10 research outputs found

    The criteria describing the need for highway reconstruction based on the theory of traffic flows and repay time

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    General data on the network of Ukrainian highways are presented. The analysis of design methods of highway reconstruction based on the theory of traffic flows and economic calculations of its repay time is made. The relationship between traffic intensity and speed is shown by considering the theory of traffic flows. The methods, taking into account the principle of effectiveness of highway reconstruction based on its repay time, are discussed. First published online: 27 Oct 201

    Methods for numerical calculation of parameters pertaining to the microscopic following-the-leader model of traffic flow: using the fast spline transformation

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    As known in transport engineering, civil engineering, transport planning and mathematics, traffic flow is the study of interactions between vehicles, drivers and infrastructure (including highways, signage and traffic control devices), with the aim of understanding and developing an optimal road network with efficient movement of traffic and minimal traffic congestion problems. The presented paper discusses a small part of a traffic flow study – the development of the methodology for assessing the speed and acceleration of a car during the column movement followingthe-leader, based on a new mathematical method. Two methods – (1) the numerical calculation of the first derivative, i.e. speed of the car movement; (2) the numerical calculation of the second derivative, i.e. acceleration of the car movement – were developed, using the fast spline transformation. In the future, parameters obtained with the help of two new methods, can be used to solve complex transportation problems, such as: (1) control of traffic flows; (2) organisation of harmonised work of traffic lights; (3) analysis of psycho-physiological condition of a driver, etc

    Road reconstruction criteria taking into account the theory of traffic flows and repay time

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    The analysis of design methods of road reconstruction based on the theory of traffic flows and economic calculations of its repay time is presented. The relationship between traffic intensity and speed is shown by considering the theory of traffic flows. The methods, taking into account the principle of effectiveness of road reconstruction based on its repay time, are discussed. Article in Russian. Automobilių kelių rekonstrukcijos kriterijai vertinant transporto srautų teoriją ir atsipirkimo terminą Santrauka. Analizuojama automobilių kelių rekonstrukcijos projektavimo metodika remiantis transporto srautų teorija ir atsipirkimo termino ekonominiais skaičiavimais.  Remiantis transporto srautų teorija nagrinėjama priklausomybė „judėjimo intensyvumas – greitis“.  Pateikta metodika, kurios pagrindas yra automobilių kelio rekonstrukcijos parinkimo principas, ekonomiškai pozityviai ir motyvuotai vertinant atsipirkimo terminą.  Reikšminiai žodžiai: automobilių kelias, rekonstrukcija, atsipirkimo terminas, judėjimo intensyvumas, greitis, transporto srautas, sąnaudos. Критерии необходимости реконструкции автомобильных дорог с учетом теории транспортных потоков по сроку окупаемости Аннотация. Проведен анализ методики проектирования реконструкции автомобильных дорог на основании теории транспортных потоков с учетом экономических расчетов по сроку окупаемости. На основании теории транспортных потоков показана зависимость «интенсивность движения–скорость». Рассмотрена методика, в основе которой лежит принцип назначения реконструкции автомобильной дороги, исходя из позиции экономической обоснованности реконструкции по сроку окупаемости.    Ключевые слова:  реконструкция, срок окупаемости, интенсивность движения–скорость, транспортный поток, капитальные вложения, транспортные затраты

    Automobilių kelių rekonstrukcijos kriterijai: transporto srautų teorijos ir atsipirkimo termino vertinimas

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    General data on the network of Ukrainian highways are presented. Th e analysis of design methods of highway reconstruction based on the theory of traffic flows and economic calculations of its repay time is made. Th e relationship between traffic intensity and speed is shown by considering the theory of traffic flows. Th e methods, taking into account the principle of eff ectiveness of highway reconstruction based on its repay time, are discussed.Lietuviška santrauka. Kelių srityje dažnai vartojamas terminas automobilių kelių rekonstrukcija neturi vienareikšmio apibrėžimo. Terminas rekonstrukcija reiškia aibę veiksnių, pavyzdžiui, kardinalų pertvarkymą, perdarymą taikant naujus principus, ko nors tobulinimą arba sutvarkymą ir pan. Automobilių keliams taikant rekonstrukcijos sąvoką dažniausiai turima omenyje eismo sąlygų kardinalus pertvarkymas jas gerinant. Straipsnyje pateikiama ir analizuojama Ukrainos automobilių kelių tinklo bendroji informacija. Vertinant transporto srautų teoriją ir atsipirkimo terminą analizuojama automobilių kelių projektavimo ir rekonstrukcijos skyrimo metodika. Pateikta ir paaiškinta priklausomybė eismo intensyvumas–judėjimo greitis. Pateikta automobilių kelių rekonstrukcijos skyrimo metodika vertinant ekonominį pagrindimą bei atsipirkimo terminą


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    The problen of expert estimation of the state of cognitive functions of drivers of elderly and senile age is examited in the article. Exactly in this age probability of development of cognitive disorders rises up to dementia. The age-dependent changes of cognitive functions affect the sphere of memory, psyhomotor, visible-spatial, verbally-logical capabilities, and increase of time of reaction. It is suggested to include the cognitive evoked potentials (CEP) in the standart of expert estimation of the state of drivers in age from 60 years. Ror the ground of application of CEP the latency of P300 and time of reaction of driver in a transport stream are confronted. Researches of micro-model of motor transport stream are for what conducted and information of timing reaction of drivers is got. On the basis of comprarison of age-dependent norms of nearo-physiological indexes and findings of time of reaction of driver, criteria are offered for a selection on additional deep research of cognitive functijns of drivers of indicated


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    The problen of expert estimation of the state of cognitive functions of drivers of elderly and senile age is examited in the article. Exactly in this age probability of development of cognitive disorders rises up to dementia. The age-dependent changes of cognitive functions affect the sphere of memory, psyhomotor, visible-spatial, verbally-logical capabilities, and increase of time of reaction. It is suggested to include the cognitive evoked potentials (CEP) in the standart of expert estimation of the state of drivers in age from 60 years. Ror the ground of application of CEP the latency of P300 and time of reaction of driver in a transport stream are confronted. Researches of micro-model of motor transport stream are for what conducted and information of timing reaction of drivers is got. On the basis of comprarison of age-dependent norms of nearo-physiological indexes and findings of time of reaction of driver, criteria are offered for a selection on additional deep research of cognitive functijns of drivers of indicated