64 research outputs found

    Intézményi és egyéni hasznosságok a hallgatói identitás tükrében

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    A szerző tanulmányában Akerlof és Kranton (2002) identitásmodelljét és egy ahhoz kötődő hazai kutatást mutat be. Igazolja, hogy pozitív kapcsolat mutatható ki az egyetem értékeivel való azonosulás, az egyéni hasznosság és az intézmény lehetséges hosszú távú hasznosságai között. Akerlof és Kranton (2005) az identitás és hasznosság hasonló összefüggéseit vállalati szinten is modellezte. A szerzők rámutatnak, hogy egy szervezet működését és eredményességét (hasznosságát) meghatározza, hogy a dolgozók mennyire képesek azonosulni a szervezeti értékekkel, annak küldetésével. E kapcsolat vizsgálata a vállalati eredményesség szempontjából is új lehetőségeket nyújt

    Hallgatói identitás és a belőle származtatható hasznosság

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    Tanulmányomban Akerlof és Kranton (2002, 2005) hasznosság-modelljének és elméleti alapfeltevéseinek alkalmazhatóságát vizsgálom felsőoktatási közegben. Érdeklődésem középpontjában az alábbi logikai lánc igazolhatósága áll: a diák, aki azonosulni tud iskolája értékeivel, illetve leendő szakmájával (identifikáció), nagyobb erőfeszítést tesz tanulmányi előrehaladása érdekében. Ennek egyik következménye, hogy befektetése rövid és hosszú távon is megtérül (pozitív énkép, majd később kedvező anyagi és munkahelyi előmenetel). Másik következmény, hogy az intézménynek is javul a minősége, a versenyhelyzete erősödik. Mindkét kimenet hasznosságként értelmezhető, mely befolyásolja az egyén/intézmény sikerességé


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    The most important question of our study is to find out what pension policy procedures are necessary to respond effectively to the challenges of an aging population as well as changes in the composition of employees. We examine the characteristics and communication practices of pension reforms in international literature (secondary research).The main issue of our paper is how pension policy can effectively respond to changes of demographical transition. It is very important to examine whether changes to pension policy are adapted to groups in society and if so, which kind of communication should be used. We measured university students regarding of age and gender specialties in financial attitudes and preparing for retirement. We tried to prepare persuasion strategies that reinforce the retirement saving motivation. Our research is therefore a search for a major project.</jats:p

    Pension Policy Challenges and Communication Solutions

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    A The most important question of our study is to find out what pension policy procedures are necessary to effectively respond to the challenges of an aging population as well as changes in the composition of employees. The main issue of our paper is how pension policy can effectively respond to changes of demographical transition. It is very important to examine whether changes to pension policy are adapted to groups in society and if so, what means of communication should be used. Our research is the pilot study of research of a greater scope. We examine the characteristics and communication practices of pension reforms in international literature (secondary research), and we also use primary methods (interviews, surveys). This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Methodological Opportunities for Improving the Quality of Higher Education Institutions

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    As a consequence of the demographic tendencies of the developed countries the competition between higher education institutions is more and more intense in order to have and hold students. In this way they are interested in surveying their students’ expectations and satisfaction to find out how and where to improve the institutions while the research also serves other purposes, as well. The present study is aimed at analysing the examinations directed at service quality assessment in higher education. The expectations, experience and the significance of further evaluations are examined. The analyses has happened with the help of literature overview and own quantitative researches. Results show that expectations and satisfaction are rather influenced by personality traits and the type of the given faculty topic than the real competencies. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Analysis of Competitiveness with Online Marketing Tools in Hungary

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    In the world of marketing, innovative solutions and new development opportunities will always come into play. They play of the major factor in improving the competitiveness and for consumers needs as well. The aim of the study is to examine and compare the efficiency and effectiveness measurement of the online campaigns. At first, this study is arising the theoretical approaches and then points to the practical application differences and also wants to rank the effectiveness of online. The currently used Hungarian online measures (rate/index) are explained in this study by using the available practical literature. The in-depth interviews will be conducted with the consent of online shop managers and leader professionals of creative and advertisement agencies. Procession of the practical literature will include the online advertising methods ranked by the CPM (Cost per 1000 Impression) will imply the effectiveness of ads. Our research methodology followed qualitative strategy, on the base of content analyses of in-depth interviews of online experts (N=7). We recorded the conversation and then we transcribed the data. Our questions were structured. The questioning went between 10 March 2016 and 18 May. 7 persons have taken part in the research, regarding to their profession they were mid, - or top managers and had at least 4 maximum 15 years of experience. Regarding to their activities, there are who is planning, leading and following up marketing and/or creative campaigns – together with analyses – or with full-service of web shop, online legal advising, retargeting and optimization services. Each interviewee serves the business-to-business trade. Furthermore our aim is to present the Hungarian online advertising trends in 2016. This indication will show the effectiveness of different marketing tools, also the reach of online experts, which is a tool in increasing competitiveness. This research will point out the possible measuring methods and indications, which allows the integrated testing of performance on different channels. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    On Financial Bubbles and Earthworms: Lessons from Hungary’s Rural Pyramid during its Economic Transition

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    In the early 1990s, Former Eastern Bloc countries, including Hungary, experienced a broad transition from centrally-planned economies, managed by party-state bureaucracies, to privatised economies. Throughout the market liberalisation process, the Hungarian market embraced entrepreneurship as a mechanism for generating both private wealth and economic growth, despite a lack of experience and know-how in business management and financial education, made largely unavailable by the communist regime for more than 40 years. On these grounds, several Eastern European countries experienced the rise of Ponzi schemes. The Hungarian earthworm pyramid can serve as an interesting example of the financial pyramids that evolved during the transition of economies. However, some of the characteristics of the Hungarian earthworm pyramid suggest that it was a rather unique case when compared to other Eastern European pyramids during the economic transition period of post-communist nations. Our study concludes that, under different political and economic circumstances