20 research outputs found

    The Zagreb (Croatia) M5.5 Earthquake on 22 March 2020

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    On 22 March 2020, Zagreb was struck by an M5.5 earthquake that had been expected for more than 100 years and revealed all the failures in the construction of residential buildings in the Croatian capital, especially those built in the first half of the 20th century. Because of that, extensive seismological, geological, geodetic and structural engineering surveys were conducted immediately after the main shock. This study provides descriptions of damage, specifying the building performances and their correlation with the local soil characteristics, i.e., seismic motion amplification. Co-seismic vertical ground displacement was estimated, and the most affected area is identified according to Sentinel-1 interferometric wide-swath data. Finally, preliminary 3D structural modeling of the earthquake sequence was performed, and two major faults were modeled using inverse distance weight (IDW) interpolation of the grouped hypocenters. The first-order assessment of seismic amplification (due to site conditions) in the Zagreb area for the M5.5 earthquake shows that ground motions of approximately 0.16–0.19 g were amplified at least twice. The observed co-seismic deformation (based on Sentinel-1A IW SLC images) implies an approximately 3 cm uplift of the epicentral area that covers approximately 20 km2. Based on the preliminary spatial and temporal analyses of the Zagreb 2020 earthquake sequence, the main shock and the first aftershocks evidently occurred in the subsurface of the Medvednica Mountains along a deep-seated southeast-dipping thrust fault, recognized as the primary (master) fault. The co-seismic rupture propagated along the thrust towards northwest during the first half-hour of the earthquake sequence, which can be clearly seen from the time-lapse visualization. The preliminary results strongly support one of the debated models of the active tectonic setting of the Medvednica Mountains and will contribute to a better assessment of the seismic hazard for the wider Zagreb area

    utjecaj toplinskog stresa na energetski metabolizam u krava simentalske pasmine tijekom peripartalnog razdoblja

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    Heat stress adversely affects the metabolism and production of dairy cows, particularly during the transition period. The aim of this study was to evaluate energy metabolism in heat stressed dairy cows during the periparturient period. Twenty-four Simmental dairy cows were included in the study. The cows were assigned into two groups according to the season: the summer group (n = 12) and autumn group (n = 12). Physiological parameters (rectal temperature, respiratory and heart rate) and serum metabolic parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxy butyrate (BHB) were measured at days -21, -7, 8, 16, 24, 32 and 40 relative to calving. There were no significant differences in glucose concentration between the investigated groups (P0,05). Koncentracija NEFA-e bila je statistički znakovito veća (P<0,05) u ljetnoj skupini 7 dana prije teljenja, dok je 16 i 32 dana nakon teljenja bila znakovito manja (P<0,05) u usporedbi s jesenskom skupinom. U ljetnoj je skupini koncentracija BHB bila manja nakon teljenja u odnosu na jesensko razdoblje, sa statističkom znakovitošću 8., 16. i 24. dan laktacije (P<0,05). Lipidni pokazatelji (ukupni kolesterol i HDL-C) također su bili znakovito manji (P<0,05) u ljetnoj skupini nakon teljenja u usporedbi s jesenskom skupinom. Rezultati pokazuju da su promjene u energetskom metabolizmu mliječnih krava pod utjecajem toplinskog stresa usmjerene na smanjenje oksidacije slobodnih masnih kiselina, kako bi se smanjila proizvodnja metaboličke topline. Ova se metabolička prilagodba pojavljuje većinom nakon teljenja jer su mliječne krave mnogo osjetljivije na toplinski stres u ranoj laktaciji budući da se tijekom proizvodnje mlijeka stvara više metaboličke topline nego u kasnoj gravidnosti tijekom suhostaja

    Establishment of a Basic Interactive Interpretation and Data Correlation System (IIDCS) at the Croatian Geological Survey

