7.5 hours and 8 hours after exposure. Image pixel value and noise was weasured by ImageJ software to determine the value of SNR, then analyzed statistically with the regression test.Results: There was effect of reading time delay to SNR on CR image. Time delay affected 30,5% decreasing of SNR. Generally, time delay of IP reading decrease the SNR. The average decrease was 1.55% of SNR.Conclusion: The decrease of the SNR value was not big enough, only 1.55%. However, it will better when IP read as soon as possible after exposure to reduce the decrease of image quality

    Acceptance Test Of Diagnostic X-Ray Merk GE Type XR 6000 In Radiodiagnostic And Radiotherapy Department Laboratory Of Health Polytechnic Of Semarang

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    The purpose of this study is to test the X-ray equipment GE Type XR 6000 in in JTRR Laboratory of Health Polytechnic in Semarang the and analyze the test results. It is a quantitative measurement of some components including Collimator, X-ray tube and generator. The instruments used for the measurement were Piranha test tool, TOR ABC as well as the water passes. The measurement result for light is 281.67 lux, deviation for collimator ΔX + ΔY is 1.8% and a deviation of 1.5 degrees. For the measurement of tube leakage is still below the leak amounted to 1 mGy / h. The accuracy of all tubes is less than 5% (diff kVp). Tube current output is still appropriate with the setting. The linearity coefficient results in mAs linearity testing is less than 0.1. The CV value of reproducibility is ≤ 0.05. While the value of the measured HVL is already greater than 2.3 mmAl at 80 kVp. In conclusion, the results of the measurements of X-rays equipment Ge Type XR 6000 in JTRR Laboratory of Health Polytechnic of Semarang is still within the acceptance for use

    Pelaksanaan Informed Consent pada Pemeriksaan Intra Vena Pyelografi di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Umum Sukoharjo

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    Background: The implementation of informed consent at Radiology department of Sukoharjo Hospital was conducted by administrative officer and radiographer. The officer explained the preparation of pyelographic intra-venous examination to the patient then the patient was asked to fill out and sign the informed consent form. According to the Indonesian Medical Council and Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia, the delivery of informed consent is carried out by doctors. The doctor explains all the information contained in the contents of informed consent before taking any medical action. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of informed consent done in the radiology department and patient understanding of the contents of the informed consent form.Methods: The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research with the observational approach. Data were collected in March-June 2017 by observational of informed consent and interviews of 30 patients who will conduct intra vena pyelographic examination. Data analyzed by descriptively.Results: The results showed that the provision of informed consent to intravenous pyelographic examination patient at Sukoharjo Hospital was performed by administration officer and radiographer before conducting the examination. The patient's understanding of the contents of informed consent has not been in accordance with the content of the informed consent form because the information submitted by the radiologist only concerning the preparation of intravenous examination of pyelography does not include examination procedures, objectives, risks, complications, diagnoses, prognoses, alternative other measures and risks, and costs.Conclusions: In radiology department of Sukoharjo hospital at Intravenapyelography patient informed consent delivered by administrative officers and radiographer. Patients understanding the content of informed consen
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