217 research outputs found

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    The last stop of life The aim of this study was to examine leaders in elderly-care and their view on person-centred care in their organizations and how they look upon the perceived loneliness experienced by the elderly. More specific the aim was to find out how the leaders provide an environment for their staff to implement person-centred care to the residents. Data was collected from five leaders in elderly-care. Qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted and the data was analyzed qualitatively using Human Resourses-theory. The conclusion was that all of the respondents were struggling with satisfying the needs of their employees’ due to the lack of resources, such as time and financing. The consequents of not having a motivated staff leads to an environment where the employees can’t develop an adequate system for person-centred care. The leaders in elderly-care had different opinions about the reason for loneliness amongst the elder. The respondents whom worked at residential homes for elderly believed that their client’s loneliness depended on the fact that they misses close relatives and that they as care givers can’t reduce that feeling. The leaders in home care service believed that they can minimize the client’s loneliness by talking to the clients and giving them more company. Key words: person-centred care, semi-structured interview, loneliness, human resources, leadership, elderly-care

    Bonus shares in cooperatives : effects on ownership in the Swedish Farmers' Supply and Crop Marketing Cooperative

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    Definitionen av ett kooperativt företag Ă€r att företaget Ă€gs, nyttjas och kontrolleras av samma mĂ€nniskor. Det betyder att medlemmarna i ett kooperativ har flera olika roller att utöva, sĂ„vĂ€l den som leverantör eller köpare av ett kooperativs produkter, som Ă€gare av kooperativet och som förmĂ„nstagare av kooperativets nytta. I de lantbrukskooperativa företagen i Sverige stĂ„r medlemmarnas insatskapital ofta för en liten del av företagets totala egenkapital. Enligt agentteori kan man förvĂ€nta sig att medlemmarna i ett kooperativ inte kommer att utöva sin kontroll pĂ„ ledningen om den summa som stĂ„r pĂ„ spel Ă€r liten. Denna risk finns alltsĂ„ om insatskapitalet Ă€r litet. Sedan 1998 har de kooperativa företagen möjlighet att omfördela det egna kapitalet, sĂ„ att en större del blir till individuella insatser. För att ta reda pĂ„ om medlemmarna i Svenska LantmĂ€nnen ser sig som Ă€gare till den kooperativa föreningen, genomfördes en attitydundersökning i Örebro-omrĂ„det. Ett frĂ„geformulĂ€r skickades ut till hundra medlemmar, som ombads svara pĂ„ tjugosex frĂ„gor om insatser, insatsemissioner och insatsrĂ€ntor. I svaren pĂ„ enkĂ€ten visar respondenterna att de framförallt ser pĂ„ Svenska LantmĂ€nnen som en leverantör och uppköpare. Om en insatsemission baseras pĂ„ samhandeln som den enskilde medlemmen har med föreningen, har respondenterna sin attityd till föreningen klar, och vet hur de kommer att Ă€ndra sitt beteende. Om dĂ€remot en insatsemission baseras pĂ„ insatskapital, Ă€r det mĂ„nga som inte vet om de kommer att lĂ„ta villkoren för emissionen pĂ„verka sitt beteende. Detta tyder pĂ„ att attityden som respondenterna intar till föreningen Ă€r den som leverantör eller köpare, inte den som Ă€gare till föreningen. Synen pĂ„ ledningen Ă€r att den skall bestĂ„ av proffs, men i stort sett har medlemmarna stort förtroende för ledningen och anser det vara bra om det Ă€r lĂ€tt för den att fatta beslut. Medlemmarna verkar inte uppfatta att det finns nĂ„got behov att kontrollera de beslut som fattas av ledningen. Antagligen hĂ€nger detta samman med att insatskapitalet upplevs som alltför litet för att motivera den enskilde medlemmen att följa med i vad som hĂ€nder inom föreningen. UngefĂ€r hĂ€lften av respondenterna uppger ocksĂ„ att de kommer att intressera sig mer för vad som hĂ€nder i föreningen om insatskapitalet ökar. En av utgĂ„ngspunkterna i arbetet var att yngre och