349 research outputs found

    Hatretorikk: den intolerante sprÄkbruken

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    The manifesto of the Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik is based on the “Eurabia” conspiracy theory. This theory is a key starting point for hate speech amongst many right-wing extremists in Europe, but also has ramifications beyond these environments. In brief, proponents of the Eurabia theory claim that Muslims are occupying Europe and destroying Western culture, with the assistance of the EU and European governments. By contrast, members of Al-Qaeda and other extreme Islamists promote the conspiracy theory “the Crusade” in their hate speech directed against the West. Proponents of the latter theory argue that the West is leading a crusade to eradicate Islam and Muslims, a crusade that is similarly facilitated by their governments. This article presents analyses of texts written by right-wing extremists and Muslim extremists in an effort to shed light on how hate speech promulgates conspiracy theories in order to spread hatred and intolerance. The aim of the article is to contribute to a more thorough understanding of hate speech’s nature by applying rhetorical analysis. Rhetorical analysis is chosen because it offers a means of understanding the persuasive power of speech. It is thus a suitable tool to describe how hate speech works to convince and persuade. The concepts from rhetorical theory used in this article are ethos, logos and pathos. The concept of ethos is used to pinpoint factors that contributed to Osama bin Laden's impact, namely factors that lent credibility to his promotion of the conspiracy theory of the Crusade. In particular, Bin Laden projected common sense, good morals and good will towards his audience. He seemed to have coherent and relevant arguments; he appeared to possess moral credibility; and his use of language demonstrated that he wanted the best for his audience. The concept of pathos is used to define hate speech, since hate speech targets its audience's emotions. In hate speech it is the emotions that prevail, rather than reason. Sensational and dramatic claims are used to exploit existing feelings of anger, irritation and fear. The speech is aimed at those who may be persuaded of its negative content, and who may spread the message further. A distinct feature is its absence of logos: argumentation aimed at listeners' reason. To the extent logos is used in hate speech it is for the most part only apparent logos. The speech is often based on falsehoods, exaggerations, stereotypes, over-generalisations, and startling formulations. Hate speech therefore requires an uncritical audience – an audience that is either unable to see through the fallacies, or unwilling to do so because the arguments and conclusions fit well with their worldview. The overall aim of the article is to contribute to a more thorough understanding of hate speech’s nature and its role in disseminating conspiracy theories. However, through analyses of text examples from al-Qaeda’s leader, Osama bin Laden, and right-wing European extremists the article also contributes to explaining the terror attack in Oslo in July 2011 and the terror attack on September 11, 2001, in New York and other similar acts of terror

    Exploring interpreting for young children

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    The article presents a pilot study based on video-recordings of four experiments taking the form of encounters, each involving a Norwegian-speaking child, a woman speaking only in English and an interpreter. Taking the interpreter-mediated encounter as the basic research element, and applying an interactionist theoretical perspective, small children’s participation in these encounters is explored. The aim of the pilot study is to use the explorations of a few children’s interactions with one particular interpreter to generate hypotheses and identify new research areas that may be further investigated through a larger collection of data. Preliminary results indicate that a child as young as three has sufficient communicative competence to participate successfully in an interpreter-mediated encounter. In addition, the interpreter’s simultaneous speech in the other language did not seem to disrupt a child’s narrative. These findings need to be further explored through more extensive and naturally occurring data. An identified topic that needs further exploration is young children’s understanding of the nature of an interpreter’s specific mandate and responsibility during such interactio

    Quantitative analysis of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in malignant breast lesions using different b value combinations

