8 research outputs found

    Systematic approach to Nayanabhighata w.s.r. to ocular trauma

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    It is said that if vision is lost the whole world becomes blind for that person. Hence for every individual protecting his sense of vision is very important for his existence. Acharya Sushruta has contributed more with regards to Nayanabhighata. Many Acharyas explains the treatment methodology which is useful for Nayanabhighta since Vedic periods as we have reference of replacement of injured eye with artificial eye in Rigveda. For treating the Nayanabhighata, many Kriyakalpas are used extensively which are mentioned in Shalakyatantra which are basic treatment modalities. Ocular trauma is a term given to an eye injury that occurs because of direct blow to the eye. The magnitude varies from a normal black eye to sport injury to a serious case of blood collection between the cornea and iris. The classification,site of injuries of ocular trauma are discussed in this

    Fundamental study of Karnaroga Samanya Chikitsa w.s.r. to Karnasrava

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    Karnasrava is a common disease in which discharge through ear is routinely reported. Vata vitiated by various Hetus, enters in Karnasrotasas through Karnasiras and induce Karnarogas. Acharya Sushruta have explained the general mode of treatment i.e., Karnaroga Samanya Chikitsa in case of Karnasrava. The importance of Karnaroga Samanya Chikitsa is its approach towards both preventive and curative aspects of disease. The common treatment principle for all Karnaroga is Grutapana, use of Rasayana, Brahmacharya, Avyayama (avoid exercise), Shirasnana (head bath) and Atibhashya (execive speaking). Rasayana represents the basic approach of Ayurveda which comprises preventive, promotive and curative aspect of health. Ghrita is a Yogawahi and follow Sanskara in addition to these aquired properties and also capable of retaining its own properties. So Ghritpana is effective. Brahmacharyapalan is like Sadvrittapalan and is equals to Rasayana effect. Vyayama leads to vitiation of Vata as Karna is Sthana of Vata and exercise causes Kshayaj Samprapti hence it is important to avoid exercise in Karnasrava .In Shirasnana(head bath) water enters in EAC. It changes the PH of meatus skin from acid to alkali, which favours the growth of pathogens. Atibashya (execive speaking) causes Vata Prakopa and Vataprakopa is basic Samprapti for Karnasrava as the preventive aspect, avoidance of execive speaking is necessary

    Agni Karma in Vataj Karnashoola

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    Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical science of the world, In which Shalakyatantra has prime importance because it contains Urdhwajatrugata angas. Karna has more importance at it contains hearing process. Karnashoola means the pain associated with karna it can be classified into Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Raktaja, Sannipata. In Karnashoola, Agnikarma method has been applied using Shalaka of different Dhatus since ancient times, so main objective of this study is to find out efficacy of Agnikarma in Karnashoola

    Meta-Analysis of Emergencies in ENT and its Management: An Ayurvedic Approach

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    Emergencies in ENT are common occurrence. Early diagnosis and management result in reduction in morbidity and mortality. In this study we have explained initial assessment, medical records, diagnosis on admission and outcome of emergency care. A total of patients were attended as an emergency in our institution’s hospital apart from OPD timing i.e., (9-4pm). The most common emergencies among pediatric age group were foreign body in ear, nose, and throat. The other most commonly encountered emergencies were RTA patients with cut or tear wound, epistaxis. In traditional text of Ayurveda mentioned terms like: Vegavastha Dhatugat Avastha, Upadrav, Asadhya Lakshanas, Agantuj Vyadhi, Sadhya, Ashu etc. for emergency conditions which are needed to be taken care of immediately The ENT emergencies play a key role in the management of life-threatening conditions requiring immediate evaluation and management. It is important to prioritize the emergency/non emergency cases in order to ensure proper care is given to the emergency cases

    Role of Viddhakarma in management of Gandhanasha w.s.r. to Hyposmia - A Clinical Study

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    Ghranendriya is the tools for obtaining the knowledge of Gandha. According to Ayurveda Indriyas are the apparatus to attain knowledge for Atma. Knowledge, which is perceived, Analyzed, given, or received by Atma. Indriya composed of five elements still specific Mahabhuta dominates precise Indriya. This is the specific reason behind reception of specific sensation by its respective Indriya. Nose is the prime sense organ among all the sense organ, which is the Adhishthan of Ghranendriya, Prithvi Mahabhuta dominates Ghranendriya and receive knowledge of Gandha. Ayurveda usually defines hyposmia as Gandhanasha. Which is cause due to many etiologies, including trauma, chronic sinusitis, neoplasms, and respiratory viral infections. Sushruta has described Viddhakarma as a treatment modality for Gandhanasha. Olfactory dysfunction has been associated with alteration in appetite and mood. The sense of smell has an enormous impact on patient’s quality of life