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    Modelling of Geological Basins is typically based on integration of deep seismic and borehole data. In order to have systematically arranged data needed for the interpretation and modelling, it requires establishment of a basic Interactive Interpretation and Data Correlation Sys-tem (IIDCS). The establishment of a basic Interactive Interpretation and Data Correlation System (IIDCS) at the Croatian Geological Survey is one of the main goals of the GeoTwinn project. GeoTwinn is a Horizon 2020 project intended and designed to twin the Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) with two world-leading geoscience research insti-tutes; the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the British Geological Survey of the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (BGS-UKRI), leading to significantly strengthen HGI-CGS’s research collabo-ration (http://projects.hgi-cgs.hr/geotwinn/). GeoTwinn project consists four Work Packages (WPs); (1) 3D geo-logical surveying and modelling, (2) advanced groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling, (3) geological hazards, and (4) geothermal energy.The IIDCS is built primarily for the GeoTwinn project, and will be used for the interpretation of geophysical and geological data, the advanced reservoir modelling, and fi-nally, for building an Initial 3D reservoir-properties model for the greater Zagreb area. It is also the intention of Geo-Twinn to use the IIDCS for introducing the digital storage, organization and management of all kinds of geophysical, geological and petrophysical data available at the Croatian Geological Survey.Geological modelling of the greater Zagreb area and its deep geothermal aquifer is the main objective of WP1. The model is to be used for modelling of geochemical processes, and fluid and heat flow modelling in the WP4. Zagreb geothermal aquifer is situated inside Triassic do-lostones and dolomitic limestones, and Badenian bioclas-tic limestones of the Vrapče formation. Well data shows that geothermal aquifer lays in depths between (approx.) 800 to 900 meters, and seismic data shows very com-plex structural and stratigraphic relations. The bottom and the base of aquifer were mapped using Halliburton Landmark DecisionSpace Geoscience software, and the data was stored into the Interpretation and Data Cor-relation System (IIDCS) using Halliburton Landmark OpenWorks database

    Epidemiologija i dijagnostika fascioloze ljudi

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    Fasciolosis is a zoonotic infection caused by the trematoda Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. Human fasciolosis is endemic in some parts of South America, Africa, Eastern Asia and Europe. High prevalence of human fasciolosis does not necessarily occur in areas where fasciolosis is a major veterinary problem. Infection with Fasciola hepatica has not been reported in humans in Serbia and former Yugoslavia, although a large variety of animals, such as sheep and cattle show infection rates that may reach significant proportions in some areas. Humans can become accidental hosts of this parasite by ingesting contaminated drinking water or plants in an endemic area. Infection with Fasciola hepatica has a variable clinical presentation depending on the stage of the disease. Typical symptoms that may be associated with fascioliasis can be divided by the phases of the disease including the acute or liver phase, the chronic or biliary phase, the obstructive phase, and ectopic or pharyngeal fascioliasis. The diagnosis of human fasciolosis may be problematical and delayed, especially in non-endemic areas, because physicians rarely encounter this disease and a long list of other diseases must be included in the differential diagnosis. The diagnosis of fasciolosis is complex and requires the application of direct an indirect methods of diagnostics: clinical diagnosis, haematological and biochemical findings, parasitological diagnosis, immuno-diagnosis, imaging procedures, liver biopsy. At the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases in 2005, we recorded the first case of human fasciolosis in a woman from Belgrade, a citizen of Serbia, who developed clinical symptoms of acute fasciolosis after several months of living in Bosnia-Herzegovina. This article reviews the epidemiology and diagnostics of human fasciolosis. .Fascioloza je zoonozna infekcija izazvana trematodama Fasciola hepatica i Fasciola gigantica. Fascioloza ljudi je endemska bolest u pojedinim delovima Južne Amerike, Afrike, istočne Azije i Evrope. Visoka prevalencija fascioloze ljudi nije uvek povezana sa visokom prevalencijom animalne fascioloze. Iako je fascioloza domaćih životinja, pre svega ovaca i goveda, značajno prisutna u pojedinim krajevima Srbije i bivše Jugoslavije, nema dokumentacije, odnosno objavljenih slučajeva fascioloze ljudi u Srbiji. Čovek postaje slučajan domaćin unošenjem infektivnih oblika parazita kontaminiranom vodom ili biljkama. Klinička slika ove bolesti je raznovrsna i zavisi od stadijuma infekcije: akutna ili hepatična, hronična ili bilijarna, obstruktivna, ređe ektopična ili faringealna. Dijagnostika fascioloze ljudi može da bude komplikovana i dugotrajna, naročito u krajevima gde se bolest retko javlja i gde se na nju retko pomišlja, kao i zbog brojnih bolesti slične kliničke manifestacije, koje treba isključiti. Dijagnostika fascioloze ljudi je kompleksna i podrazumeva primenu direktnih i indirektnih dijagnostičkih procedura. Dijagnoza se zasniva na kliničkoj slici, hematološkim i biohemijskim nalazima, parazitološkom nalazu, imunološkoj dijagnostici, tehnikama vizuelizacije patoloških promena i biopsiji jetre. Na Klinici za infektivne i tropske bolesti 2005. godine je dijagnostikovan prvi slučaj fascioloze ljudi u Srbiji. Pacijentkinja iz Beograda razvila je kliničku sliku akutne fascioloze nakon nekoliko meseci boravka u Hercegovini. Ovaj rad predstavlja osvrt na epidemiološki i dijagnostički aspekt fascioloze ljudi.

