11 research outputs found

    Abnormal hematopoietic phenotypes in Pim kinase triple knockout mice

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    BACKGROUND: Pim (proviral insertion in murine lymphoma) kinases are a small family of constitutively active, highly conservative serine/threonine oncogenic kinases and have 3 members: Pim1, Pim2, and Pim3. Pim kinases are also implicated in the regulation of B- and T- cell responses to cytokines and hematopoietic growth factors. The roles of Pim kinases in the regulation of primitive hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are largely unknown. METHODS: In the current study, Pim1(−/−)2(−/−)3(−/−) triple knockout (TKO) mice were used to determine the role of Pim kinases in hematopoiesis. Peripheral blood hematological parameters were measured in Pim TKO mice and age-matched wild-type (WT) controls. Primary, secondary, and competitive transplantations were performed to assay the long-term repopulating HSCs in Pim TKO mice. In vivo BrdU incorporation assay and ex vivo Ki67 staining and caspase 3 labeling were performed to evaluate the proliferation and apoptosis of HSCs in Pim TKO mice. RESULTS: Compared to age-matched WT controls, Pim TKO mice had lower peripheral blood platelet count and exhibited erythrocyte hypochromic microcytosis. The bone marrow cells from Pim TKO mice demonstrated decreased hematopoietic progenitor colony-forming ability. Importantly, Pim TKO bone marrow cells had significantly impaired capacity in rescuing lethally irradiated mice and reconstituting hematopoiesis in primary, secondary and competitive transplant models. In vivo BrdU incorporation in long-term HSCs was reduced in Pim TKO mice. Finally, cultured HSCs from Pim TKO mice showed reduced proliferation evaluated by Ki67 staining and higher rate of apoptosis via caspase 3 activation. CONCLUSIONS: Pim kinases are not only essential in the hematopoietic lineage cell development, but also important in HSC expansion, self-renewal, and long-term repopulation

    IKKβ Regulates the Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks Induced by Ionizing Radiation in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells

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    Activation of the IKK-NFκB pathway increases the resistance of cancer cells to ionizing radiation (IR). This effect has been largely attributed to the induction of anti-apoptotic proteins by NFκB. Since efficient repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) is required for the clonogenic survival of irradiated cells, we investigated if activation of the IKK-NFκB pathway also regulates DSB repair to promote cell survival after IR. We found that inhibition of the IKK-NFκB pathway with a specific IKKβ inhibitor significantly reduced the repair of IR-induced DSBs in MCF-7 cells. The repair of DSBs was also significantly inhibited by silencing IKKβ expression with IKKβ shRNA. However, down-regulation of IKKα expression with IKKα shRNA had no significant effect on the repair of IR-induced DSBs. Similar findings were also observed in IKKα and/or IKKβ knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). More importantly, inhibition of IKKβ with an inhibitor or down-regulation of IKKβ with IKKβ shRNA sensitized MCF-7 cells to IR-induced clonogenic cell death. DSB repair function and resistance to IR were completely restored by IKKβ reconstitution in IKKβ-knockdown MCF-7 cells. These findings demonstrate that IKKβ can regulate the repair of DSBs, a previously undescribed and important IKKβ kinase function; and inhibition of DSB repair may contribute to cance cell radiosensitization induced by IKKβ inhibition. As such, specific inhibition of IKKβ may represents a more effective approach to sensitize cancer cells to radiotherapy

    Pim1 kinase regulates c-Kit gene translation

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    Background: Receptor tyrosine kinase, c-Kit (CD117) plays a pivotal role in the maintenance and expansion of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs). Additionally, over-expression and/or mutational activation of c-Kit have been implicated in numerous malignant diseases including acute myeloid leukemia. However, the translational regulation of c-Kit expression remains largely unknown. Methods and results: We demonstrated that loss of Pim1 led to specific down-regulation of c-Kit expression in HSPCs of Pim1(-/-)mice and Pim1(-/-)2(-/-)3(-/-) triple knockout (TKO) mice, and resulted in attenuated ERK and STAT3 signaling in response to stimulation with stem cell factor. Transduction of c-Kit restored the defects in colony forming capacity seen in HSPCs from Pim1 (-/-) and TKO mice. Pharmacologic inhibition and genetic modification studies using human megakaryoblastic leukemia cells confirmed the regulation of c-Kit expression by Pim1 kinase: i.e., Pim1-specific shRNA knockdown down-regulated the expression of c-Kit whereas overexpression of Pim1 up-regulated the expression of c-Kit. Mechanistically, inhibition or knockout of Pim1 kinase did not affect the transcription of c-Kit gene. Pim1 kinase enhanced c-Kit S-35 methionine labeling and increased the incorporation of c-Kit mRNAs into the polysomes and monosomes, demonstrating that Pim1 kinase regulates c-Kit expression at the translational level. Conclusions: Our study provides the first evidence that Pim1 regulates c-Kit gene translation and has important implications in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cancer treatment.MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Startup Fund, Hollings Cancer Center ACS IRG; ASCO Conquer Cancer Foundation Career Development Award; NHLBI [K08HL103780]; NCI [P30CA138313-01S3, R01CA197792, R01CA173200, R01CA172495]; DOD [W81XWH-15-1-0507]Open Access Journal.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Distribution of Activator of G-Protein Signaling 3 within the Aggresomal Pathway: Role of Specific Residues in the Tetratricopeptide Repeat Domain and Differential Regulation by the AGS3 Binding Partners Giα and Mammalian Inscuteable▿

