90 research outputs found

    Correlation of dental and chronological maturity in girls and boys aged 7 to 14 years

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    The aim of the study was to assess correlation level of dental and chronological maturity related to gender in a group of children of our population. Material and method: Total number of 320 girls and boys, 7 to 14 years old, participated in the study. Dental age assessed by Demirjian's method. Statistical data were analyzed by mean value and SD for dental maturity in age groups of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 years for girls and boys, respectively. Calculating the equation of linear regression and the determination and correlation ratio assessed correlation level of dental and chronological age. Results and conclusion: According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that mean values of dental age are coinciding with the chronological maturity in all 8 age groups which is confirmed by high interdependence of dental and chronological maturity (78.6% for boys and 79.6% for girls).

    Terapija malokluzije II klase 1. Odelenja pomoću Herbst aparata

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    In this case was described the treatment in 14.5 years old female patient with II/1 class of malocclusion. On the base of clinical findings, study cast analysis, analysis of orthopan and profile cephalograms, there were assess II/1 class of malocclusion with deep bite, bimaxilar protrusion of frontal teeth and mild crowding in lower jaw. Patient was inefficacy treated by Andresenā€™s activator for two years. This occasion and patients age was reason to continue with the therapy by Herbst appliance for 6 months and fixed appliance 7 months more. By Herbst appliance was corrected sagital relation between jaws in very short treatment time and continuing treatment with fixed appliance was corrected intermaxilar teeth relation.U ovom radu je prikazana terapija sprovedena kod pacijenta ženskog pola, uzrasta 14.5 godina, sa malokluzijom II klase 1. odelenja. Na osnovu kliničkog nalaza, morfoloÅ”ke analize sprovedene na studijskim modelima, analize ortopantomografskog i profilnog kefalometrijskog snimka, utvrđeno je da se radi o malokluziji II klase 1. odelenja , sa dubokim preklopom, protruzijom frontalnih zuba obe vilice i blagom teskobom u donjem zubnom nizu. Pacijent je bio u terapiji pomoću aktivatora po Andresen-u oko 2 godine ali bez značajnog uspeha. S obzirom na ovu okolnost i uzrast pacijenta, nastavljena je terapija pomoću Herbst aparata 6 meseci, i fiksnog aparata joÅ” 7 meseci. Herbst aparatom je u kratkom periodu korigovan sagitalni odnos vilica, nakon čega je fiksnim aparatom samo postignut pravilan međuvilični i unutar niza odnos zuba

    The study of association of variants in genes encording microRNAs and the proteins of silencing complex with prostate cancer risk among patients from Serbia

