13 research outputs found

    Sueño, calidad de vida y humor en profesionales de enfermería en unidades de cuidados intensivos infantiles

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    OBJETIVO Avaliar sono, qualidade de vida e humor em profissionais de enfermagem em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Infantil. MÉTODO Estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo. Profissionais agrupados por turnos matutino, vespertino e noturno foram avaliados pelos instrumentos: Questionário de identificação Matutinidade-Vespertinidade; Índice de qualidade do sono de Pittsburgh; Escala de sonolência Epworth; Questionário genérico de avaliação de qualidade de vida - SF-36; Inventário de depressão de Beck; Inventário de ansiedade de Beck; Inventário de ansiedade Traço-Estado. RESULTADOS Amostra composta por 168 profissionais, predominando tipologia neutra, 57,49%. Não houve significância estatística quanto ao sono, apesar dos escores mostrarem qualidade ruim e sonolência diurna excessiva para os três turnos. A qualidade de vida não denotou diferença estatística, mas no domínio "aspecto social" do turno noturno, observou-se escore pior (pOBJECTIVE To assess sleep, quality of life and mood of nursing professionals of pediatric intensive care units. METHOD Quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study. Professionals grouped by morning, afternoon and evening shifts were assessed by means of the instruments: Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Generic questionnaire for the assessment of quality of life (SF-36); Beck Depression Inventory; Beck Anxiety Inventory; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. RESULTS Sample consisted of 168 professionals, with prevalence of neutral typology (57.49%). There was no statistical significance regarding sleep, despite scores showing a poor quality of sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness for the three shifts. Quality of life did not reveal any statistical significance, but in the field "social role functioning" of the evening shift, a lower score was observed (pOBJETIVO Evaluar el sueño, la calidad de vida y el humor en profesionales de enfermería en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Infantiles. MÉTODO Estudio cuantitativo, transversal y descriptivo. Profesionales agrupados por turno matutino, vespertino y nocturno fueron evaluados por los instrumentos: Cuestionario de identificación Matutinidad-Vespertinidad; Índice de calidad del sueño de Pittsburgh; Escala de somnolencia de Epworth; Cuestionario genérico de evaluación de calidad de vida - SF-36; Inventario de depresión de Beck; Inventario de ansiedad de Beck; Inventario de ansiedad Trazo-Estado. RESULTADOS Muestra compuesta de 168 profesionales, predominando la tipología neutra en el 57,49%. No hubo significación estadística en cuanto al sueño, pese a que los puntajes muestren mala calidad y somnolencia diurna excesiva para los tres turnos. La calidad de vida no denotó diferencia estadística, pero en el dominio "aspecto social" del turno nocturno, se observó puntaje peor (

    Comparação entre doces produzidos a partir de frutos de diferentes espécies e cultivares de marmeleiro (Cydonia oblonga Miller e Chaenomeles sinensis Koehne) Comparation among marmalades produced from different fruit quince species (Cydonia oblonga Miller and Chaenomeles sinensis Koehne) and cultivars

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho comparar doces (marmeladas) produzidos a partir de frutos de diferentes cultivares de marmeleiro, como também os possíveis ganhos obtidos com a mistura de polpa dos frutos das cultivares. Os frutos foram colhidos em uma coleção de cultivares de marmeleiros pertencente à EPAMIG, localizada no município de Maria da Fé (MG), nos meses de janeiro a abril de 2005. Os frutos foram processados artesanalmente dando origem às marmeladas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelas marmeladas das cultivares Mendoza, Japonês, Provence e pela mistura das polpas das cultivares Portugal, Provence e Mendoza com a Japonês, comparadas com a marmelada tradicional feita a partir da 'Portugal'. Foi feita uma avaliação sensorial das características cor, brilho, sabor, textura e aroma das marmeladas por um grupo de vinte pessoas. A análise estatística dos dados, com o respectivo teste de médias, mostrou uma superioridade da marmelada da cultivar Mendoza sobre as demais com relação ao brilho. Quanto aos itens sabor e textura, a marmelada da 'Mendoza' foi superior apenas a da 'Japonês', sendo que as misturas da 'Japonês' com as cultivares Mendoza e Provence se igualaram à da 'Mendoza'. Com relação ao aroma não foram detectadas diferenças entre as cultivares. Concluiu-se assim que a 'Mendoza' proporcionou a obtenção da melhor marmelada e que a mistura com outras polpas melhorou as qualidades da marmelada da cultivar Japonês.The present study was made to compare marmalades produced from different quince fruit cultivars, as well as, the earnings possible from different pulp mixtures. Fruits were collected on EPAMIG's quince collection yard, at district of Maria da Fé, MG, in from January to April, 2005. Marmalades were manually processed. Treatments were marmalades from Mendoza, Japonês, Provence cultivars and by pulp mixture of Portugal, Provence and Mendoza plus the Japonês quince cultivars, compared to traditional marmalade from Portugal cultivar. Sensorial characteristic evaluation as color, bright, taste, texture and flavor were made for twenty people. Data statistic analyses and average tests showed superior bright quality of the marmalade Mendoza cultivar in relation all others. Mendoza marmalade flavor and texture were superior only to Japonês marmalade; however, there were no difference in marmalade qualities when a mixture of Japonês and others pulp cultivars was made. There were found no flavor differences among the cultivars. So, the Mendoza cultivar produced the best marmalade and mixture of other quince pulps improved the Japonês marmalade