Ă€ldre medlemmar skulle skilja sig i attityder till Ă€gandet av föreningen. Vissa skillnader har visat sig, men det gĂ„r inte att sĂ€ga vare sig att Ă€ldre medlemmar omfattar Ă€garrollen med större intresse Ă€n yngre, eller att yngre medlemmar brinner av iver att agera som Ă€gare till den ekonomiska föreningen. Av de attityder som medlemmarna i ÖrebroomrĂ„det uppvisar drar jag slutsatsen att de ser pĂ„ föreningen framförallt som en handelspartner, inte som ett företag som de Ă€r medĂ€gare till. Det centrala i relationen med föreningen Ă€r affĂ€rstransaktionerna med föreningen, och alla förĂ€ndringar avseende denna transaktion kommer snabbt att pĂ„verka den enskilde medlemmens agerande. FörĂ€ndringar som framförallt rör andra relationer med föreningen, förĂ€ndringar rörande insatskapital exempelvis, vet medlemmarna inte lika vĂ€l hur de skall bete sig inför. DĂ€r verkar inte lika starka attityder finnas, som kan pĂ„verka beteendet. Om attityderna hos medlemmarna kommer att förĂ€ndras vid insatsemissioner verkar troligt, men gĂ„r inte att sĂ€ga utifrĂ„n föreliggande arbete.In a cooperative firm the owners of the cooperative also are the users of the cooperative, and the beneficiaries of its existence. This implies that the members of the cooperative have to play the role of the owner towards the cooperative. According to agency theory, this might be a duty not fully performed by the members, especially not if the individual shares of the equity are low. In the Swedish cooperative Svenska LantmĂ€nnen member shares are as low as 20 percent of equity. Hence, the cooperative has considered dividing the common part of equity into bonus shares for the members, an action that has been allowed in Swedish legislation only since 1998. The question is what consequences such a bonus share scheme would have on the member’s actions towards the cooperative. Actions will be influenced by the attitudes that the members have to the cooperative, and on how they look upon their role as owners of the cooperative. To find out which attitudes the members have, a survey was carried out among members of the cooperative, members living nearby Örebro. If the members expect the cooperative to issue bonus shares according to the amount of patronage each member has had with the co-op, then the members plan to increase their business with the cooperative. If, however, the expectations are that bonus shares will be issued according to the amount of share each member have in the cooperative, most members are undecided as to whether they’ll increase their share or not. One expectation at the outset of the survey was that there would be differences in attitudes to ownership issues between the older and the younger members. The answers to the questionnaire do not support such an expectation, however. Regarding the problem of controlling the management to make sure they act in the interest of the owners, the respondents don’t perceive a problem. On the contrary, they think it is good if the management easily can make decisions for the cooperative. Neither do the members think that there will be uncertainty in the ownership of the cooperative if the unallocated part of equity is high, hence member shares can be kept low to make it easier for newcomers to the cooperative. According to the results of the survey, the members perceive themselves as business partners in the cooperative, but not particularly as owners of the cooperative. Regarding changes involving the business transactions with the cooperative, the members are prepared to quickly adapt their behavior to the new situation. However, when changes include the member’s role as owner of the cooperative, most of the respondents of the survey don’t really know which actions to take. They don’t have any clear attitudes about the ownership subject. The survey was aimed at describing the present attitudes of the members of the cooperative. It doesn’t address whether the attitudes of the members toward ownership issues would change with changes in the individual shares of equity, regardless of how this change was attained

