113 research outputs found

    The Origin of Carbon-Bearing Volatiles in a Continental Hydrothermal System in the Great Basin: Water Chemistry and Isotope Characterizations

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    Hydrothermal systems on Earth are active centers in the crust where organic molecules can be synthesized biotically or abiotically under a wide range of physical and chemical conditions [1-3]. Not only are volatile species (CO, CO2, H2, and hydrocarbons) a reflection of deep-seated hydrothermal alteration processes, but they also form an important component of biological systems. Studying carbon-bearing fluids from hydrothermal systems is of specific importance to understanding (bio-)geochemical processes within these systems. With recent detection of methane in the martian atmosphere [4-7] and the possibility of its hydrothermal origin [8, 9], understanding the formation mechanisms of methane may provide constraints on the history of the martian aqueous environments and climate

    Social media usage patterns during natural hazards

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    Natural hazards are becoming increasingly expensive as climate change and development are exposing communities to greater risks. Preparation and recovery are critical for climate change resilience, and social media are being used more and more to communicate before, during, and after disasters. While there is a growing body of research aimed at understanding how people use social media surrounding disaster events, most existing work has focused on a single disaster case study. In the present study, we analyze five of the costliest disasters in the last decade in the United States (Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, two sets of tornado outbreaks, and flooding in Louisiana) through the lens of Twitter. In particular, we explore the frequency of both generic and specific food-security related terms, and quantify the relationship between network size and Twitter activity during disasters. We find differences in tweet volume for keywords depending on disaster type, with people using Twitter more frequently in preparation for Hurricanes, and for real-time or recovery information for tornado and flooding events. Further, we find that people share a host of general disaster and specific preparation and recovery terms during these events. Finally, we find that among all account types, individuals with ā€œaverageā€ sized networks are most likely to share information during these disasters, and in most cases, do so more frequently than normal. This suggests that around disasters, an ideal form of social contagion is being engaged in which average people rather than outsized influentials are key to communication. These results provide important context for the type of disaster information and target audiences that may be most useful for disaster communication during varying extreme events

    Plastic formulation is an emerging control of its photochemical fate in the ocean

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    Ā© The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Walsh, A. N., Reddy, C. M., Niles, S. F., McKenna, A. M., Hansel, C. M., & Ward, C. P. Plastic formulation is an emerging control of its photochemical fate in the ocean. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(18), (2021): 12383ā€“12392, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c02272.Sunlight exposure is a control of long-term plastic fate in the environment that converts plastic into oxygenated products spanning the polymer, dissolved, and gas phases. However, our understanding of how plastic formulation influences the amount and composition of these photoproducts remains incomplete. Here, we characterized the initial formulations and resulting dissolved photoproducts of four single-use consumer polyethylene (PE) bags from major retailers and one pure PE film. Consumer PE bags contained 15ā€“36% inorganic additives, primarily calcium carbonate (13ā€“34%) and titanium dioxide (TiO2; 1ā€“2%). Sunlight exposure consistently increased production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) relative to leaching in the dark (3- to 80-fold). All consumer PE bags produced more DOC during sunlight exposure than the pure PE (1.2- to 2.0-fold). The DOC leached after sunlight exposure increasingly reflected the 13C and 14C isotopic composition of the plastic. Ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry revealed that sunlight exposure substantially increased the number of DOC formulas detected (1.1- to 50-fold). TiO2-containing bags photochemically degraded into the most compositionally similar DOC, with 68ā€“94% of photoproduced formulas in common with at least one other TiO2-containing bag. Conversely, only 28% of photoproduced formulas from the pure PE were detected in photoproduced DOC from the consumer PE. Overall, these findings suggest that plastic formulation, especially TiO2, plays a determining role in the amount and composition of DOC generated by sunlight. Consequently, studies on pure, unweathered polymers may not accurately represent the fates and impacts of the plastics entering the ocean.Funding was provided by the Seaver Institute, the Gerstner Family Foundation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (A.N.W.). The Ion Cyclotron Resonance user facility at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Chemistry and Division of Materials Research through DMR-1644779 and the State of Florida

    Detection of Abiotic Methane in Terrestrial Continental Hydrothermal Systems: Implications for Methane on Mars

