Government initiatives towards the ‘training’ of teachers: principles and implementation


The teacher is central to all educational reform – this is the underlying principle of change in educational processes. Hence, an initiative to capacitate teachers is generally an adjunct to most government initiatives in education. The word adjunct is chosen with care – while the intent is to capacitate teachers to create change, somehow the teacher becomes a supplementary rather than a key player. A case in point is the implementation of continuous and comprehensive evaluation across States. A reinforcement of good pedagogy became a ‘programme’ with fixed templates and close monitoring in most states. From trust in the teacher and autonomy for her to help her students learn, we moved to what was resented as additional paperwork. While the reasons for a lack of trust in the teacher are many, ranging from systematic downgrading of the status of the teacher through top-down percolation of curricula, materials and processes, to the lack of facilitation within the ecosystem in which the teacher works, one manifestation is the perpetuation of outdated practices in our classrooms with ever worsening learning outcomes. The situation becomes even more ironical when one considers the multiple initiatives the government has created for the professional development of teachers, including the setting up of decentralised structures devoted entirely to this purpose. While these structures are meant to facilitate both pre- and in-service professional development of teachers, this article will restrict itself to initiatives related to in-service professional development or ‘training’, the term commonly used for formal activities involving learning in teachers

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