435 research outputs found

    The FERRUM project: new experimental and theoretical f-values for 4p-4d transitions in FeII applied to HST spectra of chi Lupi

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    Radiative lifetimes for six highly excited levels in Fe II have been measured at Lund Laser Centre applying the laser induced fluorescence technique and two-step excitation. The energy levels belong to the even-parity 3d(6)(D-5)(4)d subconfiguration at about 10 eV. Branching fractions (BF:s) of 29 transitions from these levels to the 3d(6)(D-5)4p subconfiguration at about 5 eV have been measured in the wavelength region 2000-3000 Angstrom with the Lund Fourier Transform Spectrometer. By normalizing the BF:s with the lifetimes we get experimental oscillator strengths for these 29 4p-4d lines. The oscillator strengths are compared with new theoretical calculations using the orthogonal operator technique and applied to high-resolution spectra of the star chi Lupi, recorded with the Hubble Space Telescope

    Effekter av kongekrabben på økosystemet på bløtbunn: undersøkelser i Varanger 2006-2009

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    Kongekrabben er en fremmed art som har spredd seg til kysten av Finnmark etter utsetting i Russland på 1960-tallet. I Varangerområdet har krabben hatt en høy bestand siden midten av 1990-tallet. Kongekrabben er et aktivt rovdyr som tar et bredt utvalg av bunnorganismer som føde. Voksne individer lever store deler av året på bløtbunn på dypere vann (100-400 m) hvor de synes å hente sin hovednæring. Denne rapporten gir en sammenfatning av undersøkelser i Varanger i perioden 2006-2009 som belyser hvordan bunnfauna og økosystemet på bløtbunn påvirkes av kongekrabben. Prøvetakingen er foretatt med krabbetrål, hvor bifangst av andre arter enn kongekrabben er registrert, bunnskraper og bunngrabb. Prøvene med bunngrabb omfattet lokaliteter hvor det var foretatt undersøkelser av bunnfauna i 1994 før bestanden av kongekrabben økte sterkt. I tillegg ble det gjort undersøkelser av biologisk aktivitet i bunnsedimentene med sedimentprofilfotografering (SPI). Undersøkelsene har vist: · Mange vanlig forekommende arter av bunndyr på bløtbunn er markert redusert i områder med mye kongekrabbe. Rent spesifikt synes alle større organismer med liten bevegelsesevne slik som pigghuder, gravende børstemark og større muslinger å være sterkt redusert eller helt borte. · Noen få svært små arter av rørbyggende børstemark og muslinger har blitt mer tallrike. Økologisk fører dette til at bunndyrsamfunnet endrer karakter og blir dominert av noen få arter. · Endringene i bunndyrsamfunnet har konsekvenser for økologiske prosesser i bunnsedimentet. Spesielt synes det som om aktiviteter som driver vanntransport i sedimentet og derved transport av oksygen til dypere sedimentlag reduseres. Dette rammer igjen normale stoffomsetningsprosesser nede i bunnsedimentet. I enkelte områder var det lokalt betydelig nedsatt sedimentkvalitet. Konsekvensene er at færre ”økosystemtjenester” i bunnmiljøet blir utført. · Endringene i bunndyrsamfunnet er langt større enn hva som kan forventes ved naturlig variasjon. Faktisk er endringene på nivå med det som kjennes fra markert forurensning eller kraftig overgjødsling hvor mange arter går sterkt tilbake. I Varanger kjenner vi ikke til andre faktorer enn beitepress fra kongekrabben som vil kunne føre til så omfattende endringer i de undersøkte områdene. Undersøkelsene kan ikke vise hvor utbredt effektene er. Nedsatt sedimentkvalitet ble påvist der det var lokalt høye tettheter av krabben, mens det i andre områder var gode forhold. Det må derfor forventes å være betydelige geografiske variasjoner. Spørsmål som melder seg er hva som kan skje i tilfeller der andre former for miljøpåvirkning kan komme i tillegg. Slike påvirkninger kan være utslipp av organisk materiale, forurensning av miljøgifter, fysisk forstyrrelse fra bunntråling eller oljesøl. Det er også et uavklart spørsmål i hvilken grad bunndyrsamfunnet vil kunne vende tilbake mot normal tilstand dersom bestanden av kongekrabben reduseres.Direktoratet for naturforvaltning, eni Norge og Sydvaranger Gruv

    Search for direct photons in p+Pb and p+C collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 17.4 GeV

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    Upper limits on direct photon production were determined as a function of the transverse momentum for 0.7 < pT <= 3.2 GeV/c with the WA98 experiment in p+C and p+Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 17.4 GeV. The results are compared to direct photon measurements in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 17.3 GeV by WA98. Implications for a possible thermal direct photon contribution are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Quark Matter 2008 conference, Jaipur, India, 4-10 Feb 200

