501 research outputs found


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    Pursuant to Article 32 of the Serbian Criminal Code, voluntary abandonment of the commission of a criminal offence exists when the perpetrator who attempted to commit a criminal offence voluntarily abandons or withdraws from the commission of the criminal act, or prevents the occurrence of legal consequences. As indicated in the definition of the concept of voluntary abandonment in criminal law, there are two essential legal requirements which must be cumulatively met: a) the criminal offense was attempted, and b) the perpetrator voluntarily abandoned the intended commission of the criminal act or prevented the occurrence of harmful consequences. The voluntary abandonment of the commission of a criminal offence is one of the legal grounds for possible exemption from criminal liability and punishment. The competent court has the authority to  render a decision on this matter, which means that the court may or may not exempt the offender from punishment when the aforesaid legal requirements for the application of this institute have been cumulatively satisfied. In this article, the authors analyze the legal nature of voluntary abandonment as a criminal law institute, compare its regulation in the Serbian and the Macedonian criminal law, and discuss some cases from the judicial practice in the Republic of Serbia. The aim of the paper is to point out to the significance of applying the legal institute of voluntary abandonment in the process of combating crimes because this institute has a direct impact on the  awareness of the criminal offenders about the importance of preventing the completion of criminal acts and the occurrence of harmful consequences, even when they have been attempted. It is ultimately important in terms of both special and general prevention of crimes

    Are we reaching a turning point in Serbia with respect to Serbian Sign Language in deaf education?

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    This paper provides an overview of the challenges affecting deaf education in Serbia, as well as in Serbian Sign Language (SZJ) by probing important policy measures that have been introduced over the years. Furthermore, we provide a summary of sign language research and the beginning of deaf awareness in Serbia. Our discussion focuses on key changes in the education policy that took place in 2009 when inclusive education was introduced and when Serbia ratified the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The ratification of UNCRPD and the subsequent empowerment of the Serbian deaf community paved the way for the legal recognition of Serbian Sign Language in 2015, along with the enactment/passing of the Law on the Use of Sign Language. We review the existing legal and policy documents concerning deaf education and Serbian Sign Language by providing an outline of the government’s latest Strategy on Education until 2030 and its accompanying Action Plan until 2023. In conclusion, by focusing on the major goals set by the Strategy and the Action plan, we consider the feasibility of the goals with respect to the time frame and situation in practice


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    Multimodalni transport kao suvremeni naèin transporta robe, uspješno povezuje skoro sve prometne grane (sredstva) i suvremene tehnologije transporta na meðunarodnim prometnim koridorima. Za razliku od konvencionalnoga ili klasiènoga prometa, multimodalni transport uvijek ukljuèuje korištenje barem dvije razlièite grane prometa, te ne moe postojati kao posebna ili samostalna grana, veæ iskljuèivo kao sloeni sustav u meðunarodnom okruju. Stoga je internacionalizacija poslovanja gospodarskih subjekata vezanih za transport i donošenje pravnih okvira za funkcioniranje multimodalnog transporta, nunost Republike Hrvatske kojom se omoguæuje bre ukljuèivanje u europske prometne i gospodarske tokove. Glavne èimbenike proizvodnje prometnih usluga u svim oblicima prometa, pa tako i u multimodalnom transportu èini prijevoz, tereta i putnika pomoæu suvremenih infrastrukturnih i suprastrukturnih sadraja, te operatori multimodalnog transporta, koji najizravnije i najintenzivnije utjeèu na sigurnost, brzinu i racionalnost manipulacije i transporta tereta. Ako se tome dodaju pravni izvori kojima je reguliran multimodalni transport, dobivaju se èimbenici neophodni za djelotvorno i efikasno funkcioniranje multimodalnoga transporta

    Mathematical Multimodal Transportation Model - Basic Element for Efficient Including Republic of Croatia into European System

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    Priključenje Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji, uvjetovano je, uz ostalo, i kompatibilnim prometnim sustavom koji će predstavljati sastavni dio europskog prometnog sustava. Temeljni cilj poboljšanja prometnog sustava je u povećanju efikasnosti međunarodnoga transporta roba i putnika. Kako bi se postigla što bolja kompatibilnost i povećala efikasnost prometnog sustava, u ovom članku predložen je model multimodalnoga transporta. Za elemente modela multimodalnoga transporta u Republici Hrvatskoj određeni su: 1) multimodalno pravo, 2) multimodalna infrastruktura, 3) multimodalna suprastruktura, 4) multimodalne tehnologije, 5) multimodalni robni tokovi, 6) multimodalna ekologija, 7) multimodalne tarife, 8) multimodalni intelektualni kapital, 9) multimodalni mega i niša operatori i 10) multimodalni ostali elementi. U model su uvrštene vrijednosti kojima se u 2002. godini kvantificiraju elementi multimodalnog transporta, te pretpostavljene vrijednosti u 2008. godini kad bi Republika Hrvatska trebala postati pridružena članica Europske unije, te vrijednosti u 2012. godini kad se planira njezin ulaz i punopravno članstvo u Europskoj uniji. Postavljanjem modela multimodalnog transporta dana je osnova za razvoj suvremenog multimodalnog transportnog sustava koji će nacionalne prometne tokove povezati s europskim prometnim sustavom.Including Republic of Croatia into European Union is, among other things conditioned by having a compatible traffic system which would represent a core part of European traffic system. The basic object concerning traffic system improvement is in increased international transport of commodities and passengers efficiency. To achieve the best possible system compatibility and traffic system efficiency, this article suggests multimodal transport model. Multimodal transport model elements in Republic of Croatia are: 1) multimodal law, 2) multimodal infrastructure, 3) multimodal suprastructure, 4) multimodal technologies, 5) multimodal commodity flows, 6) multimodal ecology, 7) multimodal tariffs, 8) multimodal intellectual capital, 9) multimodal mega and niche operators, 10) other multimodal elements. This multimodal transport model includes values representing quantitative multimodal transport elements for the year 2002. and assumed values for 2008. when Republic of Croatia ought to be a joined party of European Union, and values for the year 2012. when Republic of Croatia is planned to be the European Union full member. By setting up a multimodal transport model, a base for further multimodal transport system development is given which should bind national traffic flows to European traffic flows