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    The recent detection of methane in the Martian atmosphere and the possibility that its origin could be attributed to biological activity, have highlighted the importance of understanding the mechanisms of methane formation and its usefulness as a biomarker. Much debate has centered on the source of the methane in hydrothermal fluids, whether it is formed biologically by microorganisms, diagenetically through the decomposition of sedimentary organic matter, or inorganically via reduction of CO2 at high temperatures. Ongoing research has now shown that much of the methane present in sea-floor hydrothermal systems is probably formed through inorganic CO2 reduction processes at very high temperatures (greater than 400 C). Experimental results have indicated that methane might form inorganically at temperatures lower still, however these results remain controversial. Currently, methane in continental hydrothermal systems is thought to be formed mainly through the breakdown of sedimentary organic matter and carbon isotope equilibrium between CO2 and CH4 is thought to be rarely present if at all. Based on isotopic measurements of CO2 and CH4 in two continental hydrothermal systems, we suggest that carbon isotope equilibration exists at temperatures as low as 155 C. This would indicate that methane is forming through abiotic CO2 reduction at lower temperatures than previously thought and could bolster arguments for an abiotic origin of the methane detected in the martian atmosphere

    The Origin of Carbon-bearing Volatiles in Surprise Valley Hot Springs in the Great Basin: Carbon Isotope and Water Chemistry Characterizations

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    There are numerous hydrothermal fields within the Great Basin of North America, some of which have been exploited for geothermal resources. With methane and other carbon-bearing compounds being observed, in some cases with high concentrations, however, their origins and formation conditions remain unknown. Thus, studying hydrothermal springs in this area provides us an opportunity to expand our knowledge of subsurface (bio)chemical processes that generate organic compounds in hydrothermal systems, and aid in future development and exploration of potential energy resources as well. While isotope measurement has long been used for recognition of their origins, there are several secondary processes that may generate variations in isotopic compositions: oxidation, re-equilibration of methane and other alkanes with CO2, mixing with compounds of other sources, etc. Therefore, in addition to isotopic analysis, other evidence, including water chemistry and rock compositions, are necessary to identify volatile compounds of different sources. Surprise Valley Hot Springs (SVHS, 41 deg 32'N, 120 deg 5'W), located in a typical basin and range province valley in northeastern California, is a terrestrial hydrothermal spring system of the Great Basin. Previous geophysical studies indicated the presence of clay-rich volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age beneath the lava flows in late Tertiary and Quaternary. Water and gas samples were collected for a variety of chemical and isotope composition analyses, including in-situ pH, alkalinity, conductivity, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), major and trace elements, and C and H isotope measurements. Fluids issuing from SVHS can be classified as Na-(Cl)-SO4 type, with the major cation and anion being Na+ and SO4(2-), respectively. Thermodynamic calculation using ORP and major element data indicated that sulfate is the most dominant sulfur species, which is consistent with anion analysis results. Aquifer temperatures at depth estimated by both dissolved SiO2 and Na-K-Ca geothermometers are in the range of 125.0 to 135.4 C, and higher than the values measured at orifices (77.3 to 90.0 C). CO2 and homologs of straight chain alkanes (C1-C5) were identified in gas samples. Carbon isotope values of alkanes increase with carbon numbers. The C-13 fractionation between CO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon suggests they are out of carbon isotope equilibrium. The hypothesis regarding the formation of carbon-bearing compounds in SVHS may involve two processes: 1) Under high heat flow conditions which are caused by regional faulting and crustal extension, original high molecular weight organic compounds (kerogens) in clay-rich rocks decomposed to generate methane and other alkane homologs. 2) The SVHS area is associated with outflow structures, and distant from the heat source. Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) with sulfate at shallow depth (< 90 C) is suggested as being responsible for the generation of CO2 in SVHS

    Bacterial Bio-indicators of Marcellus Shale Activities in Pennsylvania: A Molecular Ecology Survey

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    The practice of hydraulic fracking has increased over the years especially in Pennsylvania where most of the subterraneous gas-rich Marcellus Shale formations are located. Our previous work showed that headwater streams in proximity to hydraulic fracking operations have significantly different bacterial assemblages as compared to un-impacted streams in central PA. Aquatic bacterial communities are of great importance because they are often the ā€˜first-respondersā€™ to environmental perturbations. We are interested in which bacteria become enriched, as this might serve as robust biomarkers of fracking, and can potentially biodegrade constituents of fracking fluids. In this study, we plan to expand upon our previous work to identify additional sentinel bacterial taxa in other areas in PA (Northeast and Southwest) heavily impacted by fracking. Water and sediment samples have been collected from Northern Pennsylvania (n=31) and Southwestern (n=11) regions upstream and downstream of fracking activities. Bacterial community profiles of these samples were generated via high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA, a robust phylogenetic marker for bacterial identification. The data generated provide a snapshot of all bacteria taxa present and their relative abundance. Thus, differences in bacterial community structure between impacted and un-impacted environments can help glean which bacterial taxa are responding to environmental perturbations associated with fracking. This research can help us generate a list of potential bioindicators of nascent fracking activities and can be used to help track impacts and bioremediation potential within environmental scenarios