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    Karcinom prostate (KP) predstavlja jedan od vodećih globalnih zdravstvenih problema, s obzirom na to da je reč o drugom najučestalijem malignom tumoru kod muÅ”karaca. U kliničkoj praksi vezanoj za KP jedan od najvećih izazova je razlikovanje latentnog od klinički značajnog karcinoma. U tom smislu, od izuzetnog značaja je identifikacija genetičkih varijanti čija bi primena kao nestandardnih prognostičkih parametara mogla da se koristi za konstruisanje preciznih algoritama za procenu rizika za razvoj i progresiju KP. U okviru ove disertacije analizirana je potencijalna asocijacija varijanti u četiri gena za mikroRNK (rs2910164 u hsa-miR-146a, rs3746444 u hsa-miR-499, rs11614913 u hsa-miR-196a2 i rs895819 u genu za miR-27a) sa rizikom za razvoj i progresiju KP. Takođe, analizirana je asocijacija varijanti u genima za proteine utiÅ”avajućeg kompleksa (RISC) (DICER1, AGO2, TARBP2, GEMIN3 i GEMIN4) sa navedenim rizicima. Studija je obuhvatala 355 bolesnika sa KP, 360 bolesnika sa benignom hiperplazijom prostate (BPH) i 318 muÅ”karaca koji su činili kontrolnu grupu. Genotipizacija genetičkih varijanti vrÅ”ena je metodama PCR-RFLP, HRMA, alelspecifičnog PCR-a, primenom TaqManĀ® eseja za genotipizaciju polimorfizama i PCR-a u realnom vremenu baziranom na koriŔćenju specifičnih proba. Rezultati genotipizacije su statistički obrađeni u cilju ispitivanja asocijacija sa rizikom za razvoj i progresiju KP, kao i statističkih epistatičkih interakcija. Takođe, sprovedena je meta-analiza koja je uključivala naÅ”e rezultate, kao i rezultate prethodnih studija koje su analizirale asocijaciju rs2910164 sa rizikom za razvoj drugih malignih tumora. Rezultati ove studije pokazali su asocijaciju rs2910164 sa rizikom za razvoj bolesti, dok je za gotovo sve ostale analizirane genetičke varijante ustanovljena asocijacija sa vrednostima standardnih prognostičkih parametara KP i/ili rizikom za progresiju KP. PokazanŠ° je i asocijacija epistatičke interakcije između varijanti rs11614913 u genu hsa-miR-196a2, rs7813 u genu GEMIN4, kao i rs784567 u genu TARBP2 sa rizikom za progresiju bolesti. Za rs2910164 u meta-analizu ustanovljena je asocijacija sa rizikom za razvoj viÅ”e tipova malignih tumora.Being the second most common cancer among men worldwide, prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the major global health issues. In the clinical practice related to this malignant disease, one of the most important challenges is to distinct latent from clinically significant forms of disease. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to identify genetic variants which could be used as nonstandard prognostic parameters for constructing precise algorithms for evaluating the risk of PCa onset and progression. In this dissertation, the association of four microRNA genetic variants (rs2910164 in hsa-miR- 146a, rs3746444 in hsa-miR-499, rs11614913 in hsa-miR-196a2 and rs895819 in the gene encoding miR-27a) with PCa risk and progression was assessed. Also, the potential association with PCa was estimated for genetic variants located in genes encoding the proteins of RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) (DICER1, AGO2, TARBP2, GEMIN3 and GEMIN4). The study involved 355 patients with PCa, 360 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), as well as 318 healthy controls. Genotyping was performed by using PCR-RFLP, HRMA, alelle-specific PCR, TaqManĀ® SNP Genotyping Assays and real-time PCR-based genotyping assay using specific probes. Results were statistically analyzed, aiming to evaluate the potential associations of genetic variants with PCa risk and progression, as well as to assess statistical epistatic interactions. Furthermore, a meta-analysis was conducted involving our results, together with the results of previous studies on association between rs2910164 and different types malignant tumors. The results of this study suggested the association of rs2910164 with PCa risk, while for most of the other analyzed genetic variants the association with the values of standard prognostic parameters and/or PCa progression was found. Also, the epistatic interaction between rs11614913 in hsa-miR- 196a2, rs7813 in GEMIN4 and rs784567 in TARBP2 was shown to be associated with the risk of PCa progression. For rs2910164, the meta-analysis showed the association with multiple types of malignant tumors

    Genetic Association Studies on Prostate Cancer

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    The modern research on molecular basis of prostate cancer (PCa) development includes studies aiming to identify potential genetic markers which could be used in diagnostics and/or monitoring of PCa. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified over 75 variants associated with PCa risk. One of the major PCa-related regions identified through GWASs is found to be a segment of 8q24. Other important PCa-susceptibility regions are 17q12, 17q24, 10q11, and 19q13. Candidate-gene based approach has also provided evidence of association between PCa risk and genetic variants located in functionally significant genes (both protein-coding and noncoding RNA genes) involved in normal prostatic cell growth, malignant transformation, or in the development of metastases. Nevertheless, the success of these studies is questionable, since numerous candidates for PCa-susceptibility variants were identified, but these results failed to replicate. The main aim of both types of genetic association studies on PCa is the identification of potential PCa genetic markers which could be used for constructing reliable algorithms for evaluating the risk for PCa development and/or PCa progression