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    Psychological reactions, risk health behavior and cardiac parameters can influence rehospitalization after acute myocardial infarction.The aim of the paper was to determine the presence of psychological reactions and risk health behavior in patients with acute myocardial infarction on admission as well as the differences after six months.The research included thirty-trhee patients of both sexes, who were consecutively hospitalized due to acute myocardial infarction. A prospective clinical investigation involved the following: semi-structured interview, Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I) for pcychiatric disorders, Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) for measuring the severity of anxiety, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) for measuring the severity of depression, KON-6 sigma test for aggression, Holms-Rahe Scale (H-R) for exposure to stressful events, and Health Behavior Questionnaire: alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, lack of physical activity. Measurement of the same parameters was done on admission and after six months. The differences were assessed using the t-test and chi-square test for p<0.05.On admission, anxiety (BAI=8.15±4.37) and depression (BDI=8.67±3.94) were mild without significant difference after six months in the group of examinees. Aggression was elevated and significantly lowered after six monts (KON-6 sigma =53,26±9, 58:41,42±7.67, t=2,13) for p<0.05. Exposure to stressful events in this period decreased (H-R=113.19±67.37:91,65±63,81, t=3,14) for p<0.05; distribution of physical activity was significantly higher compared to admission values (54.83%: 84.84%. χ2=5.07) for p<0.01.In the group of examinees with acute myocardial infarction in the period of six months, anxiety and depression remained mildly icreased, while the levels of aggression and exposure to stressful events were lowered. Risk health behavior was maintained, except for the improvement in physical activity. In the integrative therapy and rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction there should be considerable psychoeducation of patients with the aim to reduce their risk health behavior

    Analyzing Capital Structure across Industries: Evidence from Croatia

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    Capital structure refers to the delicate balance between equity and debt that a company uses to finance its assets. It is typically expressed as a debt-to-equity or debt-to-capital ratio, with the components usually located on the right side of the company’s balance sheet. Capital structure can exert great influence on the company’s risk profile and ability to leverage its operations. For this reason, the authors conducted an investigation of the capital structure of 16 joint stock companies listed on the Zagreb Stock Exchange comprising CROBEX, the equity index of Croatia for a three-year period starting in 2015 and ending in 2017. The study demonstrates that many CROBEX-listed companies are very risk averse and choose to remain debt-free. Some are, however, starting to discover the potential offered by financial leverage and have slowly started adjusting their capital structure. In conclusion, capital structure is slowly becoming an issue worthy of discussion on the corporate agendas in Croatia

    Adoption of Sustainable Accounting Practices Among Croatian SME’s

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are of great importance to the Croatian economy. As recently as 2015, 99.7 percent of total registered companies in Croatia were SMEs, accounting for 54 percent of total revenues and collectively exhorting great impact on the society, the national economy, and the environment. Regarding socio-economic representation, they are the key players in achieving sustainability. Considering the fact that sustainability accounting plays a pivotal role in every economy, it is essential to understand how smaller business entities are taking actions on adopting sustainable practices and their corresponding sustainable accounting tasks. It is therefore the objective of this paper to analyze the current awareness, needs, and existing approach to sustainable accounting and reporting practices of SMEs in Croatia and identify the main knowledge gaps between the current and the optimal situation. For the purposes of this analysis, a survey was conducted on a sample of 42 respondents between February and March of 2018. The results show that the level of awareness among SMEs regarding socially responsible reporting is particularly low in Croatia, mostly due to the lack of SME’s field-related knowledge, skills, and experience, as well as the unfamiliarity with reporting advantages. Finally, this paper provides an overview of the lack of knowledge in order to identify the competence and skills needed to successfully implement non-financial reporting among small and medium enterprises. Keywords: sustainable accounting, SMEs, survey, Croati

    The impact of the global financial crisis on transition changes in Serbia

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    After more than eight years of implementing transition reforms, the economic environment in Serbia, while showing signs of progress, remains unsatisfactory. The economy of Serbia is facing too many difficulties, which are reinforced by the “spillovers” from the global financial crisis. Nevertheless, the country’s economy could rebound in the coming period if certain conditions are met


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    Through the case presentation of a diagnostically and therapeutically interesting gender dysphoric individual, the authors wish to address diagnostic problems associated with this controversial category, illustrate dilemmas and emphasize the importance of diagnostic procedures in differentiating between primary transsexualism and other transgender states. Many questions have been triggered by this case, mainly about whether this patient should be classified as a paraphilia (transvestite, transvestite with transsexual trend), primary transsexualism or autogynephilia and about the most adequate treatment (e.g., sex-reassignment surgery, hormone therapy as a way of partial feminisation or exclusively psychotherapy). The issue of reconstructive surgery, i.e. its justification in the case of this particular condition is specifically discussed. Before any decision is made, both medical but also ethical consequences of the treatment choice need to be considered (e.g., the client is the father of two underage children)