16 research outputs found

    Formation of photosynthetic and grain yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) depend on varietal characteristics and plant growth regulators

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    ArticleThe aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of the barley treatment crops with modern retrograde preparations on the background of the mineral fertilizers introduction into the photosynthetic activity of crops and grain yield. The experiments were carried out in 2013 -2017 on the southern black soil in the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe. On the basis of the study results, it was determined that the introduction of irrigated fertilizer barley in a dose of N30P30 (background) under pre-sowing cultivation and the application of extra-root crop supplements at the phases beginning of the barley outflow straw into the tube and the organoleptic fermentation of Organic D2 and natural microbial complex Escort - Bio creates favorable conditions for the formation at the optimal levels of photosynthetic parameters and grain yield. Thus, on average, over the years of research and by factor variety, grain yield on these experimental variants was 3.37–3.41 t ha-1 , which exceeded its level on uncontrolled control by 0.71–0.75 t ha-1 or 26.7–28.2%. Based on the study results, the use of modern regenerating agents against the background of mineral fertilizers can be recommended as an expedient and effective measure of spring barley raising the productivity

    Formation of microstructures and oxides on steel surface by laser irradiation in air and liquids

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    Features of submicron structures and oxides formation on steel in air and liquids under laser irradiation are investigated experimentally.Proceedings of the XI Belarusian-Serbian Symposium "Physics and Diagnostics of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas" (РDР-11), December 15-19, Minsk, Belaru


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    Modification of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films by pulsed laser radiation with a wavelength of 532 nm and a pulse duration of 18 ns was investigated. Irradiation of DLC films with laser fluence over 0.4 J/cm2 was accompanied by the formation of electrically conducting structures with a surface resistance varying from thousands to a kΩ/sq. The dependence of conductivity of films on the laser fluence was established. A relationship between the energy density of laser radiation and the structural changes in films, their heating and evaporation is discussed.Исследована модификация пленок алмазоподобного углерода (АПУ) импульсным лазерным излучением с длиной волны 532 нм и длительностью 18 нс. Облучение пленок АПУ с энергетической экспозицией свыше 0,4 Дж/см2 сопровождалось формированием электропроводящих структур с поверхностным сопротивлением от тысяч до единиц кОм/^. Установлена зависимость проводимости пленок от энергетической экспозиции лазерного облучения и обсуждается ее связь со структурными изменениями пленок и процессами их нагрева и испарения

    Ecological and economic efficiency assessment of forest-transport systems based on the principles of sustainable territorial development

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    In order to solve the urgent problem of the development of forest transport systems efficiently, it is necessary to develop strategic principles for their planning, taking into account the current realities of a market economy and the transition of the world community and Russia to the principles of sustainable development. Formation of transport systems in general and the new road network on the territory of forest lands in particular requires significant financial and material resources and therefore it is important to justify the cost effectiveness of their creation and development, taking into account the principles of sustainable development of the territories and the overall environmental and socio-economic effect of the implementation of state project. The paper substantiates the need to take into account environmental, social and economic factors when planning transport systems on the territory of forestland. The principles for assessing ecological and socio-economic efficiency are proposed. Quantitative efficiency criterion is developed taking into account the principles of consistency. The developed objective function of the optimization problem reflects the profitability of the timber transport system (including costs for all stages of its life cycle) for the entire planned period of interaction with the forest ecosystem, i.e. recoupment of the design, construction and operation of the forestry fund of the country's regions by achieving the maximum productivity of the forest ecosystem from their coexistence over the entire planning period. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Erratum: Ephemerides of the main Uranian satellites: Table 1.

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    Ephemerides of the main Uranian satellites

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    Erratum: Ephemerides of the main Uranian satellites: Table 1.

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    Multipulse nanosecond laser modification of steel surface

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    Results of surface modification are presented for MnNiCrMo-steel samples exposed to a Nd:YAG laser operating in a pulse-periodic mode (10 Hz frequency, 532 nm wavelength and 17 ns pulse duration). The steel samples were irradiated in air by a series of laser pulses at a fluence of 10.7 J cm(-2) close to a plasma formation threshold. Surface structures were examined by optical, scanning electron and confocal optical microscopy. The appearance of the detected surface structures strongly depends on the number of laser pulses and power density of laser radiation. Significant differences were found between laser-induced structures in the center of the laser spot, at its edges and in the nearest surrounding of the laser spot. The reasons for such differences are discussed.4th International School and Conference on Photonics, Aug 26-30, 2013, Belgrade, Serbi

    Microstructures and oxides formation on structural steel by nanosecond laser irradiation

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    Creation of various surface structures on the laser-irradiated materials and formation of metal oxides play an important role to improve the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of materials used in different fields of industry [1-4]. Therefore, the establishment of main mechanisms and optimal regimes of laser micro and nanostructuring of materials and regularities of oxides formation is an important task. In the present study the multipulse laser irradiation (λ = 1064 nm, τ = 1 ns, f = 100÷500 Hz, q = 4.4·109 W/cm2) was used to create micro and nanostructures on the surface of high quality structural carbon steel at different conditions. Steel samples were moving along a computer given trajectory with a velocity of v = 0.2 cm/s. Steel samples were irradiated in ambient air, 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ethanol (C2H5OH). Surface structures and composition analysis were examined by methods of optical and scanning electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyze a phase composition of irradiated steel samples. XRD spectra for various conditions of laser action have had different intensity profiles (peaks value, its position and width). Energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used for elemental analyses. Surface structures were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The detected surface structures are strongly depends on environment conditions and parameters of laser irradiation. In particular, on the surface of steel samples irradiated in the ambient air, wave structures with a period of 1 μm, irregular structures with a size of ÷22000 nm, grains with the size of 50÷200 nm, pores and irregular threadlike structures were observed. Quasiregular structures with a size of 100÷200 nm and plurality of pores with a size of 40÷600 nm were discovered on the surface of steel samples irradiated in the ethanol. On the surface of the samples irradiated in the environment of hydrogen peroxide numerous cracks and grain structures with the size of 30÷70 nm were observed. The reasons of these differences are discussed.V International School and Conference on Photonics and COST actions: MP1204, BM1205 and MP1205 and the Second international workshop "Control of light and matter waves propagation and localization in photonic lattices" : PHOTONICA2015 : book of abstracts; August 24-28, 2015; Belgrad

    Formation of microstructures and oxides on structural steel by nanosecond laser irradiation

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    Results of laser-induced oxidation (100−500 Hz frequency, 1064 nm wavelength, and 1 ns pulse duration) and formation of micro- and nanostructures on the surface of high-quality structural carbon steel (0.42 wt.% C, 0.5 wt.% Mn, 0.25 wt.% Cr) are presented. The steel samples were irradiated in ambient air, water, 3% hydrogen peroxide, and ethanol by a series of laser pulses at a power density of (3.2−4.4)·109 W/cm2, which is close to the ablation threshold. The surface structures were examined by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. Different kinds of structures detected on the steel surface and the efficiency of oxide formation depend strongly on both the liquid or gaseous environments and the parameters of laser treatment. It was found that the efficiency of nano/microstructures and oxides formation on structural steel is especially expressed for samples irradiated in air and hydrogen peroxide environments