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore how apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) in malignant breast lesions are affected by selection of b values in the monoexponential model and to compare ADCs with diffusion coefficients (Ds) obtained from the biexponential model. METHODS: Twenty-four women (mean age 51.3 years) with locally advanced breast cancer were included in this study. Pre-treatment diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging was performed using a 1.5-T system with b values of 0, 50, 100, 250 and 800 s/mm(2). Thirteen different b value combinations were used to derive individual monoexponential ADC maps. All b values were used in the biexponential model. RESULTS: Median ADC (including all b values) and D were 1.04 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s (range 0.82–1.61 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s) and 0.84 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s (range 0.17–1.56 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s), respectively. There was a strong positive correlation between ADCs and Ds. For clinically relevant b value combinations, maximum deviation between ADCs including and excluding low b values (<100 s/mm(2)) was 11.8 %. CONCLUSION: Selection of b values strongly affects ADCs of malignant breast lesions. However, by excluding low b values, ADCs approach biexponential Ds, demonstrating that microperfusion influences the diffusion signal. Thus, care should be taken when ADC calculation includes low b values. KEY POINTS: ‱ Diffusion-weighted sequences are increasingly used in breast magnetic resonance imaging ‱ Diffusion-weighting (b) values strongly influence apparent diffusion coefficients of malignant lesions ‱ Exclusion of low b values reduces the apparent diffusion coefficient ‱ Flow-insensitive monoexponential apparent diffusion coefficients approach biexponential diffusion coefficient

    Sexual dysfunction in women with type 1 diabetes in Norway: A cross-sectional study on the prevalence and associations with physical and psychosocial complications

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    Aim To estimate the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in women with type 1 diabetes (T1D) compared with women without diabetes and to analyse associations between sexual dysfunction and the presence of chronic physical diabetes complications, diabetes distress and depression in women with T1D. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted in Norway, and 171 women with T1D and 60 controls completed the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Diabetes distress was assessed with the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale. Data on diabetes complications were retrieved from medical records. We performed logistic regression to estimate differences in the prevalence of sexual dysfunction (defined as FSFI ≀26.55) between women with T1D and women without diabetes and to examine associations of sexual dysfunction with chronic diabetes complications, diabetes distress and depression in women with T1D. Results The prevalence of sexual dysfunction was higher in women with T1D (50.3%) compared with the controls (35.0%; unadjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.89 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.06–3.37]; adjusted OR 1.93 [1.05–3.56]). In women with T1D, sexual dysfunction was associated with both diabetes distress (adjusted OR 1.03 [1.01–1.05]) and depression (adjusted OR 1.28 [1.12–1.46]), but there were no clear associations with chronic diabetes complications (adjusted OR 1.46 [0.67–3.19]). Conclusions This study suggests that sexual dysfunction is more prevalent in women with T1D compared with women without diabetes. The study findings emphasize the importance of including sexual health in relation to diabetes distress and psychological aspects in diabetes care and future research.publishedVersio

    Investigation of an outbreak of mycobacteriosis in pigs

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    Background: A high proportion of pigs imported to Serbia from a Lithuanian breeding herd reacted positively against avian and/or bovine tuberculin. The pigs were euthanized and lesions characteristic for mycobacterial infection were detected. An investigation of potential mycobacteriosis in the pigs imported to Serbia and the possible source of infection in the Lithuanian herd were therefore initialised. Results: Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded lymph nodes from tuberculin positive animals were examined by real-time PCR for IS1245 and IS6110. IS1245 was detected in 55% and IS6110 in 11% of the samples. Seven of the ten IS6110 positive samples were positive for IS1245. Eleven lymph nodes from 10 pigs and 15 environmental samples were collected from the Lithuanian breeding herd and cultured for mycobacteria. M. avium subsp. hominissuis was detected in all lymph nodes and from eight samples of peat and sawdust. Isolates with identical and related IS1245- and IS1311 RFLP profiles were detected from swine and peat. Conclusions: This study demonstrated cross reactions between avian and bovine tuberculin in pigs. Real-time PCR indicated infection with M. avium in the Serbian pigs. However, as a small proportion of the lymph nodes were positive for IS6110, infection with bacteria in the M. tuberculosis complex could not be ruled out. Analyses confirmed the presence of M. avium subsp. hominissuis in porcine and environmental samples from the Lithuanian breeding herd. The results indicate peat as a source of M. avium subsp. hominissuis infection in these pigs, and that the pigs imported to Serbia were infected with M. avium subsp. hominissuis

    Copynumber: Efficient algorithms for single- and multi-track copy number segmentation.

