100 research outputs found

    Analisis Ekonomi Pemeliharaan Broiler dengan Pemberian Tepung Daun Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.)

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    Alternative feed ingredients that can replace commercial feed ingredients such as corn namely noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf which has a high enough metabolic energy content. This study aims to analyze the economics of the application Morinda citrifolia L. in broiler feed. This research was conducted in the broiler cage at Lampung State Polytechnic. In this study, there were four treatments that are T1 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 0%, T2 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 2%, T3 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 4% and.T4 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 6%. The results of the research on the application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) as much 2% in broiler feed is able to reduce production costs. Analyze of Break Even Point (BEP) product 15,16 kg, Break Even Point (BEP) price Rp 21.265,39, Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Rp 676.226,00, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) 1,74 and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) 0,74.Alternative feed ingredients that can replace commercial feed ingredients such as corn namely noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf which has a high enough metabolic energy content. This study aims to analyze the economics of the application Morinda citrifolia L. in broiler feed. This research was conducted in the broiler cage at Lampung State Polytechnic. In this study, there were four treatments that are T1 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 0%, T2 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 2%, T3 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 4% and.T4 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 6%. The results of the research on the application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) as much 2% in broiler feed is able to reduce production costs. Analyze of Break Even Point (BEP) product 15,16 kg, Break Even Point (BEP) price Rp 21.265,39, Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Rp 676.226,00, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) 1,74 and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) 0,74

    Perbedaan Survival Pasien Rujukan Dan Non Rujukan Dengan Cedera Kepala Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (Igd) RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

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    Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi survival pasien cedera kepala. Manajemen awal cedera kepala dan sistem rujukan yang tepat menjadi aspek penentu survival pasien cedera kepala. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui perbedaan survival antara pasien rujukan dan non rujukan dengan cedera kepala berdasarkan rentang waktu pra rumah sakit di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan observasional analitik dengan metode Cohort Restropective dengan mengobservasi catatan rekam medis pasien cedera kepala rujukan dan non rujukan di IGD RSUD dr Saiful Anwar selama 2 tahun terakhir, jumlah sample 96 terdiri dari 48 pasien rujukan dan 48 pasien non rujukan yang diperoleh dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian membandingkan survival pasien rujukan dan non rujukan secara umum dan berdasarkan rentang waktu pra rumah sakit, saat tiba di IGD RSUD dr Saiful Anwar, dengan uji analisis survival Kaplan Meiner, uji Log Rank dan Mann Whitney untuk melihat perbandingan grafik Kaplan Meiner. Hasil uji analisis Mann Whitney menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan survival antara pasien rujukan dan non rujukan p= 0,337, sedangkan pada uji analisis survival Kaplan Meiner dan uji Log Rank menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada grafik Kaplan Meiner dalam mempengaruhi survival terutama pada rentang waktu pra rumah sakit. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan survival pasien rujukan dan non rujukan dalam 24 jam sejak tiba di IGD RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar, namun jika dilihat dari rentang waktu pra rumah sakit terdapat perbedaan yang berhubungan dengan survival pasien rujukan dan non rujukan saat tiba di IGD RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar. Dengan demikian diperlukan tatalaksana awal pasien cedera kepala yang cepat dan tepat dan meminimalkan Golden Hours untuk meningkatkan survival

    Online Platform Application Design for Local Product

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    Web technology development is growing rapidly because all technology's core is to make it easier for other people to create a web or find any information via the web. This study aims to design an online application/website specifically for local products that focus on fashion, especially those that have not been touched by online media at all, such as in Pasar Baru and Pasar Andir, located in the city of Bandung. This research used descriptive with a qualitative approach. This study indicates that a website can be used as a promotional medium for local clothing stores to expand marketing reach. Besides that, it can also improve the image of the local clothing company. More than that, of course, visitors can find out the latest types of branded clothing products and make sales transactions with consumers without visiting the store in person. With this website, of course, it will make it easier for customers to make purchase transactions at local brand clothing stores that are not widely known

    Struktur Komunitas Berudu Anura Di Sungai Cibeureum Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, Jawa Barat

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    The use of various types of habitats can affect the structure of tadpole communities. The purpose of this study was to identify and measure: a) composition and diversity of Anuran species on two different seasons, b) distribution of tadpoles in different microhabitat types, and c) developmental stages of tadpole in two different season. Quantitative sampling of amphibian larvae was carried out on along the 224 m transect in Cibeureum stream, Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park, West Java. Four species were found in Cibeureum stream were Leptophryne cruentata (37.10%), Megophrys montana (34.33%), Rhacophorus margaritifer (28.49%), and Huia masonii (0.07%). Cibeureum stream microhabitat can be grouped into torrents, riffles and shingle areas. Tadpoles were only found in riffles and shingle areas. Omitting H. masonii data from linear regression test showed that microhabitat variables did not significantly affect the presence of tadpoles. Most tadpoles were found in stage 25. The dominant stage of tadpole found were in Gosner growth stage 24-28 (no foot) for both dry and wet season, which indicated that the frogs in the Cibeureum stream reproduce throughout the year

    Pembangunan Model Mobile-gis Pariwisata : Event Sumatera Barat

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    Sumatera Barat sebagai tujuan wisata memiliki potensi yang besar untukdikembangkan. Salah satu bentuk pariwisatanya adalah event . Hal yang menjadikendala besar dalam aspek pariwisata Sumatera Barat adalah penyediaaninformasi secara online. Paper ini melaporkan apa yang telah dikerjakan dalampembangunan model Mobile-GIS Pariwisata : Event sebagai sarana promosipariwisata Sumatera Barat secara online. Metode pembangunan model ini terdiridari analisis, perancangan, implementasi dan pengujian. Luaran Analisis modelini menggunakan usecase diagram dan data flow diagram. Desain antarmukapemakai menggunakan fitur dari basic4android, yaitu basic4android designer.Pembangunan model ini menggunakan software Basic4Android dengan libraryutama, yaitu: GPS, HttpUtils2, JSON dan basis data PostgreSQL dengan fiturPostGIS, yaitu: st_x, st_y, st_geomfromtext, st_distance_sphere, st_contains sertagoogle maps sebagai peta dasar. Pengujian model ini menggunakan metode blackbox test. Model diuji dengan menggunakan data pariwisata Sumatera Barat.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa luaran model sama dengan hasil secaramanual. Dengan demikian model yang dibuat telah benar

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Hotel Resty Menara Pekanbaru

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    The population and samples in this study is all employee about 75 people. The data recourses used were primary and secondary data. The data accumulation technique used were taken by doing interview and questionnaire. The method of analysis used were the method of quantitative descritive and multiple regression analysis (simultaneously and partially analysis) with the help of SPSS 17 version. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, simultaneously test showed that motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) had a significant effect on labor performance (Y). The influence of each independent variables on dependent variable could be seen by doing partial test, the results showed that motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) had a significant effect on labor performance (Y). And for that, writer suggested for the company to watch another factors that can influence on labor performance, because the company and the labor are both work partner that needed each other for the welfare of the company.Keywords: motivation, discipline, and labor performance
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