    Different systems of plant formation and density of peach trees

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    A fim de estudar a influência de diferentes sistemas de formação e densidade no rendimento do pessegueiro (Prunnus pérsica Bastch), realizou-se o presente trabalho na EPAMIG/Caldas, MG. Utilizou-se a cultivar Biuti como copa, e como porta-enxerto, a 'Okinawa'. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: formação em taça, vaso moderno, palmeta irregular e bidone, atuando a primeira como testemunha. O sistema bidone induziu o maior rendimento médio de frutos por planta e o maior perímetro do tronco, apresentando, entretanto, o menor peso médio de frutos. Na formação tipo taça obteve-se o maior peso médio dos frutos, não diferindo da condução em palmeta. Nesta, as árvores apresentaram o maior diâmetro médio das copas. No sistema vaso, as plantas tiveram os menores perímetros de tronco. Os sistemas bidone e vaso, plantados no espaçamento de 6,5 x 5,0 m, deram maior rendimento, respectivamente, 15,236 e 10,462 kg/ha.This research aimed to study the influence of different systems of plant conduction on the formation and yield of peach trees (Prunus persica Bastch). The experiment was carried out at EPAMIG Farm located in Caldas, MG, Brazil. Cultivar Biuti was used as canopy and cultivar Okinawa as rootstock. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks with four replications and four plants per plot. Treatments consisted of different conduction systems such as "taça", modern vase, irregular palmette and bidone (free train), the former being used as a control. The bidone train induced the greatest mean yield of fruits per plant and the largest trunk perimeter but the least mean fruit weight. In "taça" train the largest mean fruit weight was obtained, which was not different from palmette. The latter system allowed the largest mean diameter of canopies. Plants conducted by the vase system showed the least trunk perimeters

    Sleep, quality of life and mood of nursing professionals of pediatric intensive care units

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess sleep, quality of life and mood of nursing professionals of pediatric intensive care units. METHOD Quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study. Professionals grouped by morning, afternoon and evening shifts were assessed by means of the instruments: Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Generic questionnaire for the assessment of quality of life (SF-36); Beck Depression Inventory; Beck Anxiety Inventory; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. RESULTS Sample consisted of 168 professionals, with prevalence of neutral typology (57.49%). There was no statistical significance regarding sleep, despite scores showing a poor quality of sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness for the three shifts. Quality of life did not reveal any statistical significance, but in the field "social role functioning" of the evening shift, a lower score was observed (p<0.007). There was no statistical significance regarding levels of anxiety and depression. CONCLUSION The results suggest that these professionals may present sleeping problems, but they do not have lower scores of quality of life or mood disorders. Likely explanations for these findings may include an adaptation to their work type over time and the fact that working with children is rewarding

    The incidence and productive significance of ovine toxoplasmosis in Southern Brazil

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    ABSTRACT: This research aimed to determine incidence of Toxoplama gondii infection in Corriedale sheep in southern Brazil during pregnancy and the extent of associated losses. Blood samples were collected from 411 Corriedale sheep in two flocks at different locations in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Presence of T. gondii was diagnosed by the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Technique (IFAT). Seroprevalence of T. gondii during pre-mating was 20.2%, with no significant difference between the two flocks studied. Infection by T. gondii was influenced by ewes'age (P≤0.05). The pre-mating seroprevalence did not influence either returning to estrus or pregnancy rates. Weaning rate was significantly higher in pre-positive dams compared to negative ones (87.9 and 74.1%, respectively - P<0.05). The incidence of seroconversion was 16.5% (54/328). In seroconverted ewes, a high rate of return to estrus was observed (P≤0.05). The incidence of toxoplasmosis suggests production losses equivalent to 1.87% per year, in this system production. In addition, toxoplasmosis decreased the number of lambs per ewe. Therefore, to improve livestock performance, T. gondii infection should be monitored and controlled in the studied area

    PCR-based identification of Neospora caninum in the umbilical cord of a newborn calf in Brazil

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT: This study was conducted at a beef cattle breeding farm in the far southern region of Brazil. The birth of a calf with unilateral corneal opacity was immediately reported to the Laboratory of Parasitology, in the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; blood was collected from the cow and calf before colostrum intake. The umbilical cords from this calf and from six other healthy animals were collected. Serological examination, utilizing an indirect fluorescent antibody test, was done using a cut-off point of 1:100. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was also performed using the umbilical cord samples. Serological tests showed that the calf was positive for Neospora caninum at birth, with a titer of 1:1600; a titer of 1:3200 was reported in the dam. PCR, using umbilical cord tissue from the affected animal, was positive for the presence of this parasite, and the molecular identity of the amplified product was confirmed by sequencing. Therefore, the detection of N. caninum DNA in the umbilical cord represents a novel alternative test for the diagnosis of this parasitic infection in newborn calves that are clinically suspected to have neosporosis.</p></div