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    BACKGROUND: Cancer progression is associated with genomic instability and an accumulation of gains and losses of DNA. The growing variety of tools for measuring genomic copy numbers, including various types of array-CGH, SNP arrays and high-throughput sequencing, calls for a coherent framework offering unified and consistent handling of single- and multi-track segmentation problems. In addition, there is a demand for highly computationally efficient segmentation algorithms, due to the emergence of very high density scans of copy number. RESULTS: A comprehensive Bioconductor package for copy number analysis is presented. The package offers a unified framework for single sample, multi-sample and multi-track segmentation and is based on statistically sound penalized least squares principles. Conditional on the number of breakpoints, the estimates are optimal in the least squares sense. A novel and computationally highly efficient algorithm is proposed that utilizes vector-based operations in R. Three case studies are presented. CONCLUSIONS: The R package copynumber is a software suite for segmentation of single- and multi-track copy number data using algorithms based on coherent least squares principles.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    Systematic techniques for assisting recruitment to trials (START): study protocol for embedded, randomized controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND: Randomized controlled trials play a central role in evidence-based practice, but recruitment of participants, and retention of them once in the trial, is challenging. Moreover, there is a dearth of evidence that research teams can use to inform the development of their recruitment and retention strategies. As with other healthcare initiatives, the fairest test of the effectiveness of a recruitment strategy is a trial comparing alternatives, which for recruitment would mean embedding a recruitment trial within an ongoing host trial. Systematic reviews indicate that such studies are rare. Embedded trials are largely delivered in an ad hoc way, with interventions almost always developed in isolation and tested in the context of a single host trial, limiting their ability to contribute to a body of evidence with regard to a single recruitment intervention and to researchers working in different contexts. METHODS/DESIGN: The Systematic Techniques for Assisting Recruitment to Trials (START) program is funded by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council (MRC) Methodology Research Programme to support the routine adoption of embedded trials to test standardized recruitment interventions across ongoing host trials. To achieve this aim, the program involves three interrelated work packages: (1) methodology - to develop guidelines for the design, analysis and reporting of embedded recruitment studies; (2) interventions - to develop effective and useful recruitment interventions; and (3) implementation - to recruit host trials and test interventions through embedded studies. DISCUSSION: Successful completion of the START program will provide a model for a platform for the wider trials community to use to evaluate recruitment interventions or, potentially, other types of intervention linked to trial conduct. It will also increase the evidence base for two types of recruitment intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The START protocol covers the methodology for embedded trials. Each embedded trial is registered separately or as a substudy of the host trial

    Lakselusinfestasjon pÄ vill laksefisk langs norskekysten i 2016. Med vekt pÄ modellbasert varsling og tilstandsbekreftelse