    Evaluation of Emergency Medicine Community Educational Program

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    Out-of-hospital emergencies occur frequently, and laypersons are often the first to respond to these events. As an outreach to our local communities, we developed ā€œBasic Emergency Interventions Everyone Should Know,ā€ a three-hour program addressing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillator use, heart attack and stroke recognition and intervention, choking and bleeding interventions and infant and child safety. Each session lasted 45 minutes and was facilitated by volunteers from the emergency department staff. A self-administered 13-item questionnaire was completed by each participant before and after the program. A total of 183 participants completed the training and questionnaires. Average score pre-training was nine while the average score post-training was 12 out of a possible 13 (P< .0001). At the conclusion of the program 97% of participants felt the training was very valuable and 100% would recommend the program to other members of their community

    Martian Cryogenic Carbonate Formation: Stable Isotope Variations Observed in Laboratory Studies

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    The history of water on Mars is tied to the formation of carbonates through atmospheric CO2 and its control of the climate history of the planet. Carbonate mineral formation under modern martian atmospheric conditions could be a critical factor in controlling the martian climate in a means similar to the rock weathering cycle on Earth. The combination of evidence for liquid water on the martian surface and cold surface conditions suggest fluid freezing could be very common on the surface of Mars. Cryogenic calcite forms easily from freezing solutions when carbon dioxide degasses quickly from Ca-bicarbonate-rich water, a process that has been observed in some terrestrial settings such as arctic permafrost cave deposits, lake beds of the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, and in aufeis (river icings) from rivers of N.E. Alaska. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted that simulated cryogenic carbonate formation on Mars in order to understand their isotopic systematics. The results indicate that carbonates grown under martian conditions show variable enrichments from starting bicarbonate fluids in both carbon and oxygen isotopes beyond equilibrium values

    Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type

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    Let GG be a simple, simply-connected algebraic group defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. Given a power q=prq = p^r of pp, let G(Fq)āŠ‚GG(\mathbb{F}_q) \subset G be the subgroup of Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points. Let L(Ī»)L(\lambda) be the simple rational GG-module of highest weight Ī»\lambda. In this paper we establish sufficient criteria for the restriction map in second cohomology H2(G,L(Ī»))ā†’H2(G(Fq),L(Ī»))H^2(G,L(\lambda)) \rightarrow H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) to be an isomorphism. In particular, the restriction map is an isomorphism under very mild conditions on pp and qq provided Ī»\lambda is less than or equal to a fundamental dominant weight. Even when the restriction map is not an isomorphism, we are often able to describe H2(G(Fq),L(Ī»))H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) in terms of rational cohomology for GG. We apply our techniques to compute H2(G(Fq),L(Ī»))H^2(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) in a wide range of cases, and obtain new examples of nonzero second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type.Comment: 29 pages, GAP code included as an ancillary file. Rewritten to include the adjoint representation in types An, B2, and Cn. Corrections made to Theorem 3.1.3 and subsequent dependent results in Sections 3-4. Additional minor corrections and improvements also implemente

    First cohomology for finite groups of Lie type: simple modules with small dominant weights

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    Let kk be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0p > 0, and let GG be a simple, simply connected algebraic group defined over Fp\mathbb{F}_p. Given rā‰„1r \geq 1, set q=prq=p^r, and let G(Fq)G(\mathbb{F}_q) be the corresponding finite Chevalley group. In this paper we investigate the structure of the first cohomology group H1(G(Fq),L(Ī»))H^1(G(\mathbb{F}_q),L(\lambda)) where L(Ī»)L(\lambda) is the simple GG-module of highest weight Ī»\lambda. Under certain very mild conditions on pp and qq, we are able to completely describe the first cohomology group when Ī»\lambda is less than or equal to a fundamental dominant weight. In particular, in the cases we consider, we show that the first cohomology group has dimension at most one. Our calculations significantly extend, and provide new proofs for, earlier results of Cline, Parshall, Scott, and Jones, who considered the special case when Ī»\lambda is a minimal nonzero dominant weight.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables. Typos corrected and some proofs streamlined over previous versio
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