6,323 research outputs found

    Manifestation of a nonclassical Berry phase of an electromagnetic field in atomic Ramsey interference

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    The Berry phase acquired by an electromagnetic field undergoing an adiabatic and cyclic evolution in phase space is a purely quantum-mechanical effect of the field. However, this phase is usually accompanied by a dynamical contribution and cannot be manifested in any light-beam interference experiment because it is independent of the field state. We here show that such a phase can be produced using an atom coupled to a quantized field and driven by a slowly changing classical field, and it is manifested in atomic Ramsey interference oscillations. We also show how this effect may be applied to one-step implementation of multiqubit geometric phase gates, which is impossible by previous geometric methods. The effects of dissipation and fluctuations in the parameters of the pump field on the Berry phase and visibility of the Ramsey interference fringes are analyzed

    Scarring effects of unemployment.

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    Using Norwegian individual register data of young workers, from the period 1986-2008, we analyse whether there are large and persistent negative relationships between unemployment and the risk of repeated unemployment and being out of labour force. A nearest-neighbour propensity score matching method is applied to make the treatment group (the unemployed)and the control group (the employed) as similar as possible. By tracking workers over a 10-year follow-up period, we find that unemployment has a negative effect on later labour market attachment. This is consistent with existing findings in the literature. The negative effects decrease over time. Using the bounding approach proposed by Rosenbaum (2002) to analyse the importance of unobserved variables, our results indicate that a relatively high level of unobserved selection bias could be present in the data before changing the inference. Thus, unemployment leaves young workers with long-term scars.Unemployment persistency; scarring; matching technique.

    Electricity Prices, River Temperatures and Cooling Water Scarcity.

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    Thermal-based power stations rely on water for cooling purposes. These water sources may be subject to incidents of scarcity, environmental regulations and competing economic concerns. This paper analyses the effect of water scarcity and increased river temperatures on German electricity prices from 2002 to 2009. Having controlled for demand effects, the results indicate that the electricity price is significantly impacted by both a change in river temperatures and the relative abundance of river water. An implication is that future climate change will affect electricity prices not only through changes in demand, but also via increased water temperatures and scarcity.Thermal-based power; water scarcity.

    Interrelated Factor Demand with Nonconvex Adjustment Costs: a Note

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    In this paper we develop a model to describe a firm’s demand for two production factors which is subject to the presence of nonconvex adjustment costs. In our model simultaneous adjustment of these two production factors may either increase or decrease the total costs incurred by the firm. The magnitude of this change in total costs ultimately determines the likelihood of joint adjustment. We also show that the importance of interrelation is suppressed by large fixed costs.Economics (Jel: A)

    Single-stage experimental evaluation of tandem-airfoil rotor and stator blading for compressors. Part 1: Analysis and design of stages A, B, and C

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    A conventional rotor and stator, two dual-airfoil tandem rotors, and one dual-airfoil tandem stator were designed. The two tandem rotors were each designed with different percentages of the overall lift produced by the front airfoil. Velocity diagrams and blade leading and trailing edge metal angles selected for the conventional rotor and stator blading were used in the design of the tandem blading. Rotor inlet hub/tip ratio was 0.8. Design values of rotor tip velocity and stage pressure ratio were 757 ft/sec and 1.30, respectively

    Sequentiality versus Simultaneity: Interrelated Factor Demand.

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    A structural model is developed and estimated by a maximum likelihood routine to investigate interrelated factor demand subject to nonconvex adjustment costs. The dataset concerns Norwegian plants operating in manufacturing industries and it covers the period 1993-2005. The estimates indicate that it is advantageous to adjust the stock of labour and capital simultaneously. The cost advantage of simultaneous changes is small for capital but is large for labour. The empirical results suggest that when estimating separate factor demand models the bias of parameter estimates is most severe in case of labour demand.Factor Demand; Labour; Capital; Interrelation; Nonconvex Adjustment Costs.

    Sequentiality versus Simultaneity: Interrelated Factor Demand

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    A structural model is developed and estimated by a maximum likelihood routine to investigate interrelated factor demand subject to nonconvex adjustment costs. The dataset concerns Norwegian plants operating in manufacturing industries and it covers the period 1993-2005. The estimates indicate that it is advantageous to adjust the stock of labour and capital simultaneously. The cost advantage of simultaneous changes is small for capital but is large for labour. The empirical results suggest that when estimating separate factor demand models the bias of parameter estimates is most severe in case of labour demand.factor demand, labour, capital, interrelation, nonconvex adjustment costs

    Dynamics of First-Time Patenting Firms

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    This paper investigates firm dynamics in the period before, during, and after an event consisting of a first published patent application. The analysis is based on patent data from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office merged with data from several business registers covering a period of almost 20 years. We apply an event study design and use matching to control for confounding factors. The first patent application by a young firm is associated with significant growth in employment, output, assets and public research funding. Moreover, our results indicate that economic activity starts to increase at least three years ahead of the first patent application. However, we find no evidence of additional firm growth after patent approval for successful applicants. Our findings indicate that the existence of a properly functioning patenting system supports innovation activities, especially early in the life cycle of firms

    Pair Correlations, Short Range Order and Dispersive Excitations in the Quasi-Kagome Quantum Magnet Volborthite

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    We present spatial and dynamic information on the s=1/2 distorted kagome antiferromagnet volborthite, Cu3V2O7(OD)2.2D2O, obtained by polarized and inelastic neutron scattering. The instantaneous structure factor, S(Q), is dominated by nearest neighbor pair correlations, with short range order at wave vectors Q1=0.65(3) {\AA}^-1 and Q2=1.15(5) {\AA}^-1 emerging below 5 K. The excitation spectrum, S(Q,{\omega}), reveals two steep branches dispersing from Q1 and Q2, and a flat mode at {\omega}=5.0(2) meV. The results allow us to identify the cross-over at T*=1 K in 51V NMR and specific heat measurements as the build-up of correlations at Q_1. We compare our data to theoretical models proposed for volborthite, and demonstrate that the excitation spectrum can be explained by spin-wave-like excitations with anisotropic exchange parameters, as also suggested by recent local density calculations.Comment: Rewritten article resubmitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 021
