327 research outputs found


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on people’s social interaction and has brought about changes in key social institutions, such as education or economy. The individuals’ social capital in a context, characterized by the limitation of their social activities, social distancing, minimization of face-to-face communication, is considered a very important and necessary element for social inclusion. This paper examines the university students’ social capital during the pandemic period. The research followed the quantitative design and the sample of the research consisted of 260 university students. The results of the research showed that in the spatiotemporal context of a society affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, high social capital can create the proper conditions for positive social relations and student interactions. Cognitive development does not seem to differ from social capital.  Article visualizations

    Kindheit und Wirtschaftskrise in Griechenland: eine explorative Analyse der Presseberichterstattung ausgewählter Tageszeitungen

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    Im Beitrag wird das Projekt einer explorativen Untersuchung dargestellt, die die Folgen der Wirtschaftskrise auf das Leben griechischer Kinder beleuchtet und anhand einer Analyse von Presseveröffentlichungen zum Thema "Wirtschaftskrise und Kinder" im Zeitraum von November 2011 bis Dezember 2012 entsprechende Problematiken verdeutlicht. Ziel der Studie ist es, damit über die Grenzen Griechenlands hinaus eine intensivere bildungspolitische Diskussion anzuregen. Zwar bilden Presseberichte soziale Wirklichkeit nicht unmittelbar ab. Sie vermögen es jedoch, so der Ausgangspunkt der Studie, die veränderten Rahmenbedingungen des Heranwachsens griechischer Kinder aufzuzeigen. Folgende Hypothesen werden im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts geprüft: (1) Die wirtschaftliche Krise in Griechenland hat signifikante Auswirkungen auf Kinder. (2) Die Phase der Kindheit vollzieht sich in Griechenland (als hoch entwickeltes Land) gegenwärtig unter ungünstigen Bedingungen, die die geistige, psychische und körperliche Entwicklung der Kinder beeinflussen. (ICB2

    La Transición Española: Desde el Régimen Franquista a la Democracia (1975-1978), a través de los medios de comunicación (diarios y revistas) de la época

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    Στην Ισπανία, η μεταβατική περίοδος από το καθεστώς του Φράνκο στη δημοκρατία διήρκεσε τρία χρόνια μετά το θάνατο του στρατηγού Φράνκο. Ο βασιλιάς Χουάν Κάρλος Α' ορκίστηκε τους Θεμελιώδεις Νόμους του βασιλείου ενώπιον των Φρανκιστικών Δικαστηρίων. Η ισπανική μετάβαση χαρακτηρίζεται από τον προηγούμενο εμφύλιο πόλεμο, μια αυταρχική κυβέρνηση για περισσότερα από 40 χρόνια, τις καταστολές και τις κυρώσεις από τα μέσα ενημέρωσης, τη μοναρχική κατάσταση του κατεστημένου, την εκλογή ενός διαδόχου που θα φέρει τη συνέχεια του καθεστώτος του Φράνκο. επιθέσεις βίαιες κατά του δημοψηφίσματος του Νόμου της Πολιτικής Μεταρρύθμισης, απεργίες, νομιμοποίηση πολιτικών κομμάτων, οικονομικές συμφωνίες συναίνεσης ως πολιτικό και οικονομικό μέτρο, μεταξύ άλλων. Η έρευνα αυτή εστιάζει στα σημαντικότερα ιστορικά γεγονότα της ισπανικής μετάβασης 1975 - 1978, ακολουθώντας τη χρονολογική σειρά. Ο βασιλιάς Χουάν Κάρλος και ο πρωθυπουργός Adolfo Suárez σημάδεψαν την περίοδο προς τη δημοκρατίαEn España el periodo de transición del régimen franquista a la democracia duró tres años tras la muerte del General Franco. El Rey Juan Carlos I juró las Leyes Fundamentales del reino ante las Cortes franquistas. La Transición Española se caracteriza por su antecedente de una guerra civil, un gobierno autoritario por más de 40 años, represiones y sanciones de los medios de comunicación, la situación monárquica de instauración, la elección de un sucesor que llevara la continuidad del franquismo, agresiones violentas contra el referéndum de la Ley de la Reforma Política, huelgas, legalización de partidos políticos, pactos económicos de consenso como medida política y económica, entre otros. Esta investigación se centra en los acontecimientos históricos más importantes de la transición española 1975 – 1978, siguiendo el orden cronológico. El Rey Juan Carlos y el Presidente de Gobierno Adolfo Suárez marcaron el periodo hacia la democraci

