434 research outputs found

    Water productivity in agriculture: a review of empirical evidence for selected Asian countries and India

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    In the context of the growing demand for water and the emerging water crisis, this paper examines the prospects for improving water use efficiency in agriculture that will help water savings and also increase crop yields per unit of water input. Evidences from experimental or farmer participatory trials in a cross section of regions, countries, sites in Asia and the Indo-Gangetic plains suggest that alternate agronomic and crop management practices such as zero-tillage, bed planting, non-puddled rice culture and laser leveling can result in water savings and also improve rice and wheat yields per unit of water input.Length: pp.214-225Irrigation efficiencyWater productivityRiceWheat

    Effect of Energetic Materials on Thermal Decomposition of Phase-Stabilised Ammonium Nitrate - An Eco-Friendly Oxidiser

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    Phase-stabilised ammonium nitrate (PSAN) was prepared by incorporating copper (II) diamine nitrate in the ammonium nitrate (AN) crystal lattice, thereby avoiding the abrupt volume change within the useful temperature range. The effect of RDX on the thermal decomposition of PSAN has been investigated. Decomposition temperatures of PSAN and RDX are almost in the same temperature range. The synergetic effect of the interaction between PSAN and RDX resulted in a net exothermic reaction of PSAN. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the exothermic decomposition have been computed. Two well-known equations based on variable programme heating rate method, viz., Kissinger and Ozawa equations were employed for the kinetic evaluation. The approximate activation energy obtained from Ozawa method was refined by an iteration procedure using the two-term approximation for Arrhenius temperature integral, p(x) and the refinement was found to be unwarranted for the reaction. There is a close agreement between the values of kinetic parameters of the exothermic reaction of PSAN and RDX obtained from the Kissinger and Ozawa methods.

    Kinetics of Decomposition of Nitramine Propellant by Differential Scanning Calorimetry

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    The paper describes an experimental procedure for the determination of overall kinetic parameters for the exothermic decomposition reaction of nitramine propellant. The kinetic parameters can be obtained through the use of differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) or thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) methods. The procedure is applicable to reactions whose behaviour can be described by the Arrhenius equation and the general rate law. In the present work, DSC technique has been used for the evaluation of Arrehenius activation parameters and specific rate constants for thermal decomposition of a typical nitramine propellant. The kinetic parameters were computed by Ozawa and Kissinger methods for comparison. The activation energy value obtained from the Ozawa method is refined by an iteration procedure using Doyle approximation for the Arrhenius temperature integral p(x)

    Performance Evaluation and Experimental Studies on Metallised Gel Propellants

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    Metallised gel propellants offer higher specific impulse and volumetric loading, reduced vaporisation loss, spillage and slosh problems and easy storage in comparison to the conventional liquid propellants. Theoretical performance analysis of gel propellant containing Al in unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine-dinitrogen tetroxide (UDMH-N/sub 2/O/sub 4} system shows peak Isp (vacuum condition) of 316.7 s and 318.3 s at oxidiser/fuel (O/f) ratios of 1.5 and 1.0, respectively for 30 per cent and 40 per cent UDMH-Al gel propellants, under standard conditions. The effect of other parameters like area ratio and chamber pressure on performance has been brought out in view of mission oriented applications. Aluminium has been found to be a better choice over magnesium in metallised gel propellants. Experimental studies on UDMH gellation using propellant grade (15 micrometer)and pyrotechnic grade (1.5 micrometer)Al in 500g batch level show that gellant(methyl cellulose) concentration could be reduced by 50 percent using pyrotechnic grade Al. The pseudoplastic-thixotropic behaviour, flow rate through die holes, burst pressure tests and bulk density are studied. UDMH -25 to 30 per cent Al gels with both grades of Al are found to be stable, pseudoplastic (shear thinning) and thixotropic (time-dependent shear thinning), but their flow pattern through die holes differ in nature

    Developmental Studies on Metallised UDMH and Kerosene Gels

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    The influence of particulate and hydrocolloid gellants and different surfactants on gellation of metallised stable gels of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH) and kerosene containing 30 per cent 15 micron Aluminium was studied. Metallised UDMH and kerosene gels were characterised with respect to pseudoplasticity, thixotropy, consistency and yield stress using Contrave's rheometer. The effect of shear rate and temperature on the viscosity of these gels was determined. Thermal stability, hypergolicity tests and flow rate studies were also conducted. Metallised UDMH and kerosene gels are found to be stable, thixotropic and pseudoplastic and easily flowing like a liquid under shear force

    Results from the Supernova Photometric Classification Challenge

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    We report results from the Supernova Photometric Classification Challenge (SNPCC), a publicly released mix of simulated supernovae (SNe), with types (Ia, Ibc, and II) selected in proportion to their expected rate. The simulation was realized in the griz filters of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) with realistic observing conditions (sky noise, point-spread function and atmospheric transparency) based on years of recorded conditions at the DES site. Simulations of non-Ia type SNe are based on spectroscopically confirmed light curves that include unpublished non-Ia samples donated from the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP), the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS), and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II). A spectroscopically confirmed subset was provided for training. We challenged scientists to run their classification algorithms and report a type and photo-z for each SN. Participants from 10 groups contributed 13 entries for the sample that included a host-galaxy photo-z for each SN, and 9 entries for the sample that had no redshift information. Several different classification strategies resulted in similar performance, and for all entries the performance was significantly better for the training subset than for the unconfirmed sample. For the spectroscopically unconfirmed subset, the entry with the highest average figure of merit for classifying SNe~Ia has an efficiency of 0.96 and an SN~Ia purity of 0.79. As a public resource for the future development of photometric SN classification and photo-z estimators, we have released updated simulations with improvements based on our experience from the SNPCC, added samples corresponding to the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and the SDSS, and provided the answer keys so that developers can evaluate their own analysis.Comment: accepted by PAS

