39 research outputs found

    Tanmiyah Al-Mahārat Al-Lughawiyyah Li Thullāb Kuliyyah Al-‘Ulūm Wa Al-Tiknulūjiya Min Khilāl Al-Ta’līm Fī Al-Hawāi Al-Thalaq

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    The process of learning Arabic at PKPBA takes a long time and the material is quite difficult for most students because they are Mubtadi (beginners) level, science and technology children, which is 30% of the number of UIN students who study Arabic with a myriad of mentoring activities, practicums, regular learning also all done in the classroom or room. The design in this study uses mixed methods with commensurate status and none is dominant between the two types of research. Qualitative research to determine the application of outbound in improving the Arabic language skills of students of the Faculty of Science and Technology of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and the use of quantitative methods to obtain an increase in the language skills of students of Science and Technology and the level of motivation of students of the Faculty of Science of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang by implementing outbound in improving Arabic skills. The results showed that the games were grouped in each language skill. Among them, in special skills, you can play numbered chairs and chain whispers. In Kalam skills with guessing games, and reading skills by sorting words and writing skills by stringing letters into correct and meaningful words. Motivation to learn with the application of this outbound is very high from the results of the questionnaire. And the category of motivation is instrumental motivation because foreign languages are seen solely as a means of meeting practical needs (for example to get a good and steady job), not as a means of approaching other nations' cultures

    Pengantar pendidikan berbasis teknologi informasi era revolusi industri 4.0

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    Dinamika masyarakat dalam menjawab tantangan disrupsi, harus mendudukkan manusia sebagai subyek dari perubahan itu sendiri. Kemajuan teknologi tidak dimaksudkan untuk kepentingan pemilik teknologi dan negara maju saja,akan tetapi kemajuan teknologi merupakan bagian dari kehidupan manusia yang menunjang tatanan masyarakat baru dan bersandarkan pada filosofi manusia Revolusi teknologi gelombang ke 4.0 mempengaruhi sistem ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan politik pada dasarnya secara sosiologis mempengaruhi tatanan dan relasi sosial. Dengan berkembangnya digital, orang-orang seakan-akan asyik dengan dunianya sendiri, tidak peduli lagi dengan situasi sekitar, bahkan teknologi dapat dijadikan sebagai alat untuk melakukan tindakan yang melanggar hukum. Bagaimana caranya mengatasi dampak negatif dari kemajuan digital ini? Dalam hal ini, manusia harus arif, meletakkan manusia dalam kapasitas manusia sebagai mahluk biologis dan makhluk sosial. Pengertian sebagai mahluk biologis, menyadarkan manusia akan kodratnya yang dapat menumbuhkan nilai- nilai kemanusiaan

    نموذج تشكيل كراسي الطالب المفرح في تعزيز تحفيز التعلم

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    In the process of learning teaching the most important aspects of it is ‎classroom management. Classroom management must be mastered by ‎teachers in a theoretical and practical way. Teachers should understand ‎how to organize and utilize all the facilities and infrastructure in the ‎learning process to learn effectively and in fun. Sitting formation Setup is ‎one of the most enjoyable and effective class management components ‎because it can involve all students and teachers more able to know and ‎understand the ability of pupils with all the advantages and ‎disadvantages. Various seating models with all advantages and ‎disadvantages can be tested to maximize the utilization of school facilities ‎and infrastructure and motivate students in the teaching and learning ‎process.

    أهمية تعلم قواعد النحو في مهارة الكتابة

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    Nahwu's grammar is needed in making sentences so that the actors or files are clear, work or fiil, and objects or maful bih, and also there are still many other discussions about an-nahwu qawaid. In the nahwu grammar it is explained in detail the position in the sentence and is very important to use in making sentences so that they are good and true and can be understood by the reader

    تطبيق التعلم العربي القائم على التعلم الخدمي والتفكير التصميمي لدى الطلبة

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    Arabic learning is in fact a learning that is considered boring, meaningless and not related to the reality of life and lacks practice. This is because the stages, learning models used by the teachers become very monotonous, uncreative and unpleasant. As a result of these obstacles, students increasingly do not have a good interest in learning and the learning process is also not conducive. The purpose of this study is to provide a learning model that makes students more participatory and creative. Service learning is a method where students learn and develop through active participation and experience in well-regulated service activities that are in accordance with the needs of the community while design thinking is a method that carries out a design process where this method is a problem solving that focuses on users or users. The results of this study show that the implementation of service learning-based Arabic learning in this study consists of three stages and design thinking consists of three stage

    Ta‘līm al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah ‘ala Asasi al-Madkhali al-Ittiṣali Khilāli Ja’iḥah Covid fī Madrasah al-Ma’arif Singosari Malang / Learning Arabic Based on Communicative Approach During the Covid Pandemic in MA Al-Ma'arif Singosari Malang