    RendgenoloŔka procena apeksogeneze nakon primene hidroksiapatita

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    The treatment of pulp in teeth with incomplete apex formation is still a clinical challenge. In addition to the most widely used medication for this purpose, calcium hydroxide, other materials have also been tested. Following the use of synthetic biomaterials for restoring bone tissue, and considering their recognized biocompatibility and bioconductivity, our intention was to explore the possibility of using synthetic biomaterials in the endodontic treatment of permanent teeth with incomplete apex formation. The aim of this study was to observe the effectiveness of hydroxyapatite in apexogenesis of young permanent teeth. In this study a 100 Āµm synthetic hydroxyapatite material, Beohap (HAP) powder, was applied to 24 teeth in 3 dogs of 5.5 months of age, after incomplete root development was established on radiographs. The treated teeth were radiographed monthly and the radiographs compared with those of the corresponding teeth on the other side of the jaw until completion of apex growth. The tested teeth were divided into three groups according to the method of treatment: the first was direct pulp capping, the second was amputation of the pulp at the enamelcement junction and the third was high amputation at the radiographically identified point of root growth. On the basis of radiographic analysis, apex formation was successful in all test groups, with no significant differences between the three groups and the controls (Fisher's and Ļ‡ 2 test). Deformities of the root apex were observed in two teeth (25%) in the third group.Tretman pulpe u vreme kada joÅ” uvek traje rast i razvoj korena predstavlja i dalje klinički izazov. Pored kalcijum hidroksida, najčeŔće i najduže upotrebljavanog medikamenta u ovakvim slučajevima, svakodnevno se testiraju i mnogi drugi materijali. Nakon Å”to su se sintetski biomaterijali pokazali uspeÅ”nim u restauraciji koÅ”tnog tkiva uz njihovu priznatu biokompatibilnost i biokonduktivnost, naÅ”a namera je bila da istražimo mogućnost primene hidroksiapatita kao sintetskog biomaterijala u endodontskom tretmanu zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena. U ovom istraživanju primenjen je Beohap, sintetski hidroksiapatit, prosečne veličine čestica =100 Āµm, aplikovan na 24 zuba sa nezavrÅ”enim rastom korena kod tri psa uzrasta 5,5 meseci. Uzrorci su kontrolisani radiografski i poređeni sa kontralateralnim netretiranim zubima do zavrÅ”etka rasta korena. Tretirani zubi su podeljeni u tri grupe: u prvoj je urađeno direktno prekrivanje pulpe, u drugoj je pulpa uklonjena do cementno-gleđne granice, a u trećoj je pulpa uklonjena do radiografski vidljivog vrha korena. Na osnovu analize rendgen filmova utvrđeno je da je formiranje vrha korena bilo zavrÅ”eno u sve tri grupe bez statističkih značajnosti razlika (Fisher's i Ļ‡ 2 testovi) Deformiteti vrha korena uočeni su u 2 uzorka u trećoj grupi (25%)

    Far-infrared spectroscopy of PbTe doped with iron

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    Far infrared reflection spectra, at room and liquid nitrogen temperature, of PbTe single crystals doped with iron are presented. Plasma minima were observed at about 160 cmā€“1 and 180 cmā€“1 for room and liquid nitrogen temperature, respectively. Using the reflectivity diagrams and their minima the values of the hole concentrations and their mobility at both temperatures were calculated and compared with galvanomagnetic measurements. All these results indicated that when PbTe is doped with a small concentration of Fe, the hole concentration is reduced by one order of magnitude and the free carrier mobility is larger when compared to pure PbTe

    Promene položaja i odnosa vilica kod osoba lečenih Deler-ovom maskom

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    The aim of this study was to examine the efects of Delair`s mask on facial skeleton in patients with Class III antero-posterior jaw relationship. Two groups of children were evaluated. The first group of 34 children with Class III was treated with Delair`s mask. The second group of 46 children with Class III did not receive any orthodontic treatment and was presented as a control group. In the first group pretreatment and post treatment radiographic tracing was done while second tracing in the control group was done a year after diagnostic radiographic tracing. Analysis of the skeletal facial profile was done measuring SNA, SNB and ANB angles. Rotation of the maxillary base (NS/SpP), rotation of the mandibular base (NS/MP) and vertical relationship between jaws (SpP/MP) were also measured. The results were statisticaly analysed using T test, descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon`s test. The results of this study showed changes in facial skeleton in children treated with Delair`s mask compared to the control group. In the first group of children SNA and ANB angles were increased and the SNB angle was decreased.Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se odrede promene u facijalnoj morfologiji koje nastaju kod osoba sa III skeletnom klasom lečenih Deler-om maskom. U istraživanje su uključene dve grupe dece. Prvu je sačinjavalo 34 deteta sa malokluzijom III skeletne klase, kod kojih je terapija sprovedena Delair-ovom facijalnom maskom. Drugu, kontrolnu, grupu ispitanika činilo je 46-oro dece sa anomalijom III skeletne klase koji nisu bili ortodontski tretirani. Renden kefalometrijski snimci su snimani na početku i kraju terapije u prvoj grupi, dok je u drugoj grupi drugi snimak urađen posle pauze od godinu dana. Analizirani su sledeći parametri: SNA - ugao maksilarnog prognatizma, SNB - ugao mandibularnog prognatizma. ANB - sagitalni međuvilični ugao, NS/SpP - nagib maksile prema prednjoj kranijalnoj bazi, NS/MP - nagib mandibule prema prednjoj kranijalnoj bazi i SpP/MP - vertikalni međuvilični ugao. U toku statističke obrade dobijenih podataka koriŔćene su metode deskriptivne statistike, kao i studentov t-test i Wilcoxon-ov test. Utvrđeno je da tokom lečenja malokluzija III skeletne klase uz primenu Delairove facijalne maske dolazi do povećanja ugla maksilarnog prognatizma, smanjenja ugla mandibularnog prognatizma i povećanja sagitalnog skeletnog međuviličnog ugla

    Dynamic Modeling of Streptomyces hygroscopicus Fermentation Broth Microfiltration by Artificial Neural Networks

