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    III. europski inženjerski forum

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    Liturgical life and liturgical theology in the Metropolitante of Karlovci in the 19th century

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    Богослужбени живот Срба у Карловачкој митрополији представља посебан феномен којега у целини није могуће сагледати изоловано од простора изван њених граница, односно интензивних и континуираних духовних веза Митрополије са окружењем (Србија, Босна и Херцеговина, Далмација). Уз ослањање на претходну епоху, XVIII век, интерпретиран је литургијски живот и литургијско богословље XIX века у Карловачкој митрополији. Овом комплексном проблему приступљено је систематски, уз консултовање бројних рукописних и штампаних извора. У првом делу рада, који садржи три поглавља, издвојене су одређене специфичности богослужбеног живота Карловачке митрополије сагледане кроз однос који су према њему имали архијереји, парохијско свештенство и лаици. У поглављу Богословље литургијског времена и простора Карловачке митрополије XIX века интерпретиран је проблем употребе црквенословенског језика у богослужењу, који је у овој епоси дошао до изражаја. То ће даље довести до предлога за његово реформисање и појаве првих превода литургијских молитава на српски говорни језик, чији су аутори писци литургичких приручника. Међутим, много већи проблеми Цркве у Карловачкој митрополији XIX века били су недостатак и дотрајалост богослужбених сасуда, одежди и литургијских књига, као и појава неканонских икона. За јасније сагледавање богослужбеног живота узет је у разматрање и његов хеортолошки аспект, као значајан извор литургијског богословља. У вези с тим, у дисертацији су анализиране и проповеди истакнутих беседника Карловачке митрополије. У другом делу дисертације спроведена је упоредна историјско-литургичка анализа рукописних и штампаних богослужбених књига XIX века, с акцентом на српске служебнике и требнике. Без обзира на развијено штампарство и присуство великог броја увезених књига руско-украјинског порекла, констатован је продужетак преписивачке праксе. Анализирана је 21 рукописна књига, од којих више од половине чине требници. Од 52 штампане литургијске књиге различитих година издања, најпрештампаванији у XIX веку били су Часослов и Псалтир. Премда је и ранија анализа српских штампаних служебника друге генерације показала да су као предлошци коришћени руско-малоруски служебници, примећује се утицај и грчке богослужбене праксе. У XIX веку одштампано је 14 требника чији су предлошци венецијанска, бечка или руска издања. Њихова компарација са рукописним издањима показала је недостатак чинопоследовања везаних за литургијски простор, што је у већој мери утицало на настанак Требника проте Василија Николајевића 1869. године. У циљу постизања једнообразности у богослужењу штампан је његов Велики типик 1892. године. Највећи допринос прештампавању црквених књига дала су тројица српских митрополита: Стефан Стратимировић, Јосиф Рајачић и Георгије Николајевић. Један од кључних разлога њиховог прештампавања био је приговор аустроугарске власти на употребу књига из којих се на богослужењу произносило име руског цара. Дисертацију закључује трећи део у којем је кроз два поглавља истражена литургијска теологија у духовним школама Карловачке митрополије. У овом сегменту истраживања 5 интерпретирано је религиозно и морално образовање клирика и њихово оспособљавање за будуће свештенослужитеље и вршење обреда. Егзистирање богословских школа на целом простору Карловачке митрополије извршило је пресудан утицај на формирање литургике као посебне научне дисциплине и, сходно томе, на појаву првих литургичара и литургичких приручника.Liturgical life of the Serbs in the Metropolitante of Karlovci represents a phenomenon that cannot be isolated from the area ouside its borders, i.e. cannot be separated from the intensive and continuous spiritual bonds of the Metropolitante with its surroundings (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dalmatia). With a reflection to the previous epoch (18th century), liturgical life and the liturgical theology in the Metropolitante of Karlovci in the 19th century have been analyzed. This complex issue has been approached systematically, with the reference to many handwritten and printed sources. In the first part of this piece of work, which consists of three chapters, certain specific details of the liturgical life of the Metropolitante of Karlovci have been emphasized. These have been examined through the reference of the archbishops, parish priests and the laymen towards it. In the chapter Theology of the liturgical time and space of the Metropolitante of Karlovci in the 19th century, the use of the church Slavic in the liturgy was interpreted, which as a problem came into existence in this epoch. This led to a proposition of its reform and the occurrence of the first translations of the liturgical prayers to spoken Serbian language by the authors of liturgical reference books. However, greater problems of the church in the Metropolitante of Karlovci in the 19th century were the lack of or the deterioration of the liturgical objects, gowns, liturgical books and the occurrence of the non-canonical frescos. For a clearer overview of the liturgical life, its heortological aspect was taken into account, as a remarkable source of liturgical theology. In relation to this, sermons of remarkable orators of the Metropolitante of Karlovci have been analyzed in this dissertation. In the second part of the dissertation, a comparative analysis of written and printed theological books of the 19th century has been presented, with the emphasis on Serbian hieratikon (The Book of Priests) and Euchologion (The Book of Needs). Despite the development of printing and the existence of numerous books of Russian and Ukrainian origin, the practice of scribes continues to persevere. Twenty one handwritten books have been analyzed, more than one half of which are The Books of Needs. Out of fifty two printed liturgical books printed in different years in the past, most often reprinted were Breviary and Psalter. Although the previous analyses of printed Serbian hieratikons (The Book of Priests) of the second generation have shown that they were based on Russian and Ukrainian ones, the influence of the Greek liturgical practices is notable. In the 19th century, fourteen euchologions (The Book of Needs) have been printed based on the Venetian, Viennese and Russian editions. Their comparison with the manuscripts has shown the lack of rituals related to the liturgical space, which significantly affected the creation of Typicon of the priest Vasilije Nikolajević in 1869. In order to achieve uniformity in liturgy, his Great Typicon was published in 1892. The greatest contribution to reprinting of the church books was made by three Serbian archbishops: Stefan Stratimirović, Josif Rajačić and Georgije Nikolajević. One of the main reasons for their reprints was the objection of the Austro-Hungarian emperor to the use of the books in which the name of the Russian tsar was mentioned. This dissertation ends with the third part in which liturgical theology of the ecclesiastical schools of the Metropolitante of Karlovci is examined. In this part of the research, religious and moral education of the clerics has been interpreted, as well as their preparation for the future priesthood and performing of the rites. The existence of theological schools in the region of the 7 archdiocese of Karlovci played a vital role in creating the liturgics as a sseparate scientific discipline and consequently in appearance of the first liturgical reference books

