82 research outputs found


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    Megacollect 2004: Hyperspectral Collection Experiment of Terrestrial Targets and Backgrounds of the RIT Megascene and Surrounding Area (Rochester, NY)

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    This paper describes a collaborative collection campaign to spectrally image and measure a well characterized scene for hyperspectral algorithm development and validation/verification of scene simulation models (DIRSIG). The RIT Megascene, located in the northeast corner of Monroe County near Rochester, New York, has been modeled and characterized under the DIRSIG environment and has been simulated for various hyperspectral and multispectral systems (e.g., HYDICE, LANDSAT, etc.). Until recently, most of the electro-optical imagery of this area has been limited to very high altitude airborne or orbital platforms with low spatial resolutions. Megacollect 2004 addresses this shortcoming by bringing together, in June of 2004, a suite of airborne sensors to image this area in the VNIR, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR regions. These include the COMPASS (hyperspectral VNIR,SWIR), SEBASS (hyperspectral LWIR), WASP (broadband VIS, SWIR, MWIR, LWIR) and MISI (hyperspectral VNIR, broadband SWIR, MWIR, LWIR). In conjunction with the airborne collections, an extensive ground truth measurement campaign was conducted to characterize atmospheric parameters, select targets, and backgrounds in the field. Laboratory measurements were also made on samples to confirm the field measurements. These spectral measurements spanned the visible and thermal region from 0.4 to 20 microns. These measurements will help identify imaging factors that affect algorithm robustness and areas of improvement in the physical modeling of scene/sensor phenomena. Reflectance panels have also been deployed as control targets to both quantify sensor characteristics and atmospheric effects. A subset of these targets have also been deployed as an independent test suite for target detection algorithms. Details of the planning, coordination, protocols, and execution of the campaign will be discussed with particular emphasis on the ground measurements. The system used to collect the metadata of ground truth measurements and disseminate this data will be described. Lastly, lessons learned in the field will be underscored to highlight additional measurements and changes in protocol to improve future collections of this area

    Thermal Infrared Radiometric Calibration of the Entire Landsat 4, 5, and 7 Archive (1982-2010)

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    Landsat's continuing record of the thermal state of the earth's surface represents the only long term (1982 to the present) global record with spatial scales appropriate for human scale studies (i.e., tens of meters). Temperature drives many of the physical and biological processes that impact the global and local environment. As our knowledge of, and interest in, the role of temperature on these processes have grown, the value of Landsat data to monitor trends and process has also grown. The value of the Landsat thermal data archive will continue to grow as we develop more effective ways to study the long term processes and trends affecting the planet. However, in order to take proper advantage of the thermal data, we need to be able to convert the data to surface temperatures. A critical step in this process is to have the entire archive completely and consistently calibrated into absolute radiance so that it can be atmospherically compensated to surface leaving radiance and then to surface radiometric temperature. This paper addresses the methods and procedures that have been used to perform the radiometric calibration of the earliest sizable thermal data set in the archive (Landsat 4 data). The completion of this effort along with the updated calibration of the earlier (1985 1999) Landsat 5 data, also reported here, concludes a comprehensive calibration of the Landsat thermal archive of data from 1982 to the presen

    A Generic Data Model for Describing Flexibility in Power Markets

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    In this article, we present a new descriptive model for industrial flexibility with respect to power consumption. The advancing digitization in the energy sector opens up new possibilities for utilizing and automatizing the marketing of flexibility potentials and therefore facilitates a more advanced energy management. This requires a standardized description and modeling of power-related flexibility. The data model in this work has been developed in close collaboration with several partners from different industries in the context of a major German research project. A suitable set of key figures allows for also describing complex production processes that exhibit interdependencies and storage-like properties. The data model can be applied to other areas as well, e.g., power plants, plug-in electric vehicles, or power-related flexibility of households

    IT-based Architecture for Power Market Oriented Optimization at Multiple Levels in Production Processes

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    Given the increasingly volatile prices on the power markets, it becomes economically more and more important for companies to develop and realize flexible strategies for energy consumption. A steady adaption of production processes which considers current power prices can take place on several levels of the automation pyramid, where each level has its own characteristics and requirements. In this paper, we present an optimization architecture based on an IT-platform which meets the challenges of complex multilayered production processes. We introduce layer-specific optimization strategies as well as an associated information flow, which facilitates creating holistic and well-coordinated optimizations