    Intrafamilial Phenotype Variability in Two Male Siblings, With X-linked Juvenile Retinoschisis and Dorzolamide Treatment Effect in the Natural History of the Disease

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    To investigate how genotype is related to phenotype and document correlations of genotype-phenotype with response of topical administration of dorzolamide in siblings affected with X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS). We performed a retrospective study on two male siblings (four eyes) with XLRS, who were treated with topical installation of dorzolamide. Clinical diagnosis was supported with familial genetic analysis with bi-directional Sanger sequencing of RS1 pathogenic variant. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), ultrasound scan (U/S) and electroretinogram (ERG) were used in the evaluation. Central macular thickness (CMT) and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) were recorded monthly for eighteen months. We performed genetic analysis in their family for mutations in the gene that encodes the protein retinoschisin, responsible for retinoschisis (RS1).  It was proved that phenotype variability might be related to the same pathogenic variant. While there was an improvement in BCVA and OCT central macular thickness in the patient with the mild form of disease, the visual acuity and the OCT scans of the patient with severe form of disease did not improve. Intrafamilial phenotypic variability between individuals sharing identical pathogenic variant was documented. Both our patients had a pathogenic variant in a hemizygous state at a genomic location in exon 6 of the RS1 gene; Frameshift mutation that is likely to cause protein truncation was identified which is suggested to result in greater clinical severity. Consequently, it was found that response to dorzolamide is correlated to phenotypic severity

    Students and COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning Engagement and Social Dialectic of Space – Research on Students at the University of Ioannina in Greece

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    The COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 also caused the closure of all educational institutions in Greece. Higher education implemented the distance education system for the first time. In the new educational environment, all the active interactions of students’ learning engagement were put to the test. Learning engagement is directly linked to the suitability and functionality of the study space. Space is the result of a series and set of functions, and sometimes it allows new actions to happen, sometimes it suggests others, and sometimes it forbids them. During the pandemic, it was an important criterion for the learning process, for quality and demanding student learning. A quantitative survey conducted in April 2023 on a sample of 537 students from 21 Departments of the University of Ioannina showed that the family environment, the number of bedrooms, the functionality of the space and the economic level of the family are factors that played an important role in the learning engagement and involvement of the students. The research findings showed the positive correlation of student study space functionality with financial capital and learning engagement, issues analysed in this paper

    Intrafamilial Phenotype Variability in Two Male Siblings, With X-linked Juvenile Retinoschisis and Dorzolamide Treatment Effect in the Natural History of the Disease

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    To investigate how genotype is related to phenotype and document correlations of genotype-phenotype with response of topical administration of dorzolamide in siblings affected with X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS). We performed a retrospective study on two male siblings (four eyes) with XLRS, who were treated with topical installation of dorzolamide. Clinical diagnosis was supported with familial genetic analysis with bi-directional Sanger sequencing of RS1 pathogenic variant. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), ultrasound scan (U/S) and electroretinogram (ERG) were used in the evaluation. Central macular thickness (CMT) and best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) were recorded monthly for eighteen months. We performed genetic analysis in their family for mutations in the gene that encodes the protein retinoschisin, responsible for retinoschisis (RS1).  It was proved that phenotype variability might be related to the same pathogenic variant. While there was an improvement in BCVA and OCT central macular thickness in the patient with the mild form of disease, the visual acuity and the OCT scans of the patient with severe form of disease did not improve. Intrafamilial phenotypic variability between individuals sharing identical pathogenic variant was documented. Both our patients had a pathogenic variant in a hemizygous state at a genomic location in exon 6 of the RS1 gene; Frameshift mutation that is likely to cause protein truncation was identified which is suggested to result in greater clinical severity. Consequently, it was found that response to dorzolamide is correlated to phenotypic severity