    Swedish crops for the use in production of tempeh

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    With a growing world population, the demands on the food industry are increasing. By reducing the intake of animal protein and replacing it with plant protein, the resource use and emission from the food industry would decrease. Tempeh is a fermented plant food, and acts as a substitute to meats. Tempeh is traditionally made by fermenting soybeans with the mould Rhizopus oligosporus. The objective of the fermentation in the tempeh manufacturing is primarily to alter the sensorial properties of the product and to change the nutritional content, for instance by increasing the bioavailability of nutrients. It is however possible to produce tempeh using other legumes, cereals, oilseeds etc. The aim of the review was to present possible raw materials for tempeh manufacturing that are cultivated in Sweden. The review was limited to include legumes and cereals solely, with the focus were made on aspects like nutritional content, limiting circumstances with the raw material and the impact of tempeh manufacturing has on the mentioned aspects. Four varieties of legumes and four varieties of cereals were included, selected due to their already established production in Sweden, some at larger and some at smaller scales. Limitations with legumes were foremost connected to the content of antinutrients and low yields. The human consumption of legumes in Sweden is limited. Cereals have low protein concentrations and there are already multiple applications of cereals in food products. The quantity of cereals produced in Sweden is much larger than that of legumes and the varieties are more familiar for the consumer. The manufacturing steps decrease the antinutrients content and increase the bioavailability of nutrients in the raw material. The mixture of cereals and legumes in tempeh manufacturing was found to be a possible alternative to get a protein rich product were cereals can tempt the consumer, and the mixture of microorganisms as starter culture was found to have many benefits. Hopefully this review will act as a guideline for the food industry in producing plant-based substitutes to meats where the full potential of the raw material is utilized.Med en vÀxande vÀrldsbefolkning sÄ har kraven pÄ livsmedelsindustrin ökat. Genom att minska intaget av animaliska proteiner och ersÀtta det med vÀxtbaserat protein, sÄ kan resursanvÀndningen och utslÀppen frÄn livsmedelsindustrin minska. Tempeh Àr ett fermenterat vÀxtbaserat livsmedel och fungerar som ett substitut till kött. Tempeh görs traditionellt genom att fermentera sojabönor med mögelsvampen Rhizopus oligosporus. Syftet med fermenteringen i produktion av tempeh Àr frÀmst att Àndra de sensoriska egenskaperna hos produktion och att Àndra nÀringsinnehÄllet, exempelvis genom att öka biotillgÀngligheten av nÀringsÀmnena. Det Àr emellertid möjligt att göra tempeh med andra baljvÀxter, spannmÄl, oljevÀxter etcetera. Syftet med granskningen var att presentera möjliga rÄmaterial för tempeh produktion som Àr odlade i Sverige. Studien begrÀnsades till att endast inkludera baljvÀxter och spannmÄl, och focus lades pÄ aspekter som nÀringsinnehÄll, begrÀnsande omstÀndigheter hos rÄvara och den pÄverkan som tempeh produktion har pÄ de nÀmnda aspekterna. Fyra sorters baljvÀxter och fyra sorters spannmÄl inkluderades, valda till följd av en etablerad produktion i Sverige, i större eller mindre skalor. BegrÀnsningarna hos baljvÀxterna var frÀmst relaterade till innehÄllet av antinutrienter och lÄg avkastning. Konsumtionen av baljvÀxter Àr begrÀnsad i Sverige. SpannmÄl har lÄgt proteininnehÄll och det finns redan flertalet applikationer av spannmÄl i livsmedel. MÀngden producerat spannmÄl Àr betydligt mycket högre Àn baljvÀxter och de olika sorterna Àr mer bekanta för konsumenten. Tillagningsstegen sÀnker innehÄllet av antinutrienter och ökar biotillgÀngligheten av nÀringsÀmnen i rÄmaterialet. Att kombinera spannmÄl och baljvÀxter i tempeh produktion Àr ett möjlig alternativ för att fÄ en proteinrik produkt dÀr spannmÄl kan locka konsumenten, och att kombinera mikroorganismer i startkulturen har mÄnga fördelar. Förhoppningen Àr att granskningen ska fungera som ett hjÀlpmedel för livsmedelsindustrin för att producera vÀxtbaserade substitut till kött dÀr den fulla potentialen hos rÄmaterialet utnyttjas

    Territory size and habitat selection of breeding Common Cranes (Grus grus) in a boreal landscape

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    Information on how birds use different types of habitat and move within landscapes is crucial for avian ecology, conservation and management. The Common Crane Grus grus has the widest distribution of all crane species and covers both increasing and decreasing populations. Ecological knowledge is therefore necessary both for conservation and to mitigate bird-human conflicts. We studied territory size and habitat selection of breeding Common Cranes (n=11) at two spatial scales in south-central Sweden by using VHF and UPS transmitters. Breeding families of Cranes were strongly associated with farmlands and wetlands independent of spatial scale. However, 41% of positions were within forested habitats. According to a compositional analysis, moist and wet forests were selected more frequently than dry forests. Territory size was on average 250 ha +/- 47.8 SE. The territories showed little overlap between neighboring breeding pairs. Our study provides information necessary for estimating densities of breeding pairs, but also to indicate habitat types worth special attention by landscape managers and conservationists

    How much "milk" should there be in milk and how do we control it?