    Proportional ratios and geometrical setups for achieving the floating effect of architectonic structures

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    Kontinuitet ideje "lebdećih" arhitektonskih objekata, postojao je kroz čitavo razdoblje razvoja civilizacije. U ovom radu istražuje se ideja "lebdećih" prostornih struktura kroz povijesne primjere u različitim arhitektonskim stilovima. Razlozi takvog formalnog oblikovanja su od utilitarnih, do apstraktnih i estetskih. Kroz analizu kontinuiteta ideje i oblikovne pojavnosti spomenutih objekata dolazi se i do načina postizanja efekta i klasifikacije koja iz njih proizlazi. U ovom radu je postizanje efekta lebdenja arhitektonskih objekata analizirano s aspekta proporcijskih odnosa i geometrijskih postavki u procesu projektiranja.In the entire period of development of human civilization, there has been a continuity of the concept of "hovering" architectonic structures. This paper deals with discovering the idea of "hover" structures in numerous historical examples and in various architectural styles. The reasons of such formal shaping are utilitarian, but also conceptual and esthetic. Through an analysis of the continuity of the idea and formal appearance of the mentioned structures, the methods of achieving the effect can be defined and classification resulting from them made. In this paper, the achievement of the floating effect of architectonic structures has been analyzed from the aspect of ratios and geometrical setups in design process

    Konceptualni okvir za lokalno osetljivo planiranje javnih službi na primeru opštine Kuršumlija