    Galectin-3 inhibitor GB0139 protects against acute lung injury by inhibiting neutrophil recruitment and activation

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    Rationale: Galectin-3 (Gal-3) drives fibrosis during chronic lung injury, however, its role in acute lung injury (ALI) remains unknown. Effective pharmacological therapies available for ALI are limited; identifying novel concepts in treatment is essential. GB0139 is a Gal-3 inhibitor currently under clinical investigation for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. We investigate the role of Gal-3 in ALI and evaluate whether its inhibition with GB0139 offers a protective role. The effect of GB0139 on ALI was explored in vivo and in vitro. Methods: The pharmacokinetic profile of intra-tracheal (i.t.) GB0139 was investigated in C57BL/6 mice to support the daily dosing regimen. GB0139 (1–30 µg) was then assessed following acute i.t. lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and bleomycin administration. Histology, broncho-alveolar lavage fluid (BALf) analysis, and flow cytometric analysis of lung digests and BALf were performed. The impact of GB0139 on cell activation and apoptosis was determined in vitro using neutrophils and THP-1, A549 and Jurkat E6 cell lines. Results: GB0139 decreased inflammation severity via a reduction in neutrophil and macrophage recruitment and neutrophil activation. GB0139 reduced LPS-mediated increases in interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1-alpha. In vitro, GB0139 inhibited Gal-3-induced neutrophil activation, monocyte IL-8 secretion, T cell apoptosis and the upregulation of pro-inflammatory genes encoding for IL-8, TNFα, IL-6 in alveolar epithelial cells in response to mechanical stretch. Conclusion: These data indicate that Gal-3 adopts a pro-inflammatory role following the early stages of lung injury and supports the development of GB0139, as a potential treatment approach in ALI

    Survival rates for Nephrops norvegicus discarded from Northern European trawl fisheries

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    When discarded from bottom trawl fisheries, survival of Nephrops norvegicus may be sufficiently high that this species can be exempted from the EU Landing Obligation. In three studies, Nephrops were sampled from trawlers in northern European waters, and the fate of individuals monitored for a minimum of 13 days in onshore tanks. Winter estimates of captive survival (means ± 95% confidence intervals), including immediate mortality during catch sorting, were 62 ± 2.8% for the West of Scotland, 57 ± 1.8% for the Farne Deeps (North Sea), and 67 ± 5.4% for the Skagerrak. The Farne Deeps fishery is not active in summer, but captive survival rates in summer in the other two areas were reduced to 47 ± 3.4% for West of Scotland and 40 ± 4.8% for the Skagerrak. Linear modelling of the West of Scotland and Skagerrak data suggested that higher survivals in winter were related to colder water or air temperatures, although temperatures during captive observation may also have had an impact. Net modifications in the Skagerrak study had an effect on survival, which was higher for Nephrops sampled from nets equipped with the more selective Swedish sorting grid compared to Seltra trawls

    An Orally Active Galectin-3 Antagonist Inhibits Lung Adenocarcinoma Growth and Augments Response to PD-L1 Blockade

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    A combination therapy approach is required to improve tumor immune infiltration and patient response to immune checkpoint inhibitors that target negative regulatory receptors. Galectin-3 is a β-galactoside-binding lectin that is highly expressed within the tumor microenvironment of aggressive cancers and whose expression correlates with poor survival particularly in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). To examine the role of galectin-3 inhibition in NSCLC, we tested the effects of galectin-3 depletion using genetic and pharmacologic approaches on syngeneic mouse lung adenocarcinoma and human lung adenocarcinoma xenografts. Galectin-3-/- mice developed significantly smaller and fewer tumors and metastases than syngeneic C57/ Bl6 wild-type mice. Macrophage ablation retarded tumor growth, whereas reconstitution with galectin-3-positive bone marrow restored tumor growth in galectin-3-/- mice, indicating that macrophages were a major driver of the antitumor response. Oral administration of a novel small molecule galectin-3 inhibitor GB1107 reduced human and mouse lung adenocarcinoma growth and blocked metastasis in the syngeneic model. Treatment with GB1107 increased tumor M1 macrophage polarization and CD8 + T-cell infiltration. Moreover, GB1107 potentiated the effects of a PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitor to increase expression of cytotoxic (IFNγ, granzyme B, perforin-1, Fas ligand) and apoptotic (cleaved caspase-3) effector molecules. In summary, galectin-3 is an important regulator of lung adenocarcinoma progression. The novel galectin-3 inhibitor presented could provide an effective, nontoxic monotherapy or be used in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors to boost immune infiltration and responses in lung adenocarcinoma and potentially other aggressive cancers. Significance: A novel and orally active galectin-3 antagonist inhibits lung adenocarcinoma growth and metastasis and augments response to PD-L1 blockade