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    AGS3, a receptor-independent activator of G-protein signaling, is involved in unexpected functional diversity for G-protein signaling systems. AGS3 has seven tetratricopeptide (TPR) motifs upstream of four G-protein regulatory (GPR) motifs that serve as docking sites for Giα-GDP. The positioning of AGS3 within the cell and the intramolecular dynamics between different domains of the proteins are likely key determinants of their ability to influence G-protein signaling. We report that AGS3 enters into the aggresome pathway and that distribution of the protein is regulated by the AGS3 binding partners Giα and mammalian Inscuteable (mInsc). Giα rescues AGS3 from the aggresome, whereas mInsc augments the aggresome-like distribution of AGS3. The distribution of AGS3 to the aggresome is dependent upon the TPR domain, and it is accelerated by disruption of the TPR organizational structure or introduction of a nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism. These data present AGS3, G-proteins, and mInsc as candidate proteins involved in regulating cellular stress associated with protein-processing pathologies

    Targeting the PIM protein kinases for the treatment of a T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia subset

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    New approaches are needed for the treatment of patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) who fail to achieve remission with chemotherapy. Analysis of the effects of pan-PIM protein kinase inhibitors on human T-ALL cell lines demonstrated that the sensitive cell lines expressed higher PIM1 protein kinase levels, whereas T-ALL cell lines with NOTCH mutations tended to have lower levels of PIM1 kinase and were insensitive to these inhibitors. NOTCH-mutant cells selected for resistance to gamma secretase inhibitors developed elevated PIM1 kinase levels and increased sensitivity to PIM inhibitors. Gene profiling using a publically available T-ALL dataset demonstrated overexpression of PIM1 in the majority of early T-cell precursor (ETP)-ALLs and a small subset of non-ETP ALL. While the PIM inhibitors blocked growth, they also stimulated ERK and STAT5 phosphorylation, demonstrating that activation of additional signaling pathways occurs with PIM inhibitor treatment. To block these pathways, Ponatinib, a broadly active tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia, was added to this PIM-inhibitor regimen. The combination of Ponatinib with a PIM inhibitor resulted in synergistic T-ALL growth inhibition and marked apoptotic cell death. Treatment of mice engrafted with human T-ALL with these two agents significantly decreased the tumor burden and improved the survival of treated mice. This dual therapy has the potential to be developed as a novel approach to treat T-ALL with high PIM expression

    The PDZ and Band 4.1 Containing Protein Frmpd1 Regulates the Subcellular Location of Activator of G-protein Signaling 3 and Its Interaction with G-proteins*S⃞

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    Activator of G-protein signaling 3 (AGS3) is one of nine mammalian proteins containing one or more G-protein regulatory (GPR) motifs that stabilize the GDP-bound conformation of Gαi. Such proteins have revealed unexpected functional diversity for the “G-switch” in the control of events within the cell independent of the role of heterotrimeric G-proteins as transducers for G-protein-coupled receptors at the cell surface. A key question regarding this class of proteins is what controls their subcellular positioning and interaction with G-proteins. We conducted a series of yeast two-hybrid screens to identify proteins interacting with the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) of AGS3, which plays an important role in subcellular positioning of the protein. We report the identification of Frmpd1 (FERM and PDZ domain containing 1) as a regulatory binding partner of AGS3. Frmpd1 binds to the TPR domain of AGS3 and coimmunoprecipitates with AGS3 from cell lysates. Cell fractionation indicated that Frmpd1 stabilizes AGS3 in a membrane fraction. Upon cotransfection of COS7 cells with Frmpd1-GFP and AGS3-mRFP, AGS3-mRFP is observed in regions of the cell cortex and also in membrane extensions or processes where it appears to be colocalized with Frmpd1-GFP based upon the merged fluorescent signals. Frmpd1 knockdown (siRNA) in Cath.a-differentiated neuronal cells decreased the level of endogenous AGS3 in membrane fractions by ∼50% and enhanced the α2-adrenergic receptor-mediated inhibition of forskolin-induced increases in cAMP. The coimmunoprecipitation of Frmpd1 with AGS3 is lost as the amount of Gαi3 in the cell is increased and AGS3 apparently switches its binding partner from Frmpd1 to Gαi3 indicating that the interaction of AGS3 with Frmpd1 and Gαi3 is mutually exclusive. Mechanistically, Frmpd1 may position AGS3 in a membrane environment where it then interacts with Gαi in a regulated manner