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    Locally sensitive urban and spatial planning, especially in the domain of the public sector, has been gaining importance lately, and there is almost no document related to the sustainable development which does not emphasize its importance. The reasons for that are numerous - from the need to better adapt the general concepts to the local needs and potentials, to the higher chances for implementation and inclusion of a wider circle of stakeholders. At the same time, the role of public services as an integrating part of urban functions and domains is increasing, as they have a significant role in achieving social integration in the context of urban and territorial development. In the local strategic plans in Serbia - spatial plans of municipalities - sustainable social development and planning of spatial development of public services represents a significant aspect of planning instruments related to the quality of life, prevention of depopulation, support to the development of the local economy and other. However, the concepts, developmental measures and solutions defined by the spatial and urban plans and strategic documents are often now sufficiently adapted to the appropriate spatial level. In order to contribute to the methodology of planning of social development and public services, this paper presents the approach to the sustainable planning of the spatial development of public services in the framework of the Spatial plan of the local municipality of Kuršumlija, as well as the review of potentials and limitations of implementation of development concept of public services.Lokalno osetljivo urbano i prostorno planiranje, posebno u domenu javnog sektora poslednjih godina dobija na značaju i gotovo da nema dokumenta vezanog za održivi razvoj koji ne naglašava njegov značaj. Razlozi su brojni - od potrebe da se generalni koncepti bolje prilagode lokalnim potrebama i mogućnostima, do veće šanse za implementaciju i za uključivanje šireg kruga aktera. Istovremeno raste i uloga javnih službi kao integrišućeg dela urbanih funkcija i domena koji ima značajnu ulogu u dostizanju socijalne integracije u kontekstu urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja. U lokalnim strateškim planovima u Srbiji - prostornim planovima opština održivi socijalni razvoj i planiranje prostornog razvoja javnih službi predstavlja značajan aspekt planskih mera vezanih za kvalitet života, sprečavanje depopulacije, podršku razvoju lokalne ekonomije i drugo. Međutim, koncepti, razvojne mere i rešenja definisani prostornim i urbanističkim planovima i strateškim dokumentima često nisu dovoljno prilagođeni odgovarajućem prostornom nivou. Sa ciljem doprinosa u domenu metodologije planiranja socijalnog razvoja i javnih službi, u radu je prikazan pristup održivom planiranju prostornog razvoja javnih službi u okviru Prostornog plana jedinice lokalne samouprave Kuršumlija, kao i pregled mogućnosti i ograničenja implementacije koncepta razvoja javnih službi

    Vjerojatnost ispada koreliranih SIR prijemnika sa SSC raznolikosti putem kanala s kompozitnim K_G slabljenjem/zasjenjivanjem signala

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    In this paper, the effects of multipath fading and shadowing over the propagation channel are observed through the performance analysis of switch and stay selection combining (SSC) technique. The short term fading (multipath fading) in conjunction with the long term fading (shadowing) are both modeled by Generalized-K (K_G) distribution. The proposed system is considered as interference-limited system in correlated fading environment. The probability density function (PDF) of signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) at the output of SSC receiver is derived in form of Meijer G functions. According to this new expression, the outage probability is considered and the effects of fading and shadowing parameters and correlation coefficients on the performance gain are analyzed.U radu su razmatrana djelovanja višeputnog slabljenja i zasjenjivanja signala u propagacijskom kanalu pomoću analize SSC prijemnika raznolikosti (prekidački prostorni kombinator raznolikosti). Kompozitni utjecaj brzog (višeputnog) i sporog slabljenja signala (zasjenjivanja) modeliran je poopćenom-K (K_G) razdiobom. Predloženi sustav razmatran je kao sustav s ko-kanalnom interferencijom kao dominantnom smetnjom i koreliranim slabljenjem signala. Funkcija gustoće razdiobe (PDF) odnosa signal/smetnja (SIR) SSC izlaza prijemnika izvedena je u obliku Meijer G funkcija. Na osnovu ovog izraza, razmatra se vjerojatnost ispada te analiziraju učinci parametara i korelacijskih koeficijenata slabljenja i zasjenjivanja signala na unaprijeđenje performansi sustava


