14 research outputs found

    AIMSurv: First pan-European harmonized surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases

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    Human and animal vector-borne diseases, particularly mosquito-borne diseases, are emerging or re-emerging worldwide. Six Aedes invasive mosquito (AIM) species were introduced to Europe since the 1970s: Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus, Ae. koreicus, Ae. atropalpus and Ae. triseriatus. Here, we report the results of AIMSurv2020, the first pan-European surveillance effort for AIMs. Implemented by 42 volunteer teams from 24 countries. And presented in the form of a dataset named “AIMSurv Aedes Invasive Mosquito species harmonized surveillance in Europe. AIM-COST Action. Project ID: CA17108”. AIMSurv2020 harmonizes field surveillance methodologies for sampling different AIMs life stages, frequency and minimum length of sampling period, and data reporting. Data include minimum requirements for sample types and recommended requirements for those teams with more resources. Data are published as a Darwin Core archive in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility- Spain, comprising a core file with 19,130 records (EventID) and an occurrences file with 19,743 records (OccurrenceID). AIM species recorded in AIMSurv2020 were Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus and Ae. koreicus, as well as native mosquito species

    Record label marketing

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    In doing this research I gained a detailed insight into the music industry and how it operates. The biggest players in it are record label companies, without a doubt. Many people would think that the artists are the ones who run that industry, but in most casesthat is not a case. Signing to record labels has always been a dream for every music artist who wanted a professional career of a musician. That is because without it, there is not enough an artist can do on their own. Of course in today’s digital world it is much easier for artists to record and share the music themselves, but it is only one small part of what is required to achieve the global success. And, at least not yet, it would be almost impossible to get to the highest level without a record deal. The book ‘Record Label Marketing’ by Tom Hutchison, Paul Allen and Amy Mac was a huge help for understanding the basic concepts of the music industry and the marketing behind it. It described in a very comprehensive way what goes on inside record labels everywhere and what are the ways of connecting music with audiences. Currently the safest and most effective way of selling and promoting music is through both traditional and new digital media. Octone study delivered to me a helpful, real world perception of what is required to shape the music career of a successful artist. The report showed that there are many different methods of doing it and that the major record labels and independent record labels function in a quite different manners. That is why I believe it is the most efficient to find the best balance between both worlds and use the best features each provides when managing an artist. The report on investing in music showed how the importance of the investment and teamwork that stands behind every recording artist’s success. It emphasized the importance of being aware that more often than not the greatness of the artist lies in the long relationship and skills of the team working with them to produce songs and albums that eventually gain worldwide recognition and success. Nowadays, it is much more difficult to bring the recording to the attention of the public due to the large amount of artists, emerging on a weekly basis. Without the music investors and risk takers, artists could not achieve their biggest potential, and that is a fact. Those risk-takers win if an artist is successful, but lose if they are not. This is all part of the work of record companies who, according to this report, invest US$4.3 billion dollars worldwide in the work of recording artists. Overall, the marketing and promotion play probably the biggest role on the path to music success. Without it, it would be nearly impossible for artists to get a fan base, which is a main goal of every aspiring musician (no fans=no revenues). That is because the public needs to be introduced with an act and it cannot happen on its own. Today there are so many artists and so many songs that get lost in the huge crowd of music, that the tools of marketing and promotion are more important than ever. Artists need to catch the eye and ears of audiences and the most efficient way of doing that is exactly through powerful marketing and promotion push, which in a way shape the artist’s essence and story and transcribe it to the public. The digital advances opened the gates for many new creative outlets that artists can use for their artistry and to share their music to a mass audience. However, the traditional channels should not be underestimated. TV appearances and radio plays are essential for artist’s success and building their image and sound. So, in conclusion, music industry is a giant. It can crush the aspiring artists that are not prepared to face it and fight it. Artists have to be aware of the obstacles and need to have effective tools to combat it and get to the top. All of those tools, and marketing and promotion being the crucial ones, can be given by record labels if the artist is good enough to bet on it

