181 research outputs found
Leaching of metals and metalloids from highway marking glass beads and the potential environmental impact
Glass beads are embedded in pavement markings to obtain retroreflectivity which plays a crucial role in the lighting-up effect needed for safe driving. Elevated metal and metalloid concentrations of As, Sb, and Pb have recently been observed in imported glass beads. The main objective of this research was to assess the environmental impact associated with applying these imported glass beads in highway markings. To achieve this objective, total metal concentrations were measured using two techniques: hydrofluoric acid digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HF/ICP-MS), and field portable x-ray fluorescence (FP-XRF) spectroscopy. A number of leaching studies were conducted and included two standard United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) methods: the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) and the synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP). In addition, a factorial study was conducted to determine the impact of environmentally relevant factors such as pH, chemicals applied on roadways, particle size, and time on metal and metalloid leaching. To compare results among the three types of studies (TCLP, SPLP, and factorial study), a select batch of glass beads with elevated concentrations was used. FP-XRF was observed to be as reliable a tool for measuring total metal and metalloid concentrations and is recommended over the use of HF/ICP-MS. Results demonstrated that the most important factors affecting leaching were pH and time. For anions such as HAsO42- and SbO3-, leaching increased with increasing pH, while for cations including Pb2+, it increased as pH decreased. Sequential extraction was conducted as well to better understand the form of metals and metalloids associated with the glass beads. While 3% were extracted in the exchangeable (As, Mn, and Ba) and the oxidizable forms (Pb), greater than 97% of metals and metalloids were associated with the glass matrix. Further studies to assess leaching as a function of total concentration in the imported batch were conducted for 30 days. Non-parametric statistics were applied to test concentrations that resulted in excess of the groundwater quality criteria. Results demonstrated that the New Jersey Default Leachate Groundwater limits for As were exceeded for 98% of the samples tested. In case of Pb, these limits were exceeded for 58% of the samples and with Sb 15%. These results suggest a potential environmental impact to groundwater used as a drinking water source when either storing glass beads in bulk or disposing of the roadway marking material in bulk
In vitro evaluation of commercial probiotic products used for marine shrimp cultivation in Thailand
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 12 commercial probiotic products in Thailand, used in marine shrimp cultivation, based on two criteria namely, accuracy of the information on product labels as regards the number and types of microorganisms and acceptability of the number of probiotic microorganisms at 10,sup>6 colony forming unit (CFU)/g in the products. Of the 12 products sampled, only two of them provided adequate information on the number and composition of microorganisms and their proper dosage. In addition, none of the probiotic products possessed the correct number and composition of microorganisms or qualitative extracellular enzymes, declared on their labels nor did they show any in vitro inhibitory activity on shrimp pathogenic Vibrio harveyi. However, a few products were capable of biosynthesis of amylase, protease and lipase with high capacities.Key words: Commercial probiotic product, marine shrimp, Vibrio harveyi, amylase, protease, lipase
Mechanisms of DNA damage, repair, and mutagenesis
Living organisms are continuously exposed to a myriad of DNA damaging agents that can impact health and modulate disease-states. However, robust DNA repair and damage-bypass mechanisms faithfully protect the DNA by either removing or tolerating the damage to ensure an overall survival. Deviations in this fine-tuning are known to destabilize cellular metabolic homeostasis, as exemplified in diverse cancers where disruption or deregulation of DNA repair pathways results in genome instability. Because routinely used biological, physical and chemical agents impact human health, testing their genotoxicity and regulating their use have become important. In this introductory review, we will delineate mechanisms of DNA damage and the counteracting repair/tolerance pathways to provide insights into the molecular basis of genotoxicity in cells that lays the foundation for subsequent articles in this issue. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 58:235â263, 2017 ÂĐ 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Grant ES-015818
Online professional development programmes : reflections
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a mixed bag
of experiences with respect to teacher professional
development programmes. While it has enabled
many more persons to access training programmes
at very low costs, it has also extensively changed
the dynamics of the programmes, not necessarily
for the better
Kink, singular soliton and periodic solutions to class of nonlinear equations
In this paper, we extend the ordinary differential Duffing equation into a partial differential equation. We study the traveling wave solutions to this model by using the G\u27/G expansion method. Then, based on the obtained results given for the Duffing equation, we generate kink, singular soliton and periodic solutions for a coupled integrable dispersionless nonlinear system. All the solutions given in this work are verified
Government initiatives towards the âtrainingâ of teachers: principles and implementation
The teacher is central to all educational reform
â this is the underlying principle of change in
educational processes. Hence, an initiative to
capacitate teachers is generally an adjunct to most
government initiatives in education. The word
adjunct is chosen with care â while the intent is
to capacitate teachers to create change, somehow
the teacher becomes a supplementary rather than
a key player. A case in point is the implementation
of continuous and comprehensive evaluation
across States. A reinforcement of good pedagogy
became a âprogrammeâ with fixed templates and
close monitoring in most states. From trust in the
teacher and autonomy for her to help her students
learn, we moved to what was resented as additional
While the reasons for a lack of trust in the teacher
are many, ranging from systematic downgrading
of the status of the teacher through top-down
percolation of curricula, materials and processes,
to the lack of facilitation within the ecosystem
in which the teacher works, one manifestation
is the perpetuation of outdated practices in our
classrooms with ever worsening learning outcomes.