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    In most countries, the dairy industry focuses on the volume of milk produced instead of its composition. This results in a high content of water and a lower proportion of fat and protein. A high proportion of water is not desirable when processing the milk into various dairy products like cheese, cream and milk powder. High water content also increases the costs for transport and storage, and also an unnecessary, albeit marginal, strains on the world’s water reservoir. The high profitability of producing large volumes of milk has resulted in Holstein cows, pure- and cross bred, becoming the most attractive breed on the market. This breed produces large milk volumes with a high proportion of water. The attractiveness of Holstein cows could change with a payment with more focus on the milk fat and protein content. Research studies the possibility of regulating the composition of milk genetically. A higher dry matter content can be achieved through lowering the amount of water and/or to increase the content of fat and protein. Various genes have been shown to have influence on the water, fat and protein content.I Sverige och i mĂ„nga andra lĂ€nder Ă€r dagens mjölkföretag inriktade pĂ„ produktion av stor mjölkvolym snarare Ă€n mjölkens sammansĂ€ttning. Detta resulterar i en mjölk med högt innehĂ„ll av vatten och en lĂ€gre andel fett och protein. En hög andel vatten Ă€r inte önskvĂ€rt vid vidareförĂ€dling av mjölken till olika mejeriprodukter som ost, grĂ€dde och mjölkpulver. Vattnet innebĂ€r ocksĂ„ extra kostnader vid transport och lagring samt en onödig, om Ă€n marginell, pĂ„frestning pĂ„ vĂ€rldens fĂ€rskvattentillgĂ„ngar. Lönsamheten i att producera stora volymer mjölk har lett till att Holstein-kor, bĂ„de renrasiga och korsningar, har blivit den mest eftertraktade rasen pĂ„ marknaden eftersom rasen producerar stora volymer med hög andel vatten. EfterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ Holstein-kor skulle kunna Ă€ndras med ett betalningssystem riktat mot mjölkens innehĂ„ll av fett och protein. Forskningen tittar pĂ„ möjligheten att reglera mjölkens sammansĂ€ttning genetiskt. En mjölk med högre torrsubstanshalt kan uppnĂ„s genom att sĂ€nka mĂ€ngden vatten och/eller att öka syntesen av fett och protein. Olika gener har visats ha pĂ„verkan pĂ„ vatteninnehĂ„llet samt fett- och proteininnehĂ„llet

    Bio-based barrier materials : sources, material properties and applications

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    Plast Àr ett begrepp som innefattar flertalet material och de anvÀnds inom mÄnga omrÄden. Konventionell plast baseras pÄ fossila resurser vilket Àr en icke-förnyelsebar kÀlla och problematik som lyfts fram med konventionell plast Àr kolavtrycket och det avfall som plastindustrin bidrar till. Bioplast Àr ett begrepp som innefattar alla plastmaterial som Àr biobase-rade och/eller biologiskt nedbrytbara. Bioplasten produceras i en vÀldigt lÄg utstrÀckning idag och 2015 sÄ stod bioplasten för mindre Àn en procent av vÀrldsproduktionen av plast. Livsmedelsförpackningar utgörs frÀmst av kombinationsmaterial. Den funktionella barriÀren Àr materialet, eller materialen, som skiljer livsmedlet frÄn andra delar av förpackningen som kan migrera Àmnen till livsmedlet till en oacceptabel nivÄ. En litteraturstudie har genomförts med syftet att undersöka biobaserade barriÀrmaterial frÄn polysackaridkÀllor. Fokuset har varit pÄ dess material-egenskaper som barriÀrmaterial. Materialegenskaper som Àr viktiga för barriÀrmaterial Àr elasticitet, per-meabilitet av gaser som syre, koldioxid och etylen, och fuktbarriÀren. Dessa egenskaper pÄverkar hÄllbarheten hos livsmedlet och hjÀlper till att bevara nÀringsinnehÄll, textur, smak och lukt. En indelning av biologiskt nedbrytbara polymerer kan göras genom att dela upp dem i fyra grupp beroende pÄ ursprung till materialet. Grupperna Àr biomassa, mikroorganismer, bioteknologi och petrokemiska produkter. Ef-tersom petrokemiska produkter inte kommer frÄn en förnyelsebar kÀlla sÄ ingick de inte i studien. FrÄn de tre övriga grupperna identifierades fem ur-sprungskÀllor; stÀrkelse, cellulosa, kitosan, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) och polylaktid (PLA). De olika ursprungskÀllorna som undersökts producerar material med olika barriÀregenskaper, men dÀr löslighet i vatten Àr ett generellt problem som lyfts fram. Genom fortsatt utveckling av de biobaserade plasterna kan materialegen-skaperna utvecklas och produktionskostnaderna minska för att göra materi-alet tillgÀngligt och anvÀndbart. ApplikationsomrÄden för dem olika materi-alen mÄste identifieras dÀr deras egenskaper efterfrÄgas eller dÀr de kan kom-plettera ett annat material i form av kombinationsmaterial. Den vÀxande plastindustrin gör att kolavtrycket frÄn plastindustrin blir större, vilket kan undvikas genom en ökning av de biobaserade plasterna.Plastic is a concept that includes multiple materials and it is used in many different areas. Conventional plastic is based on fossil resources which is a non-renewable source and the problem with conventional plastic is the carbon footprint and the waste that the plastic industry contributes to. Bioplastic is a concept that includes all plastic materials that are bio-based and/or biodegradable. Bioplastics are produced to a very low extent today and in 2015 the bioplastics accounted for less than one percent of the plastic production in the world. Food packages are primarily combination materials. The functional barrier is the material, or materials, that separate the food from other parts of the package that can migrate substances to the food at an unacceptable level. A literature review was performed with the aim to investigating bio-based barrier materials from polysaccharide sources. The focus was on the material properties as a barrier material. Material properties that are important for barrier materials are elasticity, permeability of gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and ethylene, and the moisture barrier. These properties affect the sustainability of the food product and help preserve nutritional content, texture, taste and smell. A classification of biodegradable polymers can be done by dividing them into four groups depending on the origin of the material. The groups are bio-mass, microorganisms, biotechnology and petrochemicals. Since petrochem-icals do not come from a renewable source, it was not included in the review. From the three other groups, five sources of origin were identified; starch, cellulose, chitosan, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and polylactide (PLA). The different sources of origin that are mentioned above that were inves-tigated produce materials with different barrier properties, but solubility in water is a general problem. By the continued development of bio-based plastics material properties can be developed, and production costs reduced to make the material availa-ble and useful. Application areas for the different materials must be identified where their properties are requested or where it can complement another ma-terial in the form of combination materials. The growing plastic industry makes the carbon footprint of the plastic industry bigger, which can be avoided by increasing the bio-based plastics

