169 research outputs found

    Characterization in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Negeri 5 Menara

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    This study analyzes the characters’ characterization in Negeri 5 Menara, a novel written by A. Fuadi. The purpose of this study is to find out the characterization of the protagonis found in the novel. analyzes the intrinsic elements as the supporting elements in analyzing the characters’ characterization: Good and Bad Characters as Good prejudice, honesty, respecting people, friendship, insincerity, and jealousy. The result of this study is that there is a correlation between the characterization of the character and the intrinsic elements in the Negeri 5 Menara according to the theme and message, the plot and plotting as well as the characters’ characterization in the story. The theory used in this study is proposed by Nurgiyantoro (2012) and the method used in analyzing the problems is proposed by Creswell (2009).   Keywords: character, characterization, intrinsic element

    The Correlation of Attitudes and Availability of Facilities with the Behaviors of the Community in Disposing of Household Waste in the Sago River

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    Based on a report from Directorate General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), in 2015 nearly 68 percent or the majority of the water quality in 33 provinces of Indonesia were heavily polluted. The main source of river pollutants is domestic or household waste. Sanitary Office of Pekanbaru City records the waste produced by around 1.3 million residents of Pekanbaru city is 500 tons / day or 2.6 kilograms per recident everyday. The purpose of this research was to determine the factors corresponding with the behavior of the society in disposing of household waste in the Sago river. This research included into quantitative type with a crosssectional approach. The independent variables of this research were attitudes and availability of facilities. The population were all housewives who live around the Sago River of Sukaramai Village in Pekanbaru city, which is about 974 families. The samples were 284 people which taking them by Stratified Random Sampling Technique. The instruments used were questionnaire and observation sheet. Primary data was obtained through questionnaire and observation while secondary data was from Sukaramai village data in Pekanbaru Kota Subdistrict. Data analysis used chi square test wit

    Analisis Jaringan Base Transceiver Station (Bts) Sidomulyo Terhadap Performansi Jaringan PT. Indosat Sintang

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    The world of communication and information technology in Indonesia have been the basic needs for everyone. The growth of GSM technology is expected to accomodate data and voice services. Therefore, it is needed a well preparation for applying GSM network and for optimizing the network in order to achieve an optimal and profitable network. In this research, the reseracher conducted a measurement on network performance to see the difference on site BTS Sidomulyo performance to its hardware charging such as power system, transmission, and antenna. In order to find the problem exists, it is needed the supporting data such as cluster and Call statistic, by using those data it will be known the difference of using the old hardware and new hardware. Those data are the parameters of the connection endurance level which is occured among voice service networks. Drive test is needed to collect the data from the result of signal quality measurement on a network. The writer used the data from a vendor called PT. Indosat and from those data taken on October 7th 2014. The analysis on GSM network performance which is analyzed based on KPI parameter called call statistic is gained by using G-NetTrack, while CSSR, CDR and CSR are gained by using formula. CSSR gained 96,67%, CDR gained 3,33%, gained 93,38% which show that the network performance is good. Based on the use of BBM in one month is, genset USAge costs Rp. 23.236.000,00 while PLN USAge costs Rp. 5.210.000,00 from the calculation of those sources it is concluded that PLN USAge is more economical rather than genset USAge with the different about Rp. 18.025.500,00

    Pengembangan “Media Aktivitas” Bagi Guru untuk Meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa Kelas V Sdn Mentaras Dukun Gresik

