62 research outputs found

    Serum cystatin C levels are associated with triglycerides/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio in adolescent girls ages between 16-19 years old

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    OBJECTIVE: The pathophysiological role of cystatin C in cardiometabolic disorders is not completely explored in young population. On the other hand, together with the increase in obesity, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance (IR) are often observed even in youngsters. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between cystatin C and triglycerides-to-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (TG/HDL-c), as an indicator of dyslipidemia and a surrogate marker of IR in the cohort of adolescent girls ages between 16-19 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 99 girls were included in the study. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were provided. Associations of biochemical markers with TG/HDL-c ratio were tested using univariable and multivariable ordinal regression analysis for TG/HDL-c ratio tertiles as dependent variable. RESULTS: In univariate analysis, cystatin C levels were significantly associated with TG/HDL-c ratio (OR=1.813; 95% CI: 1.190-2.757, p=0.005). Furthermore, multivariate analysis revealed that cystatin C was an independent predictor of TG/HDL-c ratio when body mass index and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (i.e., markers that were significantly correlated with TG/HDL-c ratio in Spearmanā€™s correlation analysis) were included in the Model. Adjusted odds for cystatin C (OR=1.621; 95% CI: 1.028-2.552, p=0.037) demonstrated that rise in cystatin C by 0.1 mg/L increased the probability for higher TG/HDL-c tertile group by 1.621 times. CONCLUSIONS: Serum cystatin C levels are associated with TG/HDL-c ratio in adolescent girls. Longitudinal studies are needed to confirm the causal relationship between cystatin C and TG/HDL-c ratio and to further explore its diagnostic and therapeutic potential in dyslipidemia and insulin resistance in young population

    Primena Real-time RT-PCR metode u detekciji SARS-CoV-2

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    Globalna pandemija teÅ”kim akutnim respiratornim sindromom korona virusom 2 (SARSCoV-2) joÅ” uvek traje. Od samog početka pandemije, brza i tačna detekcija SARS-CoV-2 je bila od suÅ”tinskog značaja. Lančana reakcija polimeraze (eng. Polymerase chain reaction, PCR) sa reverznom transkripcijom (RT) u realnom vremenu (eng. Real-time), rtRT-PCR ostaje zlatni standard za detekciju genoma SARS-CoV-2 u bioloÅ”kom materijalu. Preporučeni bioloÅ”ki materijal za rutinsku kliničku praksu je nazofaringealni ili orofaringealni bris. Vreme uzorkovanja za analizu je veoma značajno i treba da se izvrÅ”i Å”to je pre moguće od pojave simptoma. rtRT-PCR se može izvesti na uzorcima bez ili sa izolovanom ribonukleinskom kiselinom (RNK). Ekstrakcija ukupne humane i virusne RNK može se obaviti različitim komercijalnim kompletima. S druge strane, bioloÅ”ki materijali iz kojih nije izolovana RNK se koriste direktno u rtRT-PCR nakon inaktivacije virusa i oslobađanja RNK pomoću lizirajućeg pufera. rtRT-PCR metodologija obično uključuje dva koraka. Prvi korak je RT, a drugi korak je PCR sa detekcijom PCR produkata u realnom vremenu. U većini dijagnostičkih testova, ove dve reakcije se odvijaju sukcesivno u istoj reakcionoj smeÅ”i. Dijagnostički reagensi sadrže oligonukleotide kojima se amplifikuje jedna humana sekvenca (koja predstavlja internu pozitivnu kontrolu) i oligonukleotide kojima se amplifikuju od jedne do tri virusne sekvence. Fluorescentni signal za virusne gene mora da se pojavi pre 40. ciklusa i kriva amplifikacije treba da ima tipičan S-oblik. Pouzdanost rezultata rtRT-PCR zavisi od mnogih faktora koji uključuju prikupljanje i obradu uzoraka, metode izolacije RNK, tipove enzima za RT i PCR, vrste proba, izbor instrumenata, metoda analize rezultata i obučenost laboratorijskog osobljaPredavanje je održano na Simpozijumu COVID-19 infekcija ā€“ dijagnostički i prognostički biohemijski parametri u Beogradu pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije, Projekat ā€žHitan odgovor Republike Srbije na COVID-19ā€

    Serum soluble transferrin receptor levels are independently associated with homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance in adolescent girls