    Vaccination mot galtlukt - effekt av restriktiv och semi ad libitum utfodring pÄ produktion och beteende

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    Male piglets have been castrated for centuries to avoid contamination of their meat with boar taint, a strongly unpleasant odour that makes the meat inedible. Today boar taint can be prohib-ited by vaccination against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) using ImprovacŸ. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination on growth performance and behaviour of vaccinated male pigs compared to surgically castrated male pigs. The effect of two feeding regimes, restricted (SLU-norm) and semi ad libitum, was also included in the study. At birth, pigs (n=206) were randomly allocated to the two treatment groups; surgically castrated and vaccination. The study comprised six batches. In batches 1 and 2, vaccination took place 8 and 4 weeks before slaughter and in batches 3-6 10 and 6 weeks before slaughter. Surgical castration was performed before one week of age. The study showed that vaccinated male pigs had a higher growth rate and a lower feed conversion ratio in the interval between first and second vaccination than castrates, irrespective of feeding regime. When fed semi ad libitum, vaccinated pigs had a significantly higher daily weight gain during the total growing/finishing period than castrates (1083 vs. 1040 g). They also had a higher daily lean meat growth (350 vs. 334 g) and a lower feed conversion ratio (2.58 vs. 2.66 kg/kg) compared to castrates. For re-strictively fed pigs no such effect could be seen. Vaccinated male pigs were more aggressive until they have got their second vaccination, however, sexual behaviour and skin lesion declined to the same level as for castrates already after the first vaccination. The results in this study showed that vaccination against GnRH has the potential to improve growth rate, daily lean meat growth and feed conversion ratio when fed semi ad libitum. Vaccination was also effective in reducing aggressive and sexual behaviour to same levels as for castrates. Restrictive feeding did not improve performance or carcass characteristics of vaccinated compared to castrated male pigs in this study.Kastrering av hangrisar har under lÄng tid varit den metod som anvÀnts för att undvika galtlukt. Galtlukt Àr en mycket stark och obehaglig doft som kan finnas i kött frÄn vissa intakta hangrisar som uppnÄtt könsmognad och som gör köttet oÀtligt. Idag kan hangrisarna vaccineras mot galt-lukt med ImprovacŸ, vilket innebÀr att de vaccineras mot en kroppsegen substans som styr könsmognaden och dÀrmed minimeras förekomsten av galtlukt. Syftet med denna studie var att utvÀrdera effekten av vaccination pÄ tillvÀxt och beteende hos vaccinerade hangrisar jÀmfört med kastrerade hangrisar. I studien ingick Àven en utvÀrdering av tvÄ olika utfodringsnormer, restriktiv (SLU-normen) och semi ad libitum. Vid födseln fördelades grisarna slumpvis pÄ de tvÄ olika behandlingsgrupperna, kirurgiskt kastrerade och vaccinerade hangrisar. Studien be-stod av sex omgÄngar. I omgÄngarna 1 och 2 vaccinerades grisarna 4 och 8 veckor före slakt och i omgÄngarna 3-6 6 och 10 veckor före slakt. Kirurgisk kastrering gjordes innan smÄgrisen var en vecka gammal. Studien visade att vaccinerade hangrisar hade i jÀmförelse med kastre-rade grisar, en högre tillvÀxt och ett bÀttre foderutnyttjande i intervallet mellan första och andra vaccinationen. Vid semi ad libitum hade de vaccinerade hangrisarna en högre daglig viktökning under hela tillvÀxtperioden Àn de hangrisar som kastrerats (1083 vs. 1040 g). De hade ocksÄ en högre daglig köttansÀttning (350 vs. 334 g) och en högre foderomvandlingsförmÄga (2.58 vs. 2.66 kg/kg. Vid restriktiv utfodring kunde inte motsvarande skillnad observeras mellan behand-lingarna. De vaccinerade hangrisar var mer aggressiva fram till dess att de vaccinerats tvÄ gÄnger, medan sexuellt beteende samt riv- och bitskador minskade till samma nivÄ som för kastraterna redan efter första vaccinering. Resultaten i denna studie visar att vaccination mot GnRH har potential att förbÀttra tillvÀxt, daglig köttansÀttning och foderomvandling utan att frekvensen aggressiva och sexuella beteenden ökade jÀmfört med kirurgisk kastrering