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    This study describes learning Arabic based on a communicative approach during the covid pandemic in four language skills and the obstacles faced in implementing a communicative strategy in learning Arabic. By using the research method used is the descriptive qualitative method with data collection through interviews and observation. The results of this study show that first, Arabic learning activities with a communicative approach can be implemented in four language skills by forming activities that refer to the teacher's principle only as a facilitator to provide direction and guidance to students to be more active during the learning process. Second, the obstacles in its implementation are the lack of quality of students' confidence in speaking skills, difficulty in finding materials that suit students' interests, and taking a long time to implement. Keywords: Language Skills, Communicative Approach, Barriers to the Learning Process Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran Bahasa Arab berbasis pendekatan komunikatif pada masa pandemic covid dalam empat ketrampilan berbahasa serta hambatan yang dihadapi dalam mengimplementasikan pendekatan komunikatif dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pertama, aktivitas pembelajaran bahasa arab dengan pendekatan komunikatif dapat diimplementasikan pada empat ketrampilan Bahasa dengan membentuk kegiatan yang mengacu pada asas guru hanya sebagai fasilitator guna memberikan pengarahan dan pembimbingan kepada siswa agar lebih aktif selama proses pembelajaran. Kedua, hambatan dalam pengimplementasiannya adalah kurangnya kualitas percaya diri siswa dalam keterampilan berbicara, kesulitan dalam mencari materi yang sesuai minat siswa, dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dalam penerapannya. Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Berbahasa, Pendekatan Komunikatif, Hambatan Proses Pembelajara

    Nazhariyah Noam Chomsky fii An-Numu Al-Lughawi wa In’ikasatuha ‘ala Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah

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    Chomsky argues that the language is too complicated to learn through passages, such as studying city rosters around the world. Since the early 1970s, theoretical disciplines and teaching methodologies have continuously sought to realize their symbiotic relationships. Teaching language within the framework of Chomsky's theory should give students an appropriate linguistic description with due regard to the student's intellectual level. Language is not only a device for capturing information from what it has learned, but in fact it returns to the student's mental and cognitive ability to complete the process.يرى تشومسكي بأن اللغة معقدة للغاية بحيث لا يمكن تعلمها من خلال المقاطع ، مثل دراسة قوائم المدن حول العالم. منذ أوائل السبعينيات ، سعت التخصصات النظرية ومنهجيات التدريس باستمرار إلى إدراك علاقاتها التكافلية. يجب أن تعطي لغة التدريس في إطار نظرية تشومسكي للطلاب وصفًا لغويًا مناسبًا مع إيلاء الاعتبار الواجب للمستوى الفكري للطالب. اللغة ليست فقط أداة لالتقاط المعلومات مما تعلموه ، ولكنها في الواقع تعود إلى قدرة الطالب العقلية والمعرفية لإكمال العملية

    تطبيق التعلم العربي القائم على التعلم الخدمي والتفكير التصميمي لدى الطلبة

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    Arabic learning is in fact a learning that is considered boring, meaningless and not related to the reality of life and lacks practice. This is because the stages, learning models used by the teachers become very monotonous, uncreative and unpleasant. As a result of these obstacles, students increasingly do not have a good interest in learning and the learning process is also not conducive. The purpose of this study is to provide a learning model that makes students more participatory and creative. Service learning is a method where students learn and develop through active participation and experience in well-regulated service activities that are in accordance with the needs of the community while design thinking is a method that carries out a design process where this method is a problem solving that focuses on users or users. The results of this study show that the implementation of service learning-based Arabic learning in this study consists of three stages and design thinking consists of three stages

    تطبيق التعلم العربي القائم على التعلم الخدمي والتفكير التصميمي لدى الطلبة

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    Arabic learning is in fact a learning that is considered boring, meaningless and not related to the reality of life and lacks practice. This is because the stages, learning models used by the teachers become very monotonous, uncreative and unpleasant. As a result of these obstacles, students increasingly do not have a good interest in learning and the learning process is also not conducive. The purpose of this study is to provide a learning model that makes students more participatory and creative. Service learning is a method where students learn and develop through active participation and experience in well-regulated service activities that are in accordance with the needs of the community while design thinking is a method that carries out a design process where this method is a problem solving that focuses on users or users. The results of this study show that the implementation of service learning-based Arabic learning in this study consists of three stages and design thinking consists of three stages

    Tathbiq numudzaj ta'alum al lughah al mutakaamilah (CLIL) fii ta'limil al lughah al 'arabiyah ladai thalabah al'uluum wa teknulujiyah

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    Science and Technology students at State Islamic Universities in the learning process and the results are certainly not the same as science students at other public universities. In this case the differences are apparent in the scientific integrity of Science and Islam. So that as much as possible scientific theory revolves around Muslim scientific figures and also learning references used in Arabic. In addition to the learning process, in the final project phase, science students also bring up the integration of Islam with their knowledge. CLIL is a new paradigm used in this study with a content base where the implementation of Islamic religious learning uses a series of contents in Arabic learning. Qualitative research is used as an approach in this research with a descriptive-analysis method. Primary data on CLIL concepts from some literature and secondary data are some articles relevant to this topic. This study found that the CLIL learning model used was Theme-based where Islamic religious learning content was presented as study material and then analyzed in terms of language elements such as sound science, morphology, syntax and semantics. The findings in this study can be concluded that CLIL is an appropriate method in achieving the vision and mission in interrogating science. The suggestions in this study are more detailed in each scientific element so that the results of integration are more optimal and focused