    Habit reversal therapy in obsessive compulsive related disorders : A systematic review of the evidence and consort evaluation of randomized controlled trials

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    Background: Habit Reversal Therapy (HRT) has long been used in the treatment of Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. It has more recently been used to treat Trichotillomania and skin picking behaviors, both considered as Obsessive Compulsive Related Disorders (OCRD). Objectives: This literature review sought to establish and quality assess the existing randomized controlled trial evidence supporting the use of HRT in the DSM-5 family of OCRDs. Search Methods: EMBASE, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Cochrane databases were searched for key terms relating to each OCRD (as classified in the DSM-5), and HRT. Selection Criteria: Titles and abstracts were screened, and any literature matching pre-specified criteria were then selected to be reviewed further. Of these, 8 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) relating to Trichotillomania, and 2 RCTs relating to Excoriation Disorder, were extracted and reviewed against the 2010 Consolidating Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement. Results: The review identified 10 RCTs of HRT, but these were limited to patients with a primary diagnosis of Trichotillomania or “excoriation behavior,” only. There were some reports of the use of HRT in Tourette Syndrome or Tic Disorder with secondary OCD, but the OCD symptoms were not reliably reported on. Conclusion: There is a gap in the current literature regarding the use of HRT in the DSM-5 OCRDs. In those RCTs that have been reported, the quality of study methodology was questionable as evaluated by CONSORT criteria. The implications of these findings are discussed, and suggestions are made for future research.Peer reviewe

    Monsters in Kaplan’s Logic of Demonstratives

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    Kaplan (1989a) insists that natural languages do not contain displacing devices that operate on character-such displacing devices are called monsters. This thesis has recently faced various empirical challenges (e.g., Schlenker 2003; Anand and Nevins 200

    Bioactive plasma coatings on orthodontic brackets: In Vitro metal ion release and cytotoxicity

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    The metal ion release characteristics and biocompatibility of meta-based materials are key factors that influence their use in orthodontics. Although stainless steel-based alloys have gained much interest and use due to their mechanical properties and cost, they are prone to localised attack after prolonged exposure to the hostile oral environment. Metal ions may induce cellular toxicity at high dosages. To circumvent these issues, orthodontic brackets were coated with a functional nanothin layer of plasma polymer and further immobilised with enantiomers of tryptophan. Analysis of the physicochemical properties confirmed the presence of functional coatings on the surface of the brackets. The quantification of metal ion release using mass spectrometry proved that plasma functionalisation could minimise metal ion release from orthodontic brackets. Furthermore, the biocompatibility of the brackets has been improved after functionalisation. These findings demonstrate that plasma polymer facilitated surface functionalisation of orthodontic brackets is a promising approach to reducing metal toxicity without impacting their bulk properties.Lasni Samalka Kumarasinghe, Neethu Ninan, Panthihage Ruvini Lakshika Dabare, Alex Cavallaro, Esma J. Dogramacı, Giampiero Rossi-Fedele ... et al

    Knowledge and exposure to complementary and alternative medicine in paediatric doctors: a questionnaire survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complementary and alternative medicines are increasingly used by the general population. A survey was conducted to ascertain the knowledge of Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) amongst paediatric physicians, and whether seniority increases the likelihood of its use being considered in consultations, or of families discussing it.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Anonymous survey of general paediatric doctors in a large inner-city district general hospital (DGH) and tertiary children's centre (TC) using a questionnaire. Statistical analysis was calculated using Minitab.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>43/49 (88%) questionnaires were returned correctly. 13 (30%, CI 17 – 46%) doctors had personally used CAMs. 24 (56%, CI 40 – 71%) of their families had used CAMs. 13 (30%, CI 17 – 46%) had received formal CAMs education. 21 (49%, CI 40 – 71%) could name a total of 5 types of CAMs. Consultants were significantly more likely to ask about CAM use than middle-grades and juniors (p < 0.05, CI 48 – 93%, 35 – 90%, 8 – 33% respectively) and have had a clinical encounter where they felt it was significant. 32 (74%, CI 59 – 86%) of the clinicians had been asked about CAMs. 33 (77%, CI 61 – 88%) of doctors had successful CAM use reported to them, and 20 (47%, CI 31 – 62%) had failure of CAMs reported to them.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CAM use is relatively common in paediatric doctors and their families. They have received little formal CAMs education. Consultants were more likely than juniors to ask about CAM use and have had a clinical encounter where it played a significant part. Around half of all doctors irrespective of grade have been asked about CAMs in a clinical encounter.</p