    Forage production and summer use by ungulates on game fields and surrounding areas

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    Ungulates are causing conflicts between stakeholders due to browsing damage on forests and agricultural crops. At the same time there is a big demand of keeping high ungulate densities for sports hunting and recreational purposes. Movement patterns of ungulates are strongly correlated with forage availability. Therefore, measures affecting forage quantity and distribution might be a tool to reduce the economical losses in forestry without decreasing the ungulate densities and thereby decrease the conflict between different interest groups. This study investigated the potential biomass production and utilisation of marrow-stem kale (Brassica oleracea var. medullosa), at game fields in Misterhult, Sweden, as well as browsing effects on adjacent forests. The study included nine game fields and a total of 30 large herbivore exclosures. The biomass was cut and weight within the exclosures and paired controls in September and November. Transects of 500 m were distributed at four different directions from the fields with sample plots at seven different distances 0 (edge zone), 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 m from the game fields. In these plots browsing pressure was surveyed to investigate the browsing intensity in surrounding forests. A great biomass production was found, with mean dry biomass of marrow-stem kale of 1900 kg/0.01 kmÂČ in September significantly (p<0.05) increasing with 74 % to 3320 kg/0.01 kmÂČ in November. The utilisation was intensive, with highly significant differences between exclosure and control plots at the marrow-stem kale fields in both September and November. The observations of large herbivore species utilising the fields were too few to make any firm conclusions, but roe deer was the species most frequently utilising the marrow-stem kale fields. A general trend with higher browsing intensity in the edge zone (0 m) compared to zones further away from the fields was found. However, this pattern could not be significantly proven in all cases, probably due to the large variation in the landscape in a combination with too few plots. The biomass production on the game fields and the increased browsing intensity in the edge zone also indicate that game fields may have the potential to redistribute ungulates and decrease browsing intensity at a landscape scale as also found in other studies of supplemental forage.Sammanfattning. Klövdjur kan genom betning pĂ„verka vegetationsstrukturer, biologisk mĂ„ngfald, vĂ€xtsammansĂ€ttning och ekosystemprocesser. Detta leder i sin tur till att mĂ€nniskans nyttjande av olika naturresurser pĂ„verkas. Bete pĂ„ ekonomiskt vĂ€rdefulla trĂ€dslag av framförallt Ă€lg leder till nedsatt virkeskvalitet och reducerade ekonomiska vinster i skogsnĂ€ringen. Samtidigt vill jĂ€garkĂ„ren behĂ„lla höga viltstammar för jakt. Klövviltets rörelsemönster Ă€r starkt korrelerat med förekomst och kvalitet av foder. Tidigare studier har visat att man kan pĂ„verka klövviltets rörelse- och betesmönster genom att förse klövviltet med högkvalitativt foder liksom att betestrycket pĂ„ skogen Ă€r beroende av mĂ€ngden tillgĂ€ngligt foder. DĂ€rmed skulle betestrycket kunna minskas pĂ„ landskapsnivĂ„ genom att skapa mer tillgĂ€ngligt foder. DĂ€rigenom skulle man kunna mildra konflikten mellan olika intressegrupper. Ett sĂ€tt att skapa