    Record label marketing

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    In doing this research I gained a detailed insight into the music industry and how it operates. The biggest players in it are record label companies, without a doubt. Many people would think that the artists are the ones who run that industry, but in most casesthat is not a case. Signing to record labels has always been a dream for every music artist who wanted a professional career of a musician. That is because without it, there is not enough an artist can do on their own. Of course in today’s digital world it is much easier for artists to record and share the music themselves, but it is only one small part of what is required to achieve the global success. And, at least not yet, it would be almost impossible to get to the highest level without a record deal. The book ‘Record Label Marketing’ by Tom Hutchison, Paul Allen and Amy Mac was a huge help for understanding the basic concepts of the music industry and the marketing behind it. It described in a very comprehensive way what goes on inside record labels everywhere and what are the ways of connecting music with audiences. Currently the safest and most effective way of selling and promoting music is through both traditional and new digital media. Octone study delivered to me a helpful, real world perception of what is required to shape the music career of a successful artist. The report showed that there are many different methods of doing it and that the major record labels and independent record labels function in a quite different manners. That is why I believe it is the most efficient to find the best balance between both worlds and use the best features each provides when managing an artist. The report on investing in music showed how the importance of the investment and teamwork that stands behind every recording artist’s success. It emphasized the importance of being aware that more often than not the greatness of the artist lies in the long relationship and skills of the team working with them to produce songs and albums that eventually gain worldwide recognition and success. Nowadays, it is much more difficult to bring the recording to the attention of the public due to the large amount of artists, emerging on a weekly basis. Without the music investors and risk takers, artists could not achieve their biggest potential, and that is a fact. Those risk-takers win if an artist is successful, but lose if they are not. This is all part of the work of record companies who, according to this report, invest US$4.3 billion dollars worldwide in the work of recording artists. Overall, the marketing and promotion play probably the biggest role on the path to music success. Without it, it would be nearly impossible for artists to get a fan base, which is a main goal of every aspiring musician (no fans=no revenues). That is because the public needs to be introduced with an act and it cannot happen on its own. Today there are so many artists and so many songs that get lost in the huge crowd of music, that the tools of marketing and promotion are more important than ever. Artists need to catch the eye and ears of audiences and the most efficient way of doing that is exactly through powerful marketing and promotion push, which in a way shape the artist’s essence and story and transcribe it to the public. The digital advances opened the gates for many new creative outlets that artists can use for their artistry and to share their music to a mass audience. However, the traditional channels should not be underestimated. TV appearances and radio plays are essential for artist’s success and building their image and sound. So, in conclusion, music industry is a giant. It can crush the aspiring artists that are not prepared to face it and fight it. Artists have to be aware of the obstacles and need to have effective tools to combat it and get to the top. All of those tools, and marketing and promotion being the crucial ones, can be given by record labels if the artist is good enough to bet on it

    The Role of Social Learning Theory and the Decision Making Process in Organisations

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    Cilj istraživanja ove teme je identificiranje uloga teorije socijalnog učenja i procesa odlučivanja u suvremenim organizacijama te njihovo korištenje kao alata za organizacijski razvoj i konkurentsku prednost. Područje psihologije ljudskog ponašanja u organizacijama je još uvijek relativno neistraženo, te su limitirani resursi za educiranje zaposlenika o tom predmetu. Smatra se da su učenje i odlučivanje primarni čimbenici kod ponašanja i uspješnosti zaposlenika i time mogu stvoriti mnoge organizacijske prednosti. Tom logikom, vrlo je važno da menadžeri razumiju i znaju upotrijebiti teoriju socijalnog učenja i procese odlučivanja prema željenom cilju organizacija, kako bi se maksimalizirala produktivnost. Međutim, na uzorku od 140 ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u online anketi koja je sadržala 50 pitanja na temu učenja i odlučivanja, rezultati su pokazali da je svijest o teoriji socijalnog učenja još uvijek vrlo slaba i da ljudi vrlo lako podliježu pristranostima kod odlučivanja, čak kad se radi i samo o odlučivanju u jednostavnoj anketi. Ključan zaključak, ili savjet, ovog rada je zapravo prilično jednostavan. Kako bi neutralizirali negativan utjecaj psiholoških procesa na naše učenje i odluke moramo započeti identificiranjem tih procesa i njihovih izvora. Osvješćivanje njihovih prisutnosti i djelovanja može biti učinkovito sredstvo za smanjenje, ili barem kontroliranje, njihove snage i vjerojatnosti djelovanja iz nepravilnih procesa, poput pristranosti.The aim of researching this topic is identifying the role of social learning theory and the decision making process in modern organizations and how they can be used for organizational development and competitive advantage. The psychology of human behavior in organizations is still a relatively undiscovered field, with limited resources granted for educating employees on that subject. Learning and decision making are considered to be the main factors related to performance of employees, which is why they can create many organizational advantages. By that logic, it is important for managers to understand and know how to use social learning theory and the decision making process in alignment with their wanted organizational goals to maximize productivity. However, on the sample of 140 participants who took part in an online survey that consisted of 50 questions based on topics of learning and decision making, results showed that the awareness about social learning theory is still very weak and that people are very easily susceptible to biases in decision making, even if the decision making involved is a simple online survey. The main takeaway of this research is essentially relatively simple. To neutralize negative effect of psychological processes on our learning and decisions we have to start by identifying those processes and their sources. Even forming awareness about their presence and influence can be an effective tool for diminishing, or at least controling, their power over us and chances of acting from wrong processes, such as biases

    The Role of Social Learning Theory and the Decision Making Process in Organisations