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    Introduction: Markers of iron homeostasis are related to insulin resistance (IR) in adults. However, studies in children and adolescents are scarce and show contradictory results. The aim was to evaluate the potential relationship between iron status markers and IR. Additionally, no previous study has explored the mutual effect of biomarkers of iron homeostasis and inflammation (i.e. high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP)), and adipokines (i.e. retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4)) on IR in the cohort of adolescent girls. Material and methods: A total of 60 girls age between 16 and 19 years were included in the study. Serum levels of ferritin, transferrin, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), hsCRP, and RBP4 were measured by immunonephelometry. Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and iron homeostasis indexes were calculated. Univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis were used to investigate the possible independent associations of the examined biomarkers. Principal component analysis was used to examine their mutual effect on HOMA-IR in the studied girls. Results: Ferritin, sTfR, hsCRP and RBP4 were significant predictors for higher HOMA-IR in univariate analysis (p = 0.020, p = 0.009, p = 0.007, p = 0.003, respectively). Multivariate regression analysis after adjustment for waist circumference (WC) showed that serum sTfR levels remained positively associated with higher HOMA-IR (p = 0.044). Factorial analysis revealed that the obesity-inflammation related factor (i.e., WC and hsCRP) and adipokine- acute phase protein related factor (i.e., RBP4 and ferritin) showed significant differences between HOMA-IR < 2.5 and HOMA-IR ā‰„ 2.5. Conclusions: Serum sTfR levels are independently associated with HOMA-IR, whereas higher serum ferritin levels together with higher RBP4 are related to higher HOMA-IR in adolescent girls

    Gene expression analyses of antioxidative enzymes in rats' tissues and human blood: the influence of external factors and correlation with biochemical markers of oxidative sress

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    Genska ekspresija je proces koji obuhvata transkripciju gena, obradu transkripta i njegovu translaciju u protein. Kvantifikacijom genske ekspresije može se videti da li dolazi do ushodne ili nishodne regulacije specifičnih gena i posledica takve regulacije. Značajnu ulogu u zaÅ”titi od oksidativnog stresa (prekomerne količine stvorenih slobodnih radikala) u intra- i ekstraćelijskom prostoru imaju enzimi antioksidativne zaÅ”tite, superoksid-dismutaza (SOD) i paraoksonaza (PON). Interakcije gena antioksidativne zaÅ”tite i fizičke aktivnosti, gena i tipa dijete, gena i terapije hipolipemicima mogu da modifikuju ekspresiju tih gena; fizička aktivnost slobodnim radikalima, aterogena dijeta i terapija atorvastatinom svojim komponentama, direktno ili indirektno interagujući sa transkripcionim faktorima. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj fizičke aktivnosti na gensku ekspresiju izoenzima SOD (Cu/Zn SOD i Mn SOD) u limfocitima sportista i uticaj aterogene dijete i terapije atorvastatinom na gensku ekspresiju izoenzima PON (PON1, PON2, PON3) u jetri, belom masnom tkivu i aorti eksperimentalnih životinja. Pored toga, cilj je bio i da se uporede metode za izolaciju RNK iz krvi i ispita njihov uticaj na vrednosti genske ekspresije izoenzima SOD. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo odrasle osobe (kontrolna grupa), grupu fudbalera pre i nakon 12 nedelja intenzivnog treniranja i eksperimentalne životinje koje su podeljene u 3 grupe (1. grupa na normalnoj dijeti ā€“ ND grupa, 2. grupa na aterogenoj dijeti - AD i 3. grupa na aterogenoj dijeti i terapiji atorvastatinom - ADA grupa). RNK je izolovana TRIzolā„¢ metodom (TRI) iz mononuklearnih ćelija periferne krvi (TRIMĆPK) i na aparatu ABI Prismā„¢ 6100 Nucleic Acid PrepStation (ABI) iz krvi (ABIKRV) i mononuklearnih ćelija periferne krvi (ABIMĆPK). Takođe, RNK je izolovana pomoću TRIzolā„¢ metode iz ispitivanih organa pacova. Za kvantifikaciju relativne genske ekspresije koriŔćena je Real time PCR metoda. Fudbaleri su nakon 12 nedelja treniranja bili u oksidativnom stresu. Vrednosti genske ekspresije Cu/Zn SOD se nisu statistički značajno promenile (p=0,106), dok su vrednosti Mn SOD bile značajno veće (p=0,031) nakon treniranja. Vrednosti genske ekspresije Cu/Zn SOD su bile parametar koji nezavisno utiče na ukupnu aktivnost SOD u plazmi (p=0,025), a koncentracija tiobarbituratna kiselina-reagujućih supstanci je imala ulogu prediktivnog faktora (p=0,017) za vrednosti genske ekspresije Mn SOD...Gene expression is a process that includes transcription, transcript processing and its translation into protein. Gene expression quantification can be used to see weather specific genes are up or down regulated and consequences of such regulation. Enzymes of antioxidative defense system, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and paraoxonase (PON) have important roles in protection against oxidative stress (excessive amount of generated free radicals) in intra- and extracellular space. Interaction of antioxidative defense genes and physical activity, genes and type of diet, genes and hipolipemic drugs can modify the expression patterns of these genes; physical activity by free radicals formation, atherogenic diet and atorvastatin therapy with its components, directly or indirectly interacting with transcription factors. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of physical activity on SOD isoenzymesā€™ (Cu/Zn SOD and Mn SOD) gene expression in sportsmenā€™ lymphocytes and the influence of atherogenic diet and atorvastatin therapy on paraoxonase isoenzymesā€™ (PON1, PON2 and PON3) gene expression in liver, white adipose tissue and aorta of experimental animals. In addition, we compared methods for RNA isolation from blood and examined their influence on SOD isoenzymesā€™ gene expression. The study included control group, soccer players before and after 12 weeks of intensive trainings and rats who were divided into 3 groups (1. group on normal diet - ND group, 2. group on atherogenic diet - AD group and 3. group on atherogenic diet with atorvastatin therapy- ADA group). RNA was isolated using Trizolā„¢ method (TRI) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (TRIPBMC) and using ABI Prism ā„¢ 6100 Nucleic Acid PrepStation (ABI) from blood (TRIBLOOD) and from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (ABIPBMC). RNA was also isolated from ratsā€™ organs using TRI method. Real time PCR was used for relative gene expression quantification. Soccer players were in oxidative stress after 12 weeks of intensive trainings. Cu/Zn SOD gene expression levels did not change significantly after training (p=0.106), while those of Mn SOD were significantly higher (p=0.031) after than before training. Cu/Zn SOD expression levels were independent parameter that influenced total SOD activity in plasma (p=0.025). Concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was predictive parameter for Mn SOD gene expression values (p=0.017)..