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    Penelitian pengembangan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena yang ada pada jenjang pendidikan sekolah dasar. Dalam praktiknya di lembaga pendidikan, siswa dituntut untuk mampu menerima dan menyesuaikan diri dengan peraturan dan tuntutan yang dibuat di sekolah salah satunya untuk mampu bersikap disiplin. Namun, ada beberapa siswa yang mengalami kesulitan untuk menjalani rutinitas sekolah dengan berbagai tugas didalamnya, termasuk mengatur aktivitas. Disiplin merupakan serangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan secara berurutan dan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Sehingga perlu adanya media yang mempermudah siswa untuk menjadwalkan aktivitasnya agar dapar terlaksana dan terselesaikan dengan optimal. Pengembangan media aktivitas merupakan pengembangan dalam bentuk media visual yang dikombinasi dengan bentuk benda-benda tiruan. Media ini menfasilitasi siswa untuk menuliskan jadwal sehari-hari sehingga tertata dengan baik. Model penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg & Gall. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat media aktivitas untuk meningkatkan disiplin siswa kelas V SD yang selanjutnya diujikan untuk memenuhi standar kelayakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media aktivitas untuk meningkatkan disiplin di kelas V SD memenuhi kriteria kelayakan. Penilaian oleh validator ahli materi menunjukkan kriteria layak dengan kategori sangat baik (94,12%). Validator ahli media menunjukkan kriteria layak dengan kategori sangat baik (84%). Validator uji calon pengguna (guru) menunjukkan kriteria layak dengan kategori sangat baik (88%), dan uji calon pengguna (siswa) menunjukkan kriteria layak dengan kategori sangat baik (96%). Maka dari itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa keseluruhan validator ahli dan calon pengguna memberikan penilaian yang menunjukkan kriteria layak dengan kategori sangat baik (90,53%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka media aktivitas untuk meningkatkan disiplin siswa kelas V SD memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dan dapat digunakan di sekolah. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Media Aktivitas, Disiplin, Sekolah Dasa

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja dan Pengawasan terhadap Semangat Kerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi pada PT. Tirta Sari Surya Rengat

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    The purpose of this study to analyzed the extent of the effect of compensation, work environment and supervision of morale on PT.Tirta Sari Surya Rengat.While the techniques of data analysis in this study the authors used quantitative descriptive method with the help of SPSS (statistical package of social science). Based on the results of data analysis known that compensation, work environment and supervision significant effect on employeed morale in the production of PT. Tirta Sari Surya Rengat. The third independent variable is the dominant influencedeither partially nor simultaneously on employee morale at PT. Tirta Sari Surya Rengat.Based on these results the authors suggest for the company to pay attention to the success of compensation as wages / salaries, incentives, benefits, social security, leave, and give rewards to employees who are competent, and able to create a comfortable working atmosphere. Other contributing factors to be aware of the company is working environment such as working environment, cleanliness of the workplace, tools memadahi work equipment, the atmosphere of the work area, as well as oversight of the work such as setting a standard size work, measuring the implementation of activities, benchmarking implementation of the standard deviation analysis and taking corrective action so that employees are more eager to run the job in order to realized a positive productivity PT.Tirta Sari Surya Rengat.Keywords: Compensation, Work Environment, Supervisionand, morale employe

    Perbandingan Formula Gunning Fog Indeks dan Flesch Level pada Uji Keterbacaan Teks

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan dua jenis aplikasi alat uji keterbacaanteks berbahasa Indonesia, yaitu aplikasi Gunning Fog Indeks dan aplikasi FleschLevel. Kedua aplikasi ini telah dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrogramanPhyton. Gunning Fog Index dan Flesch Level adalah dua jenis aplikasi yangdigunakan untuk menguji tingkat keterbacaan pada teks berbahasa Inggris.Luaran kedua aplikasi ini adalah skor untuk menunjukkan tingkat keterbacaansuatu teks. Standar skor pada masing-masing aplikasi berbeda, namun merujukpada hal yang sama, yaitu untuk mengevaluasi keterbacaan suatu teks olehpembaca. Kedua aplikasi tersebut telah dirancang oleh peneliti danmengadaptasi formula Fog Indeks dan Flesch untuk keperluan teks ilmiahberbahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian terhadap keterbacaan satu teksmenunjukkan hasil, bahwa Fog Indeks dengan skor 30.18, dan Flesch Level4.73
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