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    Cilj istraživanja ove teme je identificiranje uloga teorije socijalnog učenja i procesa odlučivanja u suvremenim organizacijama te njihovo korištenje kao alata za organizacijski razvoj i konkurentsku prednost. Područje psihologije ljudskog ponašanja u organizacijama je još uvijek relativno neistraženo, te su limitirani resursi za educiranje zaposlenika o tom predmetu. Smatra se da su učenje i odlučivanje primarni čimbenici kod ponašanja i uspješnosti zaposlenika i time mogu stvoriti mnoge organizacijske prednosti. Tom logikom, vrlo je važno da menadžeri razumiju i znaju upotrijebiti teoriju socijalnog učenja i procese odlučivanja prema željenom cilju organizacija, kako bi se maksimalizirala produktivnost. Međutim, na uzorku od 140 ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u online anketi koja je sadržala 50 pitanja na temu učenja i odlučivanja, rezultati su pokazali da je svijest o teoriji socijalnog učenja još uvijek vrlo slaba i da ljudi vrlo lako podliježu pristranostima kod odlučivanja, čak kad se radi i samo o odlučivanju u jednostavnoj anketi. Ključan zaključak, ili savjet, ovog rada je zapravo prilično jednostavan. Kako bi neutralizirali negativan utjecaj psiholoških procesa na naše učenje i odluke moramo započeti identificiranjem tih procesa i njihovih izvora. Osvješćivanje njihovih prisutnosti i djelovanja može biti učinkovito sredstvo za smanjenje, ili barem kontroliranje, njihove snage i vjerojatnosti djelovanja iz nepravilnih procesa, poput pristranosti.The aim of researching this topic is identifying the role of social learning theory and the decision making process in modern organizations and how they can be used for organizational development and competitive advantage. The psychology of human behavior in organizations is still a relatively undiscovered field, with limited resources granted for educating employees on that subject. Learning and decision making are considered to be the main factors related to performance of employees, which is why they can create many organizational advantages. By that logic, it is important for managers to understand and know how to use social learning theory and the decision making process in alignment with their wanted organizational goals to maximize productivity. However, on the sample of 140 participants who took part in an online survey that consisted of 50 questions based on topics of learning and decision making, results showed that the awareness about social learning theory is still very weak and that people are very easily susceptible to biases in decision making, even if the decision making involved is a simple online survey. The main takeaway of this research is essentially relatively simple. To neutralize negative effect of psychological processes on our learning and decisions we have to start by identifying those processes and their sources. Even forming awareness about their presence and influence can be an effective tool for diminishing, or at least controling, their power over us and chances of acting from wrong processes, such as biases

    The Role of Social Learning Theory and the Decision Making Process in Organisations

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    Cilj istraživanja ove teme je identificiranje uloga teorije socijalnog učenja i procesa odlučivanja u suvremenim organizacijama te njihovo korištenje kao alata za organizacijski razvoj i konkurentsku prednost. Područje psihologije ljudskog ponašanja u organizacijama je još uvijek relativno neistraženo, te su limitirani resursi za educiranje zaposlenika o tom predmetu. Smatra se da su učenje i odlučivanje primarni čimbenici kod ponašanja i uspješnosti zaposlenika i time mogu stvoriti mnoge organizacijske prednosti. Tom logikom, vrlo je važno da menadžeri razumiju i znaju upotrijebiti teoriju socijalnog učenja i procese odlučivanja prema željenom cilju organizacija, kako bi se maksimalizirala produktivnost. Međutim, na uzorku od 140 ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u online anketi koja je sadržala 50 pitanja na temu učenja i odlučivanja, rezultati su pokazali da je svijest o teoriji socijalnog učenja još uvijek vrlo slaba i da ljudi vrlo lako podliježu pristranostima kod odlučivanja, čak kad se radi i samo o odlučivanju u jednostavnoj anketi. Ključan zaključak, ili savjet, ovog rada je zapravo prilično jednostavan. Kako bi neutralizirali negativan utjecaj psiholoških procesa na naše učenje i odluke moramo započeti identificiranjem tih procesa i njihovih izvora. Osvješćivanje njihovih prisutnosti i djelovanja može biti učinkovito sredstvo za smanjenje, ili barem kontroliranje, njihove snage i vjerojatnosti djelovanja iz nepravilnih procesa, poput pristranosti.The aim of researching this topic is identifying the role of social learning theory and the decision making process in modern organizations and how they can be used for organizational development and competitive advantage. The psychology of human behavior in organizations is still a relatively undiscovered field, with limited resources granted for educating employees on that subject. Learning and decision making are considered to be the main factors related to performance of employees, which is why they can create many organizational advantages. By that logic, it is important for managers to understand and know how to use social learning theory and the decision making process in alignment with their wanted organizational goals to maximize productivity. However, on the sample of 140 participants who took part in an online survey that consisted of 50 questions based on topics of learning and decision making, results showed that the awareness about social learning theory is still very weak and that people are very easily susceptible to biases in decision making, even if the decision making involved is a simple online survey. The main takeaway of this research is essentially relatively simple. To neutralize negative effect of psychological processes on our learning and decisions we have to start by identifying those processes and their sources. Even forming awareness about their presence and influence can be an effective tool for diminishing, or at least controling, their power over us and chances of acting from wrong processes, such as biases