The situation becomes even more ironical when one
considers the multiple initiatives the government
has created for the professional development of
teachers, including the setting up of decentralised
structures devoted entirely to this purpose. While
these structures are meant to facilitate both
pre- and in-service professional development of
teachers, this article will restrict itself to initiatives
related to in-service professional development
or âtrainingâ, the term commonly used for formal
activities involving learning in teachers
Seeking common ground â some debates related to education policy in India
Certain areas in education policy are subject to
debate more than others. This article attempts to
present a broad overview of the debates around
investment in education, use of technology in
teaching-learning, vocational education, teacher
accountability and the no detention policy
Antibacterial activity of bacteriocin produced by Bacillus velezensis BUU004, herb extracts and their combination for controlling spoilage and pathogenic bacteria in dried, seasoned and crushed squid
Biopreservation is an attractive measure to maintain the quality and safety of food products simultaneously with fit in healthy lifestyle of consumers. This study aimed to evaluate biopreservative potential of bacteriocin produced by Bacillus velezensis BUU004, a mixture of lemongrass and hot pepper extracts, and their combination for controlling growths of spoilage bacteria and foodborne pathogens in dried, seasoned and crushed squid. The squid samples were treated with 1) sterile distilled water (control), 2) nisin solution, 3) semi-purified preparation containing bacteriocin from B. velezensis BUU004 (SPP-BV), 4) a mixture of lemongrass and hot pepper extracts, and 5) a combination of the SPP-BV and the mixed herb extracts. During 28-day storage, the three types of additives were as effective as commercial nisin for securing biosafety of the dried squid evident by a significant (p<0.05) reduction in total viable count, compared to the control. Administration of the tested additives every 14 days was more effective against spoilage bacteria in dried squid than a single treatment. Then, the tested additives were investigated their antibacterial activity against pathogenic E. coli, Salmonella Typhimurium and Bacillus cereus. The strongest inhibitory effect on all tested pathogens was observed with the combined addition of the SPP-BV and the mixed herb extracts in dried squid. SEM analysis revealed that the three additives had bactericidal activity through destruction of the bacterial cell walls. This study suggested that all tested additives had potential as an alternative for controlling food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria and enhancing the safety of dried seafood products
Design Web Based Ticketing System, for Menara Alor Star
Web based is the most famous portable technology, the WEB solution services can be obtained easily at any time in anywhere. That provides the crowed with the ticket for visit
the Menara without losing time and effort. Web based allows to the users to use the Information Technology without being bound to a single location; it provides the users
with the flexibility. In this study focused only to the development of a prototype for the Menara Alor Star e-ticketing. Reservation system comprises of a database that is built using MySQL database application software, Apache server as the web server and JSP as its application server. The methodology used is General Methodology using the Unified Modeling Language-UA Approach
Occurrence of Multidrug Resistant Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Methicillin-Susceptibility Staphylococcus aureus in Chon Buri Province
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