    Multimarker Approach as More Reliable Method Than Single Vitamin D in Relationship with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Montenegrin Postmenopausal Women

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    Objective: Previous studies suggested that ethnic differences, sex and obesity could modify the relationship between 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], glycometabolic markers and/or type 2 di- abetes mellitus (T2D). We aimed to examine the potential relationship between [25(OH)D] and T2D in postmenopausal women in Montenegro. In addition, we aimed to explore if a set of biomarkers, rather than [25(OH)D] as a single biomarker, could better explain its potential association with T2D. Patients and Methods: A total of 116 postmenopausal, otherwise healthy women and 48 postmenopausal women with T2D were included. Univariable and multivariable binary logistic regression analy- sis, along with principal component analysis (PCA), were applied to test the associations between examined biomarkers/set of biomarkers with T2D. Results: Women with T2D had lower serum [25(OH)D] levels than healthy controls (p = 0.024). No independent relationship between [25(OH)D] and T2D was found. PCA extracted three significant factors that were associated with T2D, i.e., age-glycometabolic-related factor (i.e., with positive loadings of age, glucose and insulin; OR = 11.321, p < 0.001), obesity-inflammation- related factor (i.e., with positive loadings of hsCRP and WC, and negative loading of [25(OH)D]; (OR = 2.079, p < 0.001)) and lipid-related factor (i.e., with positive loadings of TG and LDL-c, and negative loading of HDL-c; OR = 1.423, p = 0.044). Conclusions: The relationship between [25(OH)D] and T2D is modulated by central obesity (as measured by WC) and inflammation (as measured with hsCRP) in postmenopausal women. Their joint measurement, rather than [25(OH)D] itself, could provide better information for the risk assessment for T2D in postmenopausal women

    Red cell distribution width is inversely associated with body mass index in late adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: There are no studies that investigated the association between red blood cell (RBC) and platelet (PLT) indices in relation to obesity in a cohort of exclusively late adolescents. Hence, we aimed to explore this potential relationship. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A cohort of adolescents (n=156) aged between 16-19 years was included. Iron homeostasis parameters [i.e. RBC, hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and red cell distribution width (RDW)] and platelet indices [i.e., PLT, mean platelet volume (MPV), plateletcrit (PCT) and platelet distribution width (PDW)] were determined on the automatic hematology analyzer. Their indexes (i.e., MCV/RBC, MCH/RBC, RDW/MCV, MPV/ PLT and PDW/PCT) were calculated. RESULTS: Univariate binary regression analysis showed negative associations between body mass index (BMI) and RDW, PDW, and PDW/PCT, respectively, and positive associations between BMI and MPV and PCT, respectively. However, only RDW kept the independent negative association with BMI in multivariate binary regression analysis [Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval)=0.734 (0.548-0.983); p=0.038]. CONCLUSIONS: Lower RDW values are the independent predictor of higher BMI in the adolescent population. As a low-cost and simply measured parameter, RDW could be a useful diagnostic biomarker in young populations with overweight/obesity