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been used to dynamically model cross-flow microfiltration of Streptomyces hygroscopicus fermentation broths. The aim is to predict permeate flux as a function of temperature, feed flow, transmembrane pressure and processing time. Dynamic modeling of microfiltration performance of complex systems (such as broths) is very important for design of new processes and better understanding of the present. The results of ANN model analysis suggest that the coefficients of the determination have high values. The application of the Bayesian regularization gave better results to the performance of the neural network compared to the Levenberg-Marquet algorithm. The optimal number of neurons in the hidden layer is eight. Analysis of the absolute relative error showed excellent permeate flux estimates for 100 % of the data points, with an error less than 5 % for the data obtained during microfiltration in the presence of a turbulence promoter. Whilst in the case of microfiltration without turbulence promoter 90 % of predictions have an error less than 10 %. The results of applying the concept of neural networks in the dynamic modeling of microfiltration of Streptomyces hygroscopicus fermentative broths with and without a turbulence promoter clearly show the validity of proposed method for simulation and prediction of microfiltration experimental results

    Diethyldithiocarbamate potentiates the effects of protamine sulphate in the isolated rat uterus

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    Protamine sulphate causes potassium ion channel-mediated relaxation of spontaneous and calcium ion-induced contractions of the isolated rat uterus. Diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) potentiated the effect of protamine sulphate. A mechanism for DDC's action was postulated on the basis of its interactions with divalent iron ions and Cui Zn-SOD. DDC chelates divalent iron ions creating DDC-iron (Fe-DDC) complexes. Fe-DDC forms stable NO-Fe-DDC2 complexes by NO scavenging and de-nitrosylation processes, which in combination with DDC (5 mM) provoke inhibition of Cui Zn-SOD resulting in specific oxidative conditions culminating in potassium ion channel opening, membrane hyperpolarisation, inhibition of calcium ion influx and subsequent muscle relaxation. As Fe-DDC and NO-Fe-DDC2 complexes exclude divalent iron ions from participating in the hydroxy radical generating Fenton reaction, DDC can also prevent iron-related pathophysiological manifestations. Such permissive roles of DDC open the possibility for application of its pharmacological form (disulfiram) to a wider spectrum of pathophysiological conditions related to smooth muscles

    Impact of biopolymers use on physico-chemical stability of blue maize extract microencapsulates

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    Blue maize is a rich source of anthocyanins which could demonstrate many beneficial effects on human health and the prevention of various diseases associated with oxidative stress. Cereal processing could generate a large amount of anthocyanins-rich waste products. However, anthocyanins incorporation into food is a technological challenge due to their low stability. The stability of these extracted valuable bioactive compounds from harmful environmental influences (oxygen, light, water) can be preserved by the encapsulation technique, which could entrap them inside a coating material. Microencapsulation technique could improve bioavailability, mask undesirable organoleptic characteristics of polyphenols and anthocyanins, making them more usable and represented in diet foods and as nutraceuticals. Spray drying process is one of the most widely used microencapsulation technique due to its simplicity, efficiency, and low operational costs. Nowadays, the accent is on the utilization of novel carrier agents with unique properties, such as hydroxypropyl-Ī²-cyclodextrin-(HPBCD). The aim of the present research was to develop and examine microencapsulation systems of blue maize extract using a conventional biopolymer as a maltodextrin, in combination with a novel one, HPBCD, in order to obtain powders with appropriate organoleptic and pharmacological characteristics. The waste product of blue maize processing was used for anthocyanins extraction. Liquid blue maize extract was spray dried with and without adding carrier agents: MD (30%), HPBCD (30 %), and a combination of both carriers (15% MD and 15% HPBCD). The obtained spray-dried maize extracts (SME) were analyzed by the physico-chemical powder properties, particle size, Fourier-transform infrared analysis (FTIR), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), in order to examine preservation of blue maize extract. The diameter of spray-dried microparticles varied from 2.22 (d10) for SME+MD to 257.14 Ī¼m (d90) for SME+MD+HPBCD, respectively, with the mean average diameter d50 ranged from 4.72 to 21.33 Ī¼m for all microencapsulated powders. The encapsulation of the blue maize extract with carriers such as MD and HPBCD did not create meaningful changes, which is according to the literature indication for a successful microencapsulation process. Therefore, spray drying process did not change the structure of the polymer matrix and extract according to the FTIR analysis, indicating that the anthocyanins microencapsulation was developed by physical incorporation. DSC analysis signified that spray drying technique developed powders with high thermal stability and up to 200ā—¦C, related to the increasing stability with the addition of biopolymer material. The used biopolymers showed a good impact on the stability of microencapsulates of blue maize extract. Additionally, HPBCD provided an improvement in the physico-chemical characteristics of the powders
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