högkvalitativt foder Ă€r att odla för viltet attraktiva grödor pĂ„ viltĂ„krar. ViltĂ„krar Ă€r vanligt förekommande i södra Sverige och ett högt utnyttjande av klövvilt har pĂ„visats. Trots detta Ă€r kunskapen om foderproduktionen och utnyttjandet av viltĂ„krar mycket begrĂ€nsad. Syftet med den hĂ€r studien har varit att utvĂ€rdera den potentiella produktionen av fodermĂ€rgkĂ„l (Brassica oleracea var. medullosa), hur mycket som utnyttjas, vilka viltarter som utnyttjar grödan samt hur betestrycket pĂ„ omkringliggande skog pĂ„verkas av viltĂ„krar. Studien genomfördes frĂ„n maj till november 2008 pĂ„ Sveaskogs kronojaktsomrĂ„de i Misterhult, Sverige (57° 27΄ N, 16° 32΄ E). Fem klövviltsarter förekommer i studieomrĂ„det; Ă€lg, rĂ„djur, kronhjort, dovhjort och vildsvin. I omrĂ„det finns Ă€ven skogs- och fĂ€lthare. I studien ingick nio viltĂ„krar med fodermĂ€rgkĂ„l. PĂ„ dessa placerades totalt 30 hĂ€gn (1,6x1,6m) för att skapa ytor som var opĂ„verkade av bete. En kontrollyta placerades 5 meter frĂ„n varje hĂ€gn för att kunna jĂ€mföra produktion av biomassa och hur mycket som betats. All ovanjordisk biomassa klipptes och vĂ€gdes och medelhöjd mĂ€ttes. Halva hĂ€gnet klipptes i september och andra halvan i november för att kunna jĂ€mföra produktionen under sensommar och senhöst. Totalt genomfördes ocksĂ„ cirka 20 observationstimmar i gryning och skymning vid viltĂ„krarna för att studera vilka klövviltsarter som utnyttjade viltĂ„krarna. För att undersöka betningseffekter pĂ„ intilliggande skog under sommarperioden lades 500 m lĂ„nga transekter ut i de fyra vĂ€derstrecken. Detta gjordes pĂ„ Ă„tta viltĂ„krar med fodermĂ€rgkĂ„l och fem viltĂ„krar med klöver. Provytor (20 mÂČ) lades ut pĂ„ olika avstĂ„nd (0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 och 500 m) frĂ„n viltĂ„krarna. Transekternas första punkt placerades i den mest nordliga, vĂ€stliga, ostliga och sydliga brynzonen (d.v.s. 0 m). Totala antalet trĂ€d, samt antalet trĂ€d med bett respektive lövrepning inventerades. TrĂ€darterna som inventerades var vĂ„rtbjörk, glasbjörk, asp, rönn, ek, sĂ€lg och brakved. Biomassaproduktionen av fodermĂ€rgkĂ„l pĂ„ viltĂ„krarna var hög. MedelvĂ€rdet var 1900 kg/ha (torrvikt) i september, vilket ökade med 74 % till 3320 kg/ha till november. Detta visar pĂ„ stor potential i foderproduktion jĂ€mfört med vegetationstyper som t.ex. salixplanteringar (upp till 1200 kg/ha) och tallungskogar (cirka 500 kg/ha). Utnyttjandet av fodermĂ€rgkĂ„len var högt, med tydligt signifikanta skillnader (p<0.05) i mĂ€ngd biomassa och höjd mellan hĂ€gn och kontrollytor bĂ„de i september och i november. Totalt 52 observationer av vilt gjordes pĂ„ viltĂ„krarna, vilket Ă€r för fĂ„ för att dra nĂ„gra sĂ€kra slutsatser, men rĂ„djur var den art som mest frekvent sĂ„gs pĂ„ viltĂ„krarna följt av hare. Studien pĂ„ betesintensiteten pĂ„ intilliggande skog visade en generell trend av högre betestryck i kantzonen mellan viltĂ„ker och skog jĂ€mfört med större avstĂ„nd in i skogen. Dessa resultat kunde inte stödjas statistiskt för alla trĂ€darter, vilket troligen beror pĂ„ stor variation i landskapet samt att provstorleken Ă€r nĂ„got knapp. Den höga produktionen av fodermĂ€rgkĂ„l pĂ„ viltĂ„krarna, det höga utnyttjandet och det höga betestrycket i kantzonerna indikerar att viltĂ„krarna kan fungera som förvaltningsĂ„tgĂ€rd för att koncentrera klövviltets födosök till viltĂ„krarna och brynzonen runt Ă„krarna och dĂ€rmed kanske minska betestryck och betesskador pĂ„ landskapsnivĂ„