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    In this paper, we are using the Kepware tools as a data collection tool to collecting data for identifying the process and making the mathematical models is described in this paper. The connection to the process was made using a programmable logic controller like a real time DAQ (Data Acquisition Board and System) device, database and a client application developed for these purposes. Special attention is paid to the possibility of collecting a large amount of process data as the same moment time of data sampling

    3D-Microarchitectural patterns of Hyperostosis frontalis interna: a micro-computed tomography study in aged women

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    Although seen frequently during dissections and autopsies, Hyperostosis frontalis interna (HFI) - a morphological pattern of the frontal bone thickening - is often ignored and its nature and development are not yet understood sufficiently. Current macroscopic classification defines four grades/stages of HFI based on the morphological appearance and size of the affected area; however, it is unclear if these stages also depict the successive phases in the HFI development. Here we assessed 3D-microarchitecture of the frontal bone in women with various degrees of HFI expression and in an age- and sex-matched control group, hypothesizing that the bone microarchitecture bears imprints of the pathogenesis of HFI and may clarify the phases of its development. Frontal bone samples were collected during routine autopsies from 20 women with HFI (age: 69.9 +/- 11.1years) and 14 women without HFI (age: 74.1 +/- 9.7years). We classified the HFI samples into four groups, each group demonstrating different macroscopic type or stage of HFI. All samples were scanned by micro-computed tomography to evaluate 3D bone microarchitecture in the following regions of interest: total sample, outer table, diploe and inner table. Our results revealed that, compared to the control group, the women with HFI showed a significantly increased bone volume fraction in the region of diploe, along with significantly thicker and more plate-like shaped trabeculae and reduced trabecular separation and connectivity density. Moreover, the inner table of the frontal bone in women with HFI displayed significantly increased total porosity and mean pore diameter compared to controls. Microstructural reorganization of the frontal bone in women with HFI was also reflected in significantly higher porosity and lower bone volume fraction in the inner vs. outer table due to an increased number of pores larger than 100m. The individual comparisons between the control group and different macroscopic stages of HFI revealed significant differences only between the control group and the morphologically most pronounced type of HFI. Our microarchitectural findings demonstrated clear differences between the HFI and the control group in the region of diploe and the inner table. Macroscopic grades of HFI could not be distinguished at the level of bone microarchitecture and their consecutive nature cannot be supported. Rather, our study suggests that only two different types of HFI (moderate and severe HFI) have microstructural justification and should be considered further. It is essential to record HFI systematically in human postmortem subjects to provide more data on the mechanisms of its development

    Position of Intragastric Balloons in Global Initiative for Obesity Treatment

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    Obesity is chronic disease with multiple health consequences and among the most severe health problems worldwide. According to public health records around 65% of population in Croatia are overweight and 20% obese. National physicians chamber with support of Health and Social Welfare Ministry gave recommendations on diagnosing and treating of obesity in form of national consensus. Treatment of obesity is complex and enrolls multiple clinical specialties. Change of life style, strenuous physical activity and pharmacotherapy are part of conservative treatments. Patients are treated more efficiently by minimally invasive endoscopic procedures or bariatric surgery depending on starting body mass index score. Implantation of intragastric balloons is conceptually simple method of obesity treatment. Modern devices as Bio- Enterics intragastric balloons (BIB®), (Inamed Health, USA) are gaining wide popularity among both patients and physicians. BIB intragastric offers the best gains with individuals ranging BMI from 35 to 40. Efficiency has relative timeline dependance from 85% at 6 months to 24% at 36 months. BIB offers substantial ameliorative influence on obesity comorbidities, particularly cardiovascular risk. Treatment with BIB is also efficient but transient treatment modality in morbidly and superobese individuals to reduce preoperative risks of general and bariatric surgery. Obesity treatment with BIB is well tolerated and safe, offering better quality of life. Nevertheless, due to relative poor results of conservative obesity treatments on long term follow up further investigations defining new clinical parameters for solving treatment resistance. In order to provide resourcefully individualized approach modern perspectives are focused on endocrine constitutes of obesity. Hormonal effects of BIB treatment in compare to bariatric surgery are potentially interesting for the prospect studies