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Cartography in GeoTwinn

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    The Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) is twinning with the world-leading geosciences research institutes, the Geological survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and the British Geological Survey (BGS-UKRI), ti significantly strengthen HGI-CGS's research, and, in a number of areas, transform it's capability. Within GeoTwinn catrography was utilized in different aspects

    Analysis of Local Site Effects in the Međimurje Region (North Croatia) and Its Consequences Related to Historical and Recent Earthquakes

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    The Međimurje region (North Croatia), situated between the Drava and Mura rivers with a slightly elevated hilly area, can be generally characterized as a low-seismicity area. However, macroseismic observations from historical and recent earthquakes indicate that some localities in this region are more prone to damage than others. Significant damage and the observed higher intensities in the Međimurje region after the historical earthquakes of 1738 MLm5.1 (Međimurje) and 1880 ML6.3 (Zagreb), and events that occurred in the instrumental era, 1938 ML5.6 (Koprivnica), 1982 ML4.5 (Ivanec), and the most recent 2020 ML5.5 Zagreb and 2020 ML6.2 Petrinja earthquakes, point to the influence of local site effects. There is a reasonable indication that these earthquakes involved several localized site effects that could explain the increased intensity of half a degree or even up to one degree at certain localities compared to macroseismic modeling for rock condition. To better understand the influence of local site effects in the Međimurje region, the single-station microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method for subsurface characterization was used. Based on individual measurements, microzonation maps were derived for the Međimurje region to better understand the behavior of ground motion and the influence of local site conditions in comparison to macroseismic intensities and past damage observations. Several local site effects could be interpreted as a main contribution to site amplification and resonance effects due to variations in deep soft-deposit thicknesses overlayed on hard deposits and directional variations in topographical areas that could localize earthquake damage patterns. Correlations of microtremor analysis with intensity observations from historical earthquakes as well with recent earthquakes could help to distinguish local site zones prone to the possible occurrence of higher earthquake damage from nearby and distant earthquakes

    Geological Model of Pićan Area, Istria

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    During geological mapping of Istria (Croatia) numerous carbonate beds (megabeds) were recorded within the informal lithostratigraphic unit Istrian flysch. Istrian flysch deposits are mostly characterized by typical alter-nations of hemipelagical marl and gravity-flow deposits (BERGANT et al., 2003). The monotonous succession of marl and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sandstone is intercalated with several relatively thick carbonate beds - megabeds, composed of breccia, conglomerate, bioclastic arenite/siltite and marl. The thickness of these megabeds varies between 0.5–5 m, rarely over 10 m. The megabeds are interpreted as complex sequences of rockfall, debrite and turbidite deposits, characteristic for the lower part of the basin fill (BERGANT et al., 2003). In eastern Istria, near the town of Pićan, an unusual carbonate layer is mapped, named “Pićan bed“, whose genesis cannot be explained by the depositional mechanisms of turbidite currents or debris flows, characteristic for the Istrian Flysch deposits. For this purpose, a more detailed field investigation was performed and a sedimentary log (Pić-I) was recorded within a tectonically undisturbed succession of Paleogene deposits. At the base of the succession an informal lithostratigraphic unit “Foraminiferal limestone” gradually transitions into “Marls with Crabs” and further into “Globigerina marls” informal lithostratigraphic units. The interval of massive “Globigeri-na marls” is approx. 100 m thick and transitions into the Istrian flysch lithostratigraphic unit, here represented with this unusual “Pićan bed”. Flysch deposits are composed of calcarenite beds, marl, sandstone, and, of course, megabeds are well documented in the surrounding area. The sedimen-tary log was used to complement the new lithostratigraphic map of the area (PETRINJAK et al., 2018).The geological model of the Pićan area was built based primarily on the lithostratigraphic map and geological cross-sections, and the Digital Surface Model (DSM) of the area. The data were modelled using Midland Valley Move geological modelling software. The new lithostratigraphic map together with other available data, such as Digital Orthophoto Images of the area were used to construct a series of geological cross-sections needed for the model, while an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was used to record the DSM of the area.Finally, the geological model of the Pićan area displays, faithfully as possible, the spatial distribution of the “Pićan bed“ and the interesting geological setting of the Pićan area, Istria

    Analysis of Local Site Effects in the Me&#273;imurje Region (North Croatia) and Its Consequences Related to Historical and Recent Earthquakes