    Common cranes in agricultural landscapes

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    Many populations of migratory cranes, geese and swans are increasing throughout Europe and North America. During migration, these birds congregate at staging sites, often located in landscapes with both wetlands and arable land. When foraging on newly sown or unharvested crops at staging sites they frequently cause harvest losses and thus conflicts between conservation and agricultural interests. The aim of this thesis was to increase the knowledge about space use and foraging site selection of common cranes. Such knowledge is needed to guide management where and when crop damage might occur, and what damage preventive measures to implement under variable environmental conditions. My studies are based on flock surveys and data derived from GPS transmitters in combination with field surveys of food availability and crop stages. I found that the Natura 2000 network fulfils its conservation intention for staging cranes along the flyway, but also that cranes spill over from Natura 2000 sites to surrounding arable land. This spillover may enhance the conflict between conservation of cranes and other bird species within Natura 2000 sites and agriculture. My studies further demonstrated that field selection by cranes was influenced by factors dependent on agricultural practices such as crop type, crop stage, time since harvest, food availability, but also human disturbance and distance to roost site. I further revealed an apparent mismatch between individual crane space use and current damage preventive management. To conclude, stubble fields with high availability of spilled grain close to the roost sites have the potential to steer cranes from unharvested crops and prevent crop damage. To mitigate conflicts between conservation and agriculture, ecological knowledge is needed, but also participatory involvement of stakeholders and international collaboration, such as a flyway management plan

    Large grazing birds and agriculture—predicting field use of common cranes and implications for crop damage prevention

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    Increasing numbers of previously threatened large grazing birds (cranes, geese and swans) are causing crop damage along their flyways worldwide. For example, the number of reported incidents of crop damage caused by common cranesGrus grus, followed by regulated inspections and governmental compensation in Sweden, has increased over the last few decades and was valued at &sim;200,000 Euros in 2012. Consequently, their impact on agriculture is escalating which raises the need for evidence-informed preventative strategies. We surveyed arable fields for autumn staging common cranes in an area surrounding a wetland reserve in Sweden. We assessed the following factors in relation to the probability of cranes being present on fields: crop stage, crop type, distance to roost site, time of day, field size and time since harvest. Stubble fields had the highest probability of crane presence, progressively decreasing through grassland and grazing grounds, bare soil to growing crop. A stubble field at 5km from a roost site had a predicted probability (95% CI) of hosting cranes of 0.25 (0.19&ndash;0.32). The probability of cranes visiting a field was linearly and negatively related to distance to the roost site. For example, the probability of crane presence increased from 0.05 (0.03&ndash;0.07) to 0.09 (0.06&ndash;0.15) when distance decreased from 5 to 1km. At stubble fields, the probability of crane presence decreased with time since harvest and was highest for barley with progressively lower probability on wheat and oat. Illustrative scenario predictions developed from the models demonstrated that probability of crane presence could be high, 0.60 (0.42&ndash;0.77), if all favorable factors were combined (e.g. barley stubble, 1 day after harvest, 1km from roost site). Given the existing framework of international conventions and prohibition of culling, there is a need for preventative strategies to reduce crop damage. Based on our results, such strategies should focus on providing cereal stubbles as diversionary fields, especially close to wetland roosting sites. Stubble field availability can be achieved by careful crop rotation planning. We suggest that crop rotation and time of harvest should be added to flyway management plans recently developed for some large grazing bird species to facilitate stable co-existence between conservation practices and agricultural interests