    Oxidative stress and cardiometabolic biomarkers in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Oxidative stress is assumed to be the underlying feature of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). To our knowledge, the mutual involvement of redox status homeostasis parameters [i.e., advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance (PAB), total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and oxidative-stress index (OSI)] and cardiometabolic biomarkers in subjects with NAFLD has not been examined yet. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate this potential relationship. A total of 122 subjects with NAFLD were compared with 56 participants without NAFLD. The diagnosis of NAFLD was confirmed by abdominal ultrasound. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured. OSI, Castelliā€™s Risk Index I (CRI-I) and Castelliā€™s Risk Index II (CRI-II) were calculated. Univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis were used to test the predictions of oxidative stress and cardiometabolic markers, respectively for NAFLD. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to explore its mutual effect on NAFLD status. Significant positive associations of CRI-I, CRI-II, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and AOPP with NAFLD were found. PCA analysis extracted 3 significant factors: Oxidative stress-cardiometabolic related factor (i.e., triglycerides, AOPP, HDL-c and HbA1c)-explained 36% of variance; Pro-oxidants related factor (i.e., TOS and PAB)-explained 17% of variance; and Antioxidants related factor (i.e., TAS)- explained 15% of variance of the tested parameters. Moreover, binary logistic regression analysis revealed significant predictive ability of Oxidative stress-cardiometabolic related factor (p < 0.001) and Pro-oxidants related factor (p < 0.05) for NAFLD status. In addition to oxidative stress (i.e., determined by higher AOPP levels), dyslipidemia (i.e., determined by higher lipid indexes: CRI-I and CRI-II) and inflammation (determined by higher hsCRP) are independently related to NAFLD status. The mutual involvement of pro-oxidants (i.e., TOS and PAB), or the joint involvement of pro-oxidants (i.e., AOPP) and cardiometabolic parameters (i.e., HbA1c, triglycerides and HDL-c) can differentiate subjects with NAFLD from those individuals without this metabolic disorder. New studies are needed to validate our results in order to find the best therapeutic approach for NAFLD

    Sensory processing of persons with autism spectrum disorder

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    Sensory processing is a complex, neurobiological process in which a person uses his/ her senses, experiences information or stimuli from the environment, sends information to an appropriate centre for receiving and processing information, and responds to environmental stimuli. Sensory processing is the base of mental and social functioning, leading to the development of complex abilities at an older age. The authors emphasize the importance of the first seven years of life for the adequate development of sensory processing and therefore emphasize the importance of early intervention. Symptoms of incomplete sensory processing are manifested by atypical behavioural reactions in response to sensory stimulation. Atypical sensory processing stands out as a specific and universal symptom of people with autism spectrum disorder and most commonly manifests as hypo or hypersensitivity to various sensory information. This paper aims to review and analyze the studies examining the specifics of sensory processing of persons with autism spectrum disorder When reviewing the literature, all studies clearly show that individuals with autism spectrum disorder exhibit pronounced specificities in all domains of sensory processing. The most common problem is the processing of auditory information. Responses to sensory stimuli are context-dependent, in which a person may appear hypersensitive in a particular situation, while in another situation he may be hyposensitive to the same stimulus source. In addition to hypo and hypersensitivity the problem of sensory integration and detection of stimulus sources is often manifested in these individuals. More recent studies also report the relatively frequent occurrence ofdistortion, synesthesia, and sensory-specific satiety. Following the above findings, in order to plan adequate defectological treatment, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of sensory processing of persons with autism spectrum disorde