    Predictors of anxiety and depressive symptoms among Greek nurses

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    Introduction: The increasing needs of an aging population and the shortage of nursing personnel have a negative impact on the workload of nurses increasing the risk of developing anxiety and depressive symptoms. This research aims to evaluate the strength of occupational and demographic characteristics in predicting anxiety and depression among nurses. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a sample of 164 Greek nurses from three hospitals employed full-time participated. Anxiety and depression were measured using the validated Greek versions of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory – State and Trait Y forms and the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale, respectively. The statistical analysis of the data was performed using the statistical program SPSS version 19.0. The statistical significance level was set up at 0.05. Results: Younger nurses, unmarried, those without children, those with less work experience, and working in the general medical units were more vulnerable. The average number of patients per nurse during the day shift may not predict anxiety or depression scores. Strong positive correlation between state and trait anxiety (r [162] = 0.77, p < 0.001), state anxiety and depression (r [162] = 0.62, p < 0.001), and trait anxiety and depression (r [162] = 0.63, p < 0.001) was revealed. Conclusion: Anxiety and depression are prevalent among nurses. Demographic and working characteristics are strong predictors of anxiety and depression among nurses. Nursing managers should emphasize emotional interventions (cognitive behavioral therapy, training on emotional intelligence, strengthening coping skills, and development of high resilience) in supporting nurses at higher risk


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    This research paper aims to study the function of the traditional festivals on the island of Rhodes during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to explore community members and official institution representatives’ views on their psychological and socio-economic consequences. A structured interview was designed, which was given online to 168 subjects, of which 96 community members in the villages of the island of Rhodes and to 72 official institutions, representatives of cultural and local authorities, within the context of the beginning of the festivities with some restrictions, in August 2021, in the light of the pandemic. The results of the research show that the majority of community members and official institution representatives of the sample emphasize the communicative, cultural, recreational, and social dimensions of the festivals, however, some claim that there are no longer events that arise interest. Regarding their cancellation during the pandemic period, the majority of community members answer that the entertainment - communication sector was most affected, while the representatives of the institutions emphasize the economic consequences. In general, regarding the consequences of the pandemic on the behavior and psychology of individuals, introversion, isolation, antisociality, belligerence, tension and nervousness, are emphasized, while mistrust seems to prevail even in close family settings. Moreover, the majority of community members and representatives emphasize that social offer and solidarity are not exhibited to a satisfactory degree, while volunteering activities are limited. Regarding the pandemic, vaccination is suggested as the most effective means, mainly by the official institution representatives. Regarding the events of 2021 that shocked them most, the community members focus on economic, social and psychological - personal problems, while the official institution representatives focus on environmental and economic problems. Finally, most of them state that they do not want the transformation of festivals, however, they regard the emphasis on tradition as a sustainable perspective of local festivals.  Article visualizations

    Systemic hypertension augments, whereas insulin-dependent diabetes down-regulates, endothelin A receptor expression in the mammary artery in coronary artery disease patients

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    Background: Endothelin (ET) A receptor antagonism causes decreased vasodilation in hypertensive coronary arteries and decreased effects on coronary artery compliance in diabetic patients. Methods: We investigate the mRNA expression of ET-1, ETA and ETB receptors, using real time RT-PCR, in biopsies from the internal mammary artery obtained from 49 patients, 18 diabetics and 34 hypertensives, all undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. Results: Hypertensive patients had higher ET-1 mRNA expression (16438 [8417, 23917]), than normotensive patients (2974 [2283, 18055], p=0.008). Diabetic patients had significantly lower ETA receptor levels than non-diabetic patients (455 [167, 1496] vs. 1660 [700, 3190], respectively, p = 0.003). Conclusions: Multivariate analysis demonstrated that the presence of systemic hypertension was the only independent predictor of log ETA receptor expression and log ET-1 expression, while insulin-dependent diabetes was negatively correlated with ETA receptor expression. ETB receptor expression was not correlated with any predictor. Systemic hypertension is associated with increased ET-1 and ETA receptor mRNA expression, whereas insulin-dependent diabetes down-regulates ETA receptor mRNA expression in the internal mammary artery in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing bypass grafting