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    OvervÄkingsprogrammet for lakselus pÄ vill laksefisk (NALO) ble i 2016 gjennomfÞrt med stÞrre vekt pÄ prediksjoner fra den hydrodynamiske spredningsmodellen for lakselus. Mange av de undersÞkte stasjonene langs kysten ble valgt pÄ bakgrunn av modellerte tettheter av lakseluskopepoditter i vannmassene i de aktuelle omrÄdene. Feltarbeidet i NALO startet 23. mai pÄ SÞrlandet og ble avsluttet 12. august i Finnmark. Det ble foretatt pelagisk trÄling etter utvandrende laksesmolt i Hardanger fra 1. mai til 12. juni, og i Trondheimsfjorden fra 23. mai til 6. juni. Det Þvrige feltarbeidet med ruse/garnfangst av sjÞÞrret ble gjennomfÞrt i to perioder pÄ en rekke stasjoner langs hele kysten. FÞrste periode ble gjennomfÞrt kort tid etter forventet utvandringstidspunkt for laksesmolt i omrÄdet, og hadde som mÄl Ä kartlegge smittepresset av lakselus i dette tidsrommet. Andre periode ble gjennomfÞrt 2-3 uker senere for Ä fange opp eventuelt smittepress pÄ beitende sjÞÞrret og sjÞrÞye i omrÄdet. Ved hÞye nivÄer kan lakselus forÄrsake negativ fysiologisk effekt pÄ fisken. I denne rapporten settes grensen for begynnende negativ effekt ved mer enn 0,1 lus per gram kroppsvekt hos fisken. Spredningsmodellen for frittlevende stadier av lakselus og mÄten den blir visualisert pÄ er et godt hjelpemiddel i overvÄkingen av lakselus pÄ vill laksefisk. Modellen kan identifisere potensielle problemomrÄder med Þkt smittepress for laksefisk. Samtidig viser den ogsÄ omrÄdene hvor tettheten av kopepoditter med opphav fra oppdrettsnÊringen er lav. Data fra overvÄkingsprogrammet viste et varierende smittepress langs kysten under laksesmoltens utvandring vÄren og forsommeren 2016. PÄ SÞrlandet var det lite lus og det forventes liten negativ effekt pÄ vill laksefisk. I Rogaland, Sunnhordland, Hardanger og Nordhordland indikerte data stÞrre omrÄder med moderat til hÞyt smittepress under utvandringsperioden til vill laksesmolt. I disse omrÄdene forventes det derfor en moderat til stor negativ effekt pÄ vill laksefisk. I Sogn og Fjordane og MÞre og Romsdal indikerte resultatene omrÄder med moderat smittepress og hÞyt i enkelte omrÄder, men henholdsvis moderat til stor negativ effekt pÄ laksesmolt. I SÞr-TrÞndelag viste data fra postsmolttrÄlingen lave pÄslag av lakselus pÄ utvandrende laksesmolt. Data fra ruse/garnfiske lenger ut i dette omrÄdet viste et moderat til hÞyt pÄslag av lakselus pÄ sjÞÞrret. Det er derfor sannsynlig at laksesmolten treffer omrÄdene med forhÞyet smittepress lenger ute pÄ kysten som ikke fanges opp av trÄlundersÞkelsen i Trondheimsfjorden. Dataene indikerte en sannsynlig negativ effekt for laksesmolt gitt at de passerer de forhÞyede modellerte forekomstene av kopepoditter langs kysten i omrÄdet. I Nord-TrÞndelag viser data fra Namsen relativt lite lus, men hÞyt antall ved Vikna, og det er derfor sannsynlig at lakselus har hatt en moderat negativ effekt pÄ utvandrende laksesmolt fra Namsensystemet. I Nordland, Troms og Finnmark indikerer resultatene liten negativ effekt pÄ utvandrende laksesmolt, moderat i enkelte systemer. Utover sesongen indikerte bÄde modell og data at det mange steder er en betydelig Þkning i lus. PÄ SÞrlandet var det fremdeles lite lus i Kilsfjorden, mens det i Sandnesfjorden hadde Þkt til et nivÄ hvor det forventes moderat negativ effekt pÄ fisken. Data fra alle stasjonene i Rogaland indikerer et Þkt smittepress utover sommeren og en sannsynlig stor negativ effekt. I Sunnhordland og Hardanger Þkte infestasjonsnivÄet pÄ sjÞÞrret ytterligere ved flere stasjoner, men avtok noe i midtre og indre delene av Hardangerfjorden. Videre forventes det stor negativ effekt i Nordhordland, moderat til hÞy i Sogn og Fjordane, mens det i MÞre og Romsdal forventes negativ effekt i store omrÄder. I SÞr-TrÞndelag Þkte infestasjonen noe, og det forventes fra moderat til hÞy negativ effekt. I Nord-TrÞndelag var det ogsÄ en Þkning i lus og det forventes hÞy negativ effekt pÄ undersÞkte stasjoner. I Nordland og Troms var det en Þkning i lus, og det forventes en moderat til stor negativ effekt pÄ fisken i flere omrÄder. Tilsvarende Þkning ses pÄ stasjonene i Vest-Finnmark, mens det i Øst-Finnmark forblir lavt

    Implementering av nasjonalt overvÄkingsprogram pÄ jordbruksjord

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    Denne rapporten beskriver alle prosesser som er utarbeidet innenfor datafangst, dataforvaltning, bearbeiding og analyse samt formidling i implementeringsfasen av et nytt jordovervÄkingsprogram for jordbruksjord i Norge. Rapporten inneholder detaljerte planer for hvordan jordinformasjon fra ulike indikatorer skal innhentes, analyseres og bearbeides slik at tilstand og endring i jordsmonnet kan overvÄkes. Programmet vil danne grunnlaget for landsdekkende jordinformasjon som muliggjÞr en vurdering av jordsmonnets status og endring for de fem truslene man har identifisert for norsk jordbruksjord: erosjon, jordpakking, tap av organisk materiale, tap av jordbiodiversitet og forurensning.Implementering av nasjonalt overvÄkingsprogram pÄ jordbruksjordpublishedVersio