    Determination of the association between excessive intake of Rasa and Retinal vascular changes in Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension- A Pilot Study

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    Background: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy that occurs in the absence of other causes of elevated blood pressure. There are many complications documented for PIH and associated retinal vascular changes in one of them. During pregnancy if proper antenatal care along with diet is not followed, patient may land into complications like PIH related retinopathy. Aim: To determine the retinal changes in pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) and any association between the retinal changes and excess intake of specific Rasa. Methods: All the patients admitted in ward with diagnosis of PIH were included in this study. Age, race, gravida, gestation period, blood pressure, and proteinuria along with dietary habit were noted from the case records. After taking history for any eye symptoms, fundus examination was done after dilating the pupils with direct ophthalmoscope in the ward itself. All the findings were noted on a data sheet, and were analyzed. Results: A total of 24 patients of PIH were examined. Majority were urban (75%) and remaining are from rural area (25%). The majority of patients are from 24-28 years age group followed by below 20 years age group. The gestation period ranged from 20 weeks to 38 weeks; 16 (66.6%) were primi gravida. Nineteen (79.1%) patients had mild preeclampsia, 03 (12.5%) had severe preeclampsia and 2 (8.33%) had eclampsia. Retinal changes (hypertensive retinopathy) were not seen in any of these patients Haemorrhages or exudates or retinal detachment were not seen in any patient. There was no association of retinal changes and Rasa Sevan a found in present pilot study. Conclusion: Retinal changes were not seen in any of the patients with PIH in present study sample and there was not found to be associated with excess intake of specific Rasa and severity of the disease. Fundus examination is necessary in assessment of the PIH patient

    Role of Viddhakarma in Management of Ashopha Akshipaka - A Case Study

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    The colorful surrounding can be perceived by individual with the help of Chakshurendriya i.e. eye. This sense organ acquires utmost importance as this is one of the vital sense perceptions for human beings. A 36 year old male patient was voluntarily selected for this study. He was diagnosed with Ashopha Akshipaka on the basis of symptoms wise burning sensation, sticky discharge, pricking sensation, heaviness, mild congestion, ocular pain and discomfort in both eyes. Viddha karma (bloodletting) is the only treatment modality selected for this study. Total 3 sittings of Viddhakarma (bloodletting) done consequentially for 3 days. Viddhakarma (bloodletting) done at the points described by Acharya Sushruta in Sushruta Nidana Sthana as Apang (Depression at lateral end of the eye brow), Lalate (on the forehead one and half finger above the eyebrow) and Upanasika (lateral aspect of alla). After first sitting Patient got relief, more than expected. Viddha karma (bloodletting) shows significant result in Ashopha Akshipaka and it helps in reducing the intensity of the symptoms in short period of time without any medicine

    Observational study on effect of myopia associated with poor sleep and screen time

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    Myopia or short-sightedness is the most common vision disorder among children and young adults in which defective vision and loss of vision occur.  Global cases of myopia are on the rise, with some research indicating a link between excessive screen use and on the onset of the condition. In myopia patient can see objects near to them clearly, but objects far away like road signs are blurry. The condition is caused by excessive elongation eye. As a result the rays of light entering the eye focus in front of the retina instead of directly on the retina, causing blurriness. In Ayurveda symptoms of   Timira can be considered as more similar to refractive error i.e. myopia. With screen based devices, e.g., tablets, smart phones, laptop, computers, televisions etc. these causes glare, extra eye strain, dry, irritate eye, loss of focus flexibility i.e. eyes stay focused close-up for long periods then it is difficult to adjust to distance vision. And increases the risk of myopia. The blue light from computer and device screens, when used in the evening, alters the brain’s sleep rhythm. The brain reads the screen light as daytime and shifts the body’s circadian rhythm which causes poor sleep time. The main object of this study is to know the incidence of myopia associated with poor sleep and screen time. The study was carried out as an observational study among 100 volunteers having poor sleep and more screen time