    Malondialdehid kao nezavisan prediktor indeksa telesne mase kod adolescentkinja

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    Background: Given the fact that the studies that examined oxidative stress in relation to obesity that included late adolescents are scarce and show inconclusive results we aimed to investigate a wide spectrum of nitro-oxidative stress biomarkers i.e., malondialdehyde (MDA), xanthine oxidase (XO), xanthine oxidoreductase (XOD), xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) and nitric oxide products (NOx), as well as an antioxidative enzyme, i.e., catalase (CAT) in relation with obesity in the cohort of adolescent girls ages between 16 and 19 years old. Methods: A total of 59 teenage girls were included in this cross-sectional study. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to examine possible associations between bio- chemical and nitro-oxidative stress markers and body mass index (BMI). Results: There were not significant differences between oxidative stress markers between normal weight and overweight/obese girls (i.e., AOPP, XOD, XO, XDH) and CAT, except for MDA (p<0.001) and NOx (p=0.010) concentrations which were significantly higher in overweight/obese adolescent girls. Positive associations were evident between BMI and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) (OR=2.495), BMI and uric acid (OR=1.024) and BMI and MDA (OR=1.062). Multivariable binary regression analysis demonstrated sig- nificant independent associations of BMI and hsCRP (OR=2.150) and BMI and MDA (OR=1.105). Even 76.3% of the variation in BMI could be explained with this Model. Conclusions: Inflammation (as measured with hsCRP) and oxidative stress (as determined with MDA) independently correlated with BMI in teenage girls.Uvod: Imajući u vidu činjenicu da je malo studija koje su ispitivale povezanost oksidativnog stresa i gojaznosti kod adolescenata i da iste pokazuju oprečne rezultate, cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita povezanost Å”irokog spektra biomarkera nitro-oksidativnog stresa tj. malondialdehida (MDA), ksantin oksidaze (XO), ksantin oksidoreduktaze (XOD), ksantin dehidrogenaze (XDH), produkata uznapredovale oksidacije proteina (AOPP) i produkata azot-monoksida (NOx), kao i enzima antioksidativne zaÅ”tite, tj. katalaze (CAT) i gojaznosti u kohorti adolescentkinja starosne dobi izme|u 16 i 19 godina. Metode: Ukupno 59 tinejdžerki je uključeno u ovu studiju preseka. Binarna logistička regresija je primenjena u cilju ispitivanja potencijalne povezanosti između biohemijskih markera i markera nitro-oksidativnog stresa i indeksa telesne mase (ITM). Rezultati: Nije uočena razlika u biomarkerima oksidativnog stresa između normalno uhranjenih i predgojaznih/gojaznih adolescentkinja (odnosno AOPP, XOD, XO, XDH) i CAT, osim u vrednostima MDA (p<0,001) i NOx (p=0,010) koje su bile značajno veće kod predgojaznih/gojaznih adolescentkinja. Pozitivna korelacija je utvrđena izme|u ITM-a i visokosenzitivnog C-reaktivnog proteina (hsCRP) (OR=2,495), ITM-a i mokraćne kiseline (OR=1,024) i ITM-a i MDA (OR=1,062). Multivarijanta binarna regresija je pokazala nezavisnu povezanost ITM-a i hsCRP (OR=2,150), kao i ITM-a i MDA (OR=1,105). Čak 76,3% varijabiliteta ITM-a može biti objaÅ”njeno ovim modelom. Zaključak: Inflamacija (merena hsCRP-om) i oksidativni stres (meren malondialdehidom) nezavisno koreliraju sa ITM kod adolescentkinja

    Novel anthropometric parameters in the adult population with prediabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Although it is assumed that novel-derived anthropometric indices can better reflect cardiometabolic risk than traditional ones, the results are conflicting. Previous studies have mainly focused on patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, studies conducted on populations with prediabetes are scarce. The present study aimed to examine the potential relationship between prediabetes and novel anthropometric parameters [that is, cardiometabolic index (CMI), visceral adiposity index (VAI), lipid accumulation product index (LAP), body roundness index (BRI), and body adiposity index (BAI)] and traditional parameters [that is, waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), body mass index (BMI), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)] in adults with prediabetes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This case-control cross-sectional study included 177 patients with prediabetes and 609 control subjects. Biochemical and simple anthropometric parameters were measured (WC, HC, body weight, and height), whereas the other parameters were calculated. RESULTS: WC, CMI, VAI, and LAP independently correlated with prediabetes. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract several factors that correlated with prediabetes. Significant predictive capability was demonstrated for non-traditional anthropometric/lipid-related factors and WHipR-related factors for prediabetes (OR=1.334 and OR=1.202, respectively). However, only non-traditional anthropometric/lipid-related factors (i.e., VAI, CMI, and LAP) demonstrated an independent significant positive relationship with prediabetes in multivariate binary regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: CMI, VAI, and LAP could be superior to BAI, BRI, and conventional anthropometric parameters for discriminating patients with prediabetes in the adult population. Prospective trials are needed to confirm our results
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