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    The Me&#273;imurje region (North Croatia), situated between the Drava and Mura rivers with a slightly elevated hilly area, can be generally characterized as a low-seismicity area. However, macroseismic observations from historical and recent earthquakes indicate that some localities in this region are more prone to damage than others. Significant damage and the observed higher intensities in the Me&#273;imurje region after the historical earthquakes of 1738 MLm5.1 (Me&#273;imurje) and 1880 ML6.3 (Zagreb), and events that occurred in the instrumental era, 1938 ML5.6 (Koprivnica), 1982 ML4.5 (Ivanec), and the most recent 2020 ML5.5 Zagreb and 2020 ML6.2 Petrinja earthquakes, point to the influence of local site effects. There is a reasonable indication that these earthquakes involved several localized site effects that could explain the increased intensity of half a degree or even up to one degree at certain localities compared to macroseismic modeling for rock condition. To better understand the influence of local site effects in the Me&#273;imurje region, the single-station microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method for subsurface characterization was used. Based on individual measurements, microzonation maps were derived for the Me&#273;imurje region to better understand the behavior of ground motion and the influence of local site conditions in comparison to macroseismic intensities and past damage observations. Several local site effects could be interpreted as a main contribution to site amplification and resonance effects due to variations in deep soft-deposit thicknesses overlayed on hard deposits and directional variations in topographical areas that could localize earthquake damage patterns. Correlations of microtremor analysis with intensity observations from historical earthquakes as well with recent earthquakes could help to distinguish local site zones prone to the possible occurrence of higher earthquake damage from nearby and distant earthquakes

    Mineralni sastav zemljišta razvijenog na vulkanitima Fruške Gore (Srbija)

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    The purpoose of this work was to study mineral composition of soil developed on quartz-latite and its tuffs over the ridge of Fruška Gora, near Rakovac. The samples are collected from an area that marks eutric-cambisol-'gajnjača' in pedological map of Vojvodina in scale 1: 50 000. After collection the samples were air-dried and sieved to pass a 2 mm sieve and were used for further laboratory analyses. Soil reaction was determined in water, 1M NaF and M KC1 suspensions. Phosphate retention is analyzed as well as a selective dissolution of Al, Fe and Si after acid ammonium oxalate and Na-pirophosphate treatments. Mineral composition of total soil was determined by use of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of powder specimens, and volcanic glass content was determined by Zeiss polarised light microscope. Clay minerals in the fraction lt 0,002mm were determined by XRD methods by means of SIMENS 2 kW diffractometer. Fresh volcanic rock comprises of zonal plagioclase, quartz, hornblende and minor amounbts of monoclinic yroxene and biotite, which are present either as phenocrystals or as cryptoi-crystals in ground mass of dark volcanic glassa, and are associated with apatite and opaque (ore) minerals. All feromagnesian minerals are strongly altered to chlorite and calcite. Clay fraction of the soil comprizes of kaolinite/halloysite, illite and chlorite, and some amorphpus minerals and minor amounts of quartz and feldspars. The soil has shown the phosphate retention between 23.6 and 34.5%, and Si, Al and Fe extracted in ammonium-oxalate and oxalic acid, have shown moderate content of allophane of about 14% and very low ferrihydrite. The Alox + 1/2 Feox content varies between 0.90 do 1.08%, what for the soil developed on quarz latite classifies in to vitric-andisol.U radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja mineralnog sastava zemljišta razvijenog na kvarc-latitu i njegovim tufovima na grebenu Fruške Gore, kod Rakovca. Uzorci su sakupljeni sa područja obeleženom kao gajnjača na pedološkoj karti Vojvodine u razmeri 1:50 000. Posle uzorkovanja uzorci su osušeni na vazduhu i propušteni kroz sito od 2mm. Reakcija zemljišta je određena u vodi, u 1M NaF i 1M KC1 suspenziji. Retencija fosfata i selektivno rastvaranje Al, Fe i Si iz amorfnih mineralnih materija izvršeno je pomoću kiselog amonijum oksalata i Na-pirofosfata. Mineralogija ukupnog uzorka određena je pomoću polarizacionog mikroskopa i rendgen-difrakcione analize (XRD). Minerali frakcije gline su određeni pomoću XRD koristeći SIMENS 2 kW difractometar. Sveža vulkanska stena sastoji se od zonarnog plagioklasa, kvarca, hornblende kao i manjih količina monokliničnog piroksena i biotita, koji se nalaze u obliku feno- i kripto-kristala u osnovnoj masi tamnog vulkanskog stakla, a u asocijaciji sa apatitom i opakim (rudnim) mineralima. Svi feromagnezijski minerali su jako alterisani u hlorit i kalcit. Fraciju gline zemljišta čine kaolinit/halojzit, ilit, i hlorit, zatim amorfni minerali i manje količine kvarca i feldspata. Zemljište je pokazalo varijaciju retencije fosfata između 23.6 i 34.5%, a ekstrahovani Si, Al i Fe u NH4-oksalatu-oksalnoj kiselini, pokazali su umerene sadržaje alofana oko 14% i niske sadržaje ferihidrita. Sadržaj Alox + 1/2 Feox varira od 0.90 do 1.08%, što zemljište razvijeno na kvarc-latitu svrstava u vitrični-andosol