    Die TextualitÀt der Kultur. GegenstÀnde, Methoden, Probleme der kultur- und literaturwissenschaftlichen Forschung

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    Im Zuge des sogenannten "cultural turn", der die traditionellen Geisteswissenschaften als Kulturwissenschaften neu bestimmte, sah sich auch die Literaturwissenschaft mit ganz neuen AnsprĂŒchen konfrontiert: Statt sich wie bisher mit literarischen Werken oder Texten des tĂ€glichen Gebrauchs zu befassen, sollte sie plötzlich mittels interdisziplinĂ€rer AnsĂ€tze kulturelle PhĂ€nomene aller Art wie Rituale, politische Machtstrukturen oder gesellschaftliche Konstellationen analysieren und erklĂ€ren. Eine Möglichkeit, das VerhĂ€ltnis von Text und kulturellem Kontext zu denken, bildet die Vorstellung der TextualitĂ€t der Kultur, die von Stephen Greenblatt, Louis Montrose und anderen Vertretern des New Historicism unter Bezugnahme auf den Kulturbegriff des Ethnologen Clifford Geertz entwickelt wurde. Geertz versteht Kultur als ein „Netzwerk von bedeutungstragenden VerknĂŒpfungen“ (Geertz 1973), dem ein semiotischer, also ein textueller Charakter eigen ist. Dieses analytische Modell eröffnet die Möglichkeit eines bruchlosen Übergangs zwischen dem Text und dem ihn umgebenden Kontext – eines Übergangs, der in beide Richtungen funktioniert und zudem als "dynamisch" vorgestellt wird: Nicht nur wird der Text als Produkt kultureller EinflĂŒsse angesehen und in einen bereits existierenden Kontext eingeordnet, auch dieser Kontext selbst ist als Zeichengewebe charakterisiert durch seine latenten Bedeutungspotentialen, die erst in der entsprechenden LektĂŒre aktualisiert und damit realisiert werden. Diese Auffassung von der TextualitĂ€t der Kultur und der KulturalitĂ€t von Texten bildet die gemeinsame methodische Annahme der im vorliegenden Tagungsband versammelten BeitrĂ€ge.After the "cultural turn" of the 1990s redefined the traditional humanities under the label “Cultural Studies”, literary studies were confronted with new challenges. Suddenly, instead of concentrating mainly on literary works or texts fromeveryday life, they were expected to analyse and explain cultural phenomena such as rituals, structures of power or social constellations, using interdisciplinary methods. One possibility for conceptualizing the relationship between text and context is the notion of the "textuality of culture". This idea was coined by Stephen Greenblatt, Louis Montrose, and other scholars of "the New Historicism," referring to a concept of culture first developed by the ethnologist Clifford Geertz. To Geertz, culture is a “web of significance” of a semiotic and textual nature (Geertz 1973). Assuming a dynamic rather than a static relationship, this analytical model allows for fluent interactions between text and context: No longer is a text just considered to be a product of cultural influences set within a given context. Instead, this context, being a web of signs, was understood to be itself "textual", creating unfulfilled potentials of meaning. Only by being ‘read’ and actualized, are these cultural meanings solidified andthus made real. These notions of the "culturality of texts" and the "textuality of culture" constitute the common methodological assumptions of all the articles assembled in this volume

    Consensus recommendations of the german consortium for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The German Consortium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (GC-HBOC) has established a multigene panel (TruRiskÂź) for the analysis of risk genes for familial breast and ovarian cancer. SUMMARY: An interdisciplinary team of experts from the GC-HBOC has evaluated the available data on risk modification in the presence of pathogenic mutations in these genes based on a structured literature search and through a formal consensus process. KEY MESSAGES: The goal of this work is to better assess individual disease risk and, on this basis, to derive clinical recommendations for patient counseling and care at the centers of the GC-HBOC from the initial consultation prior to genetic testing to the use of individual risk